Date: November 20th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


UPDATE: We are waiting for a final stable release of the new version of mailing list management software that we use. The software is currently in a final alpha testing phase and should be entering beta testing shortly. Once the new version is released we hope to install it and we hope that it fixes the problems that we have been experiences.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


TVNL Editor's Comments:  Who Said “Nigger?”


There seems to be an uproar (in the media) about a white comedian who used a string of offensive racial epitaphs in his comedy routine; but apparently crossed that fine line between funny and offensive. I am not making excuses for him but as a class clown I do know that when you are trying to make people laugh you can try too hard and work too fast and say things that are really offensive; with good in intention but offensive none the less.


Anyway I thought I would use this media moment to share my observations about the notorious “n” word; nigger. I live in New York City; Brooklyn to be specific. I am rather used to hearing words that would grow hair on the tongues of some people. I have to say that over the past twenty years I have heard the word nigger more times than you can imagine. I hear it used in conversation all over this city and it is used without a flinch from anyone except me. “Nigger” is one of those words that actually makes me very uncomfortable.  It is part of the vernacular of our city.


The real problem is that the “n” word that I hear so often is used overwhelmingly by black people. It is used often, loudly, in public, when you are a captive audience (like on a bus or a subway car) and without any regard for how makes people within hearing range feel. I can count on one hand the number of white people that I have heard using the term “nigger” over the past few years but I can take you out to any school yard, subway car or any location where black teens gather and we won’t have to count to ten before you hear the term “nigger!” But you will have to count to ten, as matter of fact way past ten, if you try to keep count of how many times the word is used. I can also take you to my home and flip on some ethnic standup comedy cable special and guess what…”n” words galore!  I can also show you video clips of almost any hip-hop wannabe celebrity like Jennifer Lopez referring to their close friends as their “niggas!”  I hate it. I am sick of it. And quite frankly as long as I hear this offensive term flung around in public, out loud, very out lout, along with every other offensive word as defined by the Christain purists and the FCC and pointed out by George Carlin in his comedy bit about the seven dirty words you can never say on TV, I don’t want to hear any complaints about the words use by non-blacks; especially when the real intention was to make people laugh. I am sorry but speaking as someone who has tried very hard to be a respectful person even while being a “social comedian” I have issues with hypocrisy, even when it comes to asking for respect. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   Pentagon Review Sees Three Options in Iraq - The Pentagon's closely guarded review of how to improve the situation in Iraq has outlined three basic options: Send in more troops, shrink the force but stay longer, or pull out, according to senior defense officials.

·  At Least 112 People Killed Across Iraq - At least 112 people were killed nationwide, following a week that had already seen hundreds of deaths.

·  Kidnappers seize Iraqi minister - Gunmen have kidnapped an Iraqi deputy health minister from his home in Baghdad, security sources have said.





·   Unlike Clinton, Bush Sees Hanoi in Bit of a Hurry - On Saturday, Mr. Bush emerged from his hotel for only one nonofficial event, a 15-minute visit to the Joint P.O.W./M.I.A. Accounting Command, which searches for the remains of the 1,800 Americans still listed as missing in the Vietnam War.
TVNL Comment: This adds to the notion that Bush is simply the spokesperson for the real leaders of this nation. His exposure is limited to avoid exposing his limitations, lack of intelligence and lack of understanding of the world. The less exposure the better.

·  The Rats are Leaving the Sinking Ship - It would take a stupid person not to see how very stupid George W. Bush is. An inquisitive mind, say a mind other than that possessed by George W. Bush, might well ask, “How could anyone as stupid and inarticulate as this man ever become president?” That’s a good question. There’s a simple answer to this. He became president because other men, who were neither stupid nor good, wanted him to be president. They wanted him to be president BECAUSE he was stupid and incurious. They wanted him to be president because he was easily manipulated.





·   Dell to start making PCs, laptops in India - Taking its total headcount in India to 20,000, global PC maker Dell will start manufacturing all its products including desktops, laptops and computer peripherals in the country by the first half of 2007.

·  Who Will Pay for Iraq and When? - In all the heated words about the Iraq war, we've heard little or nothing about paying for it. Regardless of how you feel about the war, you must concede that it is going to cost us all dearly.



9/11 News :













·  Global Hawk to fly 1st mission over U.S. - They've become a fixture in the skies over Iraq and Afghanistan, a new breed of unmanned aircraft operated with remote controls by "pilots" sitting in virtual cockpits many miles away.

·  Most callers report voting problems - More than 100 Sarasota County residents said their votes in the congressional race were not recorded after passing through the ballot for the first time, according to a Herald-Tribune survey. Dozens said they never saw the race listed on the ballot. Some who missed the race left without casting a vote.

·  Gonzales attacks ruling against domestic spying - Gonzales was the second administration official in two days to attack a federal judge's ruling last August that the program was unconstitutional. Vice President Dick Cheney on Friday called the decision "an indefensible act of judicial overreaching."





·  Nairobi climate talks end in deal - The UN climate talks in Nairobi have ended with agreement reached on all outstanding matters.





·   India Test - Fires Nuclear - Capable Missile - The indigenously built single-stage missile, Prithvi II, which has been test-fired at least 10 times, was launched off the coast of the eastern state of Orissa.

·  Israeli ambassador: Olmert advised to ignore UN - UN decides on ‘fact finding mission’ to look into Beit Hanoun incident, Gillerman advises Olmert to ignore committee

·  Hersh: CIA Analysis Finds Iran Not Developing Nuclear Weapons - A classifed draft CIA assessment has found no firm evidence of a secret drive by Iran to develop nuclear weapons, as alleged by the White House, a top US investigative reporter has said.





·   ARMY GIVES RUMSFELD DOCTRINE A REWRITE - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld may be leaving under a cloud of criticism over his handling of the Iraq war, but his invasion plan — emphasizing speed over massive troop numbers — has consistently been held up as a resounding success.

·  Thousands Protest Ga. Military School - The Army's School of the Americas moved to Fort Benning from Panama in 1984 and was replaced in 2001 by the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), under the Defense Department. The school trains Latin American soldiers, police and government officials.





·   When religion loses its credibility - What if Christian leaders are wrong about homosexuality? I suppose, much as a newspaper maintains its credibility by setting the record straight, church leaders would need to do the same:

·  Who Said “Nigger?” - The real problem is that the “n” word that I hear so often is used overwhelmingly by black people. It is used often, loudly, in public, when you are a captive audience (like on a bus or a subway car) and without any regard for how makes people within hearing range feel.

·  How to Talk About Israel - The special relationship between Israel and the United States, and the supposed dominance of ''Jewish interests'' in Washington, is by now encrusted with so many layers of mythology and bad faith that it has become very difficult to discuss Israel's role in American politics critically and dispassionately. Yet not to talk about it invites only more conspiracy theories.





·  Iraqi TV satirist killed in Baghdad - One of Iraq's best known satirists and broadcasters was gunned down on his way to work on Monday, his colleagues and the police said.

·  176 Newspapers to Form a Partnership With Yahoo - A consortium of seven newspaper chains representing 176 daily papers across the country is announcing a broad partnership with Yahoo to share content, advertising and technology, another sign that the wary newspaper business is increasingly willing to shake hands with the technology companies they once saw as a threat.















·   Spam, spam, spam, spam... you’ve got mail - The latest wave of junk e-mails is blamed on new software that can hijack home computers to use them to send out spam.

·  The "NASA Airbrushed UFOs / Lunar Base Towers" trailer from the "UFO - The Greatest Story Ever Denied" movie - TVNL Comment: Interesting

·  The Illuminati 'Won' The Elections - The elections in the U.S.A. are over and it now becomes increasingly clear that the Illuminati really do control both the Democratic and Republican parties, so that no matter which candidate won, the Illuminati can continue their agenda for total world domination and the establishment of an Illuminati ruled global fascist police state.




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