Date: December 14th 2006 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Always Hear the Message - ALWAYS


Today I just want to pass along a simple yet valuable piece of advice. My advice: Just listen! That’s it. I am saying this because there is too much valuable information being ignored simply because it comes from people who you do not like, do not trust or have a questionable past. Don’t deny yourself valuable information simply because the value of the messenger is in question.


Likewise we tend to listen all too much to bad information because we trust or think we should trust the source. Unsubstantiated information and pure lies flow from journalists to politicians to clergy men and women. Practice critical thinking, common sense and evaluate the message, not the messenger.


We will all benefit if we simply evaluated information based on the merit of the information, not the informant.    Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Joint Chiefs Advise Change In War Strategy - The nation's top uniformed leaders are recommending that the United States change its main military mission in Iraq from combating insurgents to supporting Iraqi troops and hunting terrorists, said sources familiar with the White House's ongoing Iraq policy review.

·  Bush to seek $100 bln more war funds - The emergency funds, which likely would be submitted by Bush to Congress in early February, would be in addition to $70 billion already approved for the two wars in the current fiscal year, which began on October 1.
TVNL Comment: Mo money, mo money, mo money for Cheney's pals!

·  At Least 55 Die in More Iraqi Violence - A new round of car bombings and other violence struck Iraq on Wednesday, with 55 people killed or found dead as the Iraqi government unveiled a plan to assume responsibility for security in Baghdad by early next year.

·  US staying the course for Big Oil in Iraq - Washington at large and President George W Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney in particular may apply every contortionist trick in the geopolitical book to save their skins in Iraq - and the reasons are not entirely political.





·  Government seeks new ruling in Cheney case - The Bush administration asked an appeals court Wednesday to overrule a federal judge and allow the White House to keep secret any records of visitors to Vice President Dick Cheney's residence and office.





·  Mint bans melting coins now worth more as liquid than loot - Given rising metal prices, the pennies and nickels in your pocket are worth more melted down than their face value -- and that has the government worried.

·  Americans see rich-poor gap worsening - "Income inequality is widening quite rapidly," said Alice Rivlin, a former vice chairwoman of the Federal Reserve who's now a public policy professor at Georgetown University in Washington.

·  Wall Street eyes heart of darkness: global warming - But this was no talk shop of environmental activists. It was a meeting of Wall Street investors, insurance executives, state treasurers and pension fund managers, who between them manage about $3.7 trillion in assets.



9/11 News :


·  Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77 - No Arabs wound up on the morgue slab; however, three ADDITIONAL people not listed by American Airline sneaked in. I have seen no explanation for these extras.






·  Potential vacancy could determine Senate control - Under state law, South Dakota's Republican Gov. Mike Rounds has the authority to fill a Senate vacancy with a successor of his choosing. If Rounds decides to appoint a fellow Republican to the post, the Senate would be evenly split between Democrats and Republicans with Vice President Dick Cheney casting the tie-breaking vote in the GOP's favor.

·  Roberts confirms he'll leave Intelligence Committee - Roberts has tangled with Democrats on the Intelligence panel over its investigation into prewar intelligence on Iraq. Senate officials have said Roberts has grown weary of the infighting and did not look forward to serving in the minority.

·  Senator undergoing brain surgery, sources say - Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota was undergoing brain surgery early Thursday at George Washington University Hospital after suffering stroke-like symptoms, two Democratic sources familiar with his condition told CNN.





·   Security cameras raise rights worry in NY - Security cameras have increased fivefold in parts of New York City and have become so pervasive that they threaten the rights of privacy, speech and association, the New York Civil Liberties Union, or NYCLU, said in a report. - Moreover, there was no evidence the cameras deterred crime, the group said.





· What the Government Won't Say About Global Warming Will Hurt Us Al - To an unprecedented degree, top Bush administration officials have inserted themselves into the scientific and regulatory process.





·   IAEA - 'israeli nukes not our problem' - Why inspect nukes that exist when you can continue looking for ones that don't?

·  Banned for a George Bush T-shirt - AN Australian was barred from a London-Melbourne flight unless he removed a T-shirt depicting George Bush as the world's number one terrorist.

·  Israel court backs targeted kills - Israel's Supreme Court has rejected an attempt to declare that the policy of targeted killings of Palestinian militants is illegal.

·  Regional War May Loom in Africa - With the Ethiopian government saying it is technically at war with Somalia's Islamic Courts movement, and the movement having declared holy war against Ethiopia, there is fear that an all-out conflict in the Horn of Africa may be unavoidable.

·  Israeli TV catches Olmert "coaching" Italy's Prodi - An Israeli television station broadcast candid footage on Thursday that appeared to show Olmert, during his first official visit to Rome, coaching Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi on what to say during their joint press conference.





·  US defends its opposition to ban on weapons in space - The United States defended its opposition to a new ban on weapons in space, saying it needed to keep its options open amid threats from nations seeking ways to attack US space systems.

·  Troops Sue to Avoid Anthrax Vaccines - Members of the military sued on Wednesday to prevent the Pentagon from requiring anthrax vaccinations, the latest legal challenge over the vaccine's possible health risks.





·   Always Hear the Message - ALWAYS - Don’t deny yourself valuable information simply because the value of the messenger is in question.





·  Former CNN News Chief To Launch 'IraqSlogger' Site - Eason Jordan defended CNN's use of US Army PsyOps to prepare war news. Now he's starting a blog, no doubt using US Army PsyOps to provide content.

·  The War on Journalism - This video is dedicated to Independent Journalists worldwide who've paid a price for seeking the truth ... some more than others.

·  Proof: the Media Lies About the Holocaust Conference in Tehran. - The record of the conference is clear. There were many speeches at the conference that maintained the mainstream Holocaust view. - How the Zionist media lies! Thank God we have an Internet where people can immediately learn the truth. Ten years ago these lies could be stated with no fear of contradiction, now you can hear with your own ears the truth rather than the lies of a pro-Israel media.

·  Wolf Blitzer Versus David Duke - TVNL Comment: Listen to Duke. He makes many valid points and he nails Wolf for his connections to AIPAC. Wolf worked for the Israeli lobby prior to somehow getting into corporate news; what a surprise!





·  Antidepressants a Suicide Risk for Young Adults - Widely used antidepressants double the risk of suicidal behavior in young adults, from around three cases per thousand to seven cases per thousand, according to a huge federal analysis of hundreds of clinical trials.

·  US scientists reject interference - Some 10,000 US researchers have signed a statement protesting about political interference in the scientific process.

·  New publishing rules restrict scientists - The Bush administration is clamping down on scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey, the latest agency subjected to controls on research that might go against official policy. ADVERTISEMENT New rules require screening of all facts and interpretations by agency scientists who study everything from caribou mating to global warming.
TVNL Comment: This administration must be removed. They are tryannical rulers and they must be stopped!





·  UNICEF: 2006 One of The Worst Years for Palestine Children - United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said that 123 Palestinian children have been killed since outbreak of hostilities, more than double the 2005 figure., adding that some 340 children remain in detention facilities.

·  '04 Pentagon Report Cited Detention Concerns - A previously undisclosed Pentagon report concluded that the three terrorism suspects held at a brig in South Carolina were subjected to months of isolation, and it warned that their "unique" solitary confinement could be viewed as violating U.S. detention standards.

·  Judge upholds detainee rights terror law - A federal judge upheld the Bush administration's new terrorism law Wednesday, agreeing that Guantanamo Bay detainees do not have the right to challenge their imprisonment in U.S. courts.

·  Rwandan priest guilty of genocide - A Roman Catholic priest has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for his involvement in Rwanda's genocide by the United Nations-backed war crimes court.





·  The Holocaust: Give Us The Facts - If there is one lesson to be learned from the war in Iraq it is that We The People are lied to by our government on a grand scale. There is no reason to think that such horrific lies are a new phenomenon.




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