Date: September 21st 2006


Can we do it twice? Can we get our newsletter to all of our readers two days in a row?

It seems that I may have fixed the problem. Let’s seeJ

I am sorry to those of you who have not been receiving my newsletter.
Hopefully it is fixed now. We’ll see!


TvNewsLIES Headline News


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DIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows.Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out The Revere Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


JESSE on RBNLIVE Radio Today: I will be a guest on the Republic Broadcast Network today at 2:30 PM ET. I will be appearing on the False Flag News program. Tune in…call in!

TVNL Editor's Comments: Bush: Ignoring the Greatest Threat of All! Bush Supporters: Don’t Even Notice!

Let’s pretend that the official story of 9/11 is true. Taking that into account I am stunned at the stupidity of the people who feel grateful that George W. Bush was in charge when it happened. These people credit Bush’s leadership in the wake of the event and they feel safe with his administration leading us in this post 9/11 world. (Of course these people have no clue that almost all the evidence shows that the events were an inside job!). These same people seem to ignore the fact that the events, even as told to them by the official sources, see no problem with the failure by the Bush administration to outright prevent or impede the attack in progress. They use twisted logic crediting George W. Bush for the fact that we have not been hit since 9/11/2001 while they completely ignore the fact that 9/11 happened under his watch in the first place!!!

OK…9/11 aside…we have been told that in this new post 9/11 world the Bush administration will preemptively attack nations even if there is only an indication that they may pose a threat at a later time. Remember we were told that we had to obliterate Iraq, a nation that never once in its history threatened the U.S., because it was, in Bush’s words “a grave and gathering danger!” Bush supporters, naïve as they are, wrapped an American flag over their eyes and ears and applauded!

OK…so let’s use their logic. Let’s drop everything in order to obliterate grave and gathering dangers. Let’s buy into their philosophy. OK…so I have one question for the Bush supporters…why is it OK for George W. Bush to endanger your lives, and the lives of every living creature on Earth by ignoring the grave and gathering danger known as global warming? Why is the better safe than sorry approach not taken when it comes to the greatest threat our existence since the advent of nuclear weapons? How stupid are you to think that your freedom can be saved on a planet that can not sustain human life?

Let is remember a little tidbit that our criminal media paid no attention to. Do you remember several years back when the Pentagon, the U.S. Pentagon, the George W. Bush administration U.S. Pentagon submitted a report to George W. Bush alerting him of their assessment that global warming posed the greatest threat to national security? I ask the Bush supporters out there…do you remember this? Did your corporate government mouthpieces masquerading as journalists tell you this?

While I try to calmly explain and educate the public on issues and aspects on issues that are clearly distorted or hidden by our criminal media there are times I just have to be a human being and express my exacerbation with the current state of humanity. That said I just have to say that it is simply unfathomable how stupid and illogical Bush supporters really are. They are clear proof that natural selection is no longer part of human development! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· U.N. says Iraq deadlier, Italians pull out - Italian forces ended their mission in Iraq on Thursday, handing over the southern province they patrol to Iraqis, while the United Nations said the country has become deadlier than ever.

· UN: Nearly 6,600 Iraqi civilians killed in July, August - More than 20,600 Iraqi civilians have died in attacks so far this year, according to UNAMI.

· Turkey to aid Iraqi Kurds in civil war - "The core of the problem is that if Iraq was divided, there would definitely be a civil war and neighboring countries definitely would be involved in this," Abdullah Gul said in a breakfast speech to the American Turkish Society in New York.





· White House logs show GOP activists’ access - A visit to the White House would be considered a once-in-a-lifetime treat for most Americans. For conservative tax strategist Grover Norquist it could be considered a common event.

· Restraining order to prevent attacks on Iran, Syria denied - A federal judge on Wednesday denied a former Republican congressional candidate’s request for a restraining order barring President George Bush or Vice President Richard Cheney from bombing Iran or Syria.

· US Attorney-General got it wrong - A Justice Department spokesman said on Wednesday that Mr Gonzales had intended to make only a narrow point - that deportations are now handled by the Department of Homeland Security, not the Department of Justice.




· Suits Say U.S. Impeded Audits for Oil Leases - Four government auditors who monitor leases for oil and gas on federal property say the Interior Department suppressed their efforts to recover millions of dollars from companies they said were cheating the government.



9/11 News :

· Pentagon to release report on September 11 claims - The Pentagon's inspector general will release a report in the coming days that is expected to refute claims that an Army intelligence unit had information that could have thwarted the September 11 attacks, officials said on Wednesday.

· 9/11 workers to be autopsied when they die - Federal health officials have drawn up a plan for autopsies of Sept. 11 workers when they die, to determine whether they were slowly killed by their exposure to World Trade Center dust.

· Morgan Reynolds at Chicago 911 Truth Conference 02 Jun 2006 - Morgan Reynolds is a Texas A & M Professor ... all » Emeritus of Economics, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor for President George W. Bush, and former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis

· Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Critics of 9/11 Commission Report - Many well known and respected senior members of the U.S. intelligence services, military, and government have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Several even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11.






· House panel backs Bush on detainees - In an abrupt reversal, a U.S. House of Representatives committee narrowly voted on Wednesday to endorse President George W. Bush's plan for tough interrogations and trials of foreign terrorism suspects after Republicans rounded up enough members.
TVNL Comment: Criminals protecting criminals. Who is supposed to stop Congress from violating or obliterating the Constitution?





· Ehrlich Wants Paper Ballots For Nov. Vote - A week after the primary election was plagued by human error and technical glitches, Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) called yesterday for the state to scrap its $106 million electronic voting apparatus and revert to a paper ballot system for the November election. "When in doubt, go paper, go low-tech," he said.

· CIA ‘refused to operate’ secret jails - But the former CIA officials said Mr Bush’s hand was forced because interrogators had refused to continue their work until the legal situation was clarified because they were concerned they could be prosecuted for using illegal techniques. One intelligence source also said the CIA had refused to keep the secret prisons going.





· The heat is on: how global warming could suddenly tip over and ignite calamity - A growing body of scientific opinion suggests the world may be about to experience not a gradual rise in temperatures over several decades but a wild careering into climate chaos.

· Government Accused of Censorship Over Global Warming - Commerce Department officials may have tried to stop a government scientist from speaking to reporters because of his views on global warming, a California congressman says.
TVNL Comment: This is old news. This was exposed months ago. Were is the media? They are obviously complicit in these crimes against the citizens of this nation by a facsist dictatorial government.





· Israeli woman arrested in Mumbai for possession of ammunition - A young Israeli woman was arrested Thursday in India after an ammunition clip and bullets were found in her bag during an security inspection at the Bombay airport.

· Time to build bridges, not burn them: Musharraf - "Let us go to the solution of the Palestinian issue; other things will themselves fall in line," Musharraf told the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative at the Sheraton New York.

· Court rules teachers in Tokyo don't have to stand up for national flag, sing anthem - LINK - The Tokyo District Court ruled in their favor, saying that forcing teachers and staff members of schools to do so was unconstitutional.










· Bush: Ignoring the Greatest Threat of All! Bush Supporters: Don’t Even Notice! - OK…so let’s use their logic. Let’s drop everything in order to obliterate grave and gathering dangers. Let’s buy into their philosophy. OK…so I have one question for the Bush supporters…

· Ted Turner says Iraq war among history's "dumbest" - "Men should be barred from public office for 100 years in every part of the world. ... It would be a much kinder, gentler, more intelligently run world. The men have had millions of years where we've been running things. We've screwed it up hopelessly. Let's give it to the women."















· Torture rampant in Iraqi prisons, streets, UN says - "Detainees' bodies show signs of beating using electrical cables, wounds in different parts of their bodies including in the head and genitals, broken bones of legs and hands, electric and cigarette burns," the human rights office of the U.N. Assistance Mission in Iraq said in a new report.

· Cancer patients in the Gaza Strip unable to reach Israeli hospitals for treatment - A report issued by the Palestinian Health Ministry indicates that Israeli authorities deliberately prevent the transport of cancer patients from the Gaza Strip to Israeli hospitals for treatment.

· Air Force sex scandal: 9 more soldiers incarcerated - Soldiers, who allegedly had sexual relations with 14-year-old girl in their base, convicted of behavior unbecoming, shameful conduct. Each will serve sentence of 14 to 30 days in military prison. Eleven others due to be sentenced in near future








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