Date: June 28th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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Thursday, June 30th: PART TWO: 9/11 Naming Names! Some interesting information has come our way regarding the people responsible for the events of September 11th, 2001. will be hosting a guest that is prepared to finally expose some of the people who made those events possible. While we have not yet checked out all of the information given to us the information that will be disclosed live on our show will be at the very least verifiable. Once the names are out we can start doing some real research related to the disclosure. This week’s program will prove to be very interesting!

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: NY Times is Indeed Guilty of Treason!

The NY Times withheld for over one year information about a US president illegally wiretapping American citizens. They did this during a presidential election season. They withheld this vital information from American voters. Yes, the NY Times committed treason but they did not do this by exposing information, they have and continue to commit treason against their nation by withholding information about criminals and criminal activity in our government. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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• Stress of Army officer found hanged in Iraq - He had been involved in investigations into allegations of abusive treatment of Iraqi detainees by British soldiers.

• Two U.S. troops killed in Iraq, military says - A U.S. Marine was killed Tuesday and a soldier died the day before in fighting in a volatile province west of Baghdad.

• Two British soldiers killed in Afghanistan - A MoD spokesman said the pair died after an attack in the Sangin area of the Helmand province in the south of the country.


• Former Admin. Official Needs Only Three Words To Explain Manipulation of Intel: ‘The Vice President’ - So where along the way – how did these people so early on get so much power that they had more influence in those in the administration to make decisions than you the professionals.

• Former Bush Assistant Secretary of State says don't 'accept the crap we give you' - Appearing before the The Senate Democratic Policy Committee, former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research Carl Ford called upon policy makers to accept part of the blame for intelligence failures, telling them to "not accept the crap we give you."


• Rising costs cripple faith-based housing efforts - Soaring real estate prices, competition for land, shrinking grants for faith-based housing projects and the rising costs of construction have nearly crippled efforts by South Florida churches to boost home ownership among low-income residents.

• Foreclosures Up 28 Percent From Last Year, According to RealtyTrac Report - Colorado posted the nation's highest foreclosure rate for the third month in a row thanks to increasing foreclosure activity in May. The state reported 4,198 properties entering some stage of foreclosure, a 13 percent increase from the previous month and a 41 percent year-over-year increase from May 2005.

• Foreclosure filings on Florida homes leap - By contrast, national foreclosure filings rose by less than 2 percent, averaging about one new filing for every 1,247 U.S. households.

9/11 News :

• Miami plot suspects entrapped: lawyers - There was "a lot of talking going on by the informant and more listening by the defendant and or the defendants,"


• Bush ignores laws he inks, vexing Congress - A law is not binding when a president issues a separate statement saying he reserves the right to revise, interpret or disregard it on national security and constitutional grounds.
TVNL Comment: It is not vexing at all! Read this and you will understand why this should be no surprise to anyone:


• A Single Person Could Swing an Election - Republican Reps. Tom Cole (Okla.) and Thomas M. Davis III (Va.), chairman of the House Government Reform Committee, joined Rep. Rush D. Holt (D-N.J.) in calling for a law that would set strict requirements for electronic voting machines.

• Study shows US electronic voting machines vulnerable - The nation's three most commonly purchased electronic voting machines are all vulnerable to fraud, a study released on Tuesday found.
TVNL Comment: No kidding. This was proven before the 2004 elections and it has been proven that George W. Bush lost both the 2000 & 2004 election.

• Most Americans don't know Canada is their biggest oil supplier - A new poll suggests the vast majority of Americans are unaware that Canada is the largest foreign supplier of crude oil to the U.S.
TVNL Comment: Americans are unaware of most reality thanks to our deceptive media!

• Governor's veto halts access to documents - Gov. Jeb Bush on Monday vetoed a bill that would have allowed lawmakers to gain access to secret documents held by executive branch agencies.

• 'Breathtaking' Waste and Fraud in Hurricane Aid - Among the many superlatives associated with Hurricane Katrina can now be added this one: it produced one of the most extraordinary displays of scams, schemes and stupefying bureaucratic bungles in modern history, costing taxpayers up to $2 billion.

• A call to investigate the 2004 election - But the exit poll discrepancy is not the only cause for concern.

• Feds Drop Request for Library Records - Federal authorities have dropped their demand for records from a library computer, but not without warning the librarians who refused to release them that under other circumstances their failure to cooperate ``could have increased the danger of terrorists succeeding.''


• Scientists OK Gore's movie for accuracy - The nation's top climate scientists are giving "An Inconvenient Truth," Al Gore's documentary on global warming, five stars for accuracy.

• Germany to spark 'climate crisis' - Environmental groups describe the target as "pathetic and shameful".

• Navy to Use Sonar That May Affect Whales - Federal regulators granted the Navy a permit Tuesday to use sonar in a maritime exercise despite environmentalists' concerns it could disturb or even kill whales and dolphins.
TVNL Comment: Humans are the worst citizens of this planet. We are a virus that is destroying all life on Earth.

• Mahogany imports 'are wiping out Peru tribes' - Tens of thousands of tons of Peruvian mahogany are imported into the US for luxury dining room tables, household trimmings and automobile dashboards," Ari Hershowitz, of the Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC), said. "But Americans have no idea that buying mahogany contributes to the destruction of the rainforest and threatens the people who live there. People are dying - it is a crisis right now."


• Big Brother watching you surf? - One of Canada's largest Internet service providers is warning its customers that Big Brother is lurking on-line, with the federal government expected to revive an Internet surveillance bill.


• Wars Force Army Equipment Costs to Triple - The annual cost of replacing, repairing and upgrading Army equipment in Iraq and Afghanistan is expected to more than triple next year to more than $17 billion, according to Army documents obtained by the Associated Press.
TVNL Comment: That;s what you get when you have war profiteers who are permitted to start wars!




• GOP drafting resolution condemning media's terror finance reports - Senate Republicans sharply criticized The New York Times and other news media Tuesday for disclosing a secret Bush administration effort to track terrorist financing, and House GOP leaders hurriedly drafted a resolution condemning the stories.
TVNL Comment: It is the job of the press to disclose EVERY government secret. The people of America have the right to know what our government is doing and the U.S. Constitution recognizes this. The Congress on the other hand does not.

• Limbaugh Detained At Airport - Limbaugh was returning on a flight from the Dominican Republic when officials found the drugs, among them Viagra.

• Ailes Cracks Whip as Fox News Slips - So far during the second quarter, the No. 1 cable news channel’s primetime schedule has dropped 22% in its core 25-54 demo and 8% in total viewers. The first quarter was even worse.
TVNL Comment: Is America waking up?


• Sexual orientation of men determined before birth - "If this immune theory were correct, then the link between the mother's immune reaction and the child's future sexual orientation would probably be some effect of maternal anti-male antibodies on the sexual differentiation of the brain," he suggests.

• Cell phone signals excite brain: study - Their study, published in the Annals of Neurology, adds to a growing body of research about mobile phones, their possible effects on the brain, and whether there is any link to cancer.


• My Lai attorney speaks out on Iraq massacre - "What happened in My Lai," he says, "is a testing of the influences that come on a man's thinking in certain situations. And those situations are happening again today."



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