Date: December 2nd 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


UPDATE: We are waiting for a final stable release of the new version of mailing list management software that we use. The software is currently in a final alpha testing phase and should be entering beta testing shortly. Once the new version is released we hope to install it and we hope that it fixes the problems that we have been experiences.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Systemic Systematic Greed


Why are there annual cost of living increases? Why do people who profit from business or salary need to increase their profits every single year? Why are annual rent increases the norm? When is enough enough?


The reality of our world is that greed has become an accepted and dare I say expected personality trait in today’s world. Well I think this shows how human beings, mostly rich capitalist human beings have fooled themselves into thinking that they actually have values that are worthy of anything other than shame. We live in a nation that accepts rent increases and consumer price increases for no other reason than to satisfy the greedy people who can never seem to feel wealthy enough yet we refuse to extend the same cost of living increase consideration to the many people who earn the minimum wage.


We raise the cost of just about everything every single year and by not raising the minimum wage we are making the poorest people of this nation poorer; intentionally. There is not a single economist who will tell you that this model is fair to all. This model is designed to make the very rich much richer and redistribute wealth from the bottom to the top. It is a trickle up model.


Until the words “homeless” can not be used in the same sentence with words like “person” or “veteran” I don’t want to hear what the economists who have been controlling our economy have to say; especially those economists who have taken over our nation at the private for profit criminal enterprise known as the Federal Reserve.  If you really want to measure your character as a caring compassionate person who is sharing a world with others simply think about what it would take before you feel that you have “enough.”    Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   91 die, 40 hurt in Baghdad car bombings - A U.S. Army soldier also was killed in fighting in the volatile Anbar province on Friday, the military said, raising to at least 2,887 the number of service members who have died since the Iraq war started in March 2003.

·  U.S. Rethinking Iraqi Unification Goal - The Bush administration is re-evaluating its efforts to unite Iraq's fractious sectarian and political factions in an attempt to preserve U.S. options in Iraq no matter what happens, officials familiar with an internal administration review of Iraq policy said Friday.
TVNL Comment: The Kristol bunch were pretty much wrong about everything related to

·  'Whole world will pay' if US abandons Iraq - Kuwaiti emir - "On the contrary, the situation would worsen and we would see a civil war of great intensity for which the whole world would pay the price."
TVNL Comment: The world is paying the price for the invasion; why wouldn't the world pay the price for a withdrawal?

·  Spy Chief Cites Perils in Iraq - National Intelligence Director John Negroponte says Iraq is far more precarious than much of Vietnam was when he served as a U.S. diplomat there in the 1960s.





·    GSA Chief Seeks to Cut Budget For Audits - The new chief of the U.S. General Services Administration is trying to limit the ability of the agency's inspector general to audit contracts for fraud or waste and has said oversight efforts are intimidating the workforce, according to government documents and interviews. GSA Administrator Lurita Alexis Doan, a Bush political appointee and former government contractor, has proposed cutting $5 million in spending on audits and shifting some responsibility for contract reviews to small, private audit contractors.

·  Robert Fisk: Like Hitler and Brezhnev, Bush is in denial - History's "deniers" are many - and all subject to the same folly: faced with overwhelming evidence of catastrophe, they take refuge in fantasy, dismissing evidence of collapse as a symptom of some short-term setback, clinging to the idea that as long as their generals promise victory - or because they have themselves so often promised victory - that fate will be kind. George W Bush - or Lord Blair of Kut al-Amara for that matter - need not feel alone. The Middle East has produced these fantasists by the bucketful over past decades.





·  Systemic Systematic Greed - The reality of our world is that greed has become an accepted and dare I say expected personality trait in today’s world.

·  Dollar Fall Is Catalyst For Predatory Global Government - As the dollar goes into free fall and the housing market accelerates in sales yet plunges in price, the quickening of an agenda of economic catastrophe allied to the "solution" of predatory globalism and the creation of a North American Union is afoot, and it spells potential disaster for the livelihood of all Americans.

·  The Return of M3 - At the time of the M3 announcement, we suspected the Fed was attempting to cover their tracks, disguising an ongoing increase in money supply and an unstated "easing" in Fed bias.

·  The $2 question: Weak dollar is good for visitors to US, but outlook for world economy is bleak - Experts have been warning that the US and the dollar have been living on borrowed time.

·  Bizzaro Knights of The Federal Reserve - “Knights they may be, but they are some kind of knights that I have never heard about, as they apparently ride around the countryside robbing the poor and the middleclass, stripping them of their wealth by debasing their money and forcing them to plunge into un-payable debt.”

·  Durable orders fall 8.3%, most in six years - Core capital equipment orders fall 5.1%, first decline in six months

·  US manufacturing shrinks for 1st time in 3-1/2 yrs - U.S. factory activity shrank in November for the first time in 3-1/2 years as new orders, production and employment fell and prices paid rose, according to a survey published on Friday.



9/11 News :


·  Economics and the Al-Qaeda attack lie - One has to be a total fool or completely ignorant of current network infrastructure hardware and security technology to believe that an attack of any magnitude could affect every financial service provider.






·  Congressman faulted for Quran at oath - Headlined, "America, Not Keith Ellison, decides what book a congressman takes his oath on," Prager argued that using the Quran for the ceremony "undermines American civilization."
TVNL Comment:
America is a broken nation. We are a rich, technologically advanced society that is going back in time socially and morally.

·  Next Chairman for Intelligence Opposed War - Representative Nancy Pelosi, the incoming House speaker, sent a strong new signal on Friday that Democrats intend to confront the White House by naming a Texas congressman who opposed the war in Iraq as the next chairman of the House intelligence committee.

·  Republicans to lose their Bible-study room in the Capitol - If studying the Bible is what led Republican Christianists to not be able to pass a budget (leaving Democrats to clean up the mess), not rein in Bush’s illegal and unconstitutional warrantless wiretapping program (leaving Democrats to clean up the mess), and not be able to do one damn thing about the Iraq Clusterfuck (leaving Democrats to clean up the mess), then less Bible study, please, say I.

·  W.House Will Defy Democrats on Security: Republican - The Bush administration is unlikely to allow the incoming Democratic majority in Congress to learn details about its domestic spying program and interrogation policy, a Republican senator said on Thursday.





·   Threats to celebrities bring charges - A federal grand jury indicted a Woodland Hills man Friday on charges of sending threatening letters with white powder to half a dozen politicians and celebrities, including incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and television personalities Jon Stewart and Keith Olbermann.

·  N.H. GOP Settles Phone-Jamming Lawsuit - The New Hampshire Democratic Party, which had sought compensation in an Election Day 2002 phone-jamming scheme, settled its lawsuit against the GOP for an undisclosed amount, state Republicans said Friday.

·  Schools offering cars and trucks for good attendance - So does bribing students with the possibility of winning a car or truck actually get them to think twice about staying home from school? Some educators think so, and say their giveaways have boosted attendance. But the evidence is not clear-cut.
TVNL Comment: How about puting the money towards paying teachers!

·  U.S. legislator warns of Bush plot to merge Canada, the U.S. and Mexico - A U.S. legislator who backs tough anti-immigrant measures and more security at the Canada-U.S. border is warning Americans that President George W. Bush is plotting to integrate the continent.
TVNL Comment: Do you still think that the people who scream about a new world order or a secret global government are crazy? It is happening right before your eyes!





·   Seagrass Ecosystems at a “Global Crisis” - The article “A Global Crisis for Seagrass Ecosystems” cites the critical role seagrasses play in coastal systems and how coastal development, population growth and the resulting increase of nutrient and sediment pollution have contributed to large-scale losses worldwide.





·  Halt inquiry or we cancel Eurofighters - Saudi Arabia has given Britain 10 days to halt a fraud investigation into the country's arms trade - or lose a £10 billion Eurofighter contract.

·  Afghanistan opium crop sets record - Opium production in Afghanistan, which provides more than 90 percent of the world's heroin, broke all records in 2006, reaching a historic high despite ongoing U.S.-sponsored eradication efforts, the Bush administration reported yesterday.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy! Now the
US illegal black op budget can finance the real secret government for a long time!

·  Huge Hezbollah-led rally demands Lebanon govt quit - Hundreds of thousands of Hezbollah-led protesters rallied on Friday at the doorstep of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora to force the resignation of his U.S.-backed government.





·  Key Rumsfeld aide resigns - The Defense Department's top intelligence official will resign at the end of the year, the Pentagon announced.

·  Wars wearing down military gear at cost of about $2 billion a month - About $2 billion worth of Army and Marine Corps equipment — from rifles to tanks — is wearing out or being destroyed every month in Iraq and Afghanistan, military leaders and outside experts say.
TVNL Comment: Now you see why we started a war.





·   Bob Gates & Locking You Up Forever - As the next Defense Secretary, Robert M. Gates will be in charge of a new star-chamber legal system that can lock up indefinitely “unlawful enemy combatants” and “any person” accused of aiding them. Yet, despite these extraordinary new powers, his confirmation is being treated more like a coronation than a time for tough questions.

·  “We fight for liberty by having more liberty and not less” - Olbermann’s Special Comment on Gingrich

·  Iran/contra: 20 Years Later and What It Means - But many Americans did not absorb the key lesson: the Iran/contra vets were not to be trusted. Consequently, most of those officials went on to prosperous careers, with some even becoming part of the squad that has landed the United States in the current hellish mess in Iraq.





·   The Olbermann Juggernaut - Abrams' memo failed to make specific note of the fact that MSNBC clearly owes its new found ratings fortune to Keith Olbermann who weighed in with 266,000 Adults 25-54 and 689,000 total viewers, some 230,000 more viewers than any other program on MSNBC.





·  Faith groups urge cuts to AIDS fund - Some leading Christian conservatives, angry over the Global Fund to Fight AIDS's promotion of condoms and its perceived lack of support for faith-based programs, are pushing Congress to cut US support for the AIDS initiative, which was initiated by President Bush in a Rose Garden ceremony five years ago with a $200 million commitment.

·  Asthma Medicine; Irony or Conspiracy? - The mineral magnesium, which has been covered in a previous medical update, is possibly the single most important nutrient for managing asthma because of its multiple effects on the asthmatic condition. - Ironically, studies have shown that asthma bronchodilator medications, such as theophylline and albuterol can cause magnesium wasting, thereby contributing to the worsening asthmatic condition.
TVNL Comment: Some research suggests that African-Americans with worsening asthma who use salmeterol — one of two drugs in the Advair inhaler — may be at increased risk of severe asthma attacks and even death.

·  Birth control credited with drop in teen pregnancy - The dramatic declines in teenage pregnancy rates noted in the United States between 1995 and 2002 were largely due to improved contraceptive use, not to abstinence, a new study shows.

·  Foe of Birth Control to Head Family Planning - Women's groups, health advocacy organisations and 21 members of the U.S. Congress are strongly lobbying against the recent appointment of an anti-birth control activist as head of the nation's family planning programme.





·   Disembowelled, then torn apart: The price of daring to teach girls - But, as in the rest of Afghanistan, it is the civilians who are bearing the brunt of this conflict.
TVNL Comment: This is the
Afghanistan that America created!






·  Local political operative busted in Internet sting - Larry Corrigan has worked on a number of Republican campaigns, but now he's in jail after he was caught in an Internet sting, accused of trying to solicit sex from young girls.
TVNL Comment: Another family values Republican!

·  Gun ornament draws fire - Nothing says Christmas quite like a glittery black handgun hanging from the tree.
TVNL Comment: Peace on earth. Is this what Jesus taught?

·  L.A. Archdiocese Settles 45 Abuse Cases - The nation's largest Roman Catholic archdiocese said Friday it has agreed to pay $60 million to settle 45 lawsuits alleging sex abuse by priests. The deal is the most significant step to date toward resolving extensive litigation against the archdiocese that has dragged on for years.




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