Date: December 6th 2006

NOTE: 06, December, 2006 – I just upgraded our mailing list server software. This was done to address the fact that many people have not been receiving our newsletter even though we send it out. We end up resending the newsletter because we see the list send crashing. This results in some people getting more than one copy of our newsletter. Hopefully today’s upgrade will help. I am sorry for the inconvenience.  – Jesse


Reference: Many people do not receive our newsletter every day even though we send it out. Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Banning Trans Fats? Who is Behind This?



New York City just banned the use of trans fats in all food service establishments. Why? Why can’t I eat trans fats? Don’t get me wrong, I think trans fats are bad for you and I try not to have them. But I want to know why NYC disallowed me from eating trans fats when it still allows me to smoke (cigarettes are the only product ever marketed that when used as directed will kill you), eat aspartame (the most dangerous food on the market, drink fluoride (they actually put this rat poison in our drinking water) and wash (and brush my teeth) with sodium laureth sulfate and ammonium laureth sulfate (ALS/SLS will remove your protective lipids form your skin, absorb into your body and combine with other chemicals to form carcinogens.) I can’t eat trans fats but they will trick me into eating genetically modified food without even telling me!


I know enough to eat well when I have the will power to do so. If you want to help my stay healthy how about keeping pollutants out of my breathing air and leave the menu selection to me! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·  AT LEAST SADDAM KEPT ORDER - In the final days of Saddam's reign of terror, i.e., in the 15 months preceding the invasion, the primary causes of death in Iraq were natural: "heart attack, stroke and chronic illness," as the Lancet reported. Since Iraq became a Bush object lesson, the primary cause of death has been violence.

·  Spain reopens Iraq cameraman killing probe - Spain could seek the extradition of three U.S. soldiers after its Supreme Court said on Tuesday it had reopened a murder investigation into the killing of Spanish cameraman Jose Couso during the Iraq invasion.

·  The White House Can’t Put Out the Mideast Fires It Ignited - Remember when narrow-minded Republican know-nothings launched a hate campaign against French President Jacques Chirac and everything French because Paris would not go along with George Bush’s jolly little war in Iraq? Well, it turns out that Chirac’s warnings in 2003 that a US invasion of Iraq would set the Mideast on fire, encourage terrorism, and produce a disaster have been tragically born out by events.

·  Iraq's Arab neighbors meet, afraid of chaos - The foreign ministers of Iraq's Arab neighbors met in Cairo on Tuesday, dismayed at the danger of chaos spreading across borders but facing the same problems as the United States in finding Iraq policies that work.





·  A vote for more cooked intelligence? - In September 1995, CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz recommended that Gates be held accountable for his role in hyperbolic intelligence reporting on the danger posed by the Soviet Union. In those reports, the CIA relied on sources the agency knew or should have known had been under Moscow's influence, Hitz found. At that time, though, a robust Soviet threat was music to the ears of some hard-liners in Washington, and the trumped-up intelligence made it into the hands of the president and Pentagon leaders.

·  Bush Is No Conservative - Neoconservative translates as “new conservative.” However, there is nothing at all conservative about neoconservatives. The name is a misnomer of the first rank.
TVNL Comment: As we pointed out in detail in this article:





·  Worker Productivity Slows While Layoffs Climb - Slower-than-expected growth in worker productivity and labor costs reported today by the Labor Department could ease inflation concerns at the Federal Reserve.

·  Richest 2% own 'half the wealth' - The report, from the World Institute for Development Economics Research at the UN University, says that the poorer half of the world's population own barely 1% of global wealth.

·  U.S. predicts bumper year in arms sales - The U.S. government is on its way to brokering about $20 billion in arms sales in the fiscal year that began October 1, steady with last year's near-record total, the Pentagon official responsible for such sales said on Monday.
TVNL Comment:
America: Supplying the global death trade!



9/11 News :


·  Why The Quiet Release Of The Doubletree 9/11 Video? - Another reason for the quiet release may be that the footage was secured not by Judicial Watch, but by the owners of 9/11 truth website, a site that encourages questions over the collapse of the towers and building 7. Any subsequent report would have drawn attention to this website and the further questions at hand.






·  Letter from James Abourezk, former US Senator from South Dakota to Jeff Blankfort on the Israel Lobby - I can tell you from personal experience that, at least in the Congress, the support Israel has in that body is based completely on political fear--fear of defeat by anyone who does not do what Israel wants done.

·  Culture Shock on Capitol Hill: House to Work 5 Days a Week - By the time the gavel comes down on the 109th Congress on Friday, members will have worked a total of 103 days. That's seven days fewer than the infamous "Do-Nothing Congress" of 1948.





·  FEMA Appeals Katrina Housing Order - The Bush administration is challenging a court order requiring it to make housing payments to thousands of families whose homes were damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

·  U.S. seeks to make stolen nukes useless - Bush has told weapons labs to render bombs terrorist-proof. But critics say theft risk is low and more urgent issues are being ignored.





·   REPORT ON WIDESPREAD ROCKET FUEL POLLUTION IN NATION'S FOOD AND WATER - Scientists warn that the chemical, known as perchlorate, could cause thyroid deficiency in more than 2.2 million women of childbearing age.

·  Alps are warmest in 1,300 years - Humans first had an impact on the global climate in the 1950s, Boehm said, noting that at first, the release of aerosols into the atmosphere cooled the climate. Since the 1980s, however, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane have warmed it up, he said.





·  Admirers Swarm Bill Clinton in Hanoi - Former President Clinton was swarmed for autographs, handshakes and photographs on the streets of Hanoi Wednesday by throngs of admirers whose warm welcome contrasted sharply with the restrained reception given President Bush last month.

·  Iran urges Arab countries to eject U.S. military - Iran's top national security official urged his Arab neighbors today to eject the U.S. military from American bases in the region and instead join Tehran in a regional security alliance.

·  U.N. chief: Darfur is in 'free fall' - The conflict in Darfur has spread to two neighboring countries and is now in "free fall" with six million people facing the prospect of going without food or protection, the outgoing U.N. humanitarian chief said Tuesday.
TVNL Comment: But the
US media want you to think it is more important for you to know about Jessica Simpson and such.

·  Israeli Officials Using Madison Avenue PR Companies To RE-Brand Country's Image... -  Israel's international image is hurting, and the country's top officials have turned to the wisdom of Madison Avenue in a bid to "re-brand" their product.

·  Israel, Iran Holding Debt Talks - Iran is still owed hundreds of millions of dollars for oil it supplied to Israel in the years before the Islamic Revolution in 1979 and the two countries, now sworn enemies, are holding contacts meant to settle the debt, according to the report in the daily Haaretz citing anonymous Israeli and Swiss officials involved in the negotiations.





·  At Least 5 Marines Are Expected to Be Charged in Haditha Deaths - At least five marines are expected to be charged, possibly as early as Wednesday, with the killing of 24 Iraqis, many of them unarmed women and children, in the village of Haditha in November 2005, according to a Marine official and a lawyer involved in the case.





·   Banning Trans Fats? Who is Behind This? - I know enough to eat well when I have the will power to do so. If you want to help my stay healthy how about keeping pollutants out of my breathing air and leave the menu selection to me!





·  How to end AP's "60 Minutes Moment" on Iraqi Sources - You've probably not read much about it because only a handful of mainstream media outlets have covered it, but the Associated Press - for decades America's largest and most trusted wire news service - is at the center of a credibility crisis largely of its own making.

·  Bush administration to be cartoon -  "Bush" is not without its risque moments. When Lil' Bush's school serves falafel instead of hot dogs for lunch in one episode, he and his pals torture the cafeteria employees with methods made famous during the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.

·  FCC to hear country stars' tales of woe - "The commission just keeps allowing expanding ownership limits in local markets, where one person or company can pretty much own everything," said Carnes, who also plans to testify. "If there are three country stations in a market, and they get bought out and merged into one, that really hurts us.





·  Nonstick Chemicals May Pose a Threat - They're perfluorochemicals. While you may not recognize the word, you probably know the brand names: Teflon, Stainmaster, Gore-Tex.

·  Trans Fat Banned In N.Y. Eateries - The New York City Board of Health voted unanimously yesterday to require the city's roughly 20,000 restaurants to stop cooking with trans fats, making New York the first major U.S. city to adopt such a ban.





·   House Demolitions in the West Bank - The predictable happened. The army would not wait for the papers and the demolition started. It took two hours to rip this multi-storied building apart.









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