Date: November 29th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


UPDATE: We are waiting for a final stable release of the new version of mailing list management software that we use. The software is currently in a final alpha testing phase and should be entering beta testing shortly. Once the new version is released we hope to install it and we hope that it fixes the problems that we have been experiences.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Bush is Not Protecting Us; He is Killing Us


Radical Christians who have nothing better to do than hope for Armageddon sure have a lot to thank George W. Bush for! While the criminal corporate media fool you into thinking that you are being kept safe because terrorists have not attacked this nation in a few years refuse to report how the real threats to your life and to the world in general have increased exponentially thanks to the policies of George W. Bush. While I can fill volumes with reports validating my claim I’ll settle for pointing out the latest crime against humanity committed by the Bush administration that will no doubt result in human and animal death and suffering. Continuing his assault on the well being of Americans George W. Bush and his criminal administration has decided to allow pesticides to be sprayed over open waters without any permit! Isn’t that nice? I wonder if the members of the Environmental Protection Agency know the name of the agency for which they work! Any way this is just another example of how threats to your life increase at the hands of George W. Bush while the criminal media distract your attention! The only good thing about a development like this is that the people in the media will die too. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·   The Iraq Study Group: Official damage control and cover-up - Despite its insistence that it is an independent and non-partisan body, the USIP itself is a policy group that functions as an arm of the US government, and as a US intelligence/propaganda apparatus. The USIP appointed by the President of the United States, and confirmed and funded by Congress. The rotating membership of the USIP consists primarily of elites, including "retired" Washington politicians and Pentagon officials.

·  Bring back Saddam Hussein - Restoring the dictator to power may give Iraqis the jolt of authority they need. Have a better solution?

·  As Iraq Deteriorates, Iraqis Get More Blame - From troops on the ground to members of Congress, Americans increasingly blame the continuing violence and destruction in Iraq on the people most affected by it: the Iraqis.
TVNL Comment: After all, they started it! Didn't they? Oops...that was us!

·  US forces kill two women in Iraq - US forces in Iraq have killed two women in an air attack on a house in Baquba, a day after five girls were killed by US tank fire in Ramadi.

·  Anti-war protester burns himself to death in vain - “If I am required to pay for your barbaric war, I choose not to live in your world. I refuse to finance the mass murder of innocent civilians, who did nothing to threaten our country.”

·  Pentagon Considers Moving Troops From al-Anbar Province to Baghdad - ABC News has learned that Pentagon officials are considering a major strategic shift in Iraq, to move U.S. forces out of the dangerous Sunni-dominated al-Anbar province and join the fight to secure Baghdad.





·    Senior Aide to Rice Resigns From Post - Two months ago, the State Department’s counselor, Philip D. Zelikow, offered an oblique criticism of the administration’s failure to push strongly for an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan in the Middle East.

·  Judge Strikes Down Bush on Terror Groups - A federal judge struck down President Bush's authority to designate groups as terrorists, saying his post-Sept. 11 executive order was unconstitutional and vague, according to a ruling released Tuesday.

·  Contrary to Previous Reports, Cheney Was ‘Basically Summoned’ By Saudi Crown Prince - Saudi Arabia is so concerned about the damage that the conflict in Iraq is doing across the region that it basically summoned Vice President Cheney for talks over the weekend, according to U.S. officials and foreign diplomats.





·  Pfizer to cut U.S. sales force by 20 percent - The job cuts will be in all levels of Pfizer's sales organization from senior management to field representatives, Pfizer spokesman Paul Fitzhenry said.
TVNL Comment: Who needs sales people when they have Congress, governments and the FDA? They are even opening new markets like selling Celebrx to children now!

·  Church's Chicken outsources accounting - Church's Chicken has become the first U.S. corporation to outsource all its financial and accounting work to another country.

·  Another day, another fall in the dollar - The dollar came under pressure for the fifth day in row yesterday as further evidence of weakness in the world's largest economy emerged and as a key international body warned that the US economy was running out of steam.

·  Live At Your Own Risk - For three decades, the gap between the rich and everyone else has grown in the United States. At the same time, working people have faced greater economic uncertainty, their incomes have fluctuated more dramatically, and both employers and governments have cut back on measures such as pensions and health insurance that helped mitigate the uncertainties of life.



9/11 News :


·    The frightening link between the 9-11 toxic cloud and cancer - "Whitman's deliberate and misleading statements made to the press, where she reassured the public that the air was safe to breathe around Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn, and that there would be no health risk presented to those returning to the areas, shocks the conscience."

·  FLIGHT 93 LAWSUIT UPDATE - The speculation regarding Flight 93 and whether it landed at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport or was shot down by our military over Shanksville, Pennsylvania continues.






·   Sen. Reid: Ethics, Stem Cells Top Agenda - Reid said he will tackle those priorities after cleaning up the "financial mess" that the outgoing Republican leadership has left. He was referring to nine long overdue appropriations bills covering 13 Cabinet departments for the budget year that began Oct. 1.

·  Son also rises in testy Webb-Bush exchange - At a private reception held at the White House with newly elected lawmakers shortly after the election, Bush asked Webb how his son, a Marine lance corporal serving in Iraq, was doing. Webb responded that he really wanted to see his son brought back home, said a person who heard about the exchange from Webb. “I didn’t ask you that, I asked how he’s doing,” Bush retorted, according to the source.





·  Immigration files missing - About 30,000 applications from immigrants seeking citizenship were processed by the government even though thousands of background files used to determine eligibility were missing, congressional investigators found.

·  Your details could be logged at the till - EVERYDAY transactions such as buying a store gift card or playing pokies could lead to your details being recorded on a government database under a crackdown on money laundering and terrorism.
TVNL Comment: OK...why not start by keeping track of every vote we cast? They don't care much about that information, do they?

·  Freshly Baked Handouts Forbidden in Fairfax - Under a tough new Fairfax County policy, residents can no longer donate food prepared in their homes or a church kitchen -- be it a tuna casserole, sandwiches or even a batch of cookies -- unless the kitchen is approved by the county, health officials said yesterday.
TVNL Comment: Better the homeless starve than get indigestion! What a country!

·  Five Years After Enron, Firms Seek Weaker Rules - A group that has drawn support from Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. plans to issue a report tomorrow that argues that the United States may be losing its preeminent position in global capital markets to foreign stock exchanges because of costly regulations and nettlesome private lawsuits.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy; changing laws so that criminals can get away with crime.





·   Bush is Not Protecting Us; He is Killing Us - The environmental policies of George W. Bush will result in more death and destruction than anything else in history. It is almost as if they are trying to end life on earth.

·  Report says CO2 emissions have doubled - "To have four years in a row of above-average carbon dioxide growth is unprecedented," Paul Fraser, a scientist with the CSIRO's center for marine and atmospheric research, said in a statement.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.

·  Study: Sewage threatening Great Lakes - The untreated urban sewage and effluents that flow into the Great Lakes each year are threatening a critical ecosystem that supplies water to millions of people, according to a study by a Canadian environmental group.
TVNL Comment: Keep having babies so we can destroy the very eco systems that keep us alive.

·  EPA OKs spraying pesticides over waters - The Bush administration pleased farmers and frustrated environmentalists Monday by declaring that pesticides can be sprayed into and over waters without first obtaining special permits.
TVNL Comment: Feel safer?





·  Energy-hungry China breaks ground in Middle East - China is striving to build economic and political ties in a region which the International Energy Agency expects to supply 70 percent of its oil imports by 2015, but in doing so it risks antagonizing its key trading partner, the United States.

·  Bolivian Senate OKs sweeping land reform - Bolivia's leftist president won passage of an ambitious land redistribution bill and signed it into law to the cheers of impoverished Indian supporters, who stand to benefit from what eventually could be the confiscation of private holdings the size of Nebraska.

·  UK Police Adorn Nazi Chic - British police have been photographed wearing bizarre Nazi-like insignia on their uniforms as the attire of Tony Blair's enforcers begins to compliment the totalitarian society the Prime Minister is creating by openly abolishing freedom of speech and freedom of assembly under draconian crime and terror laws.

·  BAE secret millions linked to arms broker - Secret payments of millions of pounds from Britain's biggest arms company have been found in Swiss accounts linked to Wafic Said, a billionaire arms broker for the Saudi Royal family, according to legal sources.





·   Secret Pentagon Documents Classify Central Coast Group as a "Threat" - Secret Pentagon documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union provide details of how the organization called "Veterans for Peace" was considered a threat.

·  Feds plan redo of weapon sites - The federal government will head to Las Vegas this week to discuss its proposed top-to-bottom makeover of the nation's nuclear weapons system, an archipelago of research and production sites across two-thirds of the country.
TVNL Comment: I have an idea...why not make it a rule that people who work these plants can not wear any protective clothing and must handle the plutonium unprotected! I would vote for that in a second!





·   Whistle-blowers tell of cost of conscience - An increasing number of whistle-blowers allege that rather than being embraced, they're being retaliated against for coming forward.










·  Plan Could Close 20 or More New York Hospitals - In addition, the commission reached deep into the particular operations of many individual institutions, ordering them to eliminate specific numbers of beds, telling some to eliminate psychiatric, substance abuse or maternity wards, and in some cases directing others to take on those functions.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy!





·   Report assails collusion in Europe with CIA - A new European Parliament report on secret abductions, transportation and detention of terror suspects bluntly rejects the assertion by several European countries accused of being involved that they were unaware of a CIA program.





·   Software Will Let Users Dodge Government Internet Censorship - Developers from the University of Toronto plan to release software this week that will allow residents in restrictive countries to gain uncensored Internet access through friends' and family members' home computers.

·  Ex-spy's poison on the Internet - $69 can get you a trace of the commonly used lethal industrial chemical




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