Date: August 16th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Your New York Yankees, Not Mine – American Values, a Human Disgrace

We live in a nation that claims to have values. Well I see American values and you can keep them for yourself. I want nothing to do with American values.

American values demand that we pay school teachers and EMS workers as if they were menial laborers while they pay a baseball player, who plays a god damn game for a living, a quarter of a billion dollars!

Nothing personifies American values more than the New York Yankees in their quest to build a new stadium. The New York Yankees are building a new stadium because their classic historic stadium is not opulent enough for these overpaid children who never developed any skills past those learned when by many five years old children. I have nothing against professional athletes, or entertainers for that matter, but let’s face it, they provide nothing to further or support our existence. They are a drug for the masses and they get to play a game for living while the rest of us work our asses off in order to eat and live indoors.

Now the Yankees are getting ready to destroy a neighborhood park, where good hard working un-wealthy people take their morning run and bring their children to play, so that they can have their new ball park. But that’s not the best part…the new stadium will have fewer seats than the old one. But…it will have more luxury boxes normally reserved by rich corporations who will no doubt use some of their tickets to bribe politicians in some technically legal way! Obviously the stadium will have fewer affordable seats (if you can consider the price of the cheap seats affordable), so Joe school teacher and Mary EMS worker will no longer be able to take their child to see Alex Rodriguez play and get paid $155,000 for each game the Yankees play! Forget about the local grocery store worker who can not even see the Yankees on TV because cable TV charges their viewers too much money even though they receive a fortune from their advertisers! (Why the hell do we pay for TV and still have to watch ads? Aren’t the ads supposed to pay for the cost of TV, just like broadcast?)

Yes, the Yankees are doing exactly what the Bush administration and the Republican fascists are doing. They are making America a place where only the extremely wealthy can enjoy life. They are even taking baseball away from the common man. Greed is now the only aspect of American values that counts. Say what you want about liberals, but this, my friends is the mission of the right wing and guess what…mission accomplished! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Section XIX: An Occupying Power’s Duty to Provide Security - An occupying power has a duty to restore and ensure public order and safety in the territory under its authority.58 Under customary international law, this duty begins once a stable regime of occupation has been established, but under the Geneva Conventions, the duty attaches as soon as the occupying force has any relation with the civilians of that territory, that is, at the soonest possible moment -- a principle that finds reflection in U.S. military policy
TVNL Comment: This is one reason why every single death in Iraq is the responsibility of
George W. Bush, his administration, the U.S. Congress and the U.S. media.

· Number of Civilian Deaths Highest in July, Iraqis Say - - An average of more than 110 Iraqis were killed each day in July, according to the figures.

· Strife Moving Out From Baghdad to Villages - U.S. commanders had planned on withdrawing hundreds of American troops from this province, but instead this month they ordered an increase in troop levels to help stem the spread of sectarian violence.

· US recalls 300 soldiers to Iraq - About 300 US soldiers who recently returned home to Alaska after a year in Iraq have now been ordered back after their unit's deployment was extended.





· Plame lawyer plans to force Cheney, Rove testimony - A lawyer plans to use a legal precedent that allowed President Bill Clinton to be sued while in office to force Vice President Dick Cheney and presidential adviser Karl Rove to testify in a lawsuit brought by former CIA operative Valerie Plame and her husband.




· · Wal-Mart Posts First Profit Decline in a Decade - Wal-Mart's domestic profit margins are also under pressure from factors including higher transportation costs and more sales of lower-margin products, Chief Financial Officer Tom Schoewe said.

· PBC home sales post biggest drop in state - "Total home sales are down compared to last year, inventories are quickly piling up, mortgage credit quality has taken a turn for the worse and homebuilders remain pessimistic," said today's housing analysis on "So far, all indications are that the housing market is slowing in an orderly fashion, but we are still early in the housing slowdown."


9/11 News :

· Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11 - After spending the better part of the last five years treating these theories with utmost skepticism, I have devoted serious time to actually studying them in recent months, and have also carefully watched several videos that are available on the subject. I have come to believe that significant parts of the 9/11 theories are true, and that therefore significant parts of the “official story” put out by the U.S. government and the 9/11 Commission are false. I now think there is persuasive evidence that the events of September did not unfold as the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission would have us believe.

· NYC to Release 911 Calls From Sept. 11 - On Wednesday, city officials planned to publicly play voices recorded on hundreds of emergency calls for the first time. They are among 1,613 previously undisclosed emergency calls recently discovered by city officials.






· NY-SEN: Hillary's GOP Foe Misspells "Fascist" In TV Ad - As we reported below, Hillary's GOP foe, former Yonkers mayor John Spencer, is airing a TV attack ad linking photos of Hillary and Osama bin Laden and charging that she opposed President Bush's warrantless wiretapping program. But it looks as if the Spencer campaign, in its rush to paint Hillary as a friend of terrorists, misspelled the word "fascist."





· Ohio voting problems deemed severe - Problems with elections in Ohio's most populous county are so severe that it's unlikely they can be completely fixed by November, or even by the 2008 presidential election, a report commissioned by Cuyahoga County and released Tuesday says.

· Google launches free WiFi in Mountain View - The network covers about 90 percent of the city's 12 square miles and offers maximum data-transfer speeds of up to 1 megabit per second -- slightly slower than DSL.










· Israel's verdict: We lost the war - Ehud Olmert, the Israeli Prime Minister, was obliged to admit "shortcomings" in the 34-day-old conflict in Lebanon yesterday as he launched what may prove a protracted fight for his own political survival.





· US soldier who blew whistle on Abu Ghraib has no regrets - "Ultimately, it was the right thing to do," he said.





· Your New York Yankees, Not Mine – American Values, a Human Disgrace - Yes, the Yankees are doing exactly what the Bush administration and the Republican fascists are doing. They are making America a place where only the extremely wealthy can enjoy life.





· Veteran Baghdad Reporter Explodes Upbeat U.S. Assessments - Journalists in Iraq are often criticized for being too positive or too negative about the conflict there -- or for sticking to their home offices as violence escalates. Yet there is much evidence that often they are still able to obtain, and express, a more accurate assessment of conditions in the country than top military officers or visiting politicians.





· Magazine Finds Nation's Angriest Cities - The magazine looked at the percentage of men with high blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and FBI rates for aggravated assaults, as well as workplace deaths from assaults and other violence.















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