Date: August 17th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: No TV News is Good News

My cable has been out for two days now. No TV news for me. I have not been able to report to you about the many outrages that comprise our TV news broadcast day. I am sorry for that.

What I am not sorry for is being without my TV. I feel mentally cleanses. I guess the best way to describe this feeling is to say that I am undergoing a propaganda enema! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Bombs Aimed at G.I.’s in Iraq Are Increasing - Along with a sharp increase in sectarian attacks, the number of daily strikes against American and Iraqi security forces has doubled since January.

· Throughout Iraq, deadly trouble seethes again - "There is a state of chaos in the city," the official added, speaking over the sustained crackle of gunfire in the background.





· Cheney orchestrated Israel’s losing war - Following briefings from top Israeli military officials, Cheney approved plans for an air war against Lebanon as a preliminary move to disarm Hizbullah in advance of America’s broader military objective - to launch an air war against Iran.




· Cost of Living Gets Costlier - After poring over reams of data, the Labor Department reported yesterday that inflation rose last month, eating into people's paychecks and savings at a quickening clip.

· Drug Companies Making Billions in Excess Profits Under Medicare Plan - Thousands of drugs cost more than necessary under the Medicare drug plan because Congress prohibited Medicare from negotiating drug prices directly with the pharmaceutical industry, as is done by the Veterans Administration.

· Bush pitches economy from a Harley - President Bush hopped on a Harley-Davidson at a motorcycle factory Wednesday as he made an election-year pitch for Republican stewardship of the economy.


9/11 News :

· British Diplomat: Be Skeptical of Alleged British Terror Plot - Craig Murray, a former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, who was removed from his post for criticizing the UK for committing torture by proxy, has voiced skepticism of the seriousness of the British terror plot:

· Christopher Bollyn - of the American Free Press - ARRESTED, TASERED, PHYSICALLY ABUSED over 9/11 by the Hoffman Estates Police Department, Illinois --- Then Released without being Charged! - Christopher Bollyn was arrested late yesterday afternoon in the front yard of his own home, for doing absolutely nothing. He was verbally abused by the police officers who were not satisfied with just that. He was also tasered by a high power stun gun, and had his face smashed into the ground by Jack booted thugs posing as Hoffman Estates Police Officers. In the cruiser now and on his way to the police station, he leaned forward to enquire why he was being arrested.

· Oil industry plans for price correction not crash - International oil firms and OPEC producers have learned from the 1980s price crash and those harsh lessons are helping them to plan for an orderly retreat from today's record prices.











· Can we trust the voting results? - Diebold defends touch-screen machines, but a study fans debate over their reliability

· Georgia Tech ends gay hate-speech ban - Following a lawsuit brought by social conservatives, Georgia Tech University agreed this week to remove parts of a speech code prohibiting students in on-campus housing from verbally injuring gay and lesbian classmates, among others.
TVNL Comment: Hate has found a home under the leadership of the religious right!

· Mich. prosecutor dropping terror case - Three Palestinian-American men who were found with nearly 1,000 cell phones were charged Wednesday with federal fraud conspiracy and money laundering after a county prosecutor backed off from terrorism charges filed earlier.





· ABC News: 'Last Days on Earth' - Some can destroy the planet, others have the ability to render us extinct, and all have the power to destroy civilization. How likely are they to occur, and what exactly would happen if they did, and could we survive?

· New Alaska Oil Leases Being Offered - The Interior Department is set to open a vast area of environmentally sensitive wetlands in Alaska to new oil drilling, even as opponents point to corroding pipelines to the east at Prudhoe Bay as a reason to keep the area off-limits.

· Grass Created in Lab Is Found in the Wild - The E.P.A. scientists and others said the grass would probably not pose an ecological threat. Still, it could provide fodder for critics who say that agricultural biotechnology cannot be adequately controlled.

· Forecast puts Earth's future under a cloud - At the rate we are burning fossil fuels, global temperatures could easily increase by more than the 3C rise that Marko Scholze's research warns could increase flooding, forest fires and droughts.





· Bush is crap, says Prescott - The Deputy Prime Minister's condemnation of President Bush and his approach to the Middle East could cause a diplomatic row but it will please Labour MPs who are furious about Tony Blair's backing of the United States over the bombing of Lebanon.

· Afghan opium cultivation hits a record - Opium cultivation in Afghanistan has hit record levels — up by more than 40 percent from 2005 — despite hundreds of millions in counternarcotics money, Western officials told The Associated Press.
TVNL Comment: Made possible by the Bush/PNAC administration. They use some of this money for black ops.





· US charges Marine Corps officer in Iraq assaults - The U.S. military has charged a Marine Corps officer with assaulting three Iraqi civilians in a town west of Baghdad in April, the Marines said on Wednesday.





· No shortage of fear - We have nothing to fear but fear itself, especially since fear is now being fomented and manipulated for political purposes by a bunch of shameless hacks. Who is trying to make you afraid and why? This Karl Rove tactic is getting quite threadbare, in fact, and so much so that it is getting dangerously close to comedy.





· Media 'egged on' fire protest man - Last Updated: Wednesday, 16 August 2006, 14:53 GMT 15:53 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Media 'egged on' fire protest man By Amarnath Tewary Patna, Bihar Manoj Mishra setting himself on fire Media teams allegedly made no attempt to stop the act Police in India say they are investigating allegations that journalists encouraged a man to set himself on fire on Independence Day.





· Scientists find brain evolution gene - Scientists believe they have found a key gene that helped the human brain evolve from our chimp-like ancestors.

· Researchers Repair Retinas With Stem Cells - University of Washington researchers say they've used stem cells to help repair mouse retinas in the lab. That could help people with macular degeneration.










· Nuclear war starting in 10 days? - The prediction was presented not by Vagna or Nostradamus but by an American political scientist Bernard Lewis in the acclaimed publication of Wall Street Journal. He is a man with close ties to the Bush administration as well as to the non-conservatives pushing for the radical solution of the “Iranian Threat.”

· Scarborough: “Is Bush an 'Idiot'?” - You know it's getting bad when national talk show hosts start asking that question.

· Christian leader did touch girls, police say - Lou Beres, longtime leader of the Oregon Christian Coalition, told police that he had sexually touched three underage girls years ago, according to a newly released report from the Gresham Police Department.





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