Date: September 6th 2006

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: So When to we Bomb Pakistan?

We have heard in time and time again; George W. Bush has threatened all terrorists and all nations that support or provide sanctuary to these so called terrorists. We watched as Bush and company obliterated Iraq even though they did not meet this stated criteria. But now we have a nation that clearly meets that criteria: Pakistan. They have reached a peace agreement with the Taliban and they now claim that they will not arrest Osama bin Laden if he leads a peaceful existence in their nation. OK Bush…when does the bombing start? OK Bush supporters, when are you going to sign up for military service to go after this appeaser of our enemies? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Iraq extends state of emergency - The emergency measures, which give the security forces extended powers of curfew and detention, have been in place for almost two years.

· Britain forced to send more troops to Iraq - Separately, a leading international thinktank warned that the conflict in Iraq was producing highly trained and motivated jihadists ready to commit terrorist acts in Europe and elsewhere.

· Twin bombings kill at least 9 in Baghdad - wo bombs exploded within minutes of each other in north Baghdad Wednesday, killing at least nine people and wounding 39, police said, a day after the president predicted the bloodshed would be mostly over by the end of next year.

· One-third of Iraqi legislators absent - After a monthlong vacation, the large number of no-shows at a short parliamentary session created dismay among colleagues and confusion about voting rules.

· Documentary Slams U.S. Companies Working in Iraq - He's tackled Wal-Mart and Fox News with his scathing documentaries. Now, filmmaker Robert Greenwald is releasing a documentary which argues that private companies helping to fight the war in Iraq don't have the nation's best interests in mind.





· Olbermann to Bush, "Have you no sense of decency, sir?" - Keith Olbermann, on his show Countdown, questions the exportation of fear by President Bush during his 9/5/06 speech. Video provided by

· Another Scoop from 'Hubris': Plame Was Working on WMD - By revealing her identity, Armitage, Karl Rove and Scooter Libby harmed her career and put vital intelligence at risk, suggests co-author David Corn of The Nation.




· Olbermann to Bush, "Have you no sense of decency, sir?" - Keith Olbermann, on his show Countdown, questions the exportation of fear by President Bush during his 9/5/06 speech. Video provided by

· Another Scoop from 'Hubris': Plame Was Working on WMD - By revealing her identity, Armitage, Karl Rove and Scooter Libby harmed her career and put vital intelligence at risk, suggests co-author David Corn of The Nation.



9/11 News :

· Al-Qaida's No. 2 in Iraq arrested in June, not a few days ago - The U.S. military said today the arrest of al-Qaida in Iraq's second in command took place in June and was the most significant blow to the terror network since the death of al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
TVNL Comment: Another number 2? Popular job! His arrest really seemed to help things in
Iraq; wouldn't you say?

· Bin Laden Gets a Pass from Pakistan - Osama bin Laden, America's most wanted man, will not face capture in Pakistan if he agrees to lead a "peaceful life," Pakistani officials tell ABC News.

· David Icke on 911 - David Icke appear on British TV program Wogan in Jan 06. There he exposed 911 and brought up the project for the new American century.

· No Longer Buying It - ...Today, he has withdrawn from those groups, however, to concentrate on a project he expects to take up the rest of his life: documenting and writing about the conspiracy that he believes was really responsible for the felling of the twin towers..."






· In Congress, a Whole Lot of Half-Truths - Members of Congress tell the truth -- the whole truth -- only about a quarter of the time when debating major legislation on the floor of the House and Senate. - Instead, legislators mostly rely on half-truths, misleading exaggerations or outright inaccuracies when debating the nation's business, according to two political scientists who have studied the quality of debate in Congress.

· GOP secretly channeled millions to Lieberman - The White House funneled millions of dollars through major Republican Party contributors to Sen. Joseph Lieberman’s primary campaign in a failed effort to ensure the support of the former Democrat for the Bush administration.





· Nursing Home Owners Sue Over Katrina - Two nursing home owners who were arrested after 34 of their patients died in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina are suing the government, saying federal, state and local officials failed to keep residents safe and evacuate vulnerable citizens as the storm approached.





· Russian environment agency asks court to halt Sakhalin-2 energy project - Sakhalin Energy has been under increasing pressure from Russian environmental authorities in recent months over alleged environmental violations involving pipeline construction, logging and water usage at the far eastern Russian island.

· Severe drought hits US farmers - Low rainfall combined with extreme heat has led to severe water shortages in North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana and Wyoming, dried out corn and sunflower fields, and deprived cattle of pasture land.

· Spain hit by highly toxic spill - Officials in north-western Spain are struggling to contain a highly toxic chemical river spill heading towards the Atlantic Ocean.





· 6 British officials quit in Blair revolt - Six junior members of British Prime Minister Tony Blair's government resigned Wednesday to protest his refusal to set a date to leave office amid a growing Labour Party revolt.

· Pakistan signs peace deal with pro-Taliban militants - The Pakistani government and pro-Taliban militants announced that they signed a peace accord Tuesday aimed at ending five years of violent unrest in a tribal region bordering Afghanistan.

· Outcries Delay Joint U.S. Exercises - The Defense Ministry announced Tuesday that an annual joint military exercise with U.S. forces had been postponed in what appeared to be the latest sign of worsening U.S.-Russian relations.





· Army shuns system to combat RPGs - Experts agree it might help save lives, so why isn’t it in the field?
TVNL Comment: Who supports the troops?

· Army Tries Private Pitch For Recruits - By turning to the private sector, advocates argue, the Army can save money and free soldiers to fight. Critics say it pushes the limit to what military jobs should be outsourced, furthering a trend that has already drawn record numbers of private contractors into roles as central as interrogating prisoners.

· U.S. Servicewoman Missing in Kyrgyzstan - A U.S. Air Force officer went missing while shopping in the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek, the U.S. air base in this Central Asian nation said Tuesday.

· Former soldiers begin anti-Bush demonstration in Washington - Former soldiers and parents of Americans fighting in Iraq opened anti-war, anti-Bush "Camp Democracy" in the heart of Washington, a demonstration planned to last several weeks.





· Our Fascism, and Theirs - In the Bizarro World of the neocons, it's always 1939





· Newsman to Tony Snow: 'Don't Point Your Finger At Me!' - Snow got into a tussle with Gregory after the NBC journalist told him, in a lengthy remark, that the public may wonder why the president's statement and report today on the war on terror did not admit more failings on the administration's part. Snow observed that he had nicely summarized "the Democratic point of view," and Gregory took exception to this.

· No News Not the Best News For Katie Couric's Debut - Atitle change would seem to be in order. Maybe "The CBS Evening No-News." Or "The CBS Evening Magazine." Or "30 Minutes."

· Congresswoman Slaughter calls on ABC to run disclaimers during its 9/11 docudrama - LINK - "ABC has a responsibility to make clear that this film is not a documentary, and does not represent an official account of the facts surrounding the September 11th attacks," Rep. Slaughter said in a statement released earlier today on her House member website.





· Schwarzenegger affirms veto of universal health care measure - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger confirmed Tuesday that he plans to veto a bill allowing the state to provide health insurance for all Californians, saying he is opposed to "government-run health care."





· Inalienable Human Rights Are Not Privileges - ACLU Sets the Standard in Struggle for 'Liberty and Justice for All'





· Israel President Questioned for 3rd Time - Police investigators on Wednesday questioned Israeli President Moshe Katsav for the third time in a sexual harassment case.





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