Date: November 24th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


UPDATE: We are waiting for a final stable release of the new version of mailing list management software that we use. The software is currently in a final alpha testing phase and should be entering beta testing shortly. Once the new version is released we hope to install it and we hope that it fixes the problems that we have been experiences.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Can We Call Iraq a Quagmire Yet?


There is nothing to win in Iraq. The reason for invading Iraq as told to us by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell and the criminal U.S. corporate media is now moot. We did not need to go there to protect America from a grave and gathering threat because it has now been proven that the threat never existed. So you see there is nothing to actually win here. You don’t evaluate the actions of a bully like America beating up a weakling in terms of wining or losing; you simply measure how bad the beating is. Bullies don’t beat up little guys to protect themselves; but everyone knows that. Well, not everyone.


Anyway the mission was accomplished. I should say the missions were accomplished. The mission was actually two fold. First off it was to start a war; a very expensive never ending war. This would satisfy the fascist global financial elites and international bankers whose real goal is to pretty much own everything on this planet. You see war is great for these people. They get to finance wars. Private banks like the Federal Reserve get to charge us interest for lending the U.S. money. War is the single most expensive endeavor a nation can undertake. Central bankers love war. They feed on war like leeches sucking the blood of their host.  And what better person to get rid of than Saddam Hussein? He was using the profits of his nation’s oil for something other than American corporate profits. His oil money was going towards paying off his nations debts, providing education for his people and providing health care for his people. The capitalists known as central bankers and the big greedy oil companies could not have that! So what better a target for another war than Iraq?


Then there is the other part of the perfect war storm…Israel! This war served to eliminate a leader who was an enemy of Israel. Let me rephrase that; he was an enemy of the leaders of Israel who continue to commit atrocities against the Palestinians. As a matter of fact he may have been the only leader of any nation in the region to help the Palestinians at all; and Israel can not allow this; nor can the Zionists who influence and in the case of the Bush administration define American foreign policy.


That being said we are now in Iraq. As I already said we can not win. Staying will not do anything other than kill more Americans, cost the American tax payers more than they can every afford to pay and make the war profiteers richer that the mind can comprehend. We can not leave there because then because the bloodshed that may occur will surely be blamed on America; and rightfully so.


So what do you call it when you can not stay and you can not go? Has the media forgotten the word? Let me remind them…it is not “dilemma” or “decision”. It is not about “cutting and running” vs. “adapting to win.” The word is “QUAGMIRE!” Period, end of story.    Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   Can We Call Iraq a Quagmire Yet? - So what do you call it when you can not stay and you can not go? Has the media forgotten the word? Let me remind them…it is not “dilemma” or “decision”. It is not about “cutting and running” vs. “adapting to win.”

·  Sadr group threatens to quit Iraq govt if PM meets Bush - The political group of radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr threatened to pull out of Iraq's national unity government if Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki goes through with a scheduled meeting with US President George W. Bush in Jordan next week.

·  Three Marines Killed Fighting in Iraq - Three U.S. Marines were killed fighting in Anbar province, the area of western Iraq where many Sunni-Arab insurgents are based, the military said Thursday.

·  Iraq war was good for Israel: Olmert - "I stand with the president because I know that Iraq without Saddam Hussein is so much better for the security and safety of Israel, and all of the neighbors of Israel without any significance to us," added Olmert, who was speaking in English.

·  U.S. Fights Highly Trained Militants in Iraq - Sunni Arab militant groups suspected of ties to Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia have established training camps east of Baghdad that are turning out well-disciplined units willing to fight American forces in set-piece battles, American military commanders said Thursday.

·  Baghdad locked down - Baghdad was under curfew on Friday and the government appealed for calm after car bombs in a Shi'ite stronghold killed 160 in the bloodiest single attack of the war, pushing Iraq closer to the abyss of anarchy.

·  Doctors are reportedly fleeing Iraq - Iraq's top doctors are under threat and are fleeing the country, leaving hospitals in the hands of medical students or junior physicians, an Iraqi lawmaker said Wednesday.

·  Scores killed in Baghdad blasts - More than 140 people have been killed in a wave of car bomb and mortar blasts in the Shia Sadr City area of the Iraqi capital, security sources say. - Details are sketchy, but a further 200 were reportedly wounded in one of the most devastating series of attacks since the US-led invasion in 2003.





·    BUSH'S STRANGE VIETNAM VISIT - What may be remembered someday as one of the strangest moments of George W. Bush's presidency took place last week in Vietnam, when he chose to mention the American defeat there in the same breath as our failing occupation of Iraq.








9/11 News :













·  U.S. Copyright Office issues new rights - Cellphone owners will be allowed to break software locks on their handsets in order to use them with competing carriers under new copyright rules announced Wednesday.

·  The Snooping Goes Beyond Phone Calls - Buying commercially collected data allows the government to dodge certain privacy rules.

·  Police Agree to Protester Reforms - The D.C. police department agreed yesterday to pay $685,000 and take steps to protect protesters from police abuse and ensure their rights to settle a lawsuit over the treatment of demonstrators at President Bush's inauguration in 2001.





·   2005 Another Record Year for Global Carbon Emissions - The United States, with less than 5 percent of the world's population, accounts for 21 percent of carbon emissions.





·  France okays firing at IAF over Lebanon - French soldiers in Lebanon who feel threatened by aggressive Israeli overflights are permitted to shoot at IAF fighter jets, a high-ranking French military officer told The Jerusalem Post.

·  Italian right 'tried to rig poll' - Italian prosecutors have launched an inquiry into claims that the government of ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi tried to rig April's general elections.

·  Israel rejects ceasefire proposal - Israel has dismissed an offer by Palestinian militant groups to stop firing rockets into Israel, if Israel ends attacks on Palestinians.

·  Iran offers UN new nuclear access - Mohamed ElBaradei said he hoped Iran's move would begin a series of measures that would clear suspicions over its nuclear programme.










·   Gates & the Iran Arms Sales - In November 1987, as the Reagan administration was still scrambling to contain the Iran-Contra scandal, then-deputy CIA director Robert M. Gates denied that the spy agency had soft-pedaled intelligence about Iran’s support for terrorism to clear the way for secret U.S. arms shipments to the Islamic regime.

·  Give Thanks No More; It’s Time for a National Day of Atonement - One indication of moral progress in the United States would be the replacement of Thanksgiving Day and its self-indulgent family feasting with a National Day of Atonement accompanied by a self-reflective collective fasting.





·  A predatory capitalist who stifles competition and delivers mediocrity - Our politicians pay court to Rupert Murdoch like Roman vassals. He is a threat to democracy and it is time we took him on



















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