Date: October 19th 2006

I am still trying to fix the list issues. I’ll keep tryingJ - Jesse

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: It’s Time to Change Our Name – This is No Longer America

It is fair to say that America stopped being America with the signing of the Federal Reserve Act. It is also fair to say that America stopped being America when John F. Kennedy was assassinated in a clear conspiracy at the highest levels of our government. It is fair to say that America stopped being America when the Supreme Court openly took part in an electoral coup by installing the Bush administration in the White House when he clearly was not the people’s choice. But the absolute nail in America’s coffin came in the form of the end of Habeas Corpus. It is clearly time to change the name of the nation in which we live because it is no longer the land of the free. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Slovakia names Iraq pullout date - There are about 110 Slovak troops in Iraq as part of the US-led coalition.

· Four U.S. soldiers killed west of Baghdad - Four U.S. soldiers were killed when their vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb west of Baghdad on Tuesday, the U.S. military said on Wednesday.

· Baghdad violence forces U.S. to rethink strategy - Operation Together Forward, the U.S.-led military operation aimed at cracking down on insurgent attacks in Baghdad, is being re-evaluated after a "disheartening" rise in violence.
TVNL Comment: Where is the term "flip-flop?"

· Bush acknowledges Iraq-Vietnam war comparison - US President George W. Bush for the first time acknowledged a possible parallel between the raging violence in Iraq and the Vietnam War.

· White House: U.S. deaths are 'cost' of winning - Snow also insists the "men and women who have risked their lives" in Iraq "do believe in the mission."
TVNL Comment: First of all they did not risk their lives; the Bush administration risked their lives for them. Second of all NOT losing lives is a sign of winning or success! This is supposed to be about making us safer; or so they tell us!





· Approval of Republicans at record low: poll - The poll numbers and President George W. Bush's own job approval ratings, which have been mired in the 30 percent range, are an ominous sign for a party trying to maintain control of Congress, NBC said.

· James Baker is NOT “the former Secretary of State!” He is an Enemy of the State! - James Baker has been in the news lately. He is being referred to as the “former Secretary of State” when in fact he should be referred to as the Senior Counsel for The Carlyle Group and a war profiteer. The Carlyle Group is the nation’s 10th largest defense contractor, with extensive ties to Enron, Global Crossing, Arthur Andersen, the Saudi Royal Family, and the Bin Ladens.

· George Bush Will Live in Infamy for What He Has Done to Iraq - George Bush now threatens to go from one of the worst leaders in US history to one of the worst leaders in world history. Iraq had allowed the weapons inspectors back in, they were doing their job, Iraq had absolutely no weapons of mass destruction, the United States military was doing a fantastic job of containing Saddam Hussein, there was no sectarian hostility in Iraq, there was stability in the region - and we came in like a bull in china shop and turned the whole country upside down. For what?




· NBC to cut 700 jobs in overhaul - NBC Universal said Thursday it would cut 700 jobs and streamline its news operations as part an overhaul aimed at exploiting new forms of electronic distribution. NBC, a unit of General Electric Co., said it expects the revamp to save $750 million in operating expenses by 2008. The job cuts would represent about 5% of its workforce.

· Michigan Workers, Pushed Out of Auto Jobs, Lose Houses, Too - As slumping carmakers and their suppliers slash tens of thousands of jobs, foreclosures in the area are at an all-time high.



9/11 News :

· What Would It Take? - Just hypothetically, what would it take to convince you that 9/11 was an inside job? I'm not talking real-world here. Just as an exercise. Is there any proof, any piece of evidence, any confession -- no matter how far-fetched or impossible -- which could, just hypothetically, convince you?






· Voters' Approval of Congress Falls To 16%, Lowest Point in 12 Years - Public support for Republicans' control of the U.S. Congress has eroded to its lowest point since the party took over 12 years ago.

· McCain jokes about suicide if Democrats win Senate - Arizona Sen. John McCain, a likely Republican presidential contender in 2008, joked on Wednesday he would "commit suicide" if Democrats win the Senate in November.
TVNL Comment: How dignified.





· It’s Time to Change Our Name – This is No Longer America - But the absolute nail in America’s coffin came in the form of the end of Habeas Corpus. It is clearly time to change the name of the nation in which we live because it is no longer the land of the free.

· Ohio Lawsuit to Reinstate hundreds of thousands of Purged Democratic Voters to be Filed Fri or Monday - Ohio voting rights activist and attorney, Bob Fitrakis, says the Ohio elections may have already been won, responding to reports of massive voter purges in Democratic precincts.

· New Laws and Machines May Spell Voting Woes - New electronic voting machines have arrived in Yolo County, Calif., but there is one hitch: the audio program for the visually impaired in some of them works only in Vietnamese.

· Feds Often Clueless After Data Losses - A government report paints a bleak picture for security at federal agencies. Agencies are constantly losing data and often have no idea what's been lost or who is affected -- proof that the government is simply not giving this the attention it needs, claims an industry advocacy group.

· Cunningham investigation could lead to officials in Defense, intelligence - An investigation into the dealings of former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif., may implicate Defense Department and other agency officials who awarded contracts or were otherwise involved with funds channeled to corrupt contractors, according to a House inquiry.

· Trial that could out feds alleged to have bogus degrees delayed - Names of 135 federal employees who allegedly bought fake diplomas from an outfit in the western United States will not be revealed for at least one year, if ever, according to a U.S attorney's office.

· Blackwell purged Ohio Voter Rolls Oct 1st.- Vote Early. - His claim was a new Diebold voter registry system had been installed over the last year. The last week of July and the first week of August a "test run" was made of the systems ability to purge ineligable voters.

· History should record October 17, 2006, as the reverse of July 4, 1776. - From the noble American ideal of each human being possessing "unalienable rights" as declared by the Founders 230 years ago amid the ringing of bells in Philadelphia, the United States effectively rescinded that concept on a dreary fall day in Washington.

· FBI director wants ISPs to track users - FBI Director Robert Mueller on Tuesday called on Internet service providers to record their customers' online activities, a move that anticipates a fierce debate over privacy and law enforcement in Washington next year.





· Army Corps proposes easing Gulf wetlands rule - “It’s unethical, illegal, immoral, unsustainable and they’re simply doing it to make the fat cats richer faster,” said Derrick Evans, executive director of a Gulfport, Miss., community group that plans to fight the proposal by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

· Google to convert HQ to solar power - Google Inc. is converting its renowned headquarters to run partly on solar power, hoping to set an example for corporate America.

· Evangelicals Rally Behind Environmental Cause - Democratic strategists are joining forces with conservative evangelicals to promote a faith-based campaign to raise awareness about global warming, in an improbable alliance that could boost Democratic hopes of taking control of Congress.

· Toyota, Honda lead fuel-efficient list - Honda and Toyota made seven of the 12 vehicles listed in the top 10. The new Toyota Camry Hybrid made its debut at No. 3, with 40 mpg in the city and 38 mpg on the highway.

· Fewer pollinators mean trouble for crops - Honeybees and bumblebees have been infected by the introduction of a parasite, while destruction of cave roosts has led to a decline in the bat population, according to a report released Wednesday by the National Research Council.





· North Korean General: 'War Is Inevitable' - If President Bush continues to ask North Korea to "kneel," war "will be inevitable," and it would begin on the Korean Peninsula, North Korean Gen. Ri Chan Bok told "Good Morning America" anchor Diane Sawyer, in an exclusive interview inside North Korea.

· Russia warns US over missile system - A Russian general quoted by daily newspaper Izvestia said Moscow would view the deployment of US missiles in eastern and central Europe as a security threat and would take retaliatory measures.

· Peretz: French UNIFIL commanders say will shoot at IAF overflights - Peretz said that nevertheless, Israel would continue to patrol the skies over Lebanon as long as United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 remained unfulfilled, adding that such operations were critical for the country's security, especially as the abducted IDF soldiers remain in Hezbollah custody and the transfer of arms continue.

· Bush Asserts U.S. Rights In Space - Mr. Bush also said the United States would oppose the development of treaties or other restrictions that seek to prohibit or limit U.S. access to or use of space.
TVNL Comment: Bush is continuing in his role as PNAC puppet by pushing the pre-written PNAC agenda to the letter.





· Marines to begin sending reserve combat battalions back to Iraq for second tours - The U.S. Marines are drawing up plans to send back to Iraq at least some reserve combat battalions that have already served one tour there, officials said Wednesday. It would be the first time such units would be returned to the war.

· Vet Centers see escalating demand for help as troops return - A network of community-based walk-in veterans' treatment centers is under increasing pressure as more and more former troops who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have come looking for help.





· Countdown Special Comment: Death of Habeas Corpus:” - "Your words are lies, Sir." They are lies, that imperil us all.'

· IDIOTS! We are governed by IDIOTS! - Take Representative Terry Everett, a seven-term Alabama Republican who is vice chairman of the House intelligence subcommittee on technical and tactical intelligence. “Do you know the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite?” I asked him a few weeks ago.

· Henry Rollins-"freedom is under attack" - Rollins on a rant.
TVNL Comment: Strong but appropriate language.





· Danny Schechter: Crime Is On TV, But TV Is Often The Bigger Crime - But what's happened in television makes all the scams we know about pale in comparison.

· Iraqi Death Rate May Top Our Civil War -- But Will the Press Confirm It? - The press, after its initial coverage, has turned away from the shocking Johns Hopkins study which estimated 400,000 to 800,000 deaths in the Iraq war since 2003. One of the authors of the study has issued a challenge: Check out their findings in the field -- and then confirm or debunk it.





· Meet Your Meat - In a moving narration, actor and activist Alec Baldwin exposes the truth behind humanity’s cruelest invention –the factory farm.

· SOME CHEMICALS ARE MORE HARMFUL THAN ANYONE EVER SUSPECTED - New evidence is flooding in to suggest that many industrial chemicals are more dangerous than previously understood. During the 1990s, it came as a surprise that many industrial chemicals can interfere with the hormone systems of many species, including humans. Hormones are chemicals that circulate in the blood stream at very low levels (parts per billion, and in some cases parts per trillion), acting like switches, turning on and off bodily processes.





· Battles brewing on torture, detainees - But as Bush and a group of key Republican senators hailed the compromise that led to the passage of the new rules last month, the American Civil Liberties Union called it ``one of the worst civil liberties measures ever enacted in American history." Groups of defense lawyers vowed to fight the new law in court, calling it ``blatantly unconstitutional" because it denies detainees the right to challenge their detention in court.





· Report: Priest Admits Foley Relationship - The Rev. Anthony Mercieca, 72, described several encounters that he said Foley might perceive as sexually inappropriate, the Sarasota Herald-Tribune reported. They include massaging Foley while the boy was naked, skinny-dipping together at a secluded lake in Lake Worth and being nude in the same room on overnight trips.
TVNL Comment: Tell us again how terrible atheists are!

· Foley attorneys reveal clergyman's name - Lawyers for disgraced former Congressman Mark Foley said they revealed to state prosecutors Wednesday the name of a clergyman he said abused him as a teen.



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