Date: October 26th 2006

I am still trying to fix the mailing list issues. I’ll keep trying! - Jesse

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Fine Footwear for Democrats Only

It appears that democrats are the only ones who wear “flip-flops!” Republicans wear “adapted to wins”, “altered courses”, “revised plans”, “changed hearts”, “modified approaches”, etc.

It is actually a good thing to keep an open mind and adapt as the landscape changes. Democrats are too stupid or weak to have made that point while their candidate, the Skull & Bones presidential sacrificial candidate John Kerry, was being labeled as a flip-flopper. And now they are too dumb or weak to point out the many euphemisms for flip-flopping that have been attributed to the current Skull & Bones presidential stand in, George W. Bush.

Did I say the Dems were too dumb or weak? Perhaps I should have said that they are part of the political propaganda landscape where a world of false reality is created for us while the people who really rule this nation continue to have their way; because that is sure what seems to be going on here! Nothing else really makes sense. Does it? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Pace Defines 'Winning' in War on Terror - Marine Gen. Peter Pace said winning in this war on terrorism will be determined by conditions, not a signature on a piece of paper.

· 4 U.S. Marines, 1 Sailor Killed in Iraq - The U.S. military on Thursday announced the deaths of five U.S. troops in fighting in Iraq, raising to 96 the number of American forces killed this month.

· The Disneyfication of war allows us to ignore its real savagery - Statues of canine 'heroes' from the second world war are still being unveiled while the deaths of Iraqi civilians go unrecorded

· Halliburton Cited For Iraq Overhead - A report released yesterday by the inspector general's office overseeing Iraq spending found that at least 55 percent, or $163 million, of $296 million in total costs rung up by Halliburton unit KBR went to expenses such as back-office support, transportation and security.

· Iraq situation is 'grim': Benn - Britain's International Developement Secretary Hilary Benn said that the situation in Iraq was "grim" but said it was up to the Iraqi government to sort it out.
TVNL Comment: We broke it, they have to fix it. That sounds fair.





· Fine Footwear for Democrats Only - It appears that democrats are the only ones who wear “flip-flops!”

· The Black House On Pennsylvania Avenue - The extent of the US government's illegal conduct--its lying, scheming, cheating, torture, murder, sexual escapades, and covering up of criminal activities--is finally surfacing and it is breaking through the once calm, sleepy, uninformed U.S. like the tip of an iceberg from hell. Americans all over the country are now wondering when and how the government of the United States became the very thing that the Founding Fathers loathed and despised: a malignant government that is brutal, feared, drunk with power, secretive, completely unaccountable, negligent and dishonest to the hilt. - No longer able to hide behind their historically owned media propaganda machines because the internet has rendered canned, fake and non-news worthless, those occupying important government seats of trust now stand starkly before us as never before in a horrifying line-up of suspects wanted for every type of crime known.

· Cheney Knows Some Call Him Darth Vader - He trumpeted President George W. Bush's national security policy, and said that policy could be in jeopardy if Democrats take control of Congress.




· Health costs bedeviling Americans, survey shows - Frustration with the rising costs of health coverage surged sharply this year, helping to explain why many voters remain uneasy about the economy despite falling gasoline prices, low unemployment and a soaring stock market.

· Exxon makes $10.5B, a near-record quarter - Soundly beats Wall Street estimates and posts the second highest quarterly profit ever for a U.S. company; stock hits all-time high.
TVNL Comment: Oil administration in power; record profits for oil companies. Who'd of thought?

· Enron’s Enablers Go Unpunished - Without the specific energy policies pursued through two Bush presidencies, Skilling and Lay would have remained two-bit Texas hustlers going nowhere fast. But thanks to their presidential sponsors, who in turn received lavish campaign contributions, the biggest corporate swindle in U.S. history was allowed to unfold.



9/11 News :

· 9/11 Families: Petition for Declassification and Release of Documents - We, the undersigned, demand the immediate declassification and release of all transcripts and documents relating to the July 10, 2001 meeting that took place between former CIA Director George Tenet and then National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice. It has been alleged that this urgent and out-of-the-ordinary meeting was called to discuss the increasingly dire warnings of an imminent al Qaeda attack within the U.S.

· 911 - One Picture Worth A Thousand Words... Try These - In 1944, Operation Aphrodite was designed by the US Army to use remote control warplanes to target Nazi strategic sites in Europe. This was 57 years before remote control planes--drones--targeted the Twin Towers and Pentagon.

· 911, Iraq, PNAC , All roads lead to Israel - Let me now throw in a 5th scenario...











· Bush OKs 700-mile U.S.-Mexico fence - President Bush signed a bill Thursday authorizing 700 miles of new fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border, hoping to give Republican candidates a pre-election platform for asserting they're tough on illegal immigration.
TVNL Comment: The "uniter" OKs a huge "divider!"

· Constitution, Schmonstitution - Suddenly, the most sacred text in America is under attack from all sides.

· Antonin Scalia holds you and me in contempt - One of the jobs of any judge is to hold people in contempt. - But Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is carrying that way too far.

· Patient-dumping on Skid Row investigated - Authorities have launched a criminal investigation into suspected dumping of homeless people on Skid Row after police witnessed ambulances leaving five people on a street there during the weekend.





· Governor is blunt to Bush - After weeks of subtle jabs at fellow Republicans in Congress and the White House, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger turned more blunt Tuesday in a tart letter to President Bush. Chiding the president for ignoring his plea for more leeway to toughen California's vehicle exhaust standards, Schwarzenegger complained about "the absence of a coherent federal policy" to stop global warming.





· CIA tried to silence EU on torture flights - The CIA tried to persuade Germany to silence EU protests about the human rights record of one of America's key allies in its clandestine torture flights programme, the Guardian can reveal.

· Electronic voting blamed for Quebec municipal election 'disaster' - In a new report on problems with Quebec's 2005 municipal election, chief electoral officer Marcel Blanchet targets the electronic voting system used to collect and count the votes.

· Israeli jets clash with German ship near Lebanon - Two Israeli warplanes and a German navy vessel have clashed off the Lebanese coast, the Defence Ministry in Berlin said on Wednesday without giving further details.










· The Importance of Understanding Polls, Lying 101 - They wield the media as their weapon, making the absurd seem logical and trying to convince you to focus on things that will nudge you to vote for the current disastrous reign of the GOP. One weapon the media wields so effectively are polls.

· Stealing the Midterms and the Power of Myth - Given the current projections, any massive voter tampering is likely to trigger a public outcry that will inevitably result in an investigation.





· Journalist and Internet pioneer Robert Rosenberg dies at 54 - Robert Rosenberg, author, poet, Internet pioneer and journalist, died of cancer Wednesday in Tel Aviv. He was 54.

· Robert Kennedy Jr.: 'We Have A Negligent Press In This Country' - "We have a negligent press in this country," Kennedy Jr. said, one that has "let the American people down" by not covering what he called the "worst environmental White House we've ever had in history, bar none."
TVNL Comment: They are not negligent; they are complicit.

· Bush, Republicans turn to talk shows for help - American radio talk-show hosts have become frontline warriors in a drive by President George W. Bush and his Republicans to pull off a surprise and maintain control of Congress in November 7 elections.
TVNL Comment: Using the propaganda proxy.










· Experiments on elderly echo Nazis - Three Israeli doctors are under arrest over illegal experiments on thousands of patients, including an elderly concentration camp survivor who narrowly escaped being a victim of the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele.

· Cheney confirms that detainees were subjected to water-boarding - Cheney indicated that the Bush administration doesn't regard water-boarding as torture and allows the CIA to use it. "It's a no-brainer for me," Cheney said at one point in an interview.

· New Jersey court recognizes right to same-sex unions - The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the state's constitution gives gay and lesbian couples all the rights of married heterosexual couples.








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