Date: November 16th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


UPDATE: We are waiting for a final stable release of the new version of mailing list management software that we use. The software is currently in a final alpha testing phase and should be entering beta testing shortly. Once the new version is released we hope to install it and we hope that it fixes the problems that we have been experiences.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


Jesse Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


TVNL Editor's Comments:  No Oil? No Israel? No Stability? No Problem!


This nation and arguably the world are focusing quite a bit of attention on Iraq and the Middle East. Well, that is except we are not really taking note of anything Israel does, no matter how egregious. Anyway the media are indeed focusing on the stability of the Middle East and suddenly the average American is waking up to the fact that there are serious questions about what instability in Iraq means to American national security. Of course we don’t question what the actions of Israel have to do with destabilizing the Middle East; because it is American policy and the policy of the controlled media not to question the actions of Israel.


OK, so let’s say the Middle East stability depends only on the actions of Arabs. Let’s say Americans are finally starting to pay attention, or I should say the media, more accurately mind control apparatus of the people who really control this nation, are now focusing your attention on this vital issue known as Middle East stability; make that the stability of the Middle East sans the instability that may be caused by the actions of Israel. Well, let me ask you this…why are we more concerned about the stability of the Middle East than we are about the stability of say, the Democratic Republic of Congo? Why is the most unstable region of the world with the highest level of Human suffering and despair completely ignored by the entire American corporate news media? Why is the only corporate news network that covers issues like this, Al Jazeera, being kept off American airways? Could it be because the situation in the Congo does not involve oil or Israel? Could it be that the despair and horror taking place there is fueling tremendous profits for American weapons manufacturers who seem to arm every despot on the planet including our own enemies?


The fact is that the people who control the U.S. media do not want you to give one damn about anything that does not cause you to fall in line with their personal ideology. Whatever select pieces of news and information must appear in our media that will cause Americans to support Israel, oppose Israel’s enemies and oppose any nation whose leader decides that their nation’s natural recourses and assets should benefit the citizens and not the corporations, will indeed be presented to the public. Any news or information that exposes the criminals who own this planet and profit both financially and ideologically by death, destruction and discrimination, will be kept from the public. Well, not as long as I and my fellow independent legitimate news bearers and organization have something to do with it! Keep in mind that we are not “alternative news” sources, we are the legitimate news sources. They, the corporate media, are not!


So if there is news out there that makes you realize that the oil companies and their representatives in our government are not acting in your best interest, or if Israel violates dozens of U.N. resolutions and commits atrocities that would turn even a peace loving, flag burning Air America worshiping bleeding heart liberal into a revenge obsessed suicide bomber, we’ll report it. I just hope you don’t unsubscribe because we inform you about what really happens in the real world. We don’t always like what we are reporting, but if we are going to make this world a better place…we have to know where the real problems are; and the corporate media are protecting the bad guys!     Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here: 


QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!





·  Sectarian Strife in Iraq Imperils Entire Region, Analysts Warn - While American commanders have suggested that civil war is possible in Iraq, many leaders, experts and ordinary people in Baghdad and around the Middle East say it is already underway, and that the real worry ahead is that the conflict will destroy the flimsy Iraqi state and draw in surrounding countries.

·  Four U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq - At least 44 U.S. soldiers have been killed this month, half of them in the western Anbar province, heartland of the three-year-old Sunni Muslim insurgency.

·  6 U.S. servicemen die in action in Iraq - So far this month, 40 American service members have been killed or died in Iraq.













9/11 News :


·  Criminial Offense: Removal Of Forensic Evidence on 9/11 - Now, you’re telling me that Govenor Whitman is married into the Bush family, that Govenor Pataki just conveniently moved his offices out of the World Trade Center months before the attack, and both of their approval was required to remove forensic evidence from the scene that could have given us 100% positive identity to the perpetrators? Forget all of the conspiracy theory investigations… investigate the two govenors that basically decided “we don’t need forensics.” Bring them to court.

·  Rouge States and the 9/11 Truth Terrorists - Let’s start this off with a little “hypothetical”. Let’s assume that if you heard that the independent 9/11 commission were doing business with some of Bush’s buddies you would naturally be suspicious and would probably (and rightly) not believe a word they say.






·  Lott succeeds in leadership comeback - Sen. Trent Lott, ousted from the top Senate Republican leadership job four years ago because of remarks considered racially insensitive, won election to the No. 2 post Wednesday for the minority GOP in the next Congress.





·  Hospital Faces Skid Row Dumping Charges - Kaiser Permanente is among 10 hospitals under investigation by city prosecutors for allegedly discharging homeless patients to the streets of Skid Row rather than to a relative or shelter.
TVNL Comment:
America the beautiful.

·  Some Americans Lack Food, but USDA Won't Call Them Hungry - Every year, the Agriculture Department issues a report that measures Americans' access to food, and it has consistently used the word "hunger" to describe those who can least afford to put food on the table. But not this year.

·  Government admits improper farm payments - The Agriculture Department on Wednesday acknowledged making improper payments to farmers worth more than $2.8 billion last year.

·  Nevada town enacts English-only law, bans immigrant benefits - Elected officials in this southern Nevada town have adopted an ordinance declaring English the official language, restricting the display of foreign flags and denying town benefits to undocumented immigrants.





·   Mayors don't wait for Washington on warming - U.S. mayors who fight global warming at city hall, on city streets and at the city dump swapped strategies this week at a snowed-in summit in Utah, and some hoped the federal government would follow their lead.

·  U.S. rejects Annan call to cut greenhouse gases - The United States rejected on Wednesday a plea by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan to cut emissions of greenhouse gases and to join the U.N.'s Kyoto Protocol on fighting global warming.





·   Dissidents blew American 'aid' millions on luxuries for Cuba - Cuban dissidents who were given millions of dollars by the US government to support democracy in their homeland instead blew money on computer games, cashmere sweaters, crabmeat and chocolates, which were then sent to the island.

·  Iran complains to U.N. over repeated Israeli threats - The threats were "matters of extreme gravity" and the U.N. Security Council should condemn them and demand that Israel "cease and desist immediately from the threat of the use of force against members of the United Nations," Iranian U.N. Ambassador Javad Zarif said.

·  Congo faces danger of new civil war as opposition rejects election result - The Democratic Republic of Congo is facing the threat of another civil war after the well-armed opposition yesterday rejected President Joseph Kabila's victory in the first free presidential election since independence, and the country's powerful Roman Catholic archbishop denounced the result as a western conspiracy to grab the country's mineral wealth.





·  Simpsons do Army Recruitment - Hat tip to The Largest Minority on this scathing clip of the Simpson's satirizing the recruitment process.

·  Wounded Vets Doing Well, But Payroll Problems Continue - In an interview earlier this year, the Commander of the United States Army Finance Command told ABC News that wounded soldiers like Kelly will no longer be reported to credit bureaus or have debt collectors sent them. But the payroll problems continued. A few months after our interview, the General Accounting Office released a report saying hundreds of soldiers have been wrongly saddled with debt.

·  School board votes to dump JROTC program - Opponents said the armed forces should have no place in public schools, and the military's discriminatory stance on gays makes the presence of JROTC unacceptable.

·  Soldier in Iraqi gang rape case pleads guilty - One of four U.S. soldiers accused of raping a 14-year-old Iraqi girl before murdering her and her family pleaded guilty to the charges on Wednesday at the start of his court-martial at a Kentucky military base.





·   THE HIGHJACKING OF A NATION - Let’s illustrate this with the most important recent case, the catastrophe endured by our people; the September Eleven terrorist attacks. Let’s observe how certain foreign interests, combined with their U.S. agents and benefactors, overrode the interests and security of the entire nation; how thousands of victims and their loved ones were kicked aside to serve the interests of a few; foreign influence and its agents.

·  Those that try to affect change from within this country win the “Founding Fathers” award - As far as living in any fantasy, I do not see that as I read articles coming from sites such as,,,, and other notable progressive web sites. The writers who write for these e-publications are trying to change our country from within instead of launching barbs.





·  Not Coming Soon to a Channel Near You - The lead story on the debut of Al Jazeera’s new English language channel yesterday was the re-election of President Joseph Kabila of Congo.

·  Clear Channel agrees to $18.7B buyout - Clear Channel Communications Inc., the nation's biggest radio station owner, said Thursday it has agreed to be acquired for about $18.7 billion by an investment group.

·  Job Cuts Begin at NBC News, Telemundo - NBC News has begun carrying out layoffs that it said last month were coming as part of a corporate restructuring, affecting mostly off-camera workers on "Dateline NBC,""Today" and "NBC Nightly News."

·  Probe of non-news news sought KGO, CBS 5-TV say they improperly used corporate tapes - Frustrated by local TV news outlets that run "commercials disguised as news," an FCC commissioner wants to investigate stations that don't tell viewers they may be watching corporate propaganda instead of independently reported information.





·   Belmont to be first U.S. city to ban all smoking - Belmont is set to make history by becoming the first city in the nation to ban smoking on its streets and almost everywhere else.

·  Stem Cell Injections Help Dogs With MS - In promising new research, stem cells worked remarkably well at easing symptoms of muscular dystrophy in dogs, an experiment that experts call a significant step toward treating people.










·  Votes Lost, Press Freedom, Drug Prices, War Stories Revealing News Articles - By choosing to educate ourselves and to spread the word, we can and will build a brighter future.




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