Date: September 15th 2006

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TvNewsLIES Headline News


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Complete Corruption

From the EPA to the FCC, America is experience an epidemic of corruption that is difficult to comprehend! Every day produces a report on how information is being changed, hidden, modified, purged or simply fabricated by agency after agency. We are being lied to every single day on virtually every single issue.

From global warming, to Iraq’s connections (or lack of) to al Qaeda, to destroyed FCC reports, to buried reports on the air at ground zero after 9/11 intentional lies are burying this nation. Officials are being appointed by the Bush administration for the sole purpose of controlling information and misleading the public. This is called lying. There is no other way to describe it.

These lies are leading to the end of democracy, to massive death (when they involve health, war, environment, food, etc.) and to a fascist state. Information is being reshaped by our government so that it supports political/religious ideology or corporate/individual profit. Our society has been completely hijacked and it is difficult to imagine a legal and peaceful solution to this problem.

Outside a forceful replacement of our authorities I see no real solution to our problems. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Fifty more bodies found in Baghdad - The bound bodies of dozens more torture victims were found in Baghdad in the past day, officials said on Friday, fuelling anarchic sectarian anger as political leaders square off over an issue some say could mean civil war.
TVNL Comment: Every one of these deaths is the responsibility of PNAC,
George W. Bush & the U.S. news media; especially FOX News!

· CIA Learned in '02 That Bin Laden Had No Iraq Ties, Report Says - The CIA learned in late September 2002 from a high-level member of Saddam Hussein's inner circle that Iraq had no past or present contact with Osama bin Laden and that the Iraqi leader considered bin Laden an enemy of the Baghdad regime, according to a recent Senate Intelligence Committee report.

· Nearly 100 bodies found in two days in Baghdad - Police found the bodies of 32 more death squad victims scattered around Baghdad on Thursday, bringing the two-day total to nearly 100, and a Sunni leader said the slayings could destroy the political process.

· Taleban 'seize Afghan district' - The Taleban have ousted Afghan security forces from a district headquarters in western Farah province, police say.

· Bush says he learns lesssons from Vietnam in Iraq war - The administration has taken to using historical references to bolster its case for the war in Iraq. In his prime-time speech on Monday, Bush praised Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman for steadfastly confronting "evil."
TVNL Comment: This one is enough to make your head explode.

· Nearly 100 bodies found in two days in Baghdad - Police found the bodies of 32 more death squad victims scattered around Baghdad on Thursday, bringing the two-day total to nearly 100, and a Sunni leader said the slayings could destroy the political process.





· Backer of Swift Boat attack ads funds group targeting Democrats - The Republican donor who helped bankroll the Swift Boat attacks on Democratic Sen. John Kerry's war record has given $5 million to a new group targeting Democratic candidates.

· Google 'eager' to work with Republicans - "Google, one of the fastest-growing companies in Silicon Valley, is ramping up its political clout in Washington, D.C., while taking a series of steps to court Republicans,"

· Mehlman to spend $60M, five times Dean’s $12M - The Republican National Committee (RNC) will spend its entire bank account, $60 million or more, helping Republicans try to retain control of Congress in the midterm elections.
TVNL Comment: This way after they win the rigged elections they can say they won because they advertised and the people heard their message.

· 'Anything Goes' at Interior Department - The giveaway, according to the critics, stems from leases issued by the government to oil companies in the late 1990s that exempted them from paying royalties on deepwater drilling, regardless of how much profit they ultimately reaped from that exploration.




· Hanesbrands Will Close 3 Plants - Clothing maker Hanesbrands Inc. said Wednesday it will close three North American plants and cut nearly 2,200 jobs as it continues to try to make the newly spun off company more profitable.

· Ford to extend buyout offers to all U.S. hourly workers - The United Auto Workers announced today that the union had reached agreement on voluntary system-wide buyouts for more than 75,000 UAW-represented hourly workers at Ford Motor Company.



9/11 News :

· 911 World Trade Center Collapse Video - A video blogger uploaded an unedited 30 minute video of the WTC attacks. It was filmed from their home 500 yards from the north tower.

· Smoking Gun Photos SHUT 9/11 Pentagon Coffin - Karl now jumps to the head of the class as recent photographic evidence proves beyond a shadow of doubt that a A3 Skywarrior struck the Pentagon wall like a bug hitting a windshield and was blown up and carted away by the FBI to hide the real identification.

· The Elephant in the Room - Now that the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" naked King and Queen of the MSM (NYT & WP) have finally deigned to detect the elephant in the Bush's room so many of us have been howling about for five years, perhaps now you'll feel it's safe to report on the Story of the Millennium and take a peek at and report on the veritable mountain of anomalies, any handful of which, completely shatter the government's conspiracy theory -- not to mention the Baby Elephant crying out for attention, the inexplicable collapse of 52 story Lucky WTC Building Number 7 in a few mere heartbeats longer than a free falling object.






· Ohio Congressman Is Said to Agree to Plead Guilty - A guilty plea would make Mr. Ney, a six-term congressman, the first member of Congress to admit to criminal charges in the Abramoff investigation, which has focused on the actions of several current and former Republican lawmakers who had been close to the former lobbyist.

· McCain stands his ground on CIA jails - John McCain, the Republican frontrunner for the 2008 presidential election, has dramatically raised the stakes in a fight with the White House over interrogation techniques permitted for use at secret Central Intelligence Agency prisons by saying he is unwilling to back down on the issue even if it ruins his chance of becoming president.

· Senate panel defies Bush on terror - A rebellious Senate committee defied President Bush on Thursday and approved terror-detainee legislation he has vowed to block, deepening Republican conflict over a key issue in the middle of congressional campaigns.





· NYPD Built Bomb for Terror Study - It was known as Operation Kaboom: Police investigators posed as apple growers and secretly built a 2,400-pound truck bomb to determine how easy it would be for homegrown terrorists to launch an attack with homemade explosives. Then, they partially detonated it.





· Britain 'must act now to cut carbon emissions or pay the price later' - Britain has four years to put in place a "road map" to ensure a low-carbon economy where petrol stations would be redundant and wind turbines would be a feature of every home by 2050.

· Arctic sea ice shrinks, a sign of greenhouse effect - Arctic perennial sea ice -- the kind that stays frozen year-round -- declined by 14 percent between 2004 and 2005, climate scientists said on Wednesday, in what one expert saw as a clear sign of greenhouse warming.





· US warns Nicaraguans not to back Ortega - The US ambassador to Nicaragua has issued a vigorous warning to this small Central American country's electors against supporting Daniel Ortega, the veteran leftwing Sandinista leader and the frontrunner in November's presidential election.
TVNL Comment: The
U.S. is interfering in the internal affairs of other nations. What would we say if this happened to us?

· Lopez Obrador isn't fading away quietly - From his protest camp in the Zocalo plaza, losing presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador calls for peaceful insurrection against an illegitimate government, but U.S. and Mexican officials fear his fiery rhetoric could incite violence that the former Mexico City mayor may not be able to control.
TVNL Comment: Where is
America's Orbrador?

· Darfur in 'free fall' as deadly violence escalates: Egeland - Unless Khartoum drops objections to a UN peacekeeping force, most if not all foreign aid organizations are likely to pull out of Darfur, leaving its already devastated civilian population further exposed and at risk, the UN's humanitarian aid chief Jan Egeland said.
TVNL Comment: Not worth American press coverage or American help. Genocide of the undesirables is desirable for Americans.

· IAEA: U.S. report on Iran's nuclear plan 'outrageous and dishonest' - UN inspectors have protested to the U.S. government and a Congressional committee about a report on Iran's nuclear work, calling parts of it "outrageous and dishonest," according to a letter obtained by Reuters. The letter said the errors suggested Iran's nuclear fuel program was much more advanced than a series of IAEA reports and Washington's own intelligence assessments have determined.

· Syria Says US Behind Attack On Own Embassy - A Baath party official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told WorldNetDaily, "We in the government are 100 percent sure America was behind this attack, which is not the same as other attacks by Islamic groups."





· Did White House Coerce Military Lawyers? - In the battle over torture and detainee treatment, did the White House engage in some "coercive techniques" of its own -- against top military justice officials?





· Complete Corruption - We are being lied to every single day on virtually every single issue.





· Los Angeles Times Editor Openly Defies Owner’s Call for Job Cuts - In a highly unusual move, Dean P. Baquet, who was named editor last year, was quoted yesterday in his own newspaper as saying he was defying the paper’s corporate parent in Chicago and would not make the cuts it requested.

· Lawyer says FCC ordered study destroyed - The Federal Communications Commission ordered its staff to destroy all copies of a draft study that suggested greater concentration of media ownership would hurt local TV news coverage, a former lawyer at the agency says.

· AA Prepared to Pull Ads From ABC - American Airlines is prepared to pull its advertising from ABC in order to protest its portrayal in the network's recently aired movie The Path to 9/11, according to a source. The carrier also said it is considering legal action against the network.










· A Defining Moment for America - The president goes to Capitol Hill to lobby for torture.

· Dubai's ruler accused of slavery - Dubai's ruler has been accused of enslaving thousands of young children for camel races in a class-action lawsuit filed in the US.

· Clooney, Wiesel warn UN of genocide in Darfur - "Now my job is to come here today and to beg you on behalf of the millions of people who will die — and make no mistake they will die — for you to take real and effective measures to put an end to this," he said.

· Spain admits possible CIA flights - Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos has admitted Spain may have been a stopover for secret CIA flights.
TVNL Comment: "May have?" He does not know? Is this the kind of person who should be a high ranking official in a government?





· Muslim anger grows at Pope speech - Speaking in Germany, the Pope quoted a 14th Century Christian emperor who said Muhammad had brought the world only "evil and inhuman" things.



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