Date: October 21st 2006

I am still trying to fix the list issues. I’ll keep tryingJ - Jesse

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: George W. Bush is Not Our President and I Refuse to Treat Him As Such

If someone kidnapped your child and then forged some adoption papers would you simply let it go? Would you simply treat the person as the parent of your child “for the sake of the child?” After it is discovered that this person kidnapped your child would you just “let it go” because “what’s done is done” and because “there is nothing you can do about it?” Would you not call the police because the police are kidnappers as well?

You know what you would do? You would do everything in your power, both legal and illegal, to get your child back and ensure his or her safety! You would do ANYTHING and ANYTHING would be justified. I don’t think anyone would argue with me on this point.

Do you love America? Are you a patriot? Are you willing to die for your nation? Then why did you allow your nation to be kidnapped?

Well here we are headed into another election term, with a so called president and a plethora of Congressmen and Congresswomen who clearly are in office as a result of election fraud! This is not a conspiracy theory or a blank accusation, it is factual information. If you want the details may I suggest that you start by reading Mark Crispin Miller’s book “Fooled Again.” Miller does a damn good job of documenting the theft of elections here in the good old U.S.A! Then you may want to pop on over to to keep up with the nonstop discoveries of even more election fraud including the relentless efforts to spread it as wide as possible before the upcoming midterm elections.

Once you view the EVIDENCE that the Bush administration stole both of their so called elections you will understand that George W. Bush is not the president of the United States. George W. Bush is a criminal who overthrew our government and we are treating him as if he were the Commander in Chief! He should have been arrested the moment the mountains of evidence started to become uncovered.

As each day goes by I wonder if I am the only true patriot in this nation, I wonder if I am the only person who realizes that we are living under a coup and we need to take our nation back by any means possible. I wonder if I am the only person who realizes that anyone who is anti-Bush is actually pro-American! This is not about Republicans or Democrats; it is about criminals. Both parties are corrupt beyond description but we can not allow even corrupt politicians to assume Constitutional office by corrupt means! George W. Bush is an enemy domestic who along with his administration have attained power and took over our nation via electoral coup and the nation sits back and says that it is OK for one simple reason; they feel Americans can commit crimes against Americans but foreigners may not. The only thing that has protected George W. Bush from criminal prosecution and lynch mobs is his birth certificate. Had he been born in another country you better believe that your average American would clearly see him as what he is, an invader!

From the moment George W. Bush took over our nation he has worked non-stop to destroy it along with our Constitution. The first sign was clear and loud and nobody said a word. Early on, before the Project for a New American Century ensured that their “new Pearl Harbor” would come to fruition in the form of the false flag operation known as “9/11” the Bush administration was violating the Constitution and nobody said a word; mostly because they were not allowed to. The Bush crime cabal would take Bush on the road to speak to the people of this nation and while doing so, using their first piece of Orwellian double speak; they would set up “free speech zones”. These were little fenced off areas that were out of site and hearing range of George W. Bush where Americans could voice their opposition to their so called president! Well, the truth is that the Bush administration did not set up free speech zones because this entire nation is a free speech zone; anyone who read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights would realize this! The Bush administration was setting up illegal “NO FREE SPEECH ZONES” around George W. Bush so as to create a zone of false reality for the cameras! This way when they steal elections there is historical documentation that can serve as “proof” that Bush is supported by the people. For 4 years the Bush administration had kept all opposition hidden from the public record and it was the criminal public record keepers known as the corporate media, who were complicit in this act.

Now we have another election coming up. We have even more evidence that election fraud is being implemented. We have an over confident Karl Rove and George W. Bush saying that they expect the Republicans to hold power even though the public opinion polls show historical low support for Republicans in Congress. Why do you think that it? I’ll tell you why; it is because when you fix elections you don’t have to worry about public opinion!

On election day 2004 Republican Congressman Peter King (NY) stood next to George Bush BEFORE the polls were closed and he claimed that that the 2004 elections are "already over--the election's over, we won." When the camera woman asked him "How do you know that?" Congressman King replied, "it's all over but the counting, and we'll take care care of the counting." Am I the only person in the world who thinks that this is a cause of alarm, especially with all the evidence regarding election fraud in the 2000 election and especially since the exit polls indicated a LOSS for George W. Bush in the very election King was referring to? Am I the only person who has maintained my outrage? Am I the only real American on this planet?

Wake up America! The enemy we all fear is closer than you think! Our nation is being picked apart and handed over to some very powerful people and your little participation in this so called democracy is no longer a reality. We have enemies to deal with and may I suggest that the first step in dealing with these enemies is to correctly identify them. Once identified these enemies should be referred to as such. Once these enemies are clearly identified and accepted as such by the people of this nation perhaps then they will decide to do something about it! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· U.N.: 914,000 have fled homes in Iraq - The overall number is likely to be much higher, said Ron Redmond, chief spokesman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. The agency has concluded that 754,000 displaced Iraqis remain in the country, while tens of thousands more have sought refuge abroad.

· Millions Stolen From Iraq's Treasury - More than half a billion dollars earmarked to fight the insurgency in Iraq was stolen by people the U.S. had entrusted to run the country's Ministry of Defense before the 2005 elections, according to Iraqi investigators.
TVNL Comment: What is the free pass excuse for Bush on this one? What would people say had
Clinton been in charge?

· Shiite Militia Briefly Takes Control Of Iraqi City - The Shiite militia run by the anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr briefly seized control of the southern Iraqi city of Amarah on Friday in one of the boldest acts of defiance yet by the country's powerful, unofficial armies.

· TVNL Replay: THE INSANITY OF STAYING THE COURSE WITH BLIND MEN AT THE HELM! - This is all too easily reminiscent of the Titanic heading towards those looming icebergs. Despite warnings of danger, the captain of that doomed vessel chose to stay the course.

· Bush: I won't change strategy in Iraq - President Bush conceded Friday that "right now it's tough" for American forces in Iraq, but the White House said he would not change U.S. strategy in the face of pre-election polls that show voters are upset.

· Expert warns Iraq in a 'state of almost full collapse' - Kenneth Katzman is with the Congressional Research Service, which advises lawmakers on Capitol Hill. And the way he see it, Iraq is "in a state of almost full collapse" -- with the U-S "powerless" to prevent a total breakdown.

· Iraq 'hiding true casualty figures' - THE Iraqi Government has told medical authorities not to reveal to the UN the true extent of civilian casualties in the country's conflict, French newspaper Le Monde said today.





· Is There An Inept, Crooked and/or Racist Politician or Bureaucrat that George "Heckuva Job" Bush Won't Defend? Here's Our Top 10 - He is arguably the worst president in the history of these great United States, which is why it's no surprise that George W. Bush gravitates to others who are miserable failures as well, lavishing them with praise instead of admonishment.

· Bush on display - Election Day will render George W. Bush a lame-duck president, and he can begin thinking about his presidential library. Imagine what an honest rendition of that library might look like.
TVNL Comment: They left out "My Pet Goat, the PNAC documents and the plethora of 9/11 books exposing the Bush administration's involvement in the false flag operation known as the attacks of 9/11.

· Robert Steele Concludes There is Sufficient Evidence to Indict Dick Cheney and Karl Rove of a Neo-Conservative Neo-Nazi Coup D’etat - What is interesting about this statement is that in May of 2004 Mr. Steele argued why he would have voted for Bush.







9/11 News :

· Anger as 9/11 remains discovered - Relatives say the find proves the need for a thorough new search of the area around Ground Zero. "We can no longer rely on accidental discoveries," said WTC Families for Proper Burial in a statement.






· Feds Probe a Top Democrat's Relationship with AIPAC - The sources say the probe also involves whether, in exchange for the help from AIPAC, Harman agreed to help try to persuade the Administration to go lighter on the AIPAC officials caught up in the ongoing investigation.

· Democratic House staffer suspended over Iraq leak - The Republican chairman of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee has suspended a Democratic staff member over a possible leak of a politically explosive intelligence report involving Iraq, officials said on Friday.

· Rep. Alexander’s Office Sued for Harassment - Rep. Rodney Alexander (R-La.), already enmeshed in the ex-Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) page scandal, now faces a new controversy as a former staffer has sued his office for sexual harassment.

· Voters' Approval of Congress Falls To 16%, Lowest Point in 12 Years - Public support for Republicans' control of the U.S. Congress has eroded to its lowest point since the party took over 12 years ago.





· George W. Bush is Not Our President and I Refuse to Treat Him As Such - Do you love America? Are you a patriot? Are you willing to die for your nation? Then why did you allow your nation to be kidnapped?

· Most of U.S. spending monitors sacked - Most private contractors keeping tabs on billions of dollars in governmental spending for the U.S. House Appropriations Committee have been let go.

· Former delegate gets purported Diebold code - Diebold Election Systems Inc. expressed alarm and state election officials contacted the FBI yesterday after a former legislator received an anonymous package containing what appears to be the computer code that ran Maryland's polls in 2004.





· The Dirtiest Bomb on Earth - Depleted uranium is considered a weapon of mass destruction and is banned for use in warfare by international law, yet the US and Israel use it routinely. - Depleted uranium contaminates food, water, air and land forever. It's the ultimate "dirty bomb."

· NASA And NOAA Announce Ozone Hole Is A Double Record Breaker - It is primarily caused by human-produced compounds that release chlorine and bromine gases in the stratosphere.





· Clare Short resigns as Labour MP - In a letter to Labour's chief whip, the Birmingham Ladywood MP accuses Tony Blair of telling "half-truths and deceits to get us to war in Iraq".

· Gorbachev compares proposed U.S. border wall to Berlin Wall - "You remember President Reagan standing in Berlin and saying, 'This wall should be torn down,'" said the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize winner. "Now the United States seems to be building almost the Wall of China between itself and this other nation with which it has been associated for many decades and has had cooperation and interaction with.

· Europe Moves To Kill The Internet - New EU rules would prevent uploading video without a license





· Troops' debt a growing security concern - Thousands of U.S. troops are being barred from overseas duty because they are so deep in debt they are considered security risks, according to an Associated Press review of military records. ADVERTISEMENT The number of troops

· Troops With Stress Disorders Being Redeployed - Under pressure to maintain troop levels, military doctors tell CBS News it's become a "common practice" to recycle soldiers with mental disorders back into combat.





· A Dangerous New Order - Not satisfied with having won the vote, Dennis Hastert, the speaker of the House, quickly issued a statement accusing Democrats who opposed the Military Commissions Act of 2006 of putting “their liberal agenda ahead of the security of America.” He said the Democrats “would gingerly pamper the terrorists who plan to destroy innocent Americans’ lives” and create “new rights for terrorists.”





· Calif. Republican asks Pentagon to remove embedded CNN reporters - The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee asked the Pentagon on Friday to remove CNN reporters embedded with U.S. combat troops, saying the network's broadcast of a video showing insurgent snipers targeting U.S. soldiers was tantamount to airing an enemy propaganda film.
TVNL Comment: When is this nation going to stop allowing people who do not understand our Constitution to hold Constitutional offices?

· Mercury News announces layoffs - Of the layoffs announced Friday, about 40 jobs will come out of the newsroom, a 14 percent cut.

· NBC Universal to Cut Staff, News Budget - NBC's cost-saving plan involves laying off people from the company's 11 news divisions, including on-air talent.





· GAO Advises Agency on Condom Information - Government auditors reminded the Bush administration Thursday that literature distributed by federally funded abstinence programs must contain medically accurate information about condoms' effectiveness in preventing sexually transmitted diseases.
TVNL Comment: Translation: They told Bush to stop lying about condoms!





· Medics beg for help as Iraqis die needlessly - Half of all deaths preventable, say country's medics Reconstruction seen as disaster More than 2,000 doctors and nurses are killed 18,000 more leave the nation. Even the most basic treatments are lacking





· Accused Priest Flees From Law in U.S. and Mexico - For two decades, dozens of children have accused the Rev. Nicolás Aguilar of molesting or brutally raping them.
TVNL Comment: How do people continue to believe in religion?

· The Philadelphia Experiment - TVNL Comment: America the beautiful



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