Date: August 24th 2006

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TvNewsLIES Headline News

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: U.S. Military: Not Loyal; Obedient!

To witness the members of the military profess their loyalty to the current Commander in Chief and Republican Congress is like watching an abused woman stand by her abuser.

These soldiers are either masochists who appreciate being lied to, abused and under-funded, or they are oblivious to reality. On the other hand perhaps they are just doing what the Nazi soldiers claimed to be doing, following orders.

I have a feeling that the troops are trained to be obedient, not loyal, because one can only be loyal to ones’ own. When someone is abusing you or lying to you they are no longer worthy of loyalty. Loyalty is conditional upon ones’ being worthy of loyalty. But if you are ordered to stand by your leader regardless if that leader is good to you or good for you, you are being obedient.

So let’s call it what it is…our military is obedient, not loyal, for if they were loyal they would be loyal to their nation, not to an insane idiot who took control of the nation via electoral coup! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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• Still lying about real Iraq deaths - In the on-going vicious occupation of Iraq, the American and British are seemingly meticulous about reporting their own casualties – as opposed to Iraqi casualties, whom they refuse to count, despite obliged under international law to do so

• 2 U.S. soldiers killed south of Baghdad - Two U.S. soldiers were killed south of Baghdad, the U.S. military said Thursday, while a series of attacks across the country left at least 11 Iraqis dead and several wounded.

• Troops kill boy, 10, after Afghan attack - A single bullet fired by a Canadian soldier killed a 10-year-old boy and wounded a teenager who approached a security cordon on a motorcycle about two hours after a suicide bomber killed a Canadian soldier and a young Afghan girl in a fiery strike outside the gates of Camp Nathan Smith.


• The Top 10 Corporate Democrats-For-Hire - They claim to be 'centrists,' but these D.C. Dems -- whose corporate agendas aren't too different from Bush administration policies -- are living proof that the system needs fixing.


• • Health Hazards - How mounting medical costs are plunging more families into debilitating debt and why insurance doesn’t always keep them out of bankruptcy.

• Recession will be nasty and deep, economist says - Housing is in a free fall and is pulling the economy down with it, Roubini says

9/11 News :

• The Loose Cannon of 9/11 - How a 23-year-old Army grunt-turned-film producer is undermining the 9/11 Commission Report with $8,000 and a laptop.

• 9/11 'hero' image undone - It's the unexamined question of 9/11: What if Rudy Giuliani wasn't quite the hero everybody thought?


• Rebel group funded congressman's trip to Sri Lanka, sources say - Illinois congressman Danny Davis and an aide took a trip to Sri Lanka last year that was paid for by the Tamil Tigers, a group that the U.S. government has designated as a terrorist organization for its use of suicide bombers and child soldiers, law enforcement sources said.


• Future of Government Transparency Bill Unclear - The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, which Coburn has called “Google for government spending,” calls for a single, publicly accessible Web site that tracks the approximately $1 trillion in federal contracts, grants, and loans — among other allocations — awarded each year, providing detailed information on the ward’s recipient, amount, and intended purpose. “

• Evolution Major Vanishes From Approved Federal List - Evolutionary biology has vanished from the list of acceptable fields of study for recipients of a federal education grant for low-income college students.
TVNL Comment: The Christian Taliban continue their overthrow of America.

• Ava’s C&L Hurricane Katrina video - Ava Lowery just put together a Hurricane Katrina video…

• The quiet Bristol company that sells bombs to Israel - RAYTHEON Systems Inc is a multinational arms producer that has a quiet little office in the Bristol Business park at Frenchay. It is also heavily engaged in supplying the Israeli airforce with its munitions (including cluster bombs) to target civilians in Lebanon and Gaza.


• Court refuses to block dredging of river - Environmentalists objected to the corps' plan to dump sediment off the continental shelf in the Pacific Ocean, taking it out of the natural system that would replenish beaches in Oregon and Washington state and aggravating the damage coastal erosion does to ecosystems and local economies.

• Stay out of the water - According to Bay News 9's partner paper, The Herald, it's a cloudy, oily substance with the consistency of Vaseline. Coast Guard crews are helping collect water samples for testing


• The Mexican People: Heroes of Democracy - The Mexican peoples’ democracy movement and their leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador are modern heroes of democracy and to all who demand clean elections.

• Israel may 'go it alone' against Iran - He said there was a need to understand that "when push comes to shove," Israel would have to be prepared to "slow down" the Iranian nuclear threat by itself.
TVNL Comment: But the Israeli nuclear threat is just fine!

• Israel Helicopters, Tanks Move Into Gaza - Israeli soldiers backed by helicopter gunships, tanks and armored personnel carriers, moved into Palestinian-controlled areas near the main Israel-Gaza cargo crossing on Tuesday, conducting house-to-house searches and arrests.
TVNL Comment: Israel: the new home of the storm trooper!

• Lebanese soldiers die clearing Israeli shells - Three Lebanese soldiers were killed on Wednesday while clearing unexploded Israeli shells in southern Lebanon, underscoring the dangers of a region awaiting the deployment of thousands of U.N. peacekeepers.


• U.S. Military: Not Loyal; Obedient! - So let’s call it what it is…our military is obedient, not loyal, for if they were loyal they would be loyal to their nation, not to an insane idiot who took control of the nation via electoral coup!

• Bush OKs involuntary Marine recall - President Bush has authorized the U.S. Marine Corps to recall 2,500 troops to active duty because there are not enough volunteers returning for duty in Afghanistan and Iraq, Marine commanders announced Tuesday.

• More News of Sexual Assault in the Military - On the heels of the revelation that at least 80 military recruiters have been disciplined for sexual misconduct comes a new survey of students at The Citadel. It shows almost 20 percent of female cadets reported having been sexually assaulted at the military college.

• Marines badly in need of funding, report says - Largely echoing what Marine commanders have told Congress in recent weeks, the study says the Corps needs $12 billion to bring its ground, communications and aircraft equipment back up to their levels before the Iraq war.

• Marine call-up greeted with anger, suspicion - There's suspicion of another kind from the group Vote-Vets-dot-org, whose chairman calls this "the last thing that happens before the draft."


• An American Turning Point - If and when President Bush is impeached and removed from office, the next step should be to arrest him and the other architects of the unprovoked invasion and occupation of Iraq.




• France to introduce smoking ban after sharp rise in cigarette sales - The French government is planning to ban smoking in all restaurants, some bars and almost all other "public" places from the new year.




• Former Giuliani Aide Is Found Strangled at Home, Police Say - Mr. Barreto, originally from Nicaragua, began his career at CBS News, directed public relations for the I.B.M. Corporation in Latin America and served on the board of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

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