Date: June 19th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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ANNOUNCEMENT! TvNewsLIES Radio has a new time! Our programs on Monks Media & the Revere Radio Network have merged. Our new program will be aired live on Thursdays at 8PM Eastern Time. You can access it on both the Monks Media and Revere Radio sites. Archives will be available at both sites as well.

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Feeling Fine? That’s What You Think!

Are you feeling OK? Do you have an overall feeling of wellness, absent any aches and pains? Do you sleep well and are you free of anxiety? Do your blood tests indicate perfect health and do you have a clean history free of any genetic disorders? Do you have a full head of hair, beautiful skin and healthy gums? Are you simply feeling vibrant, full of energy and ready to face each day with vigor and enthusiasm?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions it may be a sign of a dangerous condition known as YANMUR Syndrome and you should consult your doctor about your potentially dangerous lack of symptoms. Your doctor may be able to prescribe the right medications that will keep this dreaded syndrome in check.

YANMUR syndrome is better know by its discoverers in the pharmaceutical industry as the You Are Not Making Us Rich Syndrome and the caring people in the pharmaceutical industry are working hard to eradicate this dreadful condition. We have worked hard to produce many medications that will some day eliminate this dreaded condition from our planet. And thanks to the help of advertising companies, the corporate media and the U.S. Congress we are well on our way to achieving our goal!

This message was brought to you by the pharmaceutical industry; we care about you…no really, we do!

Based on the real commercials on TV these days and based on the U.S. government’s legislation when it comes to pharmaceuticals, advertising, vaccines, etc., I feel that the preceding commercial may actually be produced in my lifetime. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Horror show reveals Iraq’s descent - It is here that bodies from the nightly slaughter are dumped each morning. The stench of decaying flesh, mingled with disinfectant, hits you at the checkpoint 100 yards away.
TVNL Comment: Who let the dogs loose? Bush let the dogs loose. None of this happens if Saddam was still in power. None of this! Every single death is the responsiblity of one person on this planet:
George W. Bush.

· U.S. Airstrikes Rise In Afghanistan as Fighting Intensifies - In Response to More Aggressive Taliban, Attacks Are Double Those in Iraq War

· 10 workers kidnapped from Baghdad bakery - Gunmen seized 10 workers from a bakery Sunday in a predominantly Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad, while a car bomb exploded near a university in the northern city of Mosul, killing a woman and wounding 19 other people, police said.

· Violence hits Iraq despite security plan - A bomber has killed at least 10 people and wounded 21 in one of Baghdad's largest mosques, despite a security crackdown putting large numbers of Iraqi and US troops on the streets.

· 2 U.S. troops missing, 1 killed in attack - A U.S. soldier was killed and two were unaccounted for Friday after they came under attack at a traffic checkpoint in Yusufiya, about 20 miles southwest of Baghdad.





· The Power of the Israel Lobby - Indeed, far from Israel functioning as the junior partner carrying out a U.S. plan, it is clear that the weight of pressure in 1967 was on the U.S. to go along with Israel's designs and that this pressure came from Israel and its agents in the U.S.

· Historians say Bush is sinking fast - But, more damaging than the original study are follow-up opinions. One professor avers that, "When I filled out that survey, I said Bush was the worst since Buchanan (1857-61), but things have gotten worse and now I'd have to consider him the worst ever."

· Pardon talk for Libby begins - A pardon before the trial could could cut off the disclosures and spare Vice President Dick Cheney from testifying as Fitzgerald's witness about Libby, his former chief of staff.

· The Other Cheney Behind the Scenes - Since 2005, Dick Cheney's daughter Elizabeth has held a powerful position guiding Middle East policy. And like father, like daughter: Liz is a key player in the push for regime change in Iran and Syria.




· Ford to invest up to $9.2 bln in Mexico - The document also indicated that Ford expects to increase its purchases of Mexican-made components by 300 percent, while suppliers could increase their investment by $3.6 billion.

· Japan’s alternative economics - Japan’s current growth, with 2.8% forecast for 2006, is at the forefront of western countries. It is linked to exports to emerging economies, a high level of research and development, and a refusal to follow all the economic doctrines proposed by the United States.



9/11 News :

· Oh well. - Suffice to say, the Parliament screening did not go through today. All I leave you with is an e-mail sent to Michael Meacher from our representative...






· Stephen Colbert vs. Congressman Lynn Westmoreland - The Colbert Report - June 14, 2006





· Blanco signs law that would ban abortions - Louisiana Democratic Gov. Kathleen Blanco signed into law a ban on most abortions that would be triggered if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns its 1973 ruling legalizing the procedure, a spokesman said on Saturday.

· HUD to New Orleans Poor: "Go F(ind) Yourself (Housing)!" - HUD's demolition plans leave thousands of families with no hope of returning to New Orleans where rental housing is scarce and costly. In New Orleans, public housing was occupied by women, mostly working, their children as well as the elderly and disabled.

· Laptop with D.C. workers' data stolen - A laptop containing the Social Security numbers and other personal data of 13,000 District of Columbia employees and retirees has been stolen, officials said.

· Be Prepared For ID Theft - A number of state laws also are driving businesses to alert consumers about potential data losses, but legislation being considered on Capitol Hill could soon change that. Ed Mierzwinski, consumer program director of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, a consumer watchdog group in Washington, said a bill recently passed by the House Financial Services Committee and supported by the major financial institutions would exempt companies from alerting consumers about data thefts or losses if the company does not know whether that loss places the consumer at a direct risk of identity theft. The bill also would reserve credit freezes for ID theft victims only.

· Rejected! Feds won't take notes of readers - After slashing the city's anti-terrorism funds, Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff now apparently thinks angry letters from New Yorkers are the real safety threat.

· Major cities aren't ready for catastrophes, government says - Ten states were rated in a Homeland Security Department scorecard as having sufficient disaster response plans.

· After the Enron Trial, Defense Firm Is Stuck With the Tab - But, true to form, Enron is still destroying financial expectations.

· Bush denies request for federal aid for tornado-ravaged counties - The Bush administration has denied Governor Tom Vilsack's request for federal aid for Iowa's counties affected by severe weather in April.





· World's oceans reaching point of no return, says UN - The UN has warned the world's governments that humankind's exploitation of the sea could be passing the point of no return.





· Japan warns N.Korea over any missile launch - Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso warned North Korea on Sunday Tokyo would regard any missile that dropped on Japan as an attack.

· Austria's Haider says Bush is a war criminal - "He is a war criminal. He brought about the war against Iraq deliberately, with lies and falsehoods," Haider said in an interview with Austrian daily newspaper Die Presse. "The Iraqi population is suffering terribly.

· "The United States is Terrified" - Noam Chomsky on Latin America's Move Towards "Independence and Integration" - Just keeping to oil alone, it means that the energy resources -- I mean, the major energy producer in the hemisphere is Venezuela.

· Blair's party turning against him - "The biggest single issue in Britain today is the lack of accountability of political power. The checks and balances requiring the Prime Minister to consult and listen have been all but eliminated," Labour lawmaker Michael Meacher said.

· Mexico's Populist Tilts at a Privileged Elite - "The poor pay taxes on everything they buy," he says, cutting to the heart of his theme. "Those of the pure upper class, the influential, don't pay the taxes."





· AWOL soldier says he's had enough of war - He claims post-tramatic stress diagnosis was ignored by Army





· Here's the Difference Between What the Dems and Repugs are Offering Voters This Fall. The Contrast is Startling - Against a backdrop of constant Repuglican criticism that Democrats don't have a plan and don't stand for anything, the Dems unleashed their platform this week, "A New Direction," aimed at demonstrating to voters that they're worthy of regaining control after 12 years of right-wing rule. The platform includes the following promises:

· Custodians of chaos - "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you." A lot of people think Jesus said that, because it is so much the sort of thing Jesus liked to say. But it was actually said by Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, five hundred years before there was that greatest and most humane of human beings, named Jesus Christ.





· Pakistan journalist found killed - A Pakistani journalist who reported the death of an alleged al-Qaeda commander has been killed, officials say.

· Kicked out of Gitmo - A Times reporter's struggle to get the truth about America's island prison just got tougher.

· The National Entertainment State, 2006 - Where do Americans get their news and who controls what they consume?

· Some Might Call It Treason: An Open Letter to Salon - On the other hand, those maverick Democrats who had seen evidence of fraud, and who were keen to publicize it -- Conyers, Jackson, Stephanie Tubbs-Jones and others -- weren't consulted by the press, which largely snubbed those activists and statisticians who had studied the election fraud in depth.

· A Push Toward Private Control of Newspapers - The newspaper business was relatively stable over the last half of the 20th century, controlled by a handful of chains that steadily added newspapers and recorded profit margins of 10 percent to as much as 30 percent.





· Feeling Fine? That’s What You Think! - If you answered yes to any or all of these questions it may be a sign of a dangerous condition known as YANMUR Syndrome and you should consult your doctor about your potentially dangerous lack of symptoms.





· Detainees not given access to witnesses - The US government routinely failed to give detainees at Guantanamo Bay access to witnesses who might have helped them prove their assertions of innocence, saying it could not locate the vast majority of the witnesses the terror suspects requested at special military hearings.





· Knives, rifles and a whip. Are Bush's gift-givers trying to say something? - A braided leather whip, a sniper rifle, six jars of fertiliser and a copy of the Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook were among the presents foreign leaders have given George Bush. They are clearly trying to tell him something.

· Alleged pedophile, former Homeland Security press aide talked sex, bashed Bush to 'girl' - The Homeland Security aide also added that he met President Bush, and said of the President: "nice guy but not a good president ... he is not very bright and it is evident ... bush is a liar ... there were NO weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. total lie to go to war."





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