Date: October 16th 2006

Well, on top of all the problems with our mailing list our mail server was attacked!

Someone sent out a huge spam message using our domain as the return address.

Thousands of the e-mail messages bounced back for various reasons and brought our server to a halt several times.

I fixed the server problem but I am still trying to fix the list issues. I’ll keep tryingJ - Jesse

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: A Word About the News “Business!”

Let’s get one thing clear when we discuss the news media: journalism is not a business; it is a requirement of democracy! The press is the only “business” that is protected by the U.S. Constitution because the framers knew that a free and legitimate press needs to be in place in order to protect our democracy. When we speak about the media, bias, ratings etc. keep in mind that news is not a business; it is a staple of democracy. Without it we do not have a democracy. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· New surge of violence hits Iraq - A series of six bomb attacks in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk has killed at least 10 people and injured dozens of others, police say.

· MoD forced to hire civilian helicopters in Afghanistan - Britain is so short of helicopters in Afghanistan that military chiefs are being forced to scour the world for civilian aircraft to support its troops after the US rejected a plea to help plug the shortfall.

· Afghan Attack Brings Total of Canadians Killed to 42 - Two Canadian soldiers in the NATO force were killed and three were wounded in an ambush in southern Afghanistan on Saturday afternoon, and an Afghan provincial council member was assassinated Sunday on his way to work, officials said.

· Dannatt's Army: Understrength. Overstretched. And fully behind their General - British troops are fighting for their lives in Afghanistan. Those in Iraq are wondering when they can go home. But they all share their commander's view of a confused and chaotic mission.

· U.S. Death Toll in Iraq Hits 53 So Far This Month - At the current rate of American deaths — more than 3.5 a day — October is on track to be the third deadliest month of the entire Iraq war for American forces, according to Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, an independent Web site that tracks war-related casualties.





· “The name of God is being destroyed in the name of politics” - But Kuo says the so-called compassion agenda has fallen short of its promise and he blames President Bush for that in his new book.

· Displease a Lobbyist, Get Fired - Newly disclosed e-mails suggest that the ax fell after intervention by one of the highest officials at the White House: Ken Mehlman, on behalf of one of the most influential lobbyists in town, Jack Abramoff.

· White House Upbeat About GOP Prospects - Amid widespread panic in the Republican establishment about the coming midterm elections, there are two people whose confidence about GOP prospects strikes even their closest allies as almost inexplicably upbeat: President Bush and his top political adviser, Karl Rove.
TVNL Comment: This is probably because the elections get fixed in the White House, not at the local level.

· Displease a Lobbyist, Get Fired - E-mails show Jack Abramoff's ability to influence White House staffing decisions through his highly placed friends.

· Ripping the mask off of Bush's 'faith-based' initiative - Perhaps the biggest scandal was the way in which the Faith-Based Office was used in the 2002 campaigns.




· Crop Insurers Piling Up Record Profits - Why? Subsidies and No Competition

· Most can't bank on big tax cut - Some Texans are getting modest tax cuts, but others are angry because their property taxes actually have increased, despite what the governor and many legislators led them to believe at the conclusion of last spring's school finance session.



9/11 News :

· Americans Question Bush on 9/11 Intelligence - Only 16 per cent of respondents say the government headed by U.S. president George W. Bush is telling the truth on what it knew prior to the terrorist attacks, down five points since May 2002.
TVNL Comment: That's putting it mildly!

· Lost in the Dust of 9/11 - From society's margins, janitors were drafted for an epic cleanup around ground zero. Then 'the cough' racked their lives.






· How Rahm Emmanuel Has Rigged a Pro-War Congress - Election 2006: The Fix is Already In

· Our monopoly government - If the Sherman Antitrust Act applied to government, almost every member of the U.S. Congress would face millions in fines and possibly jail time. That’s because the U.S. Congress is a monopolist par excellence.





· Study Finds Crime Growing at 'Alarming Pace' - The nation is on the verge of a crime epidemic, according to a report to be released this weekend at a conference of police chiefs. The report, compiled by the Police Executive Research Forum, says violent crime across America is "accelerating at an alarming pace."
TVNL Comment:
George W. Bush keeps telling us that his job is to keep Americans safe. Well, he clearly is failing. He has increased the threats to all Americans and to all the people of the world.

· US Pot advocate charged - "They want to shut me up," he said. "They are vindictive. They don't like anybody beating them, and they will go after you again and again until they wear you down."

· LSD Mystery: In 2002, Justice Dept. OK'd Dosing Detainees - After reporting yesterday that lawyers for Jose Padilla accused government interrogators of forcing their client to take drugs similar to LSD or PCP, more than a few people wondered if I had been slipped a couple tabs myself.

· Bush formally outlaws online gambling - World Gaming today entered administration and two rival companies sold their US operations for $1 each, just hours before President George Bush formally outlawed internet betting in the US, previously the sector's most important market.

· Some States Making It Harder to Vote - Some states have enacted laws that make it harder to vote instead of correcting ballot problems that have plagued various parts of the country since the 2000 election, according to a study released Thursday.

· Govt. reports 788 cases of lost data - Federal workers at 19 agencies have lost personal information affecting thousands of employees and the public, raising fresh concerns about the government's ability to protect sensitive information.





· Democrats challenge EPA pesticide rule - The group is suing EPA to end pesticide testing on pregnant women and infants. The lawmakers say a new rule from EPA fails to implement the ban required by Congress last year to protect vulnerable people from harmful pesticide testing.





· Israeli President Skips Parliament Open - Israel's president canceled his appearance at the opening session of parliament Monday, succumbing to intense pressure after police recommended indicting him on rape charges.

· US 'plot to force out Hamas' - Hamas accused the United States yesterday of fomenting internal strife among Palestinians as new details emerged of a campaign to funnel millions of dollars in funds to its opponents and provide weapons and military training for rival forces.

· U.S. wasted chance to improve the world: Gorbachev - In comments that were among the harshest he has made about the United States, Gorbachev compared U.S. foreign policy to one of the deadliest diseases on the planet -- AIDS. - "Today our American friends are suffering from an illness worse than AIDS. And I would say this is the victor's complex," Gorbachev was quoted as saying in an interview with the Netzzeitung.

· Voters poised to push Ecuador into anti-Bush club - The result could turn the small South American country into the latest member of the anti-imperialist, anti-Bush club in America's backyard.

· France faces Turkish fury after voting Armenia genocide bill - France tried to calm an uproar in Turkey sparked when the French parliament approved a bill that would make it a crime to deny that the 1915-1917 massacres of Armenians by the Ottoman Turks constituted genocide.





· U.S. Firing Plans for Great Lakes Raise Concerns - And, for the first time in memory, Coast Guard members plan to use a stretch of water at least five miles off this Michigan shore — and 33 other offshore spots near cities like Cleveland; Rochester; Milwaukee; Duluth, Minn.; and Gary, Ind. — as permanent, live fire shooting zones for training on their new 7.62 mm weapons, which can blast as many as 650 rounds a minute and send fire more than 4,000 yards.

· 2 ordered not to discuss Gitmo claims - A paralegal and a military lawyer who brought forward allegations about prisoner abuse at the Guantanamo Bay detention center have been ordered not to speak with the press, lawyers and a military spokeswoman said Saturday.





· TVNL REPLAY: You Approve of Domestic Spying? Then Start With Skull & Bones! - Heck, if you’re going to spy, why not go after the bad guys.

· The real menace to American kids - We demonize Mark Foley but ignore the industries medicating children and making them fat, and even open our schools to people trying to kill them -- military recruiters.

· Guilty Until Confirmed Guilty - The new law leaves this mockery of justice stronger. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 makes it virtually impossible to contest a status tribunal’s decision. It prohibits claims of habeas corpus — the ancient right of prisoners in just societies to have their detentions reviewed — or any case based directly or indirectly on the Geneva Conventions. Even if an appeal got to the single appeals court now authorized to hear it, the administration would very likely argue that it cannot be heard without jeopardizing secrets, as it has done repeatedly.

· If Only George Bush Had Been Amish - The Amish response to the brutal slaying of five of their own offspring in an old fashioned, one-roomed school house was a blueprint for how President George Walker Bush should have responded to the slaughter of nearly 3,000 of our own citizens in the tragedy of September 11, 2001.
TVNL Comment: The only problem with this notion is that it was Bush & his people who did the slaughtering; but the editorial makes a good point if you ignore the reality of the situation.





· A Word About the News “Business!” - Let’s get one thing clear when we discuss the news media: journalism is not a business; it is a requirement of democracy!

· Bush’s Press Secretary Is Raising Money, and Some Eyebrows - In the six months since Mr. Bush enlisted him to resuscitate a White House press operation that was barely breathing, Mr. Snow, a former Fox News television and radio host and a conservative commentator, has reinvented the job with his snappy sound bites and knack for deflecting tough questions with a smile. Now, he is reinventing it yet again, by breaking away from the briefing room to raise money for Republicans.

· Reporter abducted in Afghanistan - An Italian photojournalist has been abducted in south Afghanistan while travelling on a bus between the restive provinces of Helmand and Kandahar.

· FoxNews Does It Again - Corker (D-TN)!! Screenshot
TVNL Comment: This is the third time in one week that FOX News labled a Republican as a
Democrat. Are we to believe that this is not calculated?

· They Control the Media. How Do We Fight Back? - Let Mark C. Miller, Bev Harris & Bob Fitrakis Explain How.

· NPR’s News Chief Resigns After 9 Months - He becomes the first major casualty of the two-week-old tenure of Ken Stern, NPR’s new chief executive, who replaced Kevin Klose, the chief executive who had hired Mr. Marimow from the Baltimore Sun. Mr. Klose remains at NPR as president. In promoting Mr. Marimow to vice president of news in February, Mr. Klose had overruled an internal search committee that included Mr. Stern and Mr. Kernis and had not recommended Mr. Marimow.

· Reuters Israel war crime charge roils Canada politics - The leading candidate to head the Liberal Party was defiant on Friday after opening a political can of worms with the charge that Israel committed war crimes during its Lebanon campaign this summer.





· Stem cells could be used to reverse symptoms of motor neurone disease - The prospect of treating motor neurone disease and other forms of severe paralysis has come a step closer with a study showing that it is possible to alleviate symptoms with the help of stem cells.

· Antibiotics in Poultry May Pose Risk to Humans - Poultry has that potential, according to research that suggests people who eat drug-treated poultry may be at increased risk of developing antibiotic resistance.

· Breast cancer cases soar in farm workers - Women who have worked on farms are almost three times more likely to develop breast cancer than those who have never worked in agriculture, a new study of cancer patients in the Windsor area suggests.

· Science Ignored, Again - The Bush administration loves to talk about the virtues of “sound science,” by which it usually means science that buttresses its own political agenda. But when some truly independent science comes along to threaten that agenda, the administration often ignores or minimizes it.





· Universities urged to spy on Muslims - Lecturers and university staff across Britain are to be asked to spy on "Asian-looking" and Muslim students they suspect of involvement in Islamic extremism and supporting terrorist violence, the Guardian has learned.

· More are hungry despite world leaders' pledge - More than 850 million are still hungry - some 18 million more than in 1996. And while issues such as debt forgiveness, a better trade deal for Africa and climate change have grabbed the headlines, food has been left off the menu.

· Muslims are the new Jews - Especially since July 7, it has become acceptable to say the most ignorant, degrading things about Islam. And then we all sit around wondering why young Muslim men appear to be getting angrier and more politicised, or why “westernised” young Muslim women whose mothers go bare-headed are suddenly, defiantly, opting for the full-on niqab-style veil that leaves only a slit for the eyes.

· Fashion’s dirty secret: 3p-an-hour child labour - THE fashion world called it “boho chic”. Sienna Miller, the model and actress, was credited with creating the retro hippie look that swept Britain’s high streets last spring, but according to human rights campaigners many of the clothes were made in India by children as young as seven.

· Human rights concerns fail to staunch flow of UK arms - China tops list with £70m of exports in one year as military sales soar to blacklisted regimes

· Guantanamo guards 'admitted abusing inmates' - In a sworn affidavit, Heather Cerveny, a 23-year-old Marine Corps sergeant, says she met several prison guards at a club on the base where they told her over drinks of harsh abuse of detainees, she said the guards claimed the abuse was both commonplace and justified.





· One proud Poppy ... but - Indeed, one of the worst-kept secrets in Bush World is the dismay, in some cases disdain, harbored by many senior aides of the former President toward the administration of his son - 41 and 43, as many call them, political shorthand that refers to their numerical places in American presidential history.

· Bush Buys Land in Northern Paraguay - He said that "it is a bad signal that the Bush family is doing business with natural resources linked to the future of MERCOSUR."



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