Date: December 18th 2006 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  CNN Delivers Non News Delivery News


Continuing the corporate news industry’s tradition of deception and distraction CNN (and all the other news entities) is doing their part in the annual holiday media distraction game by pretending that the pre-holiday surge in deliveries for UPS, FedEx and Post office is news. While the criminal media spent quite a bit of time this weekend making you think that some lost hikers is something that we need to know about, in detail, extremely fine detail, they had the dedication to keep up their annual tradition of showing us how busy the parcel delivery industry is just before Christmas. This information falls under the DUH sub-category of the news distraction topic list. This year however CNN chose to tell us a lot about the canned ham industry while they were at it. Don’t we all feel like better informed citizens now? Aren’t you glad that after making sure you took the time to watch a news program so that you can stay informed about what is happening in the world, as any responsible citizen would, this is the information you walked away with?


In the mean time they have not mentioned the latest smoking gun memo (another one in the UK) proving that the (person who seized via election coup, the office of) president of the United States LIED US INTO WAR!


Hmmm…let’s see, even though this information has been out for several days this nation has not had a single broadcast media report about yet another discovered piece of evidence proving that high crimes were committed that has resulted in massive death, the obliteration of a sovereign nation and weakening of our national security (and financial health). We are supposed to believe that there is not a single person in the entire national broadcast news industry who makes decision about the content and focus of our news, who as a journalist felt that it was more important to inform the public about the latest evidence of the many high crimes committed by a sitting president than it was to report the fate of some people who have no impact whatsoever on our nation or our world (outside of their personal circles!) Every single managing editor of every single corporate news entity in this nation decided, on their own we are to believe, supposedly without any central information controlling entity, that a press conference given by the family members of some hikers who got lost in a storm is vital news that you need to know and should be aired live!


Just to keep this in perspective news about high crimes of a sitting president, especially those that involve sending a nation to war, destroying a sovereign nation and killing at least tens of thousands of people impacts the lives of virtually everyone in this nation, a majority of the world (in a geo-political sense) and our democracy and freedom. The biggest impact that you will feel when you receive news about some stranded hikers is an urge to say “cool” or “great” or “that’s a shame!” I mean no offense to the stranded hikers or their families but their plight is in no way national news and the feelings of the family members of missing individuals is in no measures up to what needs to be reported by journalists. While some personal tragedies are newsworthy on a national level how people feel about those tragedies is never newsworthy. Asking a family member of a missing or killed individual how they feel is never news. It is a pathetic attempt by inept non-journalists to look as if they know how to conduct interviews.


So using this weekend of hiker & delivery news as a final example can we finally admit that the entire news industry is controlled by a single source that decides what may be reported and what you are permitted to know about your world? Can we find the people who are controlling this information AND KILL THEM? PLEASE?     Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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· US Could Face Catastrophic Military Defeat In Iraq - If US forces are indeed devastated in Iraq, it will not be an historical novelty.

·  A war in which no one wins and everyone loses - Winners? There are no winners. The only valid measurement is: Who has lost the most?

·  Roadside bombs kill troops at highest rate of Iraq war - US troops in Iraq are dying in roadside bombings at a higher rate than any period since the war began -- some in follow-up attacks in the same locations -- but commanders still have no effective means to monitor the deadliest routes for patrols, according to Pentagon officials and documents.

·  Gunmen Kidnap Up to 30 People in Baghdad - Gunmen in Iraqi army uniforms burst into Red Crescent offices on Sunday and kidnapped two dozen employees and visitors at the humanitarian organization in the latest sign of the country's growing lawlessness.

·  U.S. to Armor-Plate Iraqi Police Vehicles - Reacting to criticism that the United States has not provided the right equipment to Iraqi security forces, the Multi-National Command in Baghdad has been seeking a contractor to put armor on 1,300 American-made SUVs and pickup trucks used by the Iraqi National Police.
TVNL Comment: The do not mention how much U.S. taxpayer money will be used for this?

·  Iraqi PM invites Saddam officers to return to army - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said on Saturday Iraqi army officers of all ranks sacked after the U.S. invasion in 2003 would be allowed to reapply for their posts in the new army.
TVNL Comment: When will they beg Saddam to come back?

·  Survey indicates Iraqis in despair - More than 90 per cent of Iraqis believe the country is worse off now than before the war in 2003, according to new research obtained by Al Jazeera.

·  Iraqi Red Crescent cites U-S forces as `main problem' - GENEVA A top official of the Iraqi affiliate of the International Red Cross says his workers are facing a greater threat from U-S forces than they are from insurgent attacks.

·  Iraq aid agency 'attacked' by US - The Iraqi Red Crescent, the country's biggest humanitarian organisation, has accused United States troops of attacking its offices and vehicles.





·  Flynt Leverett Blasts White House National Security Council Censorship of Former White House Officials Critical of Bush Policies - In an unprecedented case, the White House National Security Council staff has insinuated itself into a "secrets-clearing" process normally overseen by the CIA Publications Review Board which screens the written work of former government officials to make sure that state secrets don't find their way into the op-ed pages of the New York Times, Washington Post, or in other of the nation's leading papers, journals, and books.

·  Elder Bush: 'Beat the Hell' Out of Hillary - Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush said in Japan he would try to beat the hell out of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton if she were to run for president.
TVNL Comment: Sure, because he has selected Edwards.

·  Officials: John Edwards to announce '08 run - Former Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards intends to enter the 2008 race for the White House, two Democratic officials said Saturday.
TVNL Comment: Those of you who have heard Jesse give his presentions on "reality" and who really runs our nation already knew Edwards was the pre-determined candidate of the powers behind the scenes. He will "win" the primaries unless something drastically changes between now and then. He may have already been selected as our next president by the people who really make those decisions.

·  Former Bush aide named to U.S. attorney post - The open-ended appointment differs from a normal presidential selection, where Griffin would face Senate hearings and a confirmation vote.

·  THE DISAPPEARANCE OF GEORGE P. BUSH - Certainly the military absences of Bushes, Cheneys, Rumsfelds, Wolfowitzes, Perles, Coulters, Limbaughs, O'Reillys, Hannitys, Crystals, Feiths, Ashcrofts, etc., are no news to those who pay attention.

·  Ex-Rep. Barr Quits GOP for Libertarians - A former Georgia congressman who helped spark President Clinton's impeachment has quit the Republican Party to become a Libertarian, saying he is disillusioned with the GOP on issues such as spending and privacy.

·  Neo Culpa - Fearing that worse is still to come, Adelman believes that neoconservatism itself—what he defines as "the idea of a tough foreign policy on behalf of morality, the idea of using our power for moral good in the world"—is dead, at least for a generation. After Iraq, he says, "it's not going to sell."
TVNL Comment: It did not sell until they delivered their new Pearl Harbor...on 9/11. When will people realize that 9/11 was the ONLY event that permitted them to proceed with their agenda and that they had to make it happen in order to do their thing!








9/11 News :


·  Evidence that the U.S. Government Planned & Executed 9/11 - Great set of interviews that outline the overwhelming evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

·  North American Union leader says merger just crisis away - In May 2005, Pastor was co-chairman the Council on Foreign Relations task force that produced a report entitled "Toward a North American Community," which he has claimed is the blueprint behind the SSP declared by President Bush, Mexico's then-President Vicente Fox, and Canada's then-Prime Minister Paul Martin.

·  9-11 Investigation: Key 9-11 Facts And Assumptions Challenged By Prof. David Ray Griffin Video - 9-11: Myth Or Reality? - In this unique video report I have decided to assemble here, I have extracted from the full-length video documentary, the nine short sections in which Prof. Griffin methodically dismantles by way of clear and fact-supported logic, the key foundations that keep together the mainstream story most of us still believe today.

·  Testimony Helps Detail CIA's Post-9/11 Reach - A few days after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the CIA station chief in Rome paid a visit to the head of Italy's military intelligence agency, Adm. Gianfranco Battelli, to float a proposal: Would the Italian secret services help the CIA kidnap terrorism suspects and fly them out of the country?

·  Kissinger Fingerprints All Over Suspicious Pre-911 Money Movements - We have now learned that the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago was made aware of possible terrorist-related money movements in a Federal Reserve Board of Governors letter sent to all Federal Reserve Banks a little over a month before the 9/11 attacks.






· Reid's `Dead-of-Night' Maneuvers on Measure Contradict Pledge - Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, who has pledged to stop ``dead-of-night legislating,'' did a little of his own in the final hours of this year's congressional session.

·  US envoys start rare Cuba visit - The 10 members of the bipartisan group favour the easing of US sanctions on Cuba and are seeking dialogue.





·   Government fails 10th consecutive audit - As anticipated, the federal government flunked its audit for fiscal 2006, with $797 billion, or 53 percent, of its reported assets and an additional $790 billion, or 27 percent, of net costs, on the balance sheets of five agencies that could not be fully audited.

·  Showdown Looms Over Domestic Spying - Federal agents continue to eavesdrop on Americans' electronic communications without warrants a year after President Bush confirmed the practice, and experts say a new Congress' efforts to limit the program could trigger a constitutional showdown.

·  Judge orders hand recount of ballots in crucial House race - A judge Friday granted a request by Republicans for a hand recount of 23,000 ballots in a close legislative election that will determine whether Democrats will reclaim the majority in the state House of Representatives after 12 years.

·  Bush 'Privacy Board' Just a Gag - "When our government is torturing innocent people and spying on Americans without a warrant, the PCLOB should act -- indeed, should have acted long ago," Fredrickson said. "Clearly you've been fiddling while Rome burns. This board needs to bring a little sunshine. So far America is kept in the dark -- and this is the first public meeting you have had."





· After surviving 20 million years, China's goddess of the river is driven to extinction - But a few years of breakneck development, overfishing and a massive increase in shipping have reduced sightings of this shy, graceful creature to zero.
TVNL Comment: Humans were the worst thing to happen to life on Earth. Humanity is a virus to all other species.

·  Climate change melts Kilimanjaro's snows - Rivers of ice at the Equator — foretold in the 2nd century, found in the 19th — are now melting away in this new century, returning to the realm of lore and fading photographs.

·  Aerosol Crimes - This documentary produced by chemtrail researcher Clifford Carnicom is a must see and an excellent research tool

·  We’ve Lost Another Cetacean Species - The Yangtze river dolphin called the Baiji has been officially declared extinct. This beautiful dolphin has disappeared because of the construction of the Three Gorges Dam, heavy ship traffic that confused their sonar abilities, overfishing, and high levels of industrial pollutants dumped into the river.





·  Israel’s Nukes? Dont Ask, Dont Tell - How can the United States possibly deal with the nuclear threat from Iran if Washington keeps believing in fairytales? How can it demand that Iran give up its uranium enrichment program in the name of preventing nuclear proliferation, while the U.S. refuses even to admit that Israel already possesses hundreds of nuclear weapons and thumbs its nose at the Non Proliferation Treaty.

·  The final, ghastly days of Blair - Anyone familiar with the workings of Tony Blair's Downing Street and its careful manipulation of the political agenda by use of a diary grid system, which enables future news events to be charted and orchestrated, will spot a familiar pattern here.

·  Japan rolls back pacifist pillars - Japan's conservative government chipped away at two pillars of the country's postwar pacifism, requiring schools to teach patriotism and upgrading the Defense Agency to a full ministry for the first time since World War II.

·  US Embassy doubles visa generation capacity - As the number of Indian visitors to the US is constantly on the rise, with over 3.58 lakh Indians America-bound in 2006, the US Embassy has taken steps to double its visa generation capacity in the country that include opening new interview centres.

·  US accused of using aid to sway votes in UN security council - The US uses its aid budget to bribe those countries which have a vote in the United Nations security council, giving them 59 per cent more cash in years when they have a seat, according to research by economists.

·  MI5 chief quits as full story of July 7 is about to emerge - The head of MI5 has resigned weeks before full details of the role of her agents in a surveillance operation involving two of the July 7 bombers are due to be revealed.

·  Russia defies West and goes ahead with nuclear fuel sale to Iran - RUSSIA is to begin supplying Iran with nuclear fuel early next year despite mounting concern in the West that this could accelerate Tehran’s plans to build a nuclear bomb.

·  John Berger and 93 other authors, film-makers, musicians and performers call for a cultural boycott of Israel - There is a fragile ceasefire in Lebanon, albeit daily violated by Israeli overflights. Meanwhile the day to day brutality of the Israeli army in Gaza and the West Bank continues. Ten Palestinians are killed for every Israeli death; more than 200, many of them children, have been killed since the summer.

·  John Major leads calls for inquiry into conflict -  "The more we learn about the beginning of the war, the more uncertain its rationale seems to be," Sir John said. He said there was "no doubt" that the new Democrat-dominated US Congress would hold an inquiry into the war.

·  Other countries free U.S. terror detainees - Decisions raise question of whether they posed a threat

·  Turkey, Israel agree to build pipeline - Turkey and Israel have agreed to build a pipeline linking the Black and Red seas, Turkey’s energy minister said yesterday, in a move boosting the Jewish state’s energy security and Turkey’s role as an energy hub.





· Mishap in dismantling nuclear warhead - The Project on Government Oversight says it has been told by knowledgeable experts that the warhead nearly detonated in 2005 because an unsafe amount of pressure was applied while it was being disassembled

·  FBI: Recruiters Caught in Drug Probe - A dozen Army and Marine recruiters who visited high schools were among the personnel caught in a major FBI cocaine investigation, and some were allowed to keep working while under suspicion, a newspaper reported Sunday.

·  Despite a $168B budget, Army faces cash crunch - The strains here at Fort Stewart -- one of the busiest posts in the U.S. military -- are apparent throughout the Army.

·  Ga.-based troops who led Iraq invasion prepare for unprecedented third tour - With its latest deployment orders, the 3rd Infantry has been called to duty in Iraq more than any division in the Army. Its tanks and armored Bradley vehicles were among the first to rumble into Baghdad in the 2003 invasion.

·  Powell Says U.S. Army `About Broken' Because of Iraq - Powell, 69, who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Gulf War and the nation's chief foreign policy official during President George W. Bush's first term, said the war has made the U.S. ``a little less safe'' because it has limited the military's ability to respond to another crisis.
TVNL Comment: And in many ways it is Powell's fault! Without him lending cridibility to the lies that led to the invasion we may never have launched this illegal war!

·  Military wants to secretly test product on civilians - The Navy wants to test the product, derived from cow blood, on about 1,100 trauma victims in emergency situations. It proposes doing so without obtaining the customary informed consent of patients in advance.

·  Pentagon to move troops into Kuwait - The U.S. military is planning to move a brigade of troops into Kuwait in what could be the first step of a short-term surge of American forces into Iraq to stabilize the violence.





·  History lessons from the 'splendid little war' - The US is embroiled in an ill-considered occupation of a distant land; an initial welcome turned to violence amid human rights violations; it will be many years before extrication is possible. Not Iraq today, but the Philippines a century ago, an eerie parallel which might have provided valuable lessons.

·  The Truth About The Tehran Holocaust Conference - By One Who Was There - When Alexander Baron returned from the Holocaust Conference in Iran which he attended, he found that the conference Western media "reported" about might as well have been on a different planet.

·  Jesse’s Predictions Coming True - If my assessment is correct the rest of this horse race is just a show, as is most of the procedures conducted by our so called elected officials. The people have no say in what takes place. We have no representation at all. Our so called elected officials do not legislate according to our desires. And the political process is in place simply to make us think that we live in a democracy.

·  When There's No One Left to Blame - What Are You Going to Do Now, Israel? - The Palestinians are finally succumbing to your plots, you think. The long-planned bottle has finally been sealed, in which the "drunken cockroaches" can only crawl around, shooting each other.





·  CNN Delivers Non News Delivery News - So using this weekend of hiker & delivery news as a final example can we finally admit that the entire news industry is controlled by a single source that decides what may be reported and what you are permitted to know about your world? Can we find the people who are controlling this information AND KILL THEM? PLEASE?

·  FCC head: Cities block cable competition - Cable television rates keep going up while prices for other communications services are going down, says the nation's chief communications regulator, and he blames local governments for blocking competition.

·  MSNBC's Olbermann Seeks Big Raise - Olbermann is looking for such a big pay raise because Countdown has been on fire, playing a big part in the current audience uptick at the network. In the key 25-54 demo, its ratings are up 25% year-to-date and an astounding 75% so far in the fourth quarter.

·  Former President Carter blames media's 'pro-Israel bias' on AIPAC and 'Christians like me' - In a letter addressed to Jewish citizens of America, former President Jimmy Carter explains the media's "pro-Israel bias" partly on a powerful lobbying organization which faces no "significant countervailing voices," but primarily puts the blame on "Christians like me."

·  Fox, Viacom, CBS, and NBC versus YouTube - Four media companies are talking to compete against Google's YouTube.

·  'You' named Time's person of 2006 - The US magazine praised the public for "seizing the reins of the global media" and filling the web's virtual world.

·  Study of Americans' Media Use Finds Web Finally Passing Newspapers - Next year, Americans are projected to spend more than 9 1/2 hours a day with the media, though hours spent doing two things at once, such as watching TV and using the Internet, are counted twice in the report.





·   U.S. Is Proposing to Cut Medicaid’s Drug Payments - The Bush administration on Monday will propose sweeping reductions in payments to pharmacies as a way to save money for Medicaid, the health program for more than 50 million low-income people.

·  Drug maker accused of cover-up - Drug maker Eli Lilly has engaged in a decadelong effort to downplay the health risks of Zyprexa, its best-selling medication for schizophrenia, according to hundreds of internal Lilly documents and e-mail messages among top company managers.





· Former U.S. Detainee in Iraq Recalls Torment - The military has never explained why it continued to consider Mr. Vance a security threat, except to say that officials decided to release him after further review of his case. “Treating an American citizen in this fashion would have been unimaginable before 9/11,” said Mike Kanovitz, a Chicago lawyer representing Mr. Vance.

·  Academic to be Tried for Attending Holocaust Conference - Robert Faurisson, a French academic who attended an Iranian conference questioning the Jewish Holocaust, could face legal punishment.

·  Tortured Canadian Still on U.S. 'Watch List' - Maher Arar, the Canadian Muslim who was whisked by U.S. agents from a New York airport to imprisonment and torture in Syria, remains on the U.S. "watch list" despite an exhaustive Canadian inquiry that found he is an innocent man, the U.S. ambassador to Canada said Friday.

·  Women Lose Ground in the New Iraq - Once They Were Encouraged to Study and Work; Now Life Is 'Just Like Being in Jail'
TVNL Comment: The "once" they refer to was under Saddam!

·  India has killed 10 mln girls in 20 years - Ten million girls have been killed by their parents in India in the past 20 years, either before they were born or immediately after, a government minister said on Thursday, describing it as a "national crisis".





·  Windows Vista did not steal ideas from Mac OS X! - For the New York Times, David Pogue reviews Windows Vista, trying to prove in his video that "Microsoft did not steal ideas from Mac OS X."

·  Lights & Ice Circle - Hemlock River Near Amasa, Michigan - This is an interesting report due to the fact that there was a vibrating beam of light/pulsating lights around the area where the ice circle was discovered.

·  1989 News: Call boys in Bush Sr's Whitehouse - NBC news report about Sex scandal involving Bush Sr. whitehouse, and underage male prostitutes. Was not covered on TV much after this.

·  Even if they're off, cellphones allow FBI to listen in - But a countersurveillance expert said Nextel, Motorola Razr and Samsung 900 series cellphones can be reprogrammed over the air, using methods meant for delivering upgrades and maintenance. It's called "flashing the firmware," said James Atkinson, a consultant for the Granite Island Group in Massachusetts.




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