Date: August 23rd 2006

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DIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows.Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out The Revere Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Destroying Bliss – My Meeting With an Old Friend Last Night

I had dinner with a friend that I have not seen for over a year. He works at a music shop and he and his wife really enjoy playing poker at Atlantic City. During dinner we spoke about a lot of things, including lots of poker talk and some things about what I have been doing.

As usual I feared looking like I was insane. Whenever I am with someone who does not have a clue that life is different than they tell you on TV people like me risk looking crazy.

I told him that I have been doing some public speaking about 9/11. We started talking about 9/11. I told him about PNAC and about the drills taking place on 9/11; you know the ones that were simulating hijackings and planes flying into buildings; you know the ones that were run by PNAC members; you know the same PNAC that mentioned a “catastrophic catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor” when describing something that would expedite their agenda.

My friend did not say much but he did not seem to doubt my words, especially when I told him that all I was doing was telling him what is on the public record.

His only response to me was a soul searching comment: “ignorance is bliss.”

I hate to be the one to bring this bad news to my friends. I risk alienating my lifelong friends this way but I am torn between keeping friends who are living in and supporting a false reality, or continuing my mission of helping people become informed.

It’s not easy destroying my friends’ imaginary bliss, but if I don’t do it we will never be able to create a real bliss. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Kurdish "Thank You" a Republican Stunt? - Kurdish officials toured the United States last week to launch a massive advertising and public relations campaign thanking the United States for overthrowing Saddam Hussein and urging U.S. companies to invest in the region. The campaign looks suspicious to some observers, however, since it is run by an A-list Republican public relations firm which refuses to divulge how much money it is spending.




· Oil majors maneuver for prime position in Iraq - The world's top oil companies are maneuvering intently to win a stake in their oilfield of choice when Iraq finally opens to multibillion dollar investment.
TVNL Comment: Take the money that used to be used to provide free education and health care for Iraqis and give it to the corporations!

· July single-family home sales drop at sharpest rate in 11 years - Sales of single-family homes in Massachusetts declined in July at the sharpest rate for a single month since 1995, and condominium sales dropped off at the fastest pace since 2003, according to a report released Tuesday by a firm that tracks real estate transactions.


9/11 News :

· Army: Doubting Official 9/11 Story Is ‘Disloyal To The United States - It’s not a paranoid conspiracy to think there are conspiracies out there...and, it’s not Liberal Lunacy either, nor is it Conservative Kookiness! People, fellow citizens we’ve been had! We must demand a new independent investigation into 911 and look at all options of that day, and all plausabilities [sic], even the most incredulous theories must be examined.






· Bush Prods Congress on Medical Liability Limits - Senate Democrats in May blocked legislation that would cap damages for pain and suffering in medical liability lawsuits, arguing that a drive for corporate profits rather than lawsuits was behind the rise in health care premiums.
TVNL Comment: Why not simply put a cap on the lawyer’s fees?

· Senate backs plan to give electoral votes to popular vote winner - California would cast its 55 Electoral College votes for the winner of the national popular vote under a bill designed to change the way the president is elected and increase the state's influence in national elections.





· Conflict of Interest Is Raised in N.S.A. Ruling - The federal judge who ruled last week that President Bush’s eavesdropping program was unconstitutional is a trustee and an officer of a group that has given at least $125,000 to the American Civil Liberties Union in Michigan, a watchdog group said Tuesday.
TVNL Comment: But the owner of a voting machine company who contributes over $100,000 to one candidate and promises to help deliver an election is not a conflict of interest. Neither is an entire presidential administration who come from either the the oil or defense industries.

· Conservatives try to curtail hotel porn - A coalition of 13 conservative groups — including the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America — took out full-page ads in some editions of USA Today earlier this month urging the Justice Department and FBI to investigate whether some of the pay-per-view movies widely available in hotels violate federal and state obscenity laws.





· Judge rejects Bush plan to log in Sequoia National Monument - A federal judge on Tuesday blocked a Bush administration plan to allow commercial logging in Giant Sequoia National Monument, home to two-thirds of the world's largest trees.

· Uranium lost in New Jersey, radioactive material missing globally - The incident is just one of 103 reported cases of nuclear trafficking in 2005, according to a report issued yesterday by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
TVNL Comment: But the threat to the
US was all the way over in Iraq!





· Israel Shelves Plan to Pull Out Of Settlements In West Bank - The Israeli government's plan to dismantle some Jewish settlements in the West Bank and redraw the country's borders is being shelved at least temporarily, a casualty of the war in Lebanon, government officials said.

· Tories open nine-point lead as Labour drops to 19-year low - An overwhelming majority of voters appear to pin part of the blame for the increased threat on Tony Blair's policy of intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan.

· US Terror War Has Boosted Iran's Regional Role - Report - The U.S. war on terror has strengthened Iran's regional role by removing its two historical rivals in Afghanistan and Iraq, and Israel's failure to defeat Hezbollah has boosted the Islamic republic's local influence even further, leading U.K. think tank Chatham House said in a report released Wednesday.





· Marines to recall troops on involuntary basis for Iraq, Afghanistan - The U.S. Marine Corps said Tuesday it has been authorized to recall thousands of Marines to active duty, primarily because of a shortage of volunteers for duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.





· Destroying Bliss – My Meeting With an Old Friend Last Night - I hate to be the one to bring this bad news to my friends. I risk alienating my lifelong friends this way but I am torn between keeping friends who are living in and supporting a false reality, or continuing my mission of helping people become informed.

· We Are Untouchable. We are Israelis. - No matter what we do, the international community will not act against us. Oh, there will be talks at the United Nations but we know that the United States will intervene on our behalf. There will be Arab League discussions but we know that no state will take action against us. There will be mass protests and demonstrations; there will be activists and advocates begging for peace; there will be rallies and fund-raisers to help the targets of our bombs. And we know that nothing will make a difference because we are Jews — we are victims of the holocaust.















· VIDEO: Lebanese children victims of unexploded cluster bombs - Bomb search teams are scouring southern Lebanon but finding the "tens of thousands" of unexploded bombs will take time.
TVNL Comment: Cluster bombs are not supposed to be used on populations. They are only to be used to damage runways.

· Amnesty urges UN to probe Israel strategy - Amnesty International says attacks on civilian targets by Israeli military forces during the recently ended fighting in Lebanon look like deliberate war crimes.

· Hicks getting worse: lawyer - "He's not doing well, he's locked in a cement room, steel door, 24 hours a day where they leave the lights on 24 hours a day," he said.





· President's home raided in sex harassment inquiry - Police have raided the official residence of Israel's president as part of a sexual harassment investigation, seizing computers and documents, officers said yesterday.





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