Date: April 9th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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ANNOUNCEMENT! TvNewsLIES Radio has a new time! Our programs on Monks Media & the Revere Radio Network have merged. Our new program will be aired live on Thursdays at 8PM Eastern Time. You can access it on both the Monks Media and Revere Radio sites. Archives will be available at both sites as well.

TVNL RADIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows. The live programs is being rescheduled. Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!

Being rescheduled: The Secret History of America's Beginnings & How George W. Bush hoodwinked American Christians.
David Bay - Director of Cutting Edge Ministries: For almost three years, David was assigned to a Pentagon-level facility in Okinawa, Japan. During this time, he received training on Military Doctrine and Political Strategy, Global National Strategy, and an understanding of politics. In training to be a good analyst, he was trained to correctly "connect the dots" between the facts: to know the background to "see through the veil" to reach a proper understanding of the enemy which his intel group had been assigned.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


JESSE - SPECIAL APPEARANCE: I will be appearing on the Derry Brownfield Show on Wednesday, April 12th at 11:00 AM ET.
The show is on AM & FM Radio (see his site for listing) in many states as well as short wave. You can listen on the Internet as well.


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be conducting a live presentation entitled “American Corporate News Media: America’s # 1 Enemy! The Media & 9/11”, in New York City on April 30th. It will be an in depth exploration of media deception with special focus on the reporting or lack of reporting of the events related to the attacks of September 11th, 2001. We will have a question and answer session as well.
The event will be hosted by
DATE: Sunday, April 30th, 6:30 PM ET
Location: NYC – St. Marks Church –
131 East 10th Street at 2nd AvenueNew York, NY
Contact 212-714-4147 -
Free admission but donations to will be accepted.
Please join me! Thank you, Jesse – Editor,


DVD Producer Volunteer Wanted: If anyone in the NYC area can help me put together a simple DVD for public distribution please contact me at I would like someone who can help me mix digital video with wmv, mgp & avi videos as well as with graphics and power point slides. It is a simple project. If you know anyone who may want to volunteer some time please let me know. I will pay expenses, production fees and if possible I will pay for the service itself. Thank you.


TVNL Editor's Comments: Stop Speaking for Others!

I am tired of watching politicians and political pundits tell me what the American people want. Where are the town hall meetings? Tell me where these meetings are and I will tell you how I feel and I will see how other Americans feel. I may even learn why they feel one way or another. I may even learn how little the American people actually know about the issues for which they have formed opinions. Nobody every asked me how I feel about any of the issues that I hear discussed on TV.

I am also tired of watching round table discussions about a person or issue where nobody at the table is a direct representative of the subject. You can even watch a “news” program where a guest is interviewed and then after the interview is over there is a round table panel discussion about that person. Why don’t ever permit that person to take part in the conversation? You know why? It is so that they can misrepresent the truth (lie) without the possibility of being exposed as doing so.

We are conditioned to accept as truth the claims of unaffiliated representatives on issue after issue. What ever happened to hearing something from the horse’s mouth? Is that concept dead? Have you ever heard a single Al-Qaeda representative that was not in the form of a pre-taped release? Those Al-Qaeda releases resemble the VNR (Video News Releases) that we just learned so much about. Have you heard from a single Iraqi insurgent as to what their motives are? Have you heard from 9/11 witnesses who saw things that do not fit into the official story? Have you heard from the people who experienced voting “problems” during the last election?

We have to start ignoring “authoritative” opinion when first hand information is available. When you see the “experts” before you see the subjects or if you never see the “experts” spout their analysis in the presence of their subjects it is a clear sign of media deception. Don’t be fooled. Take a lesson. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· More Violence Marks Holiday in Baghdad - Five roadside bombs killed at least three people in Iraq on Sunday — the three-year anniversary of the Baghdad's fall to U.S. forces. Iraq police and soldiers bolstered security in the capital to prevent attacks on "Freedom Day."

· Afghan city hit by double bombing - At least 11 people have been injured in two bomb attacks in the city of Kandahar in southern Afghanistan.

· U.S. Study Paints Somber Portrait of Iraqi Discord - An internal staff report by the United States Embassy and the military command in Baghdad provides a sobering province-by-province snapshot of Iraq's political, economic and security situation, rating the overall stability of 6 of the 18 provinces "serious" and one "critical." The report is a counterpoint to some recent upbeat public statements by top American politicians and military officials.

· Niger embassy forged documents used as basis for Iraq war, paper to report - Two employees of the Niger embassy in Rome were responsible for the forgery of a notorious set of documents used to help justify the Iraq war, an official investigation allegedly found, The London Sunday Times' Mick Smith will report in Sunday papers, RAW STORY has learned.

· Give Rebuilding Lower Priority in Future Wars - As factions in the Bush administration continue their bitter infighting over the reconstruction program in Iraq, the State Department has produced a draft planning document saying that after any future conflicts, the United States should not immediately begin a major rebuilding program.
TVNL Comment: But that is part of the profit scheme!

· Official admits Iraq is in state of civil war - A senior official in the Iraqi government has for the first time said Iraq is in a state of civil war.

· US considers use of nuclear weapons against Iran - The administration of President George W. Bush is planning a massive bombing campaign against Iran, including use of bunker-buster nuclear bombs to destroy a key Iranian suspected nuclear weapons facility, The New Yorker magazine has reported in its April 17 issue.





· Bush Has Broken 1947 National Security Act - The pertinent text of the 1947 National Security Act reads as follows: SEC. 601. (50 U.S.C. 421) (a) Whoever, having or having had authorized access to classified information that identifies a covert agent, intentionally discloses any information identifying such covert agent to any individual not authorized to receive classified information, knowing that the information disclosed so identifies such covert agent ...

· The Founders Never Imagined a Bush Administration - George W. Bush and his most trusted advisers, Richard B. Cheney and Donald H. Rumsfeld, entered office determined to restore the authority of the presidency. Five years and many decisions later, they've pushed the expansion of presidential power so far that we now confront a constitutional crisis.

· A 'Concerted Effort' to Discredit Bush Critic - As he drew back the curtain this week on the evidence against Vice President Cheney's former top aide, Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald for the first time described a "concerted action" by "multiple people in the White House" -- using classified information -- to "discredit, punish or seek revenge against" a critic of President Bush's war in Iraq.

· Lawyer: Bush Left Leak Details to Cheney - Bush merely instructed Cheney to "get it out" and left the details to him, said the lawyer, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case for the White House.

· Leak-Hating President As Leaker-In-Chief? - Bush often has denounced leaks and pledged to punish the leakers. He has expressed pride in a disciplined White House where leaks are infrequent. "It was a shameful act for someone to disclose this very important program in a time of war," he told a news conference last Dec. 19, speaking of the leaking of the National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance program.
TVNL Comment: Bush was correct; it was a shameful act, his own.

· Libby testimony shows a White House pattern of intelligence leaks - The revelation that President Bush authorized former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby to divulge classified information about Iraq fits a pattern of selective leaks of secret intelligence to further the administration's political agenda.

· VIDEO: Bush I Calls Leakers “Most Insidious of Traitors” - GEORGE H.W. BUSH: “I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the name of our sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious of traitors.”

· Buried in Washington Post, White House official admits Bush authorized Iraq leak - The official said Bush authorized the release of the classified information to assure the public of his rationale for war as it was coming under increasing scrutiny.







9/11 News :

· Briefing: why Moussaoui confession doesn't add up - Daniel McGrory,a Times expert on al-Qaeda, examines the inconsistencies behind Zacarias Moussaoui's confession that he was part of the 9/11 plot

· Loose Change Viewing at the University of Buffalo - Loose Change will be premiering in AT LEAST 300 movie theatres this September

· Study: 9/11 escapees have health problems - A majority of survivors of the 2001 attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center suffered from respiratory ailments and depression, anxiety and other psychological problems up to three years later, federal health officials said Friday.






· Senator Asks Bush, Cheney for Explanation - President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney should speak publicly about their involvement in the CIA leak case so people can understand what happened, a leading Republican senator said Sunday.

· Congressman's Special Projects Bring Complaints - As lawmakers have increasingly slipped pet projects into federal spending bills over the past decade, one lawmaker has used his powerful perch on the House Appropriations Committee to funnel $250 million into five nonprofit organizations that he set up.





· Workers accused of fudging ’04 recount - After the 2004 presidential election, Cuyahoga County election workers secretly skirted rules designed to make sure all votes were counted correctly, a special prosecutor charges.
TVNL Comment: How much more proof do we need that the election was stolen...again?

· "TITLES OF NOBILITY" AND "HONOR" - By chance, they discovered the library's oldest authentic copy of the Constitution of the United States (printed in 1825). Both men were stunned to see this document included a 13th Amendment that no longer appears on current copies of the Constitution. Moreover, after studying the Amendment's language and historical context, they realized the principle intent of this "missing" 13th Amendment was to prohibit lawyers from serving in government.

· Local Teacher's Run-In With Homeland Security Creates Insecurities - Leander Pickett, a teacher's assistant at Englewood Elementary, said he was manhandled and handcuffed by two plain clothed Homeland Security officers in front of the school Tuesday for no reason at all.





· Sturgeon filled with contaminants - Research from Oregon State University shows that white sturgeon are declining because of high levels of foreign chemicals, including DDT

· Gore urges moral crusade against global warming - Al Gore brought corporate executives and environmentally minded investors roaring to their feet Thursday with multimedia images of an overheating planet and a call for Americans to reclaim their "moral authority" by tackling global warming.





· Croatia not told of US rendition flights: president - The United States, accused by Amnesty International of twice using Croatia as a stopover point for terrorism suspects, never informed the government about such landings, Croatia's president said on Saturday.

· Iraqi civil war threatens region, Mubarak says - "If the Americans left now, it would be a catastrophe because the war will get worse and Iran and others will interfere and the country will become the theatre of an ugly civil war and terror will eat up not only Iraq but the entire region."





· Marine back from Iraq killed while walking on SoCal freeway - "His friends made no such statements indicating he may have been suicidal," Thatcher said. "He had recently gone through warrior transition, a standard debriefing training for those who return from the war."

· Web site exposes Air Force One defenses - Thus, the Air Force reacted with alarm last week after The Chronicle told the Secret Service that a government document containing specific information about the anti-missile defenses on Air Force One and detailed interior maps of the two planes -- including the location of Secret Service agents within the planes -- was posted on the Web site of an Air Force base.

· Doctor alleges water linked to infections - A U.S. Army doctor serving in Iraq has linked a small outbreak of bacterial infections among U.S. troops to allegedly contaminated water supplied by Houston-based Halliburton Co.

· Scientists Say Planned Blast a Part of Nuclear Testing - The Defense Department's plan to detonate 700 tons of explosives at the Nevada Test Site is intended to simulate a nuclear blast as part of Pentagon research into development of low-yield nuclear weapons, a science advisory group charged Tuesday.





· I Do Believe We Have a Death Threat - CounterPunch co-editor Jeffrey St. Clair this morning brought to my attention a screed by a disturbed individual named George M. Weinert V of Chicago, Illinois, whose blog, American Jihad, features a March 24, 2006 article (to put it charitably) that reads clearly as an incitement to violence . . . a call to "hunt down the treasonous operators" of Dissident Voice, CounterPunch, Uruknet, and other "radical left wing hippy commie Muslim sucking" (wow, what a mouthful) web sites.

· EXACTLY WHERE IS IRAN BREAKING THE LAW? - What law has Iran broken concerning nuclear - well, anything? What part of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which they signed and Israel did not, was violated? If Iran announces tomorrow that they are going to acquire nuclear weapons, the United States and other countries say "No!" and Iran asks, "Why not?" what would we all say?





· Stop Speaking for Others! - We are conditioned to accept as truth the claims of unaffiliated representatives on issue after issue. What ever happened to hearing something from the horse’s mouth?

· In Page Six Inquiry, Gossip Swirls Around Gossips - The New York Post is cooperating with a federal investigation into whether a longtime contributor for the Page Six gossip column — the avidly read daily log of wrongdoing, double-dealing and sexual indiscretions by celebrities both minor and major — tried to extort money from a California billionaire, according to a spokesman for the newspaper.





· Passive Smoke Fingered as Trigger for Glucose Intolerance - Breathing other people's tobacco smoke significantly increases the risk of developing glucose intolerance, researchers here reported.

· Uranium’s Effect On DNA Established - The use of depleted uranium in munitions and weaponry is likely to come under intense scrutiny now that new research that found that uranium can bind to human DNA.

· Fluoride debate may surge as treated water linked to cancer - Young boys who drink fluoridated tap water are at greater risk for a rare bone cancer, Harvard researchers reported yesterday.

· Benzene Levels in Soft Drinks Above Limit - Cancer-causing benzene has been found in soft drinks at levels above the limit considered safe for drinking water, the Food and Drug Administration acknowledged Wednesday.










· Were US Astronauts Ordered Not To Report UFOs & Aliens? - "At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs." - Scott Carpenter





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