Date: December 19th 2006 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  America Should Not Care About Lost Hikers!


The corporate media is taking part in yet another campaign to prove my point that America does not have a national news (journalism) industry and that there is one single point of control. They have launched in depth coverage of another so called news story that has absolutely no affect on the people of our nation other than the few people who are personally involved. The total number of people who are impacted in any way shape of form by the plight of the lost hikers or should care about them at all comprise less than one millionth of the US population. If the entire news industry is not controlled by one single entity tell me how every single managing editors of every corporate news company decided to spend time, revenue and resource to cover such a story in depth. I am not saying that a few tabloid type new organizations are not going to focus such stories, as nationally insignificant as they may be, but to say that every single news organization decided that this monumentally irrelevant event is more newsworthy than the hundreds of news items that go unreported yet have direct impact on one hundred percent of the American population is simply not believable.


I wonder how the on air corporate new criminals keep a straight face while they read their teleprompters.   I wonder when then American public is going to get outraged enough with the corporate news media for keeping the real important news from us to go postal on them. Any minute of any day you can view the news page and compare the items on our page with any news broadcast in America and you will witness first hand the level of deception and distraction taking place. You will ask yourself “how can they not report this?” Maybe if you read my news page enough you will become furious, as am I. As the British rock group the Clash said in their song “London Calling”: “Let fury have the hour, anger can be power, D'you know that you can use it?!”        Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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· ·  Iraq Executes 13 Prisoners, Shows Video - Some images showed two men standing together on a gallows with nooses around their necks.

·  Attacks in Iraq at Record High, Pentagon Says - A Pentagon assessment of security conditions in Iraq concluded Monday that attacks against American and Iraqi targets had surged this summer and autumn to their highest level, and called violence by Shiite militants the most significant threat in Baghdad.

·  US to warn Iran with naval buildup in Gulf - Citing unidentified military officers, CBS said the plan called for the deployment of a second U.S. aircraft carrier to join the one already in the region.
TVNL Comment: Here we go again!

·  Coroner faults Brit's death in Iraq - A British tank commander accidentally shot by one of his own soldiers as he struggled with an Iraqi attacker died because of an "unforgivable and inexcusable" delay in providing body armor to British troops, a coroner ruled Monday.

·  Six brutal truths about Iraq - General William Odom, one of the earliest advocates of an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, attacks some of the mythologies that are interfering with an honest debate about how to proceed in the Middle East and says the media have failed to recognize dramatic changes in the region.

·  New Pentagon chief warns of calamity in Iraq - Robert Gates, sworn in as U.S. defense secretary on Monday, said he understood the desire to bring troops home from Iraq but that failure would be a "calamity" that haunts and threatens America for decades.

·  White House backs off Bush's Iraq view - The White House took a step back Monday from President Bush's confident assertion two months ago that "absolutely, we're winning" the war in Iraq.

·  Red Crescent halts Baghdad work after abduction - The Iraqi Red Crescent suspended operations in Baghdad after gunmen in police uniforms kidnapped about 30 people from one of its offices in the capital on Sunday, an official of the humanitarian body said on Monday.

·  Ex-Iraqi minister escapes police custody - The former electricity minister — a dual U.S.-Iraqi citizen who was jailed for corruption — escaped police custody with the help of security agents he once hired to protect him, an anti-corruption official said Monday.





·  White House: No fight with Joint Chiefs - Asked again about whether there were conflicting opinions between the White House and the Joint Chiefs on how to proceed, Snow said: "What I'm saying is this budding narrative of the president locking horns with the joint chiefs is tonally inaccurate."





·  Marijuana top U.S. cash crop, policy analyst says - U.S. growers produce nearly $35 billion worth of marijuana annually, making the illegal drug the country's largest cash crop, bigger than corn and wheat combined, an advocate of medical marijuana use said in a study released on Monday.
TVNL Comment: If you make it legal you will take money away from the illegal black ops and put money into the hands of legitimate business people. If alcohol is legal than pot should be too.

·  Inflation roars back with 2 percent wholesale price jump - The surprise jump in prices challenges expectations from economists and the Federal Reserve that inflation is under control.

·  U.S. trade deficit balloons - America's deficit in the broadest measure of trade shot up to an all-time high in the summer, reflecting the huge jump in the country's foreign oil bill.



9/11 News :


·  San Francisco 9/11 Truth Tea Party Dumps Official Whitewash in the Bay - Marking the 223 anniversary of the Boston Tea Party where 18th century colonists decided to reject onerous and unjust taxation by dumping tea in the Boston harbor, these modern day patriots, some with fifes and drums, marched from Pier 39 past curious, and some stunned, onlookers to the end of the Municipal Pier at Aquatic Park.

·  Prof. Steven Jones Quits Scholars for 911 Confusion - This is to inform you that I (along with chemist Kevin Ryan and many others) have withdrawn from association with Jim Fetzer (JF) and “his” version of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, and to provide reasons for this action.











·   NYC violated Constitution by jailing protesters - New York City violated the U.S. Constitution for more than two months in 2001 with a policy to detain arrested protesters overnight instead of giving them summonses to appear in court, a U.S. federal jury found on Monday.

·  US govt withdraws demand for return of secret memo - The New York-based civil liberties group said the government had asked a federal court judge to withdraw the subpoena demanding "any and all copies" of the memorandum, saying that the document had now been declassified.

·  U.S. violent crimes jump in first half of 2006: FBI - Murders, robberies and other violent crimes reported in the United States jumped 3.7 percent in the first half of the year, continuing a troubling upswing that began in 2005, the FBI said on Monday.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.










·  Israeli Member of Knesset: US will attack Iran and Israel must dismantle Palestinian Authority - 'Bush and Blair have a historical role'Steinitz claims that the US is technically capable of bombing the nuclear reactor in Iran. He stressed that his estimation is based on his deep acquaintance with senior US Congress members and senators.
TVNL Comment: Why does an Israeli MP have deep acquaintances with members of Congress and why are they telling him anything about our military plans? I wonder who is telling who what!

·  Iran to replace dollar with euro in foreign deals - The Iranian government said it has ordered the central bank to transform the state's dollar-denominated assets held abroad into euros and use the European currency for foreign transactions.

·  Evacuation of settlement outpost in West Bank delayed - Evacuation of the illegal West Bank settlement outpost of Migron, which was built on private Palestinian land, is likely to be delayed for another half year, according to a government brief submitted to the High Court of Justice on Sunday.





· Marine Officer Who Died In Iraq Had Been Escorting Oliver North - Megan McClung, a public affairs officer who became the highest-ranking woman killed in Iraq when she died two weeks ago, had been escorting Oliver North and a FOX News crew through Ramadi just moments before a roadside bomb took her life, a military spokesman told E&P on Monday.





·  America Should Not Care About Lost Hikers! - The total number of people who are impacted in any way shape of form by the plight of the lost hikers or should care about them at all comprise less than one millionth of the US population.





·  Censured PBS Bunny Returns, Briefly - What happens to a children’s public television show after it has been attacked by the secretary of education, pilloried by conservatives, then abandoned by its underwriters? In the case of “Postcards From Buster,” it manages to return, belatedly but unbowed, for a second season.

·  White House Forbids Publication Of Op-Ed On Iran By Former Bush Official - Middle East analyst Flynt Leverett, who served under President Bush on the National Security Council and is now a fellow at the New America Foundation, revealed today that the White House has been blocking the publication of an op-ed he wrote for the New York Times. The column is critical of the administration’s refusal to engage Iran.





·  Italy issues new code to stop ultra-skinny models - Italy's government and its fashion chiefs issued a manifesto on Saturday to crack down on the use of ultra-thin teenagers on the catwalk, requiring models to show proof of their good health or be barred from fashion shows.





·  Woman beaten on Jerusalem bus for refusing to move to rear seat - Miriam Shear says she was traveling to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City early on November 24 when a group of ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) men attacked her for refusing to move to the back of the Egged No. 2 bus.

·  Worse Than Apartheid - Israel has spent the last five months unleashing missiles, attack helicopters and jet fighters over the densely packed concrete hovels in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army has made numerous deadly incursions, and some 500 people, nearly all civilians, have been killed and 1,600 more wounded.





·  McVeigh Video Destroys OKC Bombing Official Story - A video that shows Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh at a U.S. military base that specializes in explosives and demolition training over a year after he supposedly left the army puts the official story of the April 19 1995 federal building bombing under serious doubt and mandates a re-opening of an investigation into the terror attack that killed 168 people.

·  Leader at Haggard's church out over sexual misconduct - An executive staff member at New Life Church in Colorado Springs has resigned after admitting to sexual misconduct and other mistakes - the result of an examination of the staff's moral makeup after the ouster of senior pastor Ted Haggard, a church official said Sunday.




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