Date: May 29th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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ANNOUNCEMENT! TvNewsLIES Radio has a new time! Our programs on Monks Media & the Revere Radio Network have merged. Our new program will be aired live on Thursdays at 8PM Eastern Time. You can access it on both the Monks Media and Revere Radio sites. Archives will be available at both sites as well.

TVNL RADIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows. The live programs is being rescheduled. Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: From June 2nd-4th I will be participating in shaping the strategy of the 9/11 truth movement at the International Education and Strategy Conference in Chicago. All are welcome. More information can be found here:


DVD Producer Volunteer Wanted: If anyone in the NYC area can help me put together a simple DVD for public distribution please contact me at I would like someone who can help me mix digital video with wmv, mgp & avi videos as well as with graphics and power point slides. It is a simple project. If you know anyone who may want to volunteer some time please let me know. I will pay expenses, production fees and if possible I will pay for the service itself. Thank you.


TVNL Editor's Comments: For the Troops on Memorial Day: A Real President

One of the harshest comments made by George W. Bush during his time as “president via election coup” has to be his proud declaration of being a “wartime president!” I can not adequately describe the sick feeling I got in my stomach as I watched the Oval Office occupant smile as he talked about making all of his decisions from the point of a war time president. Needless to say I was thoroughly disgusted with George W. Bush as a human being as I am with all the people in my nation who look positively on a leader whose only method of addressing problems or issues is by the use of deadly force.

The actions of this administration have actually caused me to give pause when it comes to the most patriotic notion of supporting the troops. This administration has morphed our service men and women into murdering machines who will fight for a cause that does not exist. I watch as U.S. military school graduates vigorously cheer a vice president who proudly declares that his administration has no intention of adhering to the U.S. Constitution and will continue their policy of spying on Americans. This administration has hijacked our military and is turning them into a weapon to defeat the U.S. Constitution. I can only support a military that is there to protect our Constitutional rights; I can not support one whose mandate is to violate it or whose members support those who do.

Under this administration the U.S. military has been used, abused, lied to, put into situations where their human dignity and decency could and has been compromised and where the new up and coming crop of military leaders do not recognize the clauses in their oath that requires them to protect the U.S. Constitution. This administration has made the U.S. Military a symbol of shame, a tool of tyranny and an enemy of the U.S. Constitution.

What our military, our nation and the world needs is a “peace time president!” Any moron criminal can create war, especially when others are there to do the fighting. A real leader should be able to bring about peace and should be able to address issues with reason, confidence and with the security provided by our military. If the cause is just no lies need to be told. If the cause is just no shots fired would be questions. The military must no longer be under the control of people with unjust causes and inadequate leadership qualities.

For the sake of our troops, our nation and the world America needs a peace time president. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Iraq violence takes 46 lives - At least 46 people died Monday in a series of bombings and ambushes in Iraq, police and the military said.

· Giant U.S. Embassy project dismays Iraqis - "They could build houses, or they could bring security to Baghdad," Jasim complained as he sat in the shade of a big tree on the riverbank. "But it's clear they only came here for their own benefit because you can see how much money they are spending across the river."

· Afghans riot after U.S. truck accident - A deadly traffic accident Monday involving U.S. troops sparked the worst rioting in the Afghan capital since the fall of the Taliban regime, with hundreds of protesters looting shops and shouting "Death to America!" At least eight people were killed and 107 injured, an official said.

· "Victory"? Forget it - Bush is trying to keep Americans from abandoning his disastrous war by claiming victory is at hand. But even his own generals know that's a lie.

· THE SASS EXCLUSIVE Bungled raid kills donkeys - SAS troops blew up the wrong house, destroyed three cars and ran over two donkeys during a bungled night-time raid in Iraq.

· Murtha: Scandal May Undermine Iraq Effort - ''Who covered it up, why did they cover it up, why did they wait so long?'' Murtha said on ''This Week'' on ABC. ''We don't know how far it goes. It goes right up the chain of command.''

· At least 1,000 UK soldiers desert - More than 1,000 members of the British military have deserted since the start of the Iraq war, the BBC has learned.

· World is blind to real situation in Iraq: activists - An Iraqi journalist and a Japanese human rights activist said the public has a poor idea of the situation in Iraq and warned of an impending health catastrophe as more Iraqis contract cancer from exposure to depleted uranium shells used by the U.S. and Britain.

· Iraq Is the Republic of Fear - Every morning the streets of Baghdad are littered with dozens of bodies, bruised, torn, mutilated, executed only because they are Sunni or because they are Shiite. Power drills are an especially popular torture device. - Today, the Americans are just one more militia lost in the anarchy. They, too, are killing Iraqis.
TVNL Comment: This is the sole responsibility of
George W. Bush, his administration and the American news media.

· British guards in Iraq may quit over pay British security guards who work at embassies and act as diplomatic body guards in high-risk zones in Iraq may refuse to work next month due to pay cuts.





· Cheney aide is screening legislation - The office of Vice President Dick Cheney routinely reviews pieces of legislation before they reach the president's desk, searching for provisions that Cheney believes would infringe on presidential power, according to former White House and Justice Department officials.

· GOP Heavy Hitters Pressuring White House to Talk With Iran - The administration's stance toward Iran, refusing direct talks while allowing other nations to negotiate, has paid few dividends and could add to the unpopularity of future sanctions or military action, the foreign policy expert said.







9/11 News :

· AFTER SIX YEARS, BIN LADEN SUDDENLY DECIDES TO TAKE A DIVE FOR 911? - Apparently the Bush Regime seems to think very little of the mental “prowess” of the American people. They claim to have a thoroughly “authentic” tape from Bin Laden who, despite the fact could have said a limitless number of things, decided to take credit for 911.

· Petrified of the ramifications, Americans adopt denial as primary strategy to ignore 9/11 Scam - Pyschologists call it cognitive dissonance when there are beliefs that threaten your previous beliefs that you find it impossible to reconcile, and denial becomes the role that you adopt.

· Turn 911 Rubble Into A Killing Machine? Hello? - Whoever said that irony was dead in America clearly hadn't heard about the assault ship USS New York

· Business as usual -- 9/11 and the fall of America - Under the guise of business as usual, consider the huge improprieties in the securities markets that went unnoticed before and immediately after 9/11/2001, contributing to the attacks’ awful success and America’s subsequent decline.






· Congressmen move to water down Sarbanes-Oxley Act - Three US congressmen are pushing for an amendment to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), the law designed to make executives more accountable, in a bid to water down the regulations for medium-sized companies.

· Former Jefferson aide gets 8 years for role in bribery scheme - A former aide to Rep. William Jefferson was sentenced Friday to eight years in federal prison for his role in a bribery scandal.





· Will Your Vote Count in 2006? - How bad are the problems? Experts are calling them the most serious voting-machine flaws ever documented.

· Eavesdropping to Go On, Cheney Tells Midshipmen - Although support for the administration continues to sag nationally, Cheney found a receptive audience of close to 27,000 in the graduating midshipmen and their friends and families at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium.
TVNL Comment: The military cheer the violation of the
U.S. Constitution! This is why I have problems "supporting the troop!" The Troops refuse to defend the Constitution...which is their sworn duty!

· AT&T leaks sensitive info in NSA suit - Lawyers for AT&T accidentally released sensitive information while defending a lawsuit that accuses the company of facilitating a government wiretapping program, CNET has learned.





· TVNL REPLAY: Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us - Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters..

· Don't Ignore 'An Inconvenient Truth' - Polar bears are drowning, Eskimo villages are disappearing, hurricanes are intensifying -- and still, Bush turns a blind eye to the issue of global warming.





· Chavez says US working for coup in Bolivia - "There is a plan against Bolivia and the U.S. ambassador in Bolivia is the head of this plan," he said. "The devil is everywhere."

· Blair beefed up his Iran speech to please Bush - The Prime Minister changed key passages on possible action against Iran, climate change, and a proposed shake-up of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

· Russia Will Counter Bush's Anti-Missile Posts - Russia intends to create anti-missile posts in neighboring countries in response to U.S. plans for a similar base in Eastern Europe.
TVNL Comment:
Do you feel safer? Can you say arms race? We don't need a war president. We need a peace president!





· For the Troops on Memorial Day: A Real President - Under this administration the U.S. military has been used, abused, lied to, put into situations where their human dignity and decency could and has been compromised and where the new up and coming crop of military leaders do not recognize the clauses in their oath that requires them to protect the U.S. Constitution. This administration has made the U.S. Military a symbol of shame, a tool of tyranny and an enemy of the U.S. Constitution.

· Why Has America Forsaken These Veterans - Cheney and Rumsfeld have some explaining to do

· Investigation reveals new Tillman questions - CNN finds accusations of negligence and deceit in Army probes

· Fallen troops’ families split on Bush comments - The admissions by Bush and Blair drew strong, and divided, responses from families of soldiers killed in Iraq. More than 2,460 U.S. service members have died in the war since it began in March 2003.





· Our Socialized Corporations: America's Hitler, the Conclusion - "The people don’t rule here, wealth rules, the corporations rule."

· Al Gore - F&*k Yeah: - Essentially, Gore's mission on global warming is rhetorically similar to George Bush's mission in Iraq: revolution now so that the future can be secure. The difference, of course, is that Gore isn't a liar, and he doesn't have to hype the evidence.





· Bush 'planted fake news stories on American TV' - Federal authorities are actively investigating dozens of American television stations for broadcasting items produced by the Bush administration and major corporations, and passing them off as normal news. Some of the fake news segments talked up success in the war in Iraq, or promoted the companies' products.

· Utah Newspapers Neglect to cover Voting Machine Security Reports Released May 11 & 12 - Utah Newspapers Neglect to Cover Voting Machine Security Reports Released May 11 & 22 Diebold Should Replace Its Voting Machines with Its More Secure Ones!

· National Impeachment Movement Ignored by Corporate Media - If a national movement calling for the impeachment of the President is rapidly emerging and the corporate media are not covering it, is there really a national movement for the impeachment of the President?





· US scientists back autism link to MMR - American researchers have revealed that 85 per cent of samples taken from autistic children with bowel disorders contain the virus. The strain is the same as the one used in the measles, mumps and rubella triple vaccine.





· Bloody Scenes Haunt a Marine - "They ranged from little babies to adult males and females. I'll never be able to get that out of my head. I can still smell the blood. This left something in my head and heart,"

· Revealed: how US marines massacred 24 - The pictures show other victims, shot execution-style in the head and chest in their homes. An American government official said they revealed that the marines involved had “suffered a total breakdown in morality and leadership”.

· Wrongly Detained? Too Bad - Yet just last week, the CIA succeeded in squashing Masri's lawsuit against the U.S. government. He sought compensation and a public apology, trifling demands that surely could be met. And perhaps they would be met by an American government still inspired by the ideal of justice.

· Gay music director let go by Kansas Catholic parish - While Vatican teachings also instruct that gays and lesbians should be treated with compassion, church employees are expected to live in accordance with Catholic doctrine.
TVNL Comment: More Christian hate and discrimination.

· Photos Indicate Civilians Slain Execution-Style - An official involved in an investigation of Camp Pendleton Marines' actions in an Iraqi town cites `a total breakdown in morality.'

· Guv would veto bill mandating inclusion of gays in textbooks - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will veto legislation that would require public school instructional materials to contain discussions about the contributions of gay lesbian, bisexual and transgender people if the bill reaches his desk, a spokesman said Thursday.





· Porter Goss Resignation Solved - The “mystery” of Porter Goss’ resignation last month as CIA Director is apparently directly related to the huge seizure in Mexico several weeks earlier of over 5.5 tons of cocaine, according to government documents recently obtained by the The MadCowMorningNews.

· More Vietnam War Papers Released - Henry A. Kissinger quietly acknowledged to China in 1972 that Washington could accept a communist takeover of South Vietnam if that evolved after a withdrawal of U.S. troops -- even as the war to drive back the communists dragged on with mounting deaths.





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