Date: November 22nd 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


UPDATE: We are waiting for a final stable release of the new version of mailing list management software that we use. The software is currently in a final alpha testing phase and should be entering beta testing shortly. Once the new version is released we hope to install it and we hope that it fixes the problems that we have been experiences.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


TVNL Editor's Comments:  Iraq Insanity!


How do we let them get away with it? The same people who put Saddam control of Iraq for what seems to be the purpose of opening up Iraq’s natural resources to American corporate profiteers have now led the chard to remove and replace Saddam. Every last one of the people at the top were responsible for creating the Saddam that they demonized and now they will be the people to replace him with the next generation Saddam. It’s not theory, it is official history. How do we let them get away with it? Where are the lynch mobs?. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·   THE TRUTH - Your Government, U.S. Coprorate Interests, Saddam, the CIA & Iraq.

·  U.N.: Iraqi civilian deaths at new high - The United Nations said Wednesday that 3,709 Iraqi civilians were killed in October, the highest monthly toll since the March 2003 U.S. invasion and another sign of the severity of Iraq's sectarian bloodbath.

·  Bush's CIA Creating A 'New Saddam' To Take Over? - This afternoon I had lunch with a CIA operative who was telling me, in hushed tones, that we were going to put an Iraqi general officer up to leading a putsch against the present régime there.

·  No Exit?: What It Means to "Salvage U.S. Prestige" in Iraq - Sooner or later, failure has a way of stripping most of us of our dreams and pretensions. So let's start with a tiny history of failure. George W. Bush's life trajectory of failing upward has had a rhythm to it -- and a rubric, "crony capitalism."

·  Bomb Aimed at Iraqi Speaker Hits Green Zone - Though the speaker, Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, was unscathed by the explosion, the assassination attempt was one of the most serious breaches of security in the four-square-mile Green Zone in recent memory.

·  New Survey: Iraqis Want a Speedy U.S. Exit -- and Back Attacks on Our Forces - Past surveys have hinted at this result, but a new poll in Iraq makes it more stark than ever: the Iraqi people want the U.S. to exit their country. And most Iraqis now approve of attacks on U.S. forces, even though 94% express disapproval of al-Qaeda.





·    Well, that was a brief bit of civility - President Bush's political fortunes have changed for the worst, but he himself is announcing that he hasn't changed a bit. - He still hates not getting his own way on everything.

·  May I Quote You, Mr. President? - A selection of 50 quotes from President George W. Bush, for entertainment or meditation





·   Coincidence? Election over, gas prices up again - If you were a little suspicious of the way in which gasoline prices just happened to dive just before this month's midterm elections, this bit of news won't exactly put your mind at ease: After dropping 84 cents between Aug. 11 and Nov. 3, gas prices are up five cents in the first Lundberg Survey released after the Nov. 7 election.

·  Report: Hunger rising in New York City - Nearly one in six city residents lived in households that could not afford to buy enough food during the three year period ending in 2005, according to the New York City Coalition Against Hunger report released Tuesday.

·  White House cuts economic growth forecast - Council of Economic Advisers says GDP to slow for remainder of year and in 2007, blaming weakness on housing.



9/11 News :


·    John Conner Crashes ANOTHER College (UCSD) With 9/11 Truth - John Conner's college campus tour continues at the University of California San Diego.

·  Using Logic To Counter 911 Non-Thinkers - Understandably, to really think about the events of 9-11 requires an abiding love of truth, a logical mind, a rational mind far removed from emotion and prejudice, and a trust of scientific law rather than an unquestioning trust of the state. Let us now look at only five facets using these principles of logic.

·  New Bond Film Highlights 9/11 Insider Trading - Fails to mention it led straight back to the CIA, was not investigated by 9/11 Commission











·  Whistleblower Stephen Heller Says 'Diebold Cannot be Trusted to Run Elections in America' - In my view, Diebold has shown they cannot be trusted to run elections in America. We must not allow a private corporation to run our elections for us in secret, using secret machines and secret software. The only thing secret about our elections should be the secret ballot.

·  U.S. to Require Passports for Nearly All - Nearly all air travelers entering the U.S. will be required to show passports beginning Jan. 23, including returning Americans and people from Canada and other nations in the Western Hemisphere.

·  Tiny town could be Waterloo for vote machines - Defenders of electronic voting machines can explain away the disappearance of 18,380 votes in Florida's 13th District congressional election as the dross of disgusted voters after a nasty campaign.

·  37 percent of U.S. births out of wedlock - Out-of-wedlock births in the United States have climbed to an all-time high, accounting for nearly four in 10 babies born last year, government health officials said Tuesday.
TVNL Comment: And ZERO % of these sinful out of wedlock births are born to gay couples!





·   6 nations plus EU sign accord for nuclear fusion project - Officials from six nations and the European Union signed a long-awaited, $12.8-billion pact in Paris on Tuesday to build a nuclear fusion reactor aimed at developing a cheaper, cleaner and safer energy source.

·  Stubbornly pursuing a course that is destroying the planet - Human activity is putting such strain on the natural functions of Earth that the ability of the planet's ecosystems to sustain future generations can no longer be taken for granted

·  China boasts plan for world's largest solar plant - China, seeking to ease its dependence on coal to fuel its booming economy, said on Tuesday it will build the world's largest solar power station in the poor but sunny northwestern province of Gansu.

·  Cancer-like disease killing off citrus, hurting industry - “This is absolutely the most serious threat the citrus industry has ever had,’’ said Mike Carrere, executive vice president of Lykes Brothers in Tampa, the state’s second-largest citrus grower. “Canker debilitates a tree. Greening actually kills it.’’





·   N Korea 'won't stop nuclear plan' - A senior North Korean official has said the North does not intend to abandon its nuclear programme when it returns to talks on the subject, reports say.

·  Blair is wildly exaggerating the threat posed by terrorism - Craving a monstrous enemy, the prime minister has vastly overstated this supposed threat to world security
TVNL Comment: Blame the media as well!

·  UK Admits Israel Has Nuclear Weapons - Former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has become the first member of the British cabinet to go on public record and formally admit that the Zionist regime has an arsenal of nuclear weapons.





·   Iraq vet to lead Ill. vets' affairs - Iraq war veteran and failed congressional candidate Tammy Duckworth has a new mission: directing the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs, Gov. Rod Blagojevich announced Tuesday.





·   Criticizing Israeli Policies Is Not the Same Thing as Anti-Semitism - The stance that most Americans have taken with regards to the Arab-Israeli conflict can be summed up in a sentence: “Israel is God’s Land and anybody who disagrees with it deserves to be obliterated.”





·  A predatory capitalist who stifles competition and delivers mediocrity - Our politicians pay court to Rupert Murdoch like Roman vassals. He is a threat to democracy and it is time we took him on

·  Woman's Family Sues CNN, Nancy Grace -  Relatives of a mother who committed suicide after CNN's Nancy Grace aggressively questioned her about the disappearance of her son sued the network and the talk-show host Tuesday, accusing Grace of pushing the woman over the edge.





·    Aids pandemic gains renewed strength - The spread of the HIV/Aids pandemic continues unabated, with the number of people infected rising once more in some countries which had been thought to be beating the disease, according to the UN.





·  Settlements 'violate Israeli law' - More than a third of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank are built on privately owned Palestinian land, an Israeli campaign group has reported.
TVNL Comment: So they'll change or ignore the law.

·  Missing presumed tortured - More than 7,000 prisoners have been captured in America's war on terror. Just 700 ended up in Guantanamo Bay. Between extraordinary rendition to foreign jails and disappearance into the CIA's "black sites", what happened to the rest?

·  IDF admits targeting civilian areas in Lebanon with cluster bombs - Meanwhile, for the first time Monday, the IDF admitted targeting populated areas with cluster munitions. In a statement released by the IDF Spokesman's Office, "the use of cluster munitions against built-up areas was done only against military targets where rocket launches against Israel were identified and after taking steps to warn the civilian population."

·  Gaza suffering "massive" rights violations - U.N. - "The violation of human rights I think in this territory is massive," Louise Arbour, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, told reporters during a visit to Beit Hanoun, a town the Israeli army shelled earlier this month, killing 19 civilians.





·    Ed. Secretary Places 2nd on 'Jeopardy' - She came in second behind the actor Michael McKean, best known for his role as 'Lenny' on the television show "Laverne and Shirley" and for the movie "This Is Spinal Tap."
TVNL Comment: The Education Secretary was beaten by Lenny of Lenny & Squiggy. No Comment.

·  White House Aide Mugged in Waikiki - Police say the acting director of the White House travel office was robbed and beaten early this morning in Waikiki.

·  First Daughter Barbara Robbed in Argentina - It was not the only mishap on the two-week trip to Argentina by Barbara and her twin sister Jenna. A Secret Service agent on the advance detail got into an "altercation" with someone after a night out and was badly beaten, according to the law enforcement reports.

·  Former president Bush battles Arab critics of his son - "We do not respect your son. We do not respect what he's doing all over the world," a woman audience member bluntly told Bush after his keynote speech. - Bush appeared stunned as the audience of young business leaders whooped and whistled in approval.




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