Date: December 11th 2006 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Don’t Ask Congress; Tell Congress


Every day I get email “telling” me to “ask” my Congressperson to take one position or another. In other words they want me to “ask” the people who are supposed to represent me to do their job. Well they have not done their job. In my entire life I do not remember a period in which Congress represented the well being of their constituents. My advice to all…stop asking and start telling…and make our representatives fear they day that the people may actually hold them accountable. Just a thought.  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Total success in Iraq 'not possible': former US secretary of state - "Now, if you could define victory, it would be if you could establish a relatively stable Iraqi government in a reasonably stable atmosphere where the other countries in the area will have come together with us and the Iraqis, and we will have been able to sort out the differences and come up with solutions to the various problems there."

·  Roadside bomb kills 3 U.S. soldiers in Baghdad - The soldiers were on a late-night combat patrol in the northern part of the capital when the bomb went off, the military said in a statement.

·  Iraqi President Calls U.S. Security Training a Failure - President Jalal Talabani said Sunday that the American program to train Iraq’s military and police, a cornerstone of the American enterprise in Iraq, was a failure.

·  3 Iraqi soldiers killed by US friendly fire - US troops mistakenly shot dead three Iraqi soldiers during a raid in Dolouiya, 80 km north of Baghdad Saturday.
TVNL Comment: Stand them up and shoot them down.

·  Afghanistan war nears 'tipping point' - Within Afghanistan, civilians increasingly bear the brunt not only of insurgent attacks, but NATO's offensive against the militants. In October, a NATO airstrike in the south killed more than 30 civilians, most thought to be nomadic herders. Civilian deaths account for about one-quarter of the fatalities this year and heighten Afghans' resentment of the foreign military forces while feeding a gnawing sense of insecurity.

·  Frank Rich Hits Iraq Study Group and Its 'Bogus' Proposals - "Only in Washington could an unelected panel of retirees pass for public-policy Viagra."

·  Secret American talks with insurgents break down - SECRET talks in which senior American officials came face-to-face with some of their most bitter enemies in the Iraqi insurgency broke down after two months of meetings, rebel commanders have disclosed.

·  Britain 'tried to keep Iraq army' - Britain tried to stop the US disbanding the army in Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, Europe Minister Geoff Hoon has said.

·  Iran Offers to Help U.S. Exit From Iraq - Iran's foreign minister delivered a blunt challenge to the United States on Saturday, saying Tehran is willing to help U.S. troops withdraw from neighboring Iraq but only if Washington makes some tough policy changes.

·  Gunmen kill two Shi'ite families in Baghdad massacre - Gunmen stormed into the homes of two Shi'ite families in a predominantly Sunni Arab district of Baghdad on Sunday, killing nine people, police said.





·  The 'Greatest Humilation Ever' for Sitting American Leader - The recommendations made to President Bush by the Iraq Study Group (ISG is the acronym in English) comprise the greatest humiliation ever suffered by a seated American leader. They expose the delusion of the Bush Doctrine and the unilateralism of American decision-making that led to the defeat in Iraq. And, most of all, the report was a lesson in realpolitik for a group of amateurs called neoconservatives, who kidnapped the foreign policy of the United States.

·  All the president's men are now down to one - Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and now John Bolton have been bulldozed and/or forklifted out of power. Once the Team Bush Neocons controlled Bush's Situation Room. Now they can caucus in a telephone booth — except it is unlikely Cheney can find one anymore.

·  Bush Pans Criticism of Iraq War Policies - President Bush spoke Saturday about parts of the Iraq Study Group report that mirror his policies _ but he ignored the sections that criticize his administration's handling of the war.





·   Oil producers shun dollar - Oil producing countries have reduced their exposure to the dollar to the lowest level in two years and shifted oil income into euros, yen and sterling, according to new data from the Bank for International Settlements.



9/11 News :


·  Explosions on 911 - Firefighters shocked by explosions on 911

·  Data Mining Doesn't Catch Terrorists: New Cato Study Argues it Threatens Liberty - In the wake of 9/11, a jittery Washington embraced any measure intelligence and law- enforcement agencies said would help prevent further terrorist attacks. Data mining was dubbed an essential tool in the war on terror, with the agencies arguing that comprehensive monitoring of personal data would assist in catching terrorists. In "Effective Counter-Terrorism and the Limited Role of Predictive Data Mining," Jim Harper, director of information policy studies at the Cato Institute, and Jeff Jonas, a distinguished engineer and chief scientist with IBM's Entity Analytic Solutions Group, demonstrate that data mining is costly, ineffective, and a violation of fundamental liberty.

·  Rare TV NEWS report about WTC bombing FBI Foreknowledge - Can you say LIHOP? (Let It Happen On Purpose)






·  Don’t Ask Congress; Tell Congress - My advice to all…stop asking and start telling…and make our representatives fear they day that the people may actually hold them accountable.

·  Protesters urge Pelosi to back impeachment - "We need Nancy Pelosi to serve and represent her people," said Norah Foster, an organizer of the rally.
TVNL Comment: What a quaint idea; represent the people!

·  GOP heaps scorn on retiring Frist - "You just have to ask yourself how we, as a party, got to this point, where we have a leadership which is going to ram down the throats of our party the biggest budgetbuster in the history of the Congress under Republican leadership,"

·  Conyers’ Betrayal - This is a short post to highlight one simple fact- John Conyers is an establishment shill- a fraud that has betrayed every American that supported his ‘investigations’.

·  "No American is above the law" - No American is above the law, and if we allow a President to violate, at the most basic and fundamental level, the trust of the people and then continue to govern, without a process for holding him accountable—what does that say about our commitment to the truth? To the Constitution? To our democracy?





·   The U.S. government hates democracy - As far as I'm concerned, we can't put forward enough reminders of how the U.S. government—and the corporations that own it—do business. Platitudes about peace, freedom, justice, etc., aside, the land of the free is not even remotely interested in spreading democracy. There is an abundance of evidence to back up this assertion.

·  Crist cancels inaugural ball amid criticism - Gov.-elect Charlie Crist reversed course Saturday and canceled plans for a $100-a-ticket inaugural ball, after he drew criticism for asking lobbyists and industries to help pay for it.

·  Impeachment rallies held coast to coast - This Sunday's Human Rights Day has been renamed "Human Rights and Impeachment Day," as groups hold rallies across the United States calling for President Bush and Vice President Cheney to be impeached.

·  Subpoena may signal a wider corruption - The subpoena appears to document a widening of the federal corruption investigation in Alaska, which burst into public view in August with dramatic raids of the offices of six legislators, including Ben Stevens. Agents returned to search Stevens' offices Sept. 18.

·  Corruption, crime inside Homeland Security - Buried in what would otherwise have been a dry summary of financial audits and inspections, the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General’s semiannual report to Congress (PDF) also contains dozens of reports of misconduct and criminal activity perpetrated by DHS employees themselves.
TVNL Comment: But the
US criminal corporate news media don't think this is newsworthy!





·  EPA Scrubbing Library Web Site to Make Reports Unavailable - Agency sells $40,000 worth of furniture and equipment for $350.

·  Gore plans to initiate a grass-roots 'carbon freeze' movement - Gore said he planned to enlist groups ranging from entrepreneurs and activists to political leaders to push for stronger policies to limit the growth of greenhouse gases.





·   Pakistan deals 'aiding Taleban' - Peace deals between the Pakistani government and pro-Taleban militants have encouraged a surge in cross-border attacks in Afghanistan, a report says.

·  Israel 'blocks Tutu Gaza mission' - Israel has blocked a UN fact-finding mission to the Gaza Strip that was to be led by South African Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu, the UN says. Mr Tutu's team would have investigated last month's killings of 19 civilians in an Israeli artillery barrage in the northern town of Beit Hanoun.

·  Annan to blast U.S. in farewell - He will accuse the administration of trying to secure the United States from terrorism in part by dominating other nations through force, committing what he termed human rights abuses and taking military action without broad international support.

·  Britain stops talk of 'war on terror' - Foreign Office has asked ministers to ditch the phrase invented by Bush to avoid stirring up tensions within the Islamic world

·  Gulf States: Maybe We'll Go Nuclear, Too - Oil-rich Arab states in the Gulf announced at the end of a summit Sunday that they were considering a shared nuclear program for peaceful purposes.





·  ·  Col. submits Guantanamo investigation - An Army officer has finished his investigation into allegations of detainee abuse at Guantanamo Bay and submitted the report to superiors, according to a military spokesman.

·  Active-Duty Military Personnel Will Protest War in Iraq on Wednesday - Wednesday, more than a hundred members of active duty military, reserve, and National Guard will speak out against the War in Iraq. Organizers say this will be the first time active servicemembers will voice a protest since the United States entered Iraq in March 2003.





·   A generation is all they need - One day we will all happily be implanted with microchips, and our every move will be monitored. The technology exists; the only barrier is society's resistance to the loss of privacy

·  Bread, Bread, Everywhere, Yet not a Morsel to Eat - Delving further, I was startled to learn how widespread hunger and famine are on our planet, particularly in the “developing world”.





·  FCC hearing pits David vs. Goliath - On one side are large national broadcasting and publishing companies arguing that a set of antiquated FCC ownership restrictions is hampering their ability to compete in a rapidly changing media landscape — one increasingly populated with aggressive players such as Google and Microsoft.

·  Limiting Free Speech and the Internet: When the Oligarchy Loses Control - The realization that they are losing control and are no longer able to dominate the debate has led Newt Gingrich, Donald Rumsfeld, and even George W. Bush to begin discussing the need to limit free speech -- usually linking it to nefarious and nonexistent "threats" -- and limiting access to the internet.

·  Newspapers That Once Called Upon Clinton To Resign Are Silent On Bush - "Has the President so failed in his duties to the nation that he should leave office? The answer to that question is yes, and the time for the President to leave is not after months of continued national embarrassment but now. Clinton should resign."

·  “Prominent” Western news agency omits Palestinians’ condemnation of Israel’s massacre from its report on U.S. vetoing UN resolution - In the latest example of the West’s biased approach towards Arabs, an article on revealed that CNN replaced all Palestinian quotations with quotes from the U.S. and Israel in its report titled “U.S. vetoes U.N. condemnation of Israel’s Gaza strikes”.










·  Israeli government worst labor law violator: report - Ninety-two percent of Israeli employers violate labor laws with impunity, according to a report published by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.

·  Outrage over killing of Gaza boys - The killing of three sons of a top intelligence officer in Gaza has caused widespread outrage among Palestinians.

·  "I want that camera!" - TVNL Comment: Cops are supposed to protect the people. We should not feel that they are the enemy. Unfortunately in today’s world they are becoming the enemy of law abiding people all over the world.

·  Karzai: NATO Bombs, Terrorists Kill Kids - In a heartfelt speech that brought audience members to tears, Karzai said the cruelty imposed on his people ``is too much'' and that Afghanistan cannot stop ``the coalition from killing our children.''

·  US violator of human rights: Buddhadeb - At a public rally of his party CPI (M) earlier this year, Bhattacharjee had said that US president George W Bush was the "biggest terrorist" of the world because he had attacked Iraq. This prompted US Ambassador David Mulford to write a letter of protest to the chief minister.

·  Chile's Pinochet dead: television - Ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet, who ruled Chile from 1973-1990 and spent his old age fighting human rights, fraud and corruption charges, died on Sunday a week after suffering a heart attack, Chilean television reported.

·  Photos confirm US raid child deaths - Al Jazeera has obtained exclusive footage that confirms children were among the victims of a US air raid northwest of Baghdad. Local officials said that the bodies of 17 civilians, including six children and eight women, had been pulled from the debris of two houses in al-Ishaqi.

·  New Taliban Rules Target Afghan Teachers - The Taliban gunmen who murdered two teachers in eastern Afghanistan early Saturday were only following their rules: Teachers receive a warning, then a beating, and if they continue to teach must be killed.





·  Pastor resigns over homosexuality - In a tearful videotaped message Sunday to his congregation, the senior pastor of a thriving evangelical megachurch in south metro Denver confessed to sexual relations with other men and announced he had voluntarily resigned his pulpit.
TVNL Comment: Is anyone keeping count of these guys?

·  "This Is What Happened" - As the world looks on with concern, Tehran kicked off its Holocaust conference on Monday. Berlin, too, is hosting a conference. The German one, though, is aimed at keeping the Holocaust from becoming a matter for political debate.

·  The Fighting First Family - How the Bush family's recruitment-eligible generation is winning the war against Godless Islamunistofascism

·  Promotions, pay rises honours - how the key players in the Kelly scandal were rewarded - The politicians and officials at the heart of the David Kelly scandal have been showered with honours, promotions or lucrative retirement jobs in the three years since the scientist's death.

·  Nun Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Children - A Catholic nun who served as a principal at a Milwaukee school has been charged with sexually assaulting children as many as 200 times.

·  US bugged Diana's phone on night of death crash - The American secret service was bugging Princess Diana's telephone conversations without the approval of the British security services on the night she died, according to the most comprehensive report on her death, to be published this week.




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