Date: April 11th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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ANNOUNCEMENT! TvNewsLIES Radio has a new time! Our programs on Monks Media & the Revere Radio Network have merged. Our new program will be aired live on Thursdays at 8PM Eastern Time. You can access it on both the Monks Media and Revere Radio sites. Archives will be available at both sites as well.

TVNL RADIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows. The live programs is being rescheduled. Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!

Being rescheduled: The Secret History of America's Beginnings & How George W. Bush hoodwinked American Christians.
David Bay - Director of Cutting Edge Ministries: For almost three years, David was assigned to a Pentagon-level facility in Okinawa, Japan. During this time, he received training on Military Doctrine and Political Strategy, Global National Strategy, and an understanding of politics. In training to be a good analyst, he was trained to correctly "connect the dots" between the facts: to know the background to "see through the veil" to reach a proper understanding of the enemy which his intel group had been assigned.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


JESSE - SPECIAL APPEARANCE: I will be appearing on the Derry Brownfield Show on Wednesday, April 12th at 11:00 AM ET.
The show is on AM & FM Radio (see his site for listing) in many states as well as short wave. You can listen on the Internet as well.


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be conducting a live presentation entitled “American Corporate News Media: America’s # 1 Enemy! The Media & 9/11”, in New York City on April 30th. It will be an in depth exploration of media deception with special focus on the reporting or lack of reporting of the events related to the attacks of September 11th, 2001. We will have a question and answer session as well.
The event will be hosted by
DATE: Sunday, April 30th, 6:30 PM ET
Location: NYC – St. Marks Church –
131 East 10th Street at 2nd AvenueNew York, NY
Contact 212-714-4147 -
Free admission but donations to will be accepted.
Please join me! Thank you, Jesse – Editor,


DVD Producer Volunteer Wanted: If anyone in the NYC area can help me put together a simple DVD for public distribution please contact me at I would like someone who can help me mix digital video with wmv, mgp & avi videos as well as with graphics and power point slides. It is a simple project. If you know anyone who may want to volunteer some time please let me know. I will pay expenses, production fees and if possible I will pay for the service itself. Thank you.


TVNL Editor's Comments: Can We Call the 2000 & 2004 Elections a Coup Yet?

How much evidence is required before a human being acknowledges that a crime has been committed?

Each day brings to us new information about “voting irregularities” during the 2000, 2002 and 2004 elections. Mark Crispin Miller has written an entire book outlining the evidence of a stolen election for us. Brad Freedman of reports election fraud related news virtually every day. Yet people walk around as if we are living in a “politics as usual” environment!

The current leadership, all of the executive and much of the legislative, are enemies domestic. They are invaders who have taken over our government by illegal means.

This is not a matter of political differences. This is a matter of a stolen democracy. These people stole America from us and most people don’t even care!

The latest little piece of evidence indicating Bush administration involvement in election fraud came out yesterday and you heard nothing about this on TV or on the radio. Are we living in a dream world?

Let’s understand something once and for all…the current administration has stolen 3 elections (including the midterms), played a key role in the events of 9/11, and have systematically dismantled every aspect of government that is designed to protect, provide or help the citizens of this nation. Virtually every one of the policies they have implemented is designed to end life on earth and most people don’t even notice.

The longer we treat this situation like it is political and we fool ourselves into thinking that there is a political solution the less of a chance we have of surviving the madness. We can not remain silent. We have to inform the rest of the unaware public of the madness that goes on under the cloak of the media. We have to start getting loud before we are completely silenced for then it will be too late! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

PS. April 11th, 2006 is the 3rd anniversary of! WE ARE THREE! Thanks to your support that is! Thank you!

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· One soldier killed, one wounded in Tal Afar - A 1st Brigade, 1st Armored Division soldier was killed by a roadside bomb while on a patrol in Tal Afar, Iraq, on Saturday, military officials said Sunday.

· Rocket Kills 6 Children at Afghan School - Students at a crowded school in eastern Afghanistan were studying outside when a rocket slammed into the schoolyard on Tuesday, killing six children and wounding 14 people.

· Did Plame out WH plans for finding WMD in Iraq? - Did the White House plan to 'find' WMD in Iraq until Brewster-Jennings intercepted their shipment?





· Can We Call the 2000 & 2004 Elections a Coup Yet? - Let’s understand something once and for all…the current administration has stolen 3 elections (including the midterms), played a key role in the events of 9/11, and have systematically dismantled every aspect of government that is designed to protect, provide or help the citizens of this nation. Virtually every one of the policies they have implemented is designed to end life on earth and most people don’t even notice.

· David Shuster reports on the Presidential Leaker - David used a lot of video to dissect the latest spin regarding the admission by President Bush that he did leak information to the press that was helpful to him sell the war in Iraq.

· Phone-Jamming Records Point to White House - Key figures in a phone-jamming scheme designed to keep New Hampshire Democrats from voting in 2002 had regular contact with the White House and Republican Party as the plan was unfolding, phone records introduced in criminal court show.




· For Some CEOs, Pay Soars Past $100 Million Mark - Coming off 2004's 25% jump in big-company CEO pay, the sharp rise in executive compensation perplexes corporate governance experts who expected temperance following scandals at Enron, WorldCom and Tyco, increasing scrutiny by regulators and shareholder activists, and starting this year, new accounting rules requiring expensing of stock options.

· Drug prices for US elderly up 6 pct in 2005: study - In fact, the price drug makers charge wholesalers and other purchases for branded drugs has risen 40 percent since 1999, compared with inflation, which grew 17 percent, AARP researchers found. In 2005, inflation was 3.4 percent.



9/11 News :

· Physicist says heat substance felled WTC - "It looks like thermite with sulfur added, which really is a very clever idea," Steven Jones, professor of physics at BYU, told a meeting of the Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters at Snow College Friday.






· McCain blasts 527 groups, then his treasurer sets up a 527 group. - “John McCain criticizes Bush’s dirty campaign tactics, then hires the guys who ran his shady race; he preaches about campaign finance reform, then hires guys who start their own soft money groups.

· Lieberman not ruling out running as independent - U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman, facing a challenge from within the Democratic Party for renomination, said Monday he has not ruled out seeking a fourth term as an independent.





· Bush, Justice Dept. Among Muzzle Winners - President Bush and the Justice Department are among the winners of the 2006 Jefferson Muzzle awards, given by a free-speech group to those it considers the most egregious First Amendment violators in the past year.

· Workers accused of fudging ’04 recount - After the 2004 presidential election, Cuyahoga County election workers secretly skirted rules designed to make sure all votes were counted correctly, a special prosecutor charges.
TVNL Comment: How much more proof do we need that the election was stolen...again?










· France scraps youth job law - French President Jacques Chirac bowed to weeks of angry protests on Monday and scrapped a youth job law in a climb-down that undermined his prime minister and handed victory to opponents of the law.










· Okay, So Let's Get This Straight: On Monday, Bush Admitted That he Lied About Leaking a Lie to Smear Someone Who Revealed the Truth About His Lying - If this sounds like some farce, remember that thousands upon thousands of Americans and Iraqis have died in this farce -- and the nation is nearly bankrupt.

· Fooled Again: How the Right Stole the 2004 Election & Why They'll Steal the Next One Too (Unless We Stop Them) - Mark Crispin Miller argues that the outcome of the 2004 election, in many states including Ohio, was manipulated to favor George Bush and the Republican party. He discusses the evidence he has for this charge and talks about the reaction that Sen. John Kerry had when presented with the evidence.





· Right-Wing Radio Host Advocates Murdering Border Crossers - What we’ll do is randomly pick one night - every week - where we will kill whoever crosses the border. Step over there and you die. You get to decide whether it’s your lucky night or not. I think that would be more fun…[I’d be] happy to sit there with my high-powered rifle and my night scope.





· Energy Secretary Quietly Dismantles Independent Science Advisory Board - Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman has quietly disbanded the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB), the department’s “principal independent advisory board on scientific and technical matters,” reports Nature magazine.

· Depleted Uranium a tool to depopulate the world - If you consider the dangers of man made pandemics, such as AIDS and the successor to last year's SARS, the Bird Flu, the scourge of depleted uranium or even just of the normal application of pharmaceutical medicine, which has become one of the major causes of death, it does not take a vivid imagination to see destruction awaiting a significant part of the planet's population...





· Government Authenticates Photos From Abu Ghraib - Nearly two years after graphic photographs of detainee abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were published worldwide, the U.S. government yesterday for the first time authenticated 74 of the images as being part of the original compact disc that was turned over to Army investigators in January 2004.





· Media Moguls who attended Bilderberg meeting in 2005, - If you don't know what this is about start hitting the search engines!

· Kleptocracy - Kleptocracy is a pejorative, informal term for a government so corrupt that no pretense of honesty remains. - In addition, kleptocrats routinely ignore economic and social problems in their quest to amass ever more wealth.

· Cheney Violated International Law In Failing To Report The 1991 B-52 'Lost Nuke Incident' In Iran, According To Former Forensic Intel Officer - According to the UK source, Cheney wants Dresch silenced because he was U.S. Secretary of Defense in 1991 and, if proved true, he would have been in direct violation of international law for not reporting the lost nuclear weapons involving the B-52 incident.





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