Date: August 21st 2006

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Is Bush Stupid or is he an Intellectual Child?

Watching George W. Bush speak at one of his rare press conferences today, one thing struck me. He was answering a question about Katrina relief and Bush said something to the effect that he could not provide the details. Well, it struck me that this guy does not understand the details of anything. He views the world the way a child views pictures in a coloring book. Very simple blocks of color with clear lines and nothing but primary colors.

Well, the world, and especially the presidency of the United States, is all about detail. We clearly have a child playing the role of an adult here and that may be the most dangerous mismatch of qualifications that the world has ever seen! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Baghdad's Walls Are Closing In - Shiites and Sunnis are virtually imprisoned in their enclaves. On the street, the wrong answer to a subtle question can be a death sentence.

· Four Soldiers Killed in Afghan Clashes - Three soldiers with U.S.-led coalition forces were killed in a clash in the eastern province of Kunar and a soldier with NATO troops, as well as an Afghan one, were killed in a gun battle with Taliban fighters in the southern province of Uruzgan.

· A TIMELINE OF THE IRAQ WAR - MARCH 19, 2003: Bush launches invasion of Iraq...

· Afghan schools burning as Taliban change tactics - At least 41 teachers and students have been killed over the past 12 months in a wave of attacks on the country's schools.

· An Army of Some - The rules posted on the wall of the Marine base in Barwana concisely summed up the American predicament in Iraq: Be polite, be professional, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.





· Bush Vows to Fight Wiretapping Ruling - President Bush said today that he is confident that a federal court ruling against his administration’s electronic surveillance program will be overturned, and he described those who hailed the ruling as naïve.




· Ohio jobless rate increases - Ohio lost 5,000 jobs over the month, and Kentucky lost 5,100. But Michigan, dependent on manufacturing of automobiles and related products, lost 28,600 jobs between June and July.

· Ford Sets Steep Cuts to Vehicle Production - The company said the production cuts were necessary because high gasoline prices were eroding sales of light trucks and sport-utility vehicles, which account for two-thirds of Ford’s sales, and that it could no longer hope for fuel prices to fall again.

· Cost of Living Gets Costlier - After poring over reams of data, the Labor Department reported yesterday that inflation rose last month, eating into people's paychecks and savings at a quickening clip.


9/11 News :

· The Secret World Of Mohamed Atta - An Interview With Atta's American Girlfriend

· Author: Terror spy show a TV whitewash - An investigative journalist said his book about a Sept. 11 coverup was watered down for the TV version.

· Sept. 11 plaintiffs wait for answers, resolution - For some litigants, their decision to sue was met by public disapproval from skeptics who questioned their motives and dismissed their quest for justice as futile. But in interviews with the Globe, many family members said they are committed to pursuing the case until government, airline, and security officials are held responsible for their roles in the attacks.

· Flight 93 'was shot down' claims book - But a bigger mystery is why the engines went missing. Considering their weight, they should have plunged deep into the earth along with the rest of the airliner. Yet they weren’t in the crater and only a one-ton segment of an engine was ever recovered, again more than a mile from the crash site. The FBI said, unconvincingly, that it had ‘bounced’ there.






· Congress Poised to Unravel the Internet - Lured by huge checks handed out by the country's top lobbyists, members of Congress could soon strike a blow against Internet freedom as they seek to resolve the hot-button controversy over preserving "network neutrality."





· I Dare Any American to Name a Single Bush or Republican National Security Success...Just One - How is it possible for a president or party to keep the nation secure, if their strategy has resulted in a string of one failure followed by another?

· Gov't Fulfills Few Katrina Promises - Nearly half of New Orleans was still under water when President Bush stood in the Crescent City's historic Jackson Square and swore he would "do what it takes" to rebuild the communities and lives that had been laid to waste two weeks before by Hurricane Katrina.

· Vegas has new crime element: Israeli mob - In recent months authorities have discovered that Israeli organized crime syndicates have set their sights on Las Vegas.

· Pataki Appoints Fifth Republican to Highest Court - The governor appointed Eugene F. Pigott Jr., the presiding justice of the appellate division in Buffalo, to fill the seat that is being vacated by Judge George Bundy Smith, whose 14-year term ends next month. Judge Smith had applied to be reappointed to a second term, but several legal experts said that his prospects were harmed because of the decision he wrote in 2004 striking down the state’s death penalty, angering the governor. The departure of Judge Smith, who is black, will leave the state’s highest court without a black judge for the first time in more than two decades.

· Mellon settles case over destroyed tax returns - Mellon employees, feeling overworked and unable to meet their deadlines, destroyed more than 77,000 federal income tax returns and tax-payment checks at a company service center in Pittsburgh in April 2001.





· Peter Schweitzer, Al Gore, and hypocrisy - Gore owns three homes and stock in Occidental Petroleum, still receives royalties from a zinc mine on his property, does not participate in the green-power option his utility offers in Nashville, and lets Paramount pay for his carbon offsets.

· Steorn develops free energy technology and issues challenge to the global scientific community - Steorn’s technology is based on the interaction of magnetic fields and allows the production of clean, free and constant energy. The technology can be applied to virtually all devices requiring energy, from cellular phones to cars.





· After the war: scandals rock Israel - The president is locked in a sex scandal, the justice minister is quitting over a purported stolen kiss, the prime minister is haunted by a property deal and the country's top general is under fire for stock trading.

· US extends credit line to Israel - Israel has NEVER repaid an loan to the US. More American taxpayer weldare for the genocidal state. while peole in need at home can go fish.

· Mexico Bracing for Social Unrest - Tanks are deployed as the nation awaits a ruling on who won the July 2 presidential vote.





· Sexual Abuse By Military Recruiters - More than 100 young women who expressed interest in joining the military in the past year were preyed upon sexually by their recruiters. Women were raped on recruiting office couches, assaulted in government cars and groped en route to entrance exams.
TVNL Comment:
Do we have to support these troops too?

· Air Force hopes program will provide an alternative to foreign oil - The program's goal is to provide the U.S. military with cleaner fuels based on secure domestic sources such as coal and natural gas.

· Law denies military widows benefits - As many as 61,000 military widows whose husbands died of causes relating to their military service lose out on thousands of dollars a year in survivor benefits because of a law that dates from the 1970s.

· Waiting for Reinforcements - The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans believes one out of every three men who live on the street is a vet. But whether Iraq and Afghanistan vets emerge as a sizable homeless population in New York depends not only on how many troops have trouble, but also how large their woes appear amid wider struggles.





· The Murder Of America - The traitors are now confident they will soon wash over 225 years of American tradition and history down a sinkhole.

· Are You Proud to be an American and a Supporter of Fascism? - I would like nothing better than to believe that my government is just and honest, that it represents the people who pay for its existence, (taxpayers) and which is a force for good in the modern world. Yet it’s pretty clear that our government is no longer for the people, but for money interests. Ours has become a government by and for the corporations, and as such how can it be a democracy?

· Earth to Americans: You're being "protected" by liars, murderers, and Keystone cops - Any American who believes a single utterance from Bush, O'Reilly, CIA, FBI, or CNN is a fool who's holding back the rest of us. You want security? You want protection from terrorism? Then get to the root of the problem. Change this government.





· The Week In Media Distraction - Jon Stewart did a good job hitting on the attention deficit disorder that our media seems to suffer from.

· Ann Coulter Conquers, Air America Sleeps - Lets give a standing ovation to Ann Coulter for tactical brilliance in achieving a total domination of the modern media, giving her a platform to make many millions of dollars, and successfully supporting the demonization of Democrats and liberals for being the party that supports treason and opposes God. Meanwhile, would somebody explain to me, why Air America may be the only company in the history of the entertainment business that adamantly refuses to put out even rudimentary press releases?


· Pundits Renounce The President - While most conservative media figures have not abandoned Bush, influential opinion-makers increasingly have raised questions, expressed doubts or attacked the president outright, particularly on foreign policy, on which he has long enjoyed their strongest support.

· Media-TerroristsMedia-Terrorists - In conclusion, the mass media is the primary tool for state-terrorists to give justification for their crimes. It is complicit in the heinous crime of killing civilians, because it conceals the much larger crimes of the state-terrorists.





· 3 Critics of NASA Cuts Quit Panel - Three NASA advisers who spoke out against budget cuts to the space agency's science programs turned in their resignations this week, officials said Thursday.





· Movie on Israeli Torture - This is a recently finished movie documenting torture of Palestinians and Arabs in Israeli concentration camps. It provides a very short but concrete synopsis of Israel's racism, brutality and hatred, including the targeting of children.





· Challenge to lone gunman theory - More than four decades after his death, John F. Kennedy's assassination remains the hottest cold case in U.S. history, and the clues continue to trickle in. Now Lawrence Livermore Laboratory scientists say a key piece of evidence supporting the lone gunman theory should be thrown out.

· Two Strange Deaths in European Wiretapping Scandal - European investigators are tracking the mysterious deaths of two security experts who had uncovered extensive spyware in their telecommunications firms.

· Aaron Russo UNPLUGGED - Aaron Russo speaks candidly about his movie "America: Freedom to Fascism"





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