Date: October 9th 2006

Well, on top of all the problems with our mailing list our mail server was attacked!

Someone sent out a huge spam message using our domain as the return address.

Thousands of the e-mail messages bounced back for various reasons and brought our server to a halt several times.

I fixed the server problem but I am still trying to fix the list issues. I’ll keep tryingJ - Jesse

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments:   “State of Denial?” Bush is Not…The Public Is!

To believe that George W. Bush is in a state of denial would mean that you have to believe his stated motives and claims in the first place. You would have to believe that his invasion of Iraq was truly a response to 9/11 which was an event that took the Bush administration by surprise I am attaching to this newsletter the PNAC document that outlines exactly what is going on. Once you read this you will realize that the only people who are in the state of denial are the people who believe that George W. Bush is.   Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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·   Operation Sinbad: Mission failure casts doubt on entire British presence in Iraq - 'Rogue elements', politics and lack of manpower in Basra clean-up make limitations of coalition forces frighteningly clear.

·  Gunmen kill brother of Iraq vice president-police - Gunmen in police uniforms killed the brother of Iraq's Sunni Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi in northern Baghdad late on Sunday, police and members of the Sunni Islamic Party said on Monday.

·  Tigris River yielding corpses - The Tigris River, which fed the ancient cradle of civilization, has become a river of death, as hundreds of corpses float south from Baghdad.

·  Arrests made as Iraqi military probes whether police poisonings were intentional - Authorities arrested the head of the mess hall where at least 350 Iraqi policemen suffered food poisoning, as the military investigated whether the poisonings were intentional, officials said Monday.

·  General: Afghans may soon back Taliban - NATO's top commander in Afghanistan warned on Sunday that a majority of Afghans would likely switch their allegiance to resurgent Taliban militants if their lives show no visible improvements in the next six months.





·    “State of Denial?” Bush is Not…The Public Is! -  More like a state of D'Lying!" To believe that George W. Bush is in a state of denial would mean that you have to believe his stated motives and claims in the first place.





·   Opec moves to reduce production - The decision comes after oil dropped to below $60 a barrel on Friday.
TVNL Comment: They have to keep those prices nice and high. That's fair; don't you think?



9/11 News :


·   9/11 Truth: Traitor William Kristol (founder of the terrorist organization PNAC) Heckled in Austin - William Kristol, founding member of the Project for a New American Century (the terrorist organization that engineered 9/11), attempted to ... all » speak at the University of Texas in Austin on October 3, 2006, but was heckled and booed by the audience. Americans are clearly waking up to the truth about 9/11 and who was behind it.

·  9/11 and the Greenberg Familia - Democratic Underground Demopedia reports in Who Killed John O’Neill that at the time of 9/11, AIG, the world’s largest insurance company, and subsidiaries Marsh McLennan, ACE and Kroll, were run by the Greenberg family. With Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member Maurice “Hank” Greenberg as the AIG godfather, the Familia’s tentacles curled around the heart of the tragedy.

·  'United 93' used to support war - A conservative group is blending ads, e-mails and the feature film "United 93" in an innovative campaign to convince voters that the war in Iraq is a crucial component in the struggle against terrorism.






·   Queens congressman says Bush, GOP cut school safety program - He offered a Department of Justice graph showing $160 million was spent on the COPS in Schools program in 1999 and $164 million in 2000, the last two years of the Clinton administration. The figure dropped to $154 million in 2001, returned to $160 million in 2002 and then dropped precipitously to $38 million, $52 million and $5 million over the next three years, the graph indicated.

·  Lawmaker Saw Foley Messages In 2000 - A Republican congressman knew of disgraced former representative Mark Foley's inappropriate Internet exchanges as far back as 2000 and personally confronted Foley about his communications.





·     Investigation shows FEMA spent millions on puppet shows, bingo, yoga - This is FEMA tax money at work. It's also paying for Hurricane Bingo, puppet shows, "salsa for seniors," and yoga on the beach.










·   Russia: NKorea test greater than reported - Russia's defense minister said Monday that North Korea's nuclear test was equivalent to 5,000 tons to 15,000 tons of TNT.

·  Somali Islamists warn of regional war - Somalia's powerful Islamist movement warned that a regional Horn of Africa war could erupt unless the world presses Ethiopia to withdraw troops it has reportedly deployed in Somali territory.

·  U.S. Asks Korea to Halt Arms Sales to Venezuela - “The U.S. recently asked our government through diplomatic channels not to allow weapons sales to Venezuela,” a government source here said.
TVNL Comment: Minding the words business.

·  North Korea claims nuclear weapons test - An official at South Korea’s seismic monitoring center confirmed a magnitude-3.6 tremor felt at the time North Korea said it conducted the test was not a natural occurrence.










·   It's Time for Him to Go - Perhaps Nixon understood something about Rumsfeld that eludes Bush. Whether out of loyalty to his defense secretary, or out of a stubborn reluctance to acknowledge Rumsfeld's failings -- and therefore his own -- Bush seems determined to keep Rumsfeld in the Pentagon.
TVNL Comment: Bush is not hanging on to Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld is one of Bush's bosses. This is a PNAC administration led by Rumsfeld and Cheney. Bush is a clueless puppet who had no understanding of anything prior to being selected to run for president. He is the spokes model for the cabal even though he was not a member.

·  The World According to Rummy - On May 1, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld circulated a secret memo titled "Illustrative New 21st Century Institutions and Approaches." The six-page document, excerpted below, highlights the Iranian threat, calls for a multilateral military force and argues that the United States' antiquated system of government makes competence "next to impossible."





·  Gore and Murdoch join forces in TV deal - Al Gore, the former US vice-president, is bringing his user-generated content television channel to the UK, courtesy of James Murdoch’s British Sky Broadcasting.

·  Moscow writer's peers skeptical of probe - Russia has become a deadly place for journalists who run afoul of government officials or their business and political partners.

·  Olbermann News Commentaries Target Bush - Since that first commentary, Olbermann's nightly audience has increased 69 percent, according to Nielsen Media Research.





·     France sets date for public smoking ban - France, the country that produced iconic chain-smokers from Jean-Paul Sartre to Jean-Paul Belmondo, will ban smoking in public places from early next year. Cigarettes will immediately be banned from places such as offices, universities and railway stations starting in February, but cafes, bars, restaurants and nightclubs could be given an extra year to prepare.

·  Troops 'spread superbug' - WOUNDED troops returning from Iraq have been linked by government scientists to outbreaks of a deadly superbug in National Health Service hospitals.





 ·    Torture, Murder, Bush, Kissinger and The Mothers of the Disappeared in Argentina: America on the Brink of Horror - What one must remember about "Operation Condor" and Gitmo, for example, is that they were basically horrifying fishing expeditions. One did not need to be guilty of anything. One was adjudged guilty merely because a state authorized agent declared one so.





·   Preacher says GOP delaying 2nd coming - The Houston-based preacher said he believes that the Bush administration has delayed the second coming because U.S. foreign policy has blocked Christian missionaries from working in Iraq, Iran and Syria.



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