Date: October 18th 2006

I am still trying to fix the list issues. I’ll keep tryingJ - Jesse

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Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Bush Admin’s Approach to Iraq & Korea; What Do They Have in Common?

Democracy’ Now’s Amy Goodman asked former UN weapons inspector Scot Ritter to talk about the “difference” between how the Bush administration has handled Korea and the way they handled Iraq. Ritter replied that the only thing that the Bush administration’s approaches towards Korea and Iraq had in common were that they shared a common “end game” (goal), which he claims is “regime change.” I beg to differ. It surely appears that one of the many common elements between the two approaches is that they both increase the potential for a long, costly and disastrous war that will result in massive loss of life and financial windfalls for the friends and families of the current American ruling class. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Bush Admin’s Approach to Iraq & Korea; What Do They Have in Common? - It surely appears that one of the many common elements between the two approaches is...

· Scott Ritter on "Target Iran The Truth About the White House’s Plans for Regime Change” - Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter: “The path that the United States is currently embarked on regarding Iran is a path that will inevitably lead to war. Such a course of action will make even the historical mistake we made in Iraq pale by comparison.”

· Ten U.S. troops killed in Iraq - In a deadly day of violence, 10 U.S. service members died in Iraq on Tuesday, the U.S. Military said Wednesday.

· Iraq a 'helluva mess': former US secretary of state -
TVNL Comment: Former Secretary of State; current war profiteer.

· What For War? I Don't Even Like Iraq! - I just talk about the war in Iraq, the quagmire, the injustice, the shame, the death, the destruction. I talk about the profiteering. I try to sum it up for myself so I can understand it and hopefully you can understand it better.

· UK commander: Iraq war cost years in Afghanistan - The decision to divert forces to invade Iraq cost the West years of progress in Afghanistan, the outgoing commander of British forces in Afghanistan said on Tuesday.





· Relatives have 'inside track' in lobbying for tax dollars - Members of Congress and their staffs are barred from using their positions for personal profit. But their spouses and other relatives can — and often do — cash in when lawmakers spend taxpayer dollars.

· Bush Signs Terror Interrogation Law - President Bush signed legislation Tuesday authorizing tough interrogation of terror suspects and smoothing the way for trials before military commissions, calling it a "vital tool" in the war against terrorism.

· The Gay Old Party Comes Out - The political party fond of demonizing homosexuals each election year is as well-stocked with trusted and accomplished gay leaders as virtually every other power center in America.

· Associate of Abramoff had 12 meetings with Bush staff - A lobbyist associated with Jack Abramoff, the convicted former "superlobbyist", met White House officials on 12 occasions in 2003 and 2004 on behalf of an association that represented PartyGaming and other online gaming websites, according to billing records released by Congress.




· Economic Report: Factory Output Drops, Core Inflation Is Up - Core inflation – which excludes energy and food – jumped six tenths of a percent for September, the biggest increase in 20 months.



9/11 News :

· "Official" 9/11 story On Life support; The Truth is Taking Over - This growth appears to be striking nerves in the "debunker" community. They're no longer just laughing feebly and attempting to toss us into the imaginary dustbin of negative connotations with labels like "conspiracy theorists", "paranoid liberals" and "clown shoe conspiradroids" (which I'm sure somebody spent hours coming up with and thinks is really clever).

· Judge allows 9/11 lawsuits to go forward - A federal judge on Tuesday refused to toss out claims by thousands of emergency workers who sued New York City and about 150 private contractors after the workers were sickened by dust at the World Trade Center site.

· Time For The Sleeping 9/11 Giant To Awaken - Unless there is a great push for this and it actually happens, then we must face the possibility that the people of America are wiling to put up with a government that they know is lying to them.






· Union Leader Calls Santorum 'The Anti-Christ' - A local union official on Tuesday described Republican Sen. Rick Santorum as "the anti-Christ" on issues affecting working people.

· Half Million in Legal Fees from Campaign War Chest for California Congressman - California Congressman Jerry Lewis (R-CA), who is facing multiple federal corruption probes, has used campaign contributions to pay over half a million dollars in legal fees in just the past three months, according to quarterly reports filed last Friday with the Federal Election Commission.

· Report Spells Out Abuses by Former Congressman - Former Representative Randy Cunningham pressured and intimidated staff members of the House Intelligence Committee to help steer more than $70 million in classified federal business to favored military contractors, according to a Congressional investigation made public on Tuesday.

· A Secret in the Line of Succession - House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) shows no sign of resigning over the Mark Foley-House page scandal. But the mere suggestion that he might do so raises an intriguing political and constitutional question: Who would replace him while Congress is in recess?

· Foley's rehab paid for by taxpayers - Salley Collins, a spokeswoman for the clerk's office, said the Florida Republican is covered by a "temporary continuation of coverage" program that is available to federal employees who leave or resign their positions, Capitol Hill Blue reported Monday.





· "Hacking Democracy" Debuts on HBO November 2nd - From a current congressional hearing to persistent media reports that suggest misuse of data and even outright fraud, concerns over the integrity of electronic voting continue to grow daily. And if our voting process is not secure, neither is America's democracy.

· Note warns Calif. Hispanics on voting - State and federal officials are investigating a letter received by some Southern California Hispanics that says it is a crime for immigrants to vote and tells them they could be jailed or deported if they go to the polls next month.

· FTC Hangs Up on Telemarketers With New Ruling: Cindy Skrzycki - The Federal Trade Commission effectively slammed the phone down on the U.S. telemarketing industry earlier this month, rejecting a request to allow pre- recorded calls to consumers without their expressed consent.

· Judge Revokes Lay's Conviction - A federal judge in Houston yesterday wiped away the fraud and conspiracy conviction of Kenneth L. Lay, the Enron Corp. founder who died of heart disease in July, bowing to decades of legal precedent but frustrating government attempts to seize nearly $44 million from his family.

· Mooresville school sued over Bible classes - A Mooresville mother has sued her son's public school because she says it allows a religious group to teach students about the Bible on school grounds and singles out children who don't participate.

· Vote-Rigging Scandal as Seen in the New E-Vote Documentary 'Eternal Vigilance' - Story of the Whistleblower-Turned-Congressional Candidate's Story is Told as Part of Film on Citizen Patriots Fighting to Save Democracy

· Florida activist, candidate charged with felony wiretapping - The State of Florida has filed felony wiretapping charges against election reform activist Charles Grapski for audiotaping his efforts to obtain public records related to his investigation of alleged election fraud, RAW STORY has learned. He faces arraignment Tuesday, October 17th.

· The IgnoramUS - Most Americans don’t know...


· A Power-Grid Report Suggests Some Dark Days Ahead - Companies are not building power plants and power lines fast enough to meet growing demand, according to a group recently assigned by the federal government to assure proper operation of the power grid.





· THE FUTURE OF FOOD: MONOPOLIZING SEEDS THAT FEED THE WORLD - Americans who have taken the time to understand the big picture and what is happening to our republic repeatedly ask, "What is it going to take to get Americans out of a state of denial and wake up?" Many reply it won't happen until the grocery store shelves are empty.

· World’s Largest Carbon Sequestration Project Approved - The co-generation plant will operate at a very high energy efficiency, in the longer term up to 80%. By comparison, traditional gas-fired power plants have an energy efficiency of approximately 58-59%, according to the Ministry of the Environment.





· Bush Paraguay Land Grab Incites Unease - The land grab project of US President George W. Bush in Chaco, Paraguay, has generated considerable discomfort both politically and environmentally.

· Bush inspired by Satan, God on my side: Ahmadinejad - Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has reportedly delivered a scathing attack on US President George W Bush, saying he is inspired by Satan.





· Pentagon to resume forced anthrax vaccine program - The Pentagon on Monday said it will force troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and South Korea to be vaccinated against anthrax, restarting a court-halted program after U.S. regulators declared the shots safe and effective.

· General Says Abu Ghraib Officer Lied - The highest-ranking officer charged with crimes at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq allowed detainee abuses and then lied about it, a general who investigated the scandal testified Monday.





· Olbermann: The Day Habeas Corpus Died - "People have no idea how significant this is. Really a time of shame this is for the American system.—The strange thing is that we have become sort of constitutional couch potatoes. The Congress just gave the President despotic powers and you could hear the yawn across the country as people turned to Dancing With the Stars. It's otherworldly..People clearly don't realize what a fundamental change it is about who we are as a country. What happened today changed us. And I'm not too sure we're gonna change back anytime soon."

· The New Years Coup of 2007 - The military, even more than the civilians, were outraged by the lies, deceit and arrogance of the civilian leaders who had led them to the occupation of Iraq.

· Why Bush Smiles: Victory is at Hand in Iraq - Indeed, there is much evidence that one of the prime instigators of the wanton killing is a group created and long nurtured by the Bush Administration itself: the Facilities Protection Service, an army of uniformed freebooters nearly 150,000 strong.

· Nukes: Iran and North Korea are not the problem - Who are the real rogues here?





· Talk radio bootlickers kiss up to Lord Bush - This New York Times (yeah, I know ... sheesh!!!) article addresses how Lord Bush met with some top talk radio propagandists - Neal Boortz, Sean Hannity, Michael "Crybaby" Medved, Laura Ingraham and Mike Gallagher - and "explained" his reasoning for decisions on the "terra war," pro-illegal immigration and other critical issues for neo-cons.

· Media Death Toll in Iraq Hits 152 after Murder of Radio Journalist - The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the murder of Iraqi journalist Raed Qaies, bringing to 152 the number of journalists killed in Iraq since the start of the war in 2003.





· Former FDA commissioner Crawford to plead guilty after charged with lying about conflicts of interest - The government charges that Crawford and his wife owned stock in several companies that fell under FDA regulation, and failed to fully disclose that information as required by federal law.

· FDA Is Set To Approve Milk, Meat From Clones - Three years after the Food and Drug Administration first hinted that it might permit the sale of milk and meat from cloned animals, prompting public reactions that ranged from curiosity to disgust, the agency is poised to endorse marketing of the mass-produced animals for public consumption.
TVNL Comment: Why would they need to do this?

· Poll: Costs, number of uninsured are biggest healthcare issues - Academics worry about the quality of care. The national media is absorbed with the government's new Medicare prescription drug benefit. But the public is most interested in more fundamental issues regarding their healthcare: skyrocketing costs and how to cover people who lack insurance.

· Stem cells delay paralyzing disease - Human fetal stem cells can graft onto the spines of rats and delay some of the paralyzing symptoms of motor neuron disease, commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, U.S. researchers reported on Monday.

· US group wants medical tourists barred - The biggest US industrial workers' association, the United Steel Workers' Union (USW), now wants to stop Americans from visiting India and other low-cost destinations for medical treatment.





· Gay Congressman's Spouse Denied Benefits - Former Rep. Gerry Studds, the first openly gay member of Congress, was married to another man in Massachusetts at the time of his death, but the federal government will not pay death benefits to his spouse.

· Gaza fisherman killed by Israeli fire - "Hani Ibrahim Annajar, 27, a resident of the Shatti refugee camp in Gaza City, was hit in the head by a bullet after Israeli warships opened fire on his vessel off the coast of Gaza," a medical source said Monday, without specifying how far offshore.





· 'Healing' Foley Plans to Name Alleged Molester Priest - Disgraced ex-Congressman Mark Foley, R-Fla., will in the coming days tell the Archdiocese of Miami the identity of the priest who he claims molested him as a young teen, his civil attorney said today.



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