Date: December 3rd 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


UPDATE: We are waiting for a final stable release of the new version of mailing list management software that we use. The software is currently in a final alpha testing phase and should be entering beta testing shortly. Once the new version is released we hope to install it and we hope that it fixes the problems that we have been experiences.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Jewish People: The Human Shields Held Hostage by Israel



We hear a great deal of talk from Iran questioning the right of Israel to exist and we are now hearing Israel refer to Iran as pre-WWII Germany. To understand what is happening, it is important to examine what is actually happening in the region.  But that’s almost impossible.  There can be no open, honest discussion of Israel and its policies without the Jewish being used as metaphorical hostages. On the Iran -Israel counter accusations alone, it is obvious that the American media will never allow an open discussion that includes any criticism of Israel, nor will they consider the merits of anyone who dares to speak against the actions of the State of Israel.


I got news for you, members of all radical religions are ruining this world and they all pose a threat to people who are not of their particular cult. Anyone who does not buy into their story automatically becomes one of “them” in this increasingly divided, increasingly radical and increasingly violent world. Maybe some Jews really did trigger Hitler’s anger and maybe some Muslims really did and still do trigger anger in Americans but let’s learn from history for a change. And using history’s lessons as a guideline maybe we can learn to take a closer look at events that trigger genocidal reactions. Like in the case of the Jews during World War II maybe the targets of public rage don’t actually warrant that rage!   So maybe my fellow Americans will take a real close look at the most recent trigger of rage known as 9/11 because you may just discover that your rage is aimed in the wrong direction and that was the exact goal of the people who really did pull that trigger!


1. Please keep these points in your mind as the American media spin the reality of that situation to conform to a particular bias:.


2. Iran is not threatening “Jews” nor are they questioning the right of “Jews” to exist. They are questioning the legitimacy of the decision by extra regional authorities to grant control of Palestine to the Jewish people. They question the legality and morality of the decision to do this.


3. As part of the argument that Iran is making, they cite the mistreatment of the Palestinian people by Israel and they cite the dozens of UN Security Council resolutions (not to mention the 30-40 unanimous resolutions that were vetoed by the US) that Israel has violated over the years. Click here for


4. Israel is not now and never was synonymous with the Jewish people. Israel is not a religion, it is a state. It is the state of Israel that is the target of Iran’s rhetoric and in most cases is the target of anger and outrage of people around the world. You can include me in that mix. And I, like most (not all) of the people who discuss Israel and the actions of the state of Israel, do not direct those comments to the Jewish people or Judaism at all.


Discussions about Israel are not discussions about Jews. They are political discussions.


On a personal note: I have often witnessed anti-Semitism. Most of the anti-Semitism I have witnessed took place in the work place in corporate America. Most of this anti-Semitism took place in my presence because I am an avowed atheist and I don’t happen to look as if I have any Jewish (among other) heritage. I actually had a bar mitzvah years before I went neutral as an adult.  I could not deal with the hypocrisy of religion so I decided to simply be a good person. I did not need an ancient book to tell me how to do this. The anti-Semitism that I witnessed came mostly from white Christian males in very powerful corporate positions. I wintessed it when I worked at computer firms, I saw it at the Associated Press, I saw it at Verisign/ Network Solutions and I saw itat many of the big wig happy hour sessions with fortune 100 clients over the years. It is everywhere. On the other hand, growing up Jewish I also witnessed bigotry by Jews every where I went. The word “shvartza” was used by so many people that I thought it was the real term used to describe black people. I saw everyone who was not Jewish treated as a second class citizen. I have seen prejudice from two sides of the aile, and let me tell you that it’s everywhere. We have enough of it in this world, so please don’t pretend it is not there when it is.  We have to get beyond the bigotry this time around.


We have to reach a point where we can discuss Israel, its government and its policies without falling back on accusations of anti-Semitism.  This is not about bigotry, it is about conflict and resolution.  Can we ever reach the point of looking at both sides of the unending and relentless hostility in the region without hearing about the victimization of the Jewish people?  Oddly enough, the debate is open and unhindered in Israel, where people are permitted to openly criticize their government and rail against the oppression they perceive in the region.


Let’s get to that point in the United States of America.  We have to be able to discuss the State of Israel, from every angle, openly and honestly,  without reverting to the ploy of using Jews as human shields.  Such emotional blackmail only serves to stand in the way of any progress and to ensure that the precarious situation between Israel and the Palestinians will continue to increase as they have until now, and will eventually inflame the entire region.        Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·   Political elite finds a new home out of harm's way - Many of Iraq’s leading politicians have moved quietly back into self-imposed exile in Britain because of the dangers of living and working in Baghdad.

·  Iraqi violence "self-sustaining": U.S. intel chief - Sectarian violence in Iraq has become "self-sustaining," increasing the challenge of stabilizing the country, the top U.S. intelligence official said on Friday.

·  U.S. troops kill Afghan policeman - An American troop convoy fired on Afghan policemen in waning daylight in eastern Afghanistan, killing one officer and wounding another, officials said Saturday.

·  Blair and Bush to hold Iraq handover summit - TONY Blair will fly to Washington this week for a summit with President George W Bush to discuss the gradual handover of Iraq, amid renewed doubts about Britain’s influence over the US, write David Cracknell and Sarah Baxter.

·  Rumsfeld proposed Iraq shift before resigning -NYT - Rumsfeld outlined several options for policy changes, including reductions in U.S. forces and bases in Iraq as well as a "minimalist" recasting of the U.S. mission and goals in Iraq, but he made no recommendations, the Times said.

·  Corruption: the 'second insurgency' costing $4bn a year - One third of rebuilding contracts under criminal investigation





·    He's The Worst Ever - It is impossible to say with certainty how Bush will be ranked in, say, 2050. But somehow, in his first six years in office he has managed to combine the lapses of leadership, misguided policies and abuse of power of his failed predecessors. I think there is no alternative but to rank him as the worst president in U.S. history.
TVNL Comment: And the only president to take power via electoral coup...TWICE!

·  Is President Bush Sane? - Delusion still rules Bush three weeks after the American people repudiated him and his catastrophic war in elections that delivered both House and Senate to the Democrats in the hope that control over Congress would give the opposition party the strength to oppose the mad occupant of the White House.








9/11 News :








·  Lame-Duck Congress May Run Out the Clock - Congress will convene on Tuesday for what some fear will be the lamest of lame-duck sessions, and GOP leaders have decided to take a minimalist approach before turning over the reins of power to the Democrats.

·  Huge war spending bill to test Democrats - Iraq and Afghanistan request could go as high as $200 billion





·  Bush to ease rule limiting HIV-positive foreign visitors - President Bush will ease a long-standing rule barring HIV-positive people from entering the United States without a special waiver, a ban long criticized by human rights groups.

·  New Rules Make Firms Track E-Mails, IMs - U.S. companies will need to keep track of all the e-mails, instant messages and other electronic documents generated by their employees thanks to new federal rules that go into effect Friday, legal experts say.

·  The other kind of terror (Non Islamic) - Crocker, who told undercover FBI agents of his desire to explode a briefcase bomb while Congress was in session, was found guilty by a jury in about 90 minutes in April. The 40-year-old farmhand and father of two was convicted of accepting what he thought were ingredients to make Sarin nerve gas and a block of C-4 explosive from undercover agents in October 2004. - Of course, this story is not even on the front page of the Jackson paper, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any Fox coverage, either.

·  Travel only if you don't mind being seen NAKED - DHS really meant: We have been secretly breaching your privacy for more than 10 years and haven't been caught out, so that means we can now tell you about it and carry on doing it forever.

·  Police admit planting evidence - A Huntington Beach police officer's exoneration for planting a loaded gun in a suspect's car has led to the revelation that police routinely plant evidence in unsuspecting civilians' vehicles for training exercises.

·  DHS official admits taking bribes to fake documents - A federal immigration official pleaded guilty Thursday to receiving more than $600,000 in bribes for falsifying documents for illegal immigrants.





·   Judge rules on road ban in forests - A federal judge has ruled that a Clinton-era ban on road construction in national forests applies to hundreds of oil and gas leases sold by the Bush administration.





·  US pressured Blair into arms bribery inquiry - A bribery investigation threatening the future of 50,000 British jobs followed heavy pressure on Tony Blair from George Bush's administration, The Independent on Sunday can reveal.










·   Jewish People: The Human Shields Held Hostage by Israel - We have to reach a point where we can discuss Israel, its government and its policies without falling back on accusations of anti-Semitism.





·   Journalism School Probes Possible Cheating on Ethics Exam - Ironic? Yes. Unfortunate? Certainly. But what made the incident particularly notable was where and when it took place: at Columbia University, one of the premier journalism schools in the country, at a time when media ethics are much in question.





·  Pfizer ends cholesterol drug development -  Pfizer Inc. said Saturday it has cut off all clinical trials and development for a cholesterol drug that was supposed to be the star of its pipeline because of an unexpected number of deaths and cardiovascular problems in patients who used it.
TVNL Comment: Lower cholesterol with garlic. - In a large study of 220 patients, the garlic group took 800 milligrams of a powdered garlic for four months. This group experienced a 12 percent drop in cholesterol and a 17 percent drop in triglycerides. The placebo group had little change.

·  Germany says it will seek ban on smoking in public buildings - Yielding grudgingly to the growing European move against smoking in public places, Germany announced Friday it would seek to ban smoking in restaurants, discothèques, schools and other public buildings - but not in bars, pubs or under beer tents.

·  HEMP SEED: THE MOST NUTRITIONALLY COMPLETE FOOD SOURCE IN THE WORLD - Seeds of the plant cannabis sativa, hemp seed, contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy human life. No other single plant source has the essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form, nor has the essential fatty acids in as perfect a ratio to meet human nutritional needs.










·   Polonium, $22.50 Plus Tax - Commercially, Web sites and companies sell many products based on polonium 210, with labels warning of health dangers. By some estimates, a lethal dose might cost as little as $22.50, plus tax.

·  U.S. diocese favors break with Episcopal Church - A California diocese of the Episcopal Church on Saturday took a major step toward breaking with the U.S. church because of its position on issues including homosexuality, a move unseen since the U.S. Civil War.



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