Date: December 4th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


UPDATE: We are waiting for a final stable release of the new version of mailing list management software that we use. The software is currently in a final alpha testing phase and should be entering beta testing shortly. Once the new version is released we hope to install it and we hope that it fixes the problems that we have been experiences.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Muslims Beware!  BushCo Thrives on Collective Guilt



I’ve heard it all and I’ve even caught myself echoing some of the thoughts myself (mostly after 9/11 when I really believed the official story)…”Islam is a radical religion and some of the radical Muslims are a danger to the world!” The message was readily absorbed bya population with very little knowledge of Islam and even less understanding of its practitioners.


There surely is some validity to the statement. There are radical Islamic people, perhaps even many radical Islamic people. Most people with any rationality were reviled by the extremism they witnessed in the beliefs of the Taliban or the rantings of Osama bin Laden.  As westerners, we have no way understanding or accepting anyone radical enough to kill someone for simply expressing critical thoughts about their religion. We have no tolerance for people who treat women as if they were possessions to be owned and fully dominated. And, in fact, rational people should not feel comfortable about sharing a planet with such radical people. But let me remind you that there are other extremist who share our world as well…such as the fundamentalist Christians who want to tell everyone how to live their lives and who don’t care what they do or whom they hurt while they force their ways on others. And then there is the segment of Jewish radicals who actually openly admit that they and they alone are God's chosen people and that Palestinians are not entitled to what they are entitled to; like a small strip of land in the Middle East  over which they would gladly destroy the world.


So let me remind my Muslim hating countrymen and women who are being led towards bigotry and intolerance by George W. Bush, that only a generation ago, the Jews of Europe went through a experience similar to one that Americans are creating for the Muslims of the world. All Jews were targeted in an attempt to exterminate them because their actions and beliefs supposedly posed a threat to or offended others. .Jews were different.  Jews believed in a different God.  And, surely, some Jews, as in all groups, were actually extreme in their lifestyle and some surely deserved to be derided.  My Jewish grandmother used to say that Jews don’t need enemies because they had each other. By this she meant that every group had its wrongdoers and should look inward at itself, because there were those among her own people who triggered irrational and undeserved prejudices towards all Jews.. She understand that it was not the fault of every Jew that they were targeted collectively, and murdered by the millions.. In the same way, the behavior of those on the extreme fringe of Islam is being used as the excuse for targeting all Muslims around the world.  Americans had better start realizing this.


The reality is that members of all radical religions are destroying this world and they all pose a threat to people who are not of their particular cult. Anyone who does not buy into their story automatically becomes one of “them” in this increasingly divided, increasingly radical and increasingly violent world. Maybe some Jews really did trigger Hitler’s anger and maybe some Muslims really did and still do trigger anger in Americans but let’s learn from history for a change. And using history’s lessons as a guideline maybe we can learn to take a closer look at events that trigger genocidal reactions. As in the case of the Jews during World War II, maybe the targets of public rage don’t actually warrant that rage at all.


In fact, while you're at it, my fellow Americans,  take a really close look at the most recent event that triggered your rage known as 9/11.  You  may just discover that your rage has been woefully misdirected by the very people who actually pulled that trigger in the first place!  You may very well have been duped into hating an easy target: people who are different, people with a different God, and people who may have extremists among them.  And maybe that hatred is so very wrong. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Amid Hints Bush Will Change Policy, Clues He Won’t - From his early enthusiastic descriptions about building a model of democracy in the Middle East to his glossy “Victory in Iraq” strategy paper a year ago, Mr. Bush has not shown a hint of doubt in public that eventually his approach would succeed, or that his critics were wildly off course.

·  Saudis and Iran prepare to do battle over corpse of Iraq - The gulf's two military powers, Sunni-Muslim Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran, are lining up behind their warring religious brethren in Iraq in a potentially explosive showdown, as expectations grow in both countries that America is preparing a pull-out of its troops.

·  Nine U.S. troops killed in Iraq - The latest deaths bring the number of U.S. troops killed in Iraq to 2,900, including seven civilians working for the Defense Department.










·  Rising wages forcing companies to look beyond India - In terms of alternative offshore outsourcing locations three-quarters said China is the destination most likely to challenge India's dominance over the next five years on both cost and capacity.



9/11 News :


·  NEW 9/11 Pentagon Video released from hotel - New video, same old same old...NO AIRPLANE!






·  Israel is on freshman lawmakers' to-do list - New office on Capitol Hill? Check. Orientation to congressional protocols? Check. All-expense paid trip to Israel? Add that to the freshman lawmaker's calendar.










·   Firm offers to pay for pupils to see Gore film - EVERY schoolchild in Scotland is to be offered the chance to see former US vice-president Al Gore's film about the dangers of global warming under a scheme by energy company ScottishPower.





·  Mideast allies near a state of panic - Mideast leaders expressed soaring concern over upheavals across the region that the United States helped ignite through its invasion of Iraq and push for democracy — and fear that the Bush administration may make things worse.

·  Williams attacks Blair plans for Trident fleet - He is also preparing a new year statement exploring the morality of nuclear weapons that will reflect the concerns of 19 bishops who warned Tony Blair in July that the possession of Trident was "evil".

·  Armed troops keep Fiji PM out of palace - Armed soldiers have prevented Fiji's embattled prime minister Laisenia Qarase from entering the presidential palace.

·  Qatar 'to pay Palestinian wages' - Qatar has agreed to pay the salaries of 40,000 Palestinian education workers for several months, Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya has said.

·  Chavez wins by wide margin - President Hugo Chavez, an outspoken opponent of the United States who has used Venezuela's oil wealth to give handouts to the poor, won re-election to another six-year term by a wide margin on Sunday, official results showed.

·  US tells banks to shut down Iran operations - Several of the UK's largest banks fear they could face the full legislative wrath of the US government unless they bow to Washington's pressure to shut their operations in Iran.










·   Muslims Beware! BushCo Thrives on Collective Guilt - So let me remind my Muslim hating countrymen and women who are being led towards bigotry and intolerance by George W. Bush, that only a generation ago, the Jews of Europe went through a experience similar to one that Americans are creating for the Muslims of the world.





·   Telemundo: Venezuela Halts Transmission - Officials identifying themselves as members of a state regulatory agency forced the U.S.-based Spanish-language TV network Telemundo to halt transmission Sunday of its presidential election coverage.

·  Gergen: Press was guilty of “cheerleading” the run up to the war. - GERGEN: Yes, I do. I think Nick Kristof is bright on this. But I must tell you that the pendulum has swung on this. There was a sense, in the lead-up to the war, in which the press, I think, was guilty of cheerleading. We were waving the flags and it was almost unpatriotic to question the possibility of war with Iraq. And then during the time of the invasion itself, when the reporters were embedded, you know, many of them fell in love with the military and I think they reported very accurately.

·  Corporate Media Uses Fuzzy Math to Minimize Size of Lebanese Demonstrations - It is interesting, as well, the corporate media prefers to use the word "siege" to characterize the demonstrations.










·   William Fletcher on Apartheid in South Africa and Israel - William Fletcher discusses Apartheid-era South Africa and compares it with Apartheid-like conditions in Israel today.

·  On Tape: An 'Enemy' Interrogation - Lawyers for "enemy combatant" Jose Padilla claim he is so disoriented from three years of isolation and aggressive interrogations that he is now mentally ill.

·  Israeli bulldozers destroy water well in Bethlehem - Israeli bulldozers destroyed this morning a water well in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee said. It added that an Israel bulldozer destroyed a water well in Wadi Abu al-Hassan area, west al-Khader town of Bethlehem, which irrigates arable trees in the area.





·   Kissinger n the Pope - Connecting the dots.

·  Unseen Photos of Bohemian Grove Found - One such photo looks strikingly similar to the images in the Cremation of Care ritual, as photographed by Alex Jones and Mike Hanson in 2000.

·  The House of Death - When 12 bodies were found buried in the garden of a Mexican house, it seemed like a case of drug-linked killings. But the trail led to Washington and a cover-up that went right to the top. - Now, as a result of documents disclosed in three separate court cases, it is becoming clear that his murder, along with at least 11 further brutal killings, at the Juarez 'House of Death', is part of a gruesome scandal, a web of connivance and cover-up stretching from the wild Texas borderland to top Washington officials close to President Bush.




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