Date: August 30th 2006

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DIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows.Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out The Revere Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Sorry, We the People Can Not Afford Bribe Money!

Somebody tell me what possible legitimate reason can Time Warner have for paying for a trip for a Supreme Court Justice? There is no way common citizens can afford to financially compete for the attention of judges and politicians when there are so many rich lobbyists and powerful corporations buying the time and the attention of the people who are supposed to represent us and uphold the law. It is very clear that money is the only thing that speaks these days.

Maybe the people need to form a lobby. Let’s just call it the Bribery Lobby. At least we will be honest about our intentions. There are very few pubic officials left who actually work for the public so let’s get smart about this. After all, most people are not willing to beat them, so they might as well join them. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Iraqi Hospitals Are War's New 'Killing Fields' - In Baghdad these days, not even the hospitals are safe. In growing numbers, sick and wounded Sunnis have been abducted from public hospitals operated by Iraq's Shiite-run Health Ministry and later killed, according to patients, families of victims, doctors and government officials.
TVNL Comment: So I ask you, were the PNAC planners of this war insane or was this their actual goal?

· Bomb in Baghdad market district kills 24 - A roadside bomb exploded in Baghdad's oldest and largest wholesale market district, killing at least 24 people and wounding 35, part of a surge in bloodshed Wednesday that left 52 dead, authorities said.

· Bush: Anger over war won’t change U.S. policy - President, conceding unpopularity, vows to stay the course in Iraq

· Grisly discovery made at Iraqi school - He said the bodies were all handcuffed, showed signs of torture and had been shot in the head.
TVNL Comment: All thanks to
George W. Bush, Republicans and the U.S. corporate media.





· Anti-War Candidates - Where do YOUR candidates stand on the Bush Administration's "War on Terror"?




· The Economy's Fear Factor - Will Republicans' focus on the threat of terrorism heighten voter pessimism about the economy ahead of the November elections?

· Rising economic tide fails to lift poor, middle class - The same report showed that the median annual income of $46,326 was essentially unchanged from where it was in 2001, and that the ranks of those without health insurance, now at 46.6 million, continue to grow.
TVNL Comment: Remember the Republicans yelled about the
Democrats starting class warfare? Maybe the Democrats should have stayed in the war. Then maybe the middle and lower class would have someone fighting for them.



9/11 News :

· Conspiracy Nuts And 9/11 - They believe, for example, that on 9/11 some clown named Osama bin Laden picked up his cell phone in a cave in Afghanistan and directed 19 Muslims, none of them professional pilots, to hijack four airliners and fly them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, thereby bringing down three steel-skeleton skyscrapers, the only time in world history that has ever happened. A humdinger of a conspiracy, that one. My conspiracy nut friends know it's true because they have it on good authority -- George Bush told them so.

· Twenty Things We Now Know Five Years After 9/11 - We'll talk some about what can be done to change the situation toward the end of this essay; right now, let's take a look at this year's compilation of what we now know five years after 9/11.

· Pay No Attention to The Soldier Saying the Government is Lying about 9-11 - Sergeant Buswell is definitely a hero and patriot – I wouldn’t worry too much about him being court martialed and/or discharged dishonorably from the Army, primarily because the US government knows he’d make far more money and become far better known on the national 9-11 skeptics circuit than he will if they keep him safely tucked away in some dark corner at some insignificant post in bugtussle nowhere.






· Senate moves to give Bush more power to wiretap - A bill that expands President Bush's ability to wiretap American phones and conduct other forms of domestic surveillance will likely appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee next Thursday





· SAT score drop biggest in 31 years - Average reading scores fell from 508 to 503 and math scores fell from 520 to 518, the College Board announced Tuesday, with the changes hurting boys more than girls.

· Poll worker fired over touch-screen voting comment - Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Ann McFall has fired 76-year-old Drusilla Synal, a poll worker for more than a decade, for opposing the use of the touch-screen machines as she cast her ballot during an early voting session Aug. 23 at the city's library.
TVNL Comment: American freedom!

· Ohio officials prepare to destroy paper ballots from 2004 presidential election - Ohio officials will soon begin destroying the paper ballots from the 2004 presidential election despite objections from voter rights groups. - "Critics say the ballots should be preserved for more study," the article continues.

· Scalia discloses 24 expense-paid trips - Law schools and legal groups paid for most of Scalia's travel, although Italian heritage organizations, media giant Time Warner Inc., the Roman Catholic Diocese of Louisiana and the Juilliard School also covered some trips.

· Former House majority leader Bosse in legal trouble again - A former House majority leader, judge and Republican candidate for state Senate and governor is facing criminal charges and possible loss of his law license for forging real estate documents, records show.

· Communities grapple with rise in violence - After a decade of decline, violent crime is on the rise across the U.S. Assault and rape rose 2.5 percent between 2004 and 2005, according to the FBI’s latest report of national crime trends. Murder and robbery are up nearly 5 percent — the sharpest increase since 1991.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy. How is Ann Coulter going to spin this against





· Inmates shave heads to mop up Philippine oil spill - The collection was in response to a nationwide drive by the government to amass tonnes of hair and feathers to absorb more than 200,000 liters of industrial fuel that leaked from a tanker when it sank off the central island of Guimaras on August 11.





· Venezuela to seize golf courses - The mayor of Venezuela's capital Caracas says he plans to expropriate two exclusive golf courses and use the land for homes for the city's poor.
TVNL Comment: In
America they take land from the poor so that the rich can use it to make more money.





· Hero’s kin: GI had called war ‘lost cause’ - “When I went in ’91, we knew who we were fighting against; now, we don’t,” said his cousin, Norberto Martinez, who served in the military from 1991 to 1994.

· Unpaid Katrina tab has Guard hurting - The Oregon National Guard says it's in bad financial shape because the federal government and Louisiana have not paid the $2.7 million they owe the Guard for relief and law enforcement work last year after Hurricane Katrina.
TVNL Comment:
Did they pay the Halliburton bill?





· Sorry, We the People Can Not Afford Bribe Money! - Somebody tell me what possible legitimate reason can Time Warner have for paying for a trip for a Supreme Court Justice?

· If You Get Your News From the Corporate Media: Just Shut Up and Listen!!! - Advice to the Uninformed





· Probe cites broadcasting official - According to a summary of a report by the State Department's inspector general released Tuesday, Kenneth Tomlinson misused government funds for two years as chairman of the organization, which oversees the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe and other U.S. government broadcasting abroad.

· Fox News' Ratings Take a Nosedive - Like down 28 percent in primetime among all viewers, down 20 percent in primetime in the "money demo" (viewers aged 25-54) and down 7 percent in daytime viewership overall.

· UK readers blocked from NY Times terror article - The New York Times has blocked British readers from accessing an article published in the US about the alleged London bomb plot for fear of breaching the UK's contempt of court laws.
TVNL Comment:
Do you still need more proof that the U.S. news media is politically controlled?





· U.S. report: More nicotine in cigarettes - The level of nicotine found in U.S. cigarettes has risen about 10 percent in the past six years, making it harder to quit and easier to get hooked, according to a new report released Tuesday by the Massachusetts Department of Health.

· FDA Approves Spraying Of Viruses On Our Food Supply - This is a monumental announcement by the FDA, indicating they are throwing all caution to the wind regarding the safety of our food supply.

· Rape victim’s mom tells the story of her daughter being refused the Plan B pill by a doctor - Donny Deutsch hosted a great segment about Plan B and Dr. Gish’s refusal to administer the pill to a rape victim. This is an outrage and every doctor that refuses to do his or her job needs to find a new profession. The way women are treated over this issue is barbaric.










· Buchanan: Bush Responsible For Next Terror Attack If Borders Stay Open - Pat Buchanan, currently riding high in the New York Times bestseller list with his book The Third World Invasion, told the Alex Jones Show that if there was another terror attack in the US, George W. Bush would be responsible due to his refusal to control the borders and that his place in history would be finished.





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