Date: August 18th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Attention New York Times: It’s Called “CIVIL WAR”

The New York Times used the term: ”Full-Scale Sectarian Fighting” to describe the current events in Iraq. This is pretty obvious intentional shaping of public opinion. Newspapers normally find the shortest and most concise descriptions when preparing headlines. In this case the NY Times had to use four words (nine syllables) to describe the situation in Iraq just so that they can avoid using a term that would officially seal Iraq as a Bush administration failure: “Civil War!” It is a pretty far stretch to try and tell a thinking person that full scale sectarian violence is something other than civil war but the term civil war screams “Bush failure in Iraq. The establishment media can not do this because they work in cooperation with the rest of the establishment. They are not journalists and they are not working to preserve our democracy; they are our enemy.

There are many words and terms that the NY Times and their partners in crime (I mean that literally) in the media neglect to use. Here are a few words that a real news media would have been using for the past five years: lie, liars, crime, criminal, violation, unconstitutional, illegal, immoral, dangerous, deceptive, deceit and destructive. I am sure there are more words that we would have heard, had we a real journalism industry. But for now we have to settle for “full scale sectarian violence!” Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· 7 Killed as Full-Scale Sectarian Fighting Rages in Baghdad - Even as the violence continued, Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, speaking at a news conference with the visiting prime minister of Slovakia just a few hours after the Sadr City bombing, insisted that Iraqi forces were ready to take over security for most of the country.
TVNL Comment: Hey NY Times: save your ink..."Full-Scale Sectarian Fighting" = "Civil War!" Try printing it that way and save some ink.

· All-night queues as Baghdad runs out of petrol - It is estimated that about $4 billion (£2.1 billion) worth of oil was smuggled out last year.
TVNL Comment: Smuggle by and for the friends of the Bush administration. Who buys this much oil other than oil companies? Who owns tanker ships and trucks? American oil companies do!

· Troops express worries about Iraq - he Pentagon's top general says troops suggested to him during a recent trip to Iraq that they are among those who are worried.











9/11 News :

· Austin Pastor Fights to Spread 9/11 Truth - Austin-based Unitarian Pastor Davidson Loehr has been questioning 9/11 and standing up against the lies of the government's official story for years.

· Dr. Frank R. Greening to argue in support of government account of the events of September 11, 2001 at the National 9/11 Debate - While the 9/11 Commissioners and NIST scientists remain invited to participate in the National 9/11 Debate, the Muckraker Report has expanded the potential government debate team members to any qualified persons that are willing to publicly defend the government’s account of 9/11 against the opposing debate team already assembled.

· Great movie, pity about the Big Lie - I suddenly realized that Oliver Stone's movie reinforces the Big Lie - endlessly repeated by Vice President Dick Cheney, echoed and amplified by the right-wing media - that the attacks of September 11 were somehow linked to Iraq or supported by Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.











· Federal judge orders end to wiretap program - A federal judge ruled Thursday that the government’s warrantless wiretapping program is unconstitutional and ordered an immediate halt to it. The White House said it “couldn't disagree” more with the ruling.










· Chinese envoy tells U.S. to 'shut up' - The United States should "shut up" with its concerns about China's growing military spending because the increase is no threat, a Chinese ambassador said Thursday.

· Labour agrees: Bush is crap - The Independent asked a group of Labour MPs what they though of John Prescott's outburst

· N. Korea Appears to Be Preparing for Nuclear Test - A senior military official told ABC News that a U.S. intelligence agency has recently observed "suspicious vehicle movement" at a suspected North Korean test site.

· US to move quickly on Iran sanctions - The United States intends to move very quickly in early September to impose UN sanctions on Iran for refusing to suspend its enrichment of uranium, a senior State Department official said Thursday.

· "The US and Israel Stand Alone" - Former US president Jimmy Carter speaks with DER SPIEGEL about the danger posed to American values by George W. Bush, the difficult situation in the Middle East and Cuba's ailing Fidel Castro.





· Former executives of US body armor firm arrested - U.S. authorities arrested two former top executives of a major body armor supplier to the U.S. military and law enforcement agencies on Thursday and charged them with criminal securities fraud and insider trading.

· Company: Military tested explosives at southern Indiana quarry - The Defense Threat Reduction Agency has halted its plans to conduct a massive blasting test in the Nevada desert. That test would use 700 tons of explosives, and Angell said Rogers Group has not been asked to host the test at the quarry.

· Guard unable to deal with 2 hurricanes - Strapped by war and equipment shortages, the National Guard will find it difficult to deal with two or more major hurricanes if they sweep ashore in different regions around the same time, Guard leaders say.

· Retired US generals, diplomats criticize Bush Middle East policy - A group of former diplomats and retired generals called on President George W. Bush to open negotiations with Iran, warning that the use of military force would have catastrophic consequences for the region.










· Attention New York Times: It’s Called “CIVIL WAR” - It is a pretty far stretch to try and tell a thinking person that full scale sectarian violence is something other than civil war but the term civil war screams “Bush failure” in Iraq.

· "Groundbreaking:" CBS To Offer Online Simulcast Of Evening News with Katie Couric - Beginning Sept. 5, the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric will be simulcast live on the Internet, Sean McManus and Larry Kramer announced today.
TVNL Comment:
Downloadable deception; how sweet. Now you can download Katie Couric, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, who pretends to be a journalist!

· Cafferty on the NSA Ruling: Bush is breaking the Law! - Jack Cafferty ripped into the Republican leadership today over the recent ruling that the NSA warrantless program is illegal.





· Why doesn't America believe in evolution? - Religious fundamentalism, bitter partisan politics and poor science education have all contributed to this denial of evolution in the US, says Jon Miller of Michigan State University in East Lansing, who conducted the survey with his colleagues. "The US is the only country in which [the teaching of evolution] has been politicised," he says. "Republicans have clearly adopted this as one of their wedge issues. In most of the world, this is a non-issue."

· Big Tobacco lied for decades, judge concludes - Cigarette makers must make 'corrective statements' but pay no penalties

· Cancer Institute’s New Chief Talks of Cutbacks - In an interview, the appointee, Dr. John E. Niederhuber, also said that Mr. Bush’s limits on federal financing of embryonic stem cell research were acceptable for now but that they might someday slow cancer discoveries.















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