Date: December 13th 2006 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  George W. Bush the Decider? Is This Really Happening? (Note: Use of adult yet appropriate language ahead!)


There is an episode of MASH where Col. Potter decided to let the camp celebrate Boxing Day by having the officers switch roles with the enlisted personnel. Klinger became the commanding officer. For those of you who have seen MASH on TV know that the sheer thought of Klinger being commander of the 4077th is laughable but keep in mind he was only the commander for one day…and MASH is only a TV show.


Every day I wake up and I watch people, real people, so called journalists, politicians and adults in general, who are sitting around waiting for George W. Bush to tell us what to do in Iraq. Soldiers are waiting for orders about who to kill, how to kill and how to die from George W. Bush! And let me say this as an avid watcher of MASH and a full time monitor of world events: I know Maxwell Klinger and George W. Bush is no Maxwell Klinger! George W. Bush has got to be the most intellectually limited public figure next to Paris Hilton and he is in charge of our military!


To back up my assertions about the intellectually inert George W. Bush I maintain an open challenge to a public debate with him on any subject related to world affairs and I’ll surely challenge him to any contest that measures logic, honesty or integrity!


Are we out of our fucking minds? Are we really allowing one of the stupidest most uninformed people on the planet make life and death decisions for our world? This guy could not pass a grade school history or science exam and we are letting him make life and death decisions that affect the entire globe? Are we fucking crazy?


How long is this nightmare going to continue? I wake up each day thinking that I was just having a bad dream; one so ridicules that I would be embarrassed to tell anyone about it. But it is real! I live in a world that is standing silent and letting an absolute imbecile rule us!


Now we are waiting for this jackass to make decisions about how to handle a war that he started based on 100% lies (not bad intelligence…cherry picked intelligence)! Hey America…WAKE UP YOU FUCKING MORONS…PEOPLE ARE DYING EVERY SINGLE DAY BECAUSE OF THIS ABSOLUITE JACKASS!


I will probably get arrested for saying that but it is really time for a revolution!     Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Market Forces: The Explosion of Corporate Mercenaries - Who's fielding the second biggest occupying force in Iraq, after the US? Nope; it's not UK plc with its 7,000 troops. Not by a long way. It's corporations!

·  Five U.S. servicemen die in Iraq - Three U.S. airmen were killed in action in western Iraq on Monday and two other soldiers died in separate incidents, the military said on Tuesday.

·  Washington looks to ‘blame Iraqis and run’ - As George W. Bush agonises over which bits of last week’s Baker-Hamilton re­port to adopt for his forthcoming “new way forward in Iraq” announcement, an­other consensus is emerging in Washington on how to handle the situation: blame the Iraqis.





·  Majority say history won't be kind to Bush - In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday, a 54% majority says Bush will be judged as a below-average or poor president, more than double the negative rating given any of his five most recent predecessors.
TVNL Comment: Can you say "9/11?"





·  Rogers: Sell U.S. dollar, buy real and yuan - It's only a matter of time before the beleaguered U.S. dollar loses its status as the world's reserve currency and medium of exchange, U.S. fund manager and author Jim Rogers told Reuters in an interview.

·  US income figures show staggering rise in social inequality - A recent analysis of Internal Revenue Service tax data sheds further light on the enormous gap that has grown between America’s wealthy elite and the masses of working people over the last quarter of a century.

·  Study Finds 49M Burdened With High Medical Costs - For some people, paying for health care is starting to eat into family budgets in a big way, according to a new report in the Journal of the American Medical Association.



9/11 News :


·  Ten Lies-But Denying The Truth of 911 - The Official Government Version of 9-11 Is Just Another Lie In A Whole Litany of Lies But Many People Believe It. Why?






·  Bonilla Loses House Seat After 7 Terms - Former Congressman Ciro Rodriguez defeated seven-term Republican Henry Bonilla in a runoff election Tuesday, adding another Democrat to Congress.





·   America’s Injustice System Is Criminal - The United States has a large number of wrongfully convicted. There are many reasons for this. One is that the US has the largest percentage of its citizens imprisoned of all countries in the world, including China.

·  U.S. Moves to Restrain Prosecutors - The Justice Department placed new restraints on federal prosecutors conducting corporate investigations yesterday, easing tactics adopted in the wake of the Enron collapse.
TVNL Comment: Criminals trying to protect criminals.

·  Renowned Computer Security Expert Agrees to Meet California County Supervisor's '1000 to 1' Challenge to 'Manipulate' Sequoia Voting Machine!" - An expert computer security programmer who successfully manipulated the results of a mock election held on a Diebold optical-scan voting machine in Florida as well as finding major security vulnerabilities on a Diebold touch-screen system in Utah has agreed to meet a public challenge to "manipulate" a Sequoia voting system in Riverside County, California.










·   UK 'plot' terror charge dropped - A Pakistani judge has ruled there is not enough evidence to try a key suspect in an alleged airline bomb plot on terrorism charges.

·  Wolfowitz Clashes With World Bank Staff and Mideast Chief Exits - Half of the bank's 29 highest-level executives have departed since Wolfowitz, the former U.S. deputy Defense secretary and an architect of President George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq, took office in June 2005.

·  Calls for Olmert to resign after nuclear gaffe - Israel's prime minister, Ehud Olmert, was yesterday trying to fend off accusations of ineptitude and calls for his resignation after he accidentally acknowledged for the first time that Israel had nuclear weapons.

·  US to double emergency equipment stored in Israel - Emergency stockpiles in Israel meant for storing US army equipment in Middle East opened in Israel's favor during last Lebanon war

·  Olmert's nuclear slip stirs uproar in Israel - Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has sparked an uproar after an apparent slip of the tongue in which he for the first time listed Israel as a nuclear power, but few expected the blunder to alter the Jewish state's "policy of nuclear ambiguity."





·  NORAD and NORTHCOM Exercises - Military and civilian units take part in homeland security drill





·   George W. Bush the Decider? Is This Really Happening? - Are we really allowing one of the stupidest most uninformed people on the planet make life and death decisions for our world? This guy could not pass a grade school history or science exam and we are letting him make life and death decisions that affect the entire globe? Are we fucking crazy?

·  History will not treat us kindly - Most Americans are hiding. We are like the good Germans of 1933 who knew an authoritarian regime was consolidating its power, but thought we could avoid personal consequences if we kept quiet. We remained silent as enemies of the State were rounded up, and everyones' liberties curtailed. It did not happen all at once. It was a process of conditioning.





·  The Government's Assault on Press Freedom - The United States government consistently undermines democracy by eroding the media's ability to report.










·  Israel's Lieberman Calls for Tougher Stance on Israeli Arabs - Mr. Lieberman spoke of requiring Israelis to sign a commitment to loyalty to the Israeli flag and to its national anthem, and of requiring service in the army or alternative national service. Citizens who refuse to sign the declaration, he said, could continue as permanent residents of Israel, working, studying, and receiving health care benefits, but they could not vote in national elections or be elected to national office.





·  'Convert or die' game divides Christians Some ask Wal-Mart to drop Left Behind - Left Behind Games' president, Jeffrey Frichner, says the game actually is pacifist because players lose "spirit points" every time they gun down nonbelievers rather than convert them.

·  Pope's message contains veiled criticism of US 'terror' tactics - Pope Benedict XVI criticised George Bush as he declared states had to set ethical limits in what they do to protect their citizens from terrorism.

·  Military Christianists: America #3 on their Loyalty list - The Pentagon has been infiltrated by the Roy Moore wing of the Republican party—or the Christianists. How many of you have ever heard of the Christian Embassy?




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