Date: June 21st 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Thursday, June 22nd: 9/11 Naming Names! Some interesting information has come our way regarding the people responsible for the events of September 11th, 2001. will be hosting a guest that is prepared to finally expose some of the people who made those events possible. While we have not yet checked out all of the information given to us the information that will be disclosed live on our show will be at the very least verifiable. Once the names are out we can start doing some real research related to the disclosure. This week’s program will prove to be very interesting!



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: A Guest Contribution: I DON'T UNDERSTAND....

What I DO understand is the anger and outrage at the thought of how these two young kids were violated. .I DO understand that we are a nation.....horrified by what has been described as 'barbaric' torture that we can only imagine. I really DO understand that, Mike.

But I'm confused. Why is there not the same anger and outrage each and ever time one of our kids is blown to bits by a roadside bomb? Is that kind of death less painful or less brutal or less final? Why is there not the same anger and outrage at the thousands and thousands of young men and women whose bodies and minds have been mutilated and who lie in hospital beds or rehabilitation centers with wounds that are horrific and crippling and whose lives will forever be scarred?

Why is there not the same anger over the brutalization of the people of Iraq perpetrated by the Bush crime family.... from the death and destruction of Shock and Awe to the murderous attacks at Fallujah and Haditha? Is that we can confront the deaths of two young men more easily than we can fathom slaughter in greater numbers? I really don't understand.

The morgues in Baghdad are overflowing. The bodies that arrive on a daily basis are just as dead, and most probably died as horrible a death as did the kids who made the news today.

We are about to launch an attack on 'cleanse' it of insurgents. More people will be blown apart and the war will go on because we are making 'progress' in the war against terror that people still believe exists.

And tomorrow is another day.

From a reader. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Afghan police killed 'by mistake' - Three Afghan policemen have been killed after US-led coalition troops shot at their vehicle by mistake in eastern Kunar province, the US military says.

· Iraq: US may be asked to leave - In an exclusive interview with The Australian, former US deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage has given a gloomy assessment of the situation.

· Lawyer for Saddam abducted, shot to death - One of Saddam Hussein’s main lawyers was shot to death Wednesday after he was abducted from his Baghdad home by men wearing police uniforms, the third killing of a member of the former leader’s defense team since the trial started some eight months ago.

· U.S. Back at Full War Footing in Afghanistan - The United States military is quietly carrying out the largest military offensive in Afghanistan since U.S. troops invaded the country in 2001.
TVNL Comment: The limitary is not quiet. The media is quiet! They can not tell the American people that we are back at war or that the first war was nothing more than a show based on lies.












9/11 News :

· 9/11 Vendetta - A 9/11 Truth video, drawing parallels to the movie "V for Vendetta".

· Academics give a scholarly stamp to 9/11 conspiracy theories - By many accounts, scholarly contributions to the movement began with Mr. Griffin, who retired from the Claremont School of Theology in 2004. About a year and a half after September 11, Mr. Griffin began reading books and Web sites arguing that the U.S. government was complicit in the attacks. Eventually, they won him over.

· al-Qaida Video Shows Alleged 20th Hijacker - Al-Qaida has identified a would-be 20th hijacker for the Sept. 11 attacks as a Saudi operative who was killed in a 2004 shootout with his country's security forces.
TVNL Comment: How many 20th hijackers have we been told about so far?

· Saudis Offered Scholarships for Aviation Courses in US - The Ministry of Higher Education and the General Authority of Civil Aviation are offering scholarships to Saudi men and women to study various majors related to civil aviation in the United States.






· GOP Kills Senate Bill to Police Halliburton - In an effort to stop companies like Halliburton and its subsidiaries from cheating our troops and stealing from Americans, Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND), introduced S.AMDT.4230 and attached it to the Defense Authorization bill currently being debated in the Senate. The bill was intended to improve contracting "by eliminating fraud and abuse and improving competition in contracting and procurement."

· Wexler's bid to outlaw paperless voting fails on appeal - A federal appeals court on Tuesday rejected Democratic U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler's claim that paperless electronic voting violates the constitutional rights of Floridians.





· AT&T may be hiding a second NSA domestic spying operation in St. Louis - It looks like they may be spying on our Internet traffic from this facility, or at the very least on the Internet traffic of all of their customers.

· Indictments threatening GOP's new hold on Kentucky - But 15 indictments later, Fletcher's administration, including his so-called Disciples, who are accused of being the main ringleaders of the patronage scheme, is still feeling the sting as the governor's approval ratings drop below 30 percent.

· Audit criticizes state election officials - The report released Friday listed a dozen findings of problems with the state's efforts to comply with the federal Help America Vote Act.















· Troops echo frustration with war critic - Myers said he backs Murtha, an opinion echoed by a number of other troops and their families. Several share his frustration with the conflict.










· Government tries to reintroduce censorship about the security situation - Reporters Without Borders voiced dismay today at recent government initiatives aimed at imposing censorship and self-censorship about the security situation and the presence of foreign troops. News media editors and executives were summoned by intelligence officials and given instructions. Then a list of banned subjects was sent out to editors.
TVNL Comment: How's that for freedom?

· US deliberately bombed Al-Jazeera - Ron Suskind appeared on "The Situation Room" today to talk about his new book "One Percent Solution," and said that the US took out Al-Jazeera office in Kabul purposefully.





· Stem Cells Help Paralyzed Rats Walk - Scientists have succesfully used stem cells and a soup of nerve-friendly chemicals to regrow the circuitry needed to move a muscle, helping partially paralyzed rats walk.





· US vows to respect human rights in "war on terror" - The United States will pledge to respect human rights in its war on terror, according to the draft of a final statement prepared for an EU-US summit Wednesday, amid complaints from the Europeans about US treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
TVNL Comment: But they never defined "human" or "rights!"










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