Date: November 15th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


UPDATE: We are waiting for a final stable release of the new version of mailing list management software that we use. The software is currently in a final alpha testing phase and should be entering beta testing shortly. Once the new version is released we hope to install it and we hope that it fixes the problems that we have been experiences.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


Jesse Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


TVNL Editor's Comments:  Another Smoking Gun Indicating Bush Guilt; Another Smoking Gun Indicating Media Conspiracy


Be they the Downing Street Memos or the multiple discoveries related to the events of 9/11 (like when seven of the accused hijackers, who we still blame, surfaces…ALIVE), the multiple smoking guns, each by itself worthy of launching a criminal investigation of George W. Bush or his administration, are all but completely ignored by the criminal enterprise known as the U.S. corporate media.


The most recent smoking gun came in the form of two documents that indicate that George W. Bush personally approved the transporting of prisoners, none of whom were tried in a court and most of whom were not even charged with a crime, for the purpose of torturing them. Outside of the obvious implications these memos have regarding the violations of international & domestic human rights laws they serve as another example of how George W. Bush has stood in front of this nation and lied over and over about the most serious of issues.


In a nation that tried to purge itself of a president who lied to the citizens in order to hide his personal infidelity it is hard to find any excuse for the media to once again pretend that the discovery of these memos has not happened. Perhaps the people who decide what the media may and may not report wil permit this issue to be addressed but only after the agreed upon spin and timing are finalized. You are witnessing yet another example of a coordinated effort to control information by our media. This news is obviously of national import and this news is obviously being ignored by our corporate media in what obviously has to be a coordinated effort. Nobody can tell me that there is not a single managing editor who is a real journalist that would not view the discovery of these memos as a front page or lead in story yet this news has yet to enter the middle pages of our papers or the little crawler on our screens.


You will see this story enter the media mind control information flow only when it can serve to shape public opinion in accordance with the desires of the people who really control our nation and our media. This is just one of thousands of examples of the media conspiracy that is our corporate news industry.    Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here: 


QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!





·  Official says U.S. may mull pre-emptive Iran strike - The United States or other countries will one day be forced to consider pre-emptive action if Iran and North Korea continue to seek nuclear weapons, a senior U.S. government official said on Tuesday.

·  The New US Embassy Compound: A Shrub Grows in War Torn Baghdad - The U.S. State Dept. may designate a one-million-dollar landscaping "allowance" for the New Embassy Compound (NEC) under construction in the heart of war-torn Baghdad, Iraq -- and that's just for the first year, according to a draft planning document located by The Peacock Report.

·  Bush Initiates Iraq Policy Review Separate From Baker Group's - President Bush formally launched a sweeping internal review of Iraq policy yesterday, pulling together studies underway by various government agencies, according to U.S. officials.

·  The courts are starting to accept that the war against Iraq is a crime - There is no prospect that the British prime minister could be put on trial for war crimes in this country (although, as the international lawyer Philippe Sands points out, there is a chance that he could be arrested and tried elsewhere). Even so, the government appears to find these legal processes profoundly threatening.





·   Document shows Bush guided CIA on detention - The Central Intelligence Agency has acknowledged for the first time the existence of two classified documents, including one signed by President George W. Bush, that have guided the agency's interrogation and detention of terror suspects.

·  Cheney Asks Judge to Toss CIA Leak Suit - Vice President Dick Cheney asked a federal judge Tuesday to dismiss a lawsuit brought against him by a former CIA operative who says the White House leaked her identity to the press.








9/11 News :








·  Lott succeeds in leadership comeback - Sen. Trent Lott, ousted from the top Senate Republican leadership job four years ago because of remarks considered racially insensitive, won election to the No. 2 post Wednesday for the minority GOP in the next Congress.





·  Student tapes teacher proselytizing in class - Accept Jesus or 'you belong in hell,' he said

·  Halliburton Whistleblower Demoted - Whistleblowers -- those who go public with allegations of waste, fraud and abuse -- continue to have a tough time, despite a law protecting them and repeated assurances from the White House, many government agencies and Congress that they maintain a policy of zero tolerance for retaliation.

·  Cluttered Sarasota ballot may be at fault, expert says - Sarasota County's ballot was poorly designed, an expert said, one possible factor in voters skipping over the 13th Congressional District race.
TVNL Comment: Seems like an innocent mistake. Sure it does.

·  Denver Election Clerk Resigns in Wake of Election Day E-Voting Meltdow - In what ought to be the first of a wave of resignations by Elections Officials across the country who have utterly failed the very voters they are supposed to be serving, one of three commissioners of the Denver Board of Elections has resigned today in the wake of the city's e-voting meltdown last Tuesday.





·   Boxer plans Senate hearings on global warming - Automakers and manufacturers, beware: There's a new environmental policy boss in town, she scowls a lot, and two of her favorite phrases are "global warming" and "extensive hearings."

·  Bush's only big ally on warming shifts stand - Australia’s leader said Tuesday he wants to consider an international carbon trading system to fight global warming, signaling a shift toward a part of the Kyoto agreement that he has steadfastly refused to ratify.





·   Celebrity slip up? Lauren Booth says Blair will go in January - That's what happened last night as Tony Blair's sister-in-law appeared to let slip some insider information on that issue in front of nine million reality television viewers.

·  Changes urged in U.S.-India nuclear deal - Arms control advocates urged changes in a U.S.-India nuclear cooperation agreement on Tuesday as the U.S. Senate prepared to resume action on the long-stalled deal.

·  We have conditions too, say Iran and Syria - IRAN and Syria signalled that they were ready to resume dialogue with the United States, but both regimes insisted that the situation in the region would only improve if Washington changed its policies.





·  Army moves forward with court martial - Political charges of “contempt towards the president” dropped, four years prison still possible for political speech critical of Iraq War. Trial date not yet set, expected early 2007

·  Judicial Watch Obtains Documents from Army Related to Halliburton Subsidiary’s No-Bid Iraq Contract - Newly Released Documents Raise Questions Regarding Involvement of Vice President’s Office





·   To the Victors Belongs Impunity - Yet to ensure public furor against Hussein (and to distract the hoi polloi from focusing upon those guilty of similar crimes), the corporate media have conveniently jettisoned several important aspects of history down the Memory Hole:





·  Another Smoking Gun Indicating Bush Guilt; Another Smoking Gun Indicating Media Conspiracy - Nobody can tell me that there is not a single managing editor who is a real journalist that would not view the discovery of these memos as a front page or lead in story yet this news has yet to enter the middle pages of our papers or the little crawler on our screens.

·  FOX NEWS INTERNAL MEMO: "Be On The Lookout For Any Statements From The Iraqi Insurgents...Thrilled At The Prospect Of A Dem Controlled Congress" - Huffington Post has obtained an internal Fox News memo written by the network's Vice President of news. The memo details Fox's game plan the day Democrats won control of both the Senate and the House.

·  Fox News reporters freed for $2 million -  Terrorists used cash for arms to 'hit Zionists,' payment said to encourage more abductions

·  I AM BLOGGER, HEAR ME ROAR! - The mainstream media has finally acknowledged what has been obvious for quite some time; that the internet web logs, or "blogs", are here to stay.

·  Bush Reappoints Overseas Broadcast Chief - President Bush on Tuesday renominated the chairman of the agency that directs U.S. overseas broadcasts even though the nomination has been stalled in the Senate amid allegations of misconduct.

·  Journalists killed in Iraq - A reporter for a local newspaper in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul was killed along with her driver on Wednesday, police said, just days after the killing of another journalist who worked for the same paper.

·  Downie Announces Major Shifts at 'Wash Post' - This includes a plan to "shrink" the newsroom. "tightening up the paper's news hole," cracking down on story length and moving reporters and editors "within and among staffs." The Post is now suffering from regular circulation declines.

·  Al Jazeera English all set to launch - Al Jazeera's English-language television news channel is all set to reach 80 million homes worldwide.










·  South Africa parliament OKs gay marriage - The bill, unprecedented on a continent where homosexuality is taboo, was decried by gay activists for not going far enough and by opponents who warned it "was provoking God's anger."





·  Ten Spammers Create 80 Percent Of Spam - Email users in North America and Europe who find themselves plagued with the incessant bombardment of spam can blame ten spammers singled out by junk mail fighter Spamhaus for the unwanted messages.




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