Date: December 7th 2006 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  The Bush Administration is Underreporting Violence in Iraq?


For a perfect example of hypocrisy look no further than the news reports about how the Iraq Study Group (ISG) included in their report that the Bush administration has underreported violence in Iraq in order to hide their policy failures. “Who” id underreporting violence? Am I crazy or is it the news media that is supposed to report this? Do reporters, especially the embedded reporters need to rely on government controlled news releases in order to find out what is happening in the world?


If anyone wants to know how much violence takes place in Iraq they can tune into Al Jazeera; you know that anti-American new organization that has the nerve to report news! Oh, wait a minute…I forgot that we live in a democracy with freedoms that the rest of the world hates and because of those freedoms I do not have access to al Jazeera because our monopoly corporate media outlets want to control what information I get! Oh, what it is to be free.  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Feingold Cuts Through The ISG Hype on Countdown - Keith Olbermann had Russ Feingold on to give his assessment of the now very famous Iraq Study Group report.
TVNL Comment: He makes some rather good observations.

·  Closer to the Abyss - U.S troops just don't have the means to stop Iraq's death squads. Why the Baker proposals could turn into a nightmare.

·  10 U.S. servicemembers killed in Iraq - Meanwhile, mortar attack kills 8 Iraqis, wounds 40 in Sadr City district

·  Iraq war costs could top $1 trillion - The Democratic co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group said on Wednesday that America's ability to resolve the crisis in Iraq is narrowing and the costs could rise to more than $1 trillion (508 million pounds).

·  Two Americans, four Afghans killed in bombing - A suicide bomber blew himself up outside a compound for security contractors in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday, killing two Americans and four Afghans, a company official and witnesses said.

·  Iraq Study Group: Change Iraq strategy now - Failure to halt the crisis could bring severe consequences to Iraq, the broader region and the United States, the bipartisan panel warned in a report handed to Bush at the White House.





·  James Baker is NOT “the former Secretary of State!” He is an Enemy of the State! - James Baker has been in the news lately. He is being referred to as the “former Secretary of State” when in fact he should be referred to as the Senior Counsel for The Carlyle Group and a war profiteer. The Carlyle Group is the nation’s 10th largest defense contractor, with extensive ties to Enron, Global Crossing, Arthur Andersen, the Saudi Royal Family, and the Bin Ladens.





·   Report Says Oil Royalties Go Unpaid - An eight-month investigation by the Interior Department’s chief watchdog has found pervasive problems in the government’s program for ensuring that companies pay the royalties they owe on billions of dollars of oil and gas pumped on federal land and in coastal waters.

·  EDS to move jobs to India - Texas-based Electronic Data Systems, the largest supplier of IT services to the UK government, is set to offshore thousands of jobs to India and four other countries next year.

·  Cisco to ship 20% top execs to India - In a move to make India one of its global strategic centres, US-based computer network equipment major Cisco Systems today said it would shift 20 per cent of its top executives to India. It also proposes to make India “Cisco Globalisation Centre East.”

·  Workers notified of big layoffs at Andersen Corp. - Workers at Andersen Corp. said they've been notified that the window and door maker will lay off more than 400 workers by the end of the year.



9/11 News :


·  Actor James Brolin Latest Celebrity To Publicly Doubt 9/11 - Actor James Brolin, the husband of Barbara Streisand, has today become the latest celebrity figure to publicly question the official story behind 9/11, after he encouraged viewers of a top rated ABC talk show to check out a 9/11 truth website.

·  David Lynch Goes Public With 9/11 Questions - Film Director and cult icon David Lynch has gone public with concerns he has over the official government story of the September 11 2001 terror attacks. Lynch has stated that he is disturbed by unanswered questions concerning the Pentagon attack, the collapse of the buildings in New York and the strange ending of flight 93 in Pennsylvania.

·  HERO OF 9/11 WON'T STOP SPEAKING OUT AGAINST BUSH - It was while he was in basements of the North Tower that Mr Rodriguez says he felt an explosion from below. But Mr Rodriguez soon felt his evidence was being covered up, when he became the only person to be interviewed behind closed doors. And his account was omitted from the final report. He claims evidence he collected from scores of other witnesses was overlooked. The final straw came when he was asked to give a public address on why Iraq should be invaded






·  House OKs bill to aid family caregivers - The bill would provide one-stop shopping of sorts for family caregivers to find respite care. The money allocated by the bill would be doled out by Health and Human Services to states to administer in the forms of grants.





·   Case of the Dwindling Docket Mystifies the Supreme Court - The courtroom, however, was empty on Wednesday, and for a simple reason: The court was out of cases. The question is, where have all the cases gone?

·  Town Decides Against Pro-Gun Ordinance - Leaders of this small town on Wednesday rejected a proposed ordinance that would have recommended that all households keep weapons and ammunition to prevent crime.

·  Dean wants another District 13 election - “This election is not valid. There are 18,000 people who may have voted and we don’t know what happened to their votes,” he said. “You can bet that if the Republicans were 500 votes short they’d be calling for a new election, and they’d be right.”





·  Calif. construction pollution killed 1,100 in '05 - About 70 percent of the heavy construction equipment used in California in 2005 was old enough not to have to face any emissions control regulations, said Don Anair, vehicles engineer at the nonprofit Union of Concerned Scientists.





·  Sabbath flights prompt threats of El Al boycott - El Al, the Israeli airline, is locked in a dispute with the country's powerful ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, which has threatened a boycott over flights on the sabbath.

·  Olmert disagrees with U.S. Iraq group - Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Thursday rejected a U.S. advisory group's conclusion that a concerted effort to resolve Israel's conflict with its neighbors will help stabilize the situation in Iraq, saying there is no connection between the two issues.

·  Radiation found in Moscow's Brtish embassy - The find by Scotland Yard experts coincided with the news that the death of Alexander Litvinenko is now being treated as a murder and is likely to cast fresh suspicions on two Russian businessmen who met the former spy on the day that he fell ill in London.





· Military: U.S. soldier kills civilian in Kyrgyzstan - A U.S. serviceman fatally shot a civilian at the U.S. air base in Kyrgyzstan on Wednesday “in response to a threat,” the U.S. military said.





·   Don’t Look Now: The ISG Has No Clothes. - While editorialists and politicians are tripping over themselves to congratulate the Iraq Study Group for its “tough-talking non partisan” report on Iraq and calling on President Bush to embrace the report’s conclusions, the fact is that its recommendations are not going to save Iraq from more bloody turmoil, nor the United States from a humiliating defeat. The whole point of the ISG exercise is to disguise all that.





·  The Bush Administration is Underreporting Violence in Iraq? - For a perfect example of hypocrisy look no further than the news reports about how the Iraq Study Group (ISG) included in their report that the Bush administration has underreported violence in Iraq in order to hide their policy failures. “Who” id underreporting violence?

·  Al-Jazeera and the Truth - I wish American politicians had never gotten us involved in the Middle East, but since they have, you deserve to know the naked truth of what's going on over there. Al-Jazeera will tell you. Fox News, whose employees act as if they are on Karl Rove's payroll, won't.

·  Study says violence in Iraq has been underreported - The Bush administration routinely has underreported the level of violence in Iraq in order to disguise its policy failings, the Iraq Study Group report said Wednesday.

·  Iraq Study Group Settles Debate Over 'Negative' War Coverage - There we learn, bluntly, that "there is significant underreporting of the violence in Iraq" by the U.S. military. "The standard for recording attacks acts as a filter to keep events out of reports and databases," the report continues.

·  Media Sham for Iraq War -- It's Happening Again - Even many reporters, editors and commentators who fueled the drive to war in 2002 and early 2003 now acknowledge that major media routinely tossed real journalism out the window in favor of boosting war. But it's happening again.

·  New York Times on Israeli War Crimes - A front-page New York Times article by Greg Myre (12/5/06) covered a new report from an Israeli research group defending Israel against accusations of war crimes in its recent war with Lebanon. But instead of critically examining the report's claims in the light of international law and the findings of independent human rights groups, the Times for the most part chose to pass on the research group's spin unquestioningly.





·  Australia overturns cloning ban - Australia's parliament has lifted a ban on cloning human embryos for stem cell research, despite opposition from the prime minister and other party leaders.





·   Chinese anger at humiliation of prostitutes - Why are only sex criminals paraded in public? What about people guilty of graft and corruption?"

·  Canada: Suspect Tortured Despite Warning - Canadian police said Tuesday they had told U.S. authorities they had no evidence an Ottawa software engineer was an al-Qaida agent before Washington deported him to Syria, where he was tortured. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli said police initially told U.S. authorities Syrian-born Maher Arar was a "man of interest" and may have ties to Islamic extremists but they later told Washington they had no evidence to support those allegations.









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