Date: December 21st 2006 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Right Wing Americans are Getting What They Deserve


If there has ever been a case where people have lost the right to complain it is now. The blind faith and catatonic loyalty given to George W. Bush by what has to be the most uninformed political base in human history serves as justification for those of us in the “we told you so” crowd to tell them to shut up and take it like a man. As the average American drowns in the wake of the Bush tsunami I don’t want to hear so much as a peep from the millions who ridiculed the intellectuals who tried to warn them about this intellectually inert puppet and his fascist handlers.


As American soldiers and innocent Iraqis die by the hundreds each day, as the true costs of the Bush tax cuts and Medicare overhaul come destroy one family after another, as each child dies from asthma due to relaxed environmental laws, when an accident at a germ warfare facility wipes out a city, when our coastal cities end up under water because we ignored and exacerbated global warming, as new cancers and horrors arise because our food supply has been genetically modified without our permission  and when we have to go to war with other nations because the global food chain broke and our seas no longer provide oxygen to breath and there is not enough food and air to support life on earth because our god damn president does not believe in science, every Fox News watching, Limbaugh listening, Hanitized flag wearing gay hating right wing Constitution bashing false patriot Bush supporter better shut up and take it because they made it happen! Bush supporters have nobody to blame but themselves and guess what, the rest of us should blame them too.


All I can say is that this is what you get for believing even for a moment what the US corporate media wants you to believe. The rest of us Bush haters are Bush haters for one reason and one reason only; we pay attention! So to my new former Bush supporting friends who seem to be suddenly surrounding me and telling me that I have been right all along: you can tell me I was right but after that shut the hell up because it is too late for forgiveness. From now on, just shut up and listen.  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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· Budget chief: 2007's war costs will exceed projected $110 billion - He said the final figure "depends on a lot of things that are not yet decided. One is the policy moving forward."

·  CIA exercise reveals consequences of defeat - The CIA this month conducted a simulation of how the Iraq war affects the global jihadist movement, and one conclusion was that a U.S. loss would embolden al Qaeda to expand its ranks of terrorists as well as pick new strategic targets, according to sources familiar with the two-day exercise.
TVNL Comment:
Mission accomplished!

·  Bush 'brainwashed' Blair over Iraq - Tareq al-Hashemi told New York's Council on Foreign Relations that when he spoke to Mr Blair about three months ago, the British leader was supportive of his appeal for the US and Britain to say when they would withdraw.

·  The Corporate Occupation Of Iraq - The Iraq Study Group Report offers a few important recommendations that will help address problems with the U.S. reconstruction debacle in Iraq. However, the Report thoroughly misses the mark on identifying the sources of failure—U.S. corporations and the Bush administration, and therefore the best way to solve the situation, which is to end the U.S. corporate invasion of Iraq.

·  Iraqi vice president favors U.S. pullout timetable - "I am calling for a scheduled withdrawal of American troops," Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi told reporters after talks with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

·  Security developments in Iraq - Police found 53 bodies in different districts of the Iraqi capital, many with signs of torture, an Interior Ministry official said.

·  Costs for Iraq war approach record - U.S. official - U.S. costs for the Iraq war are likely to exceed $110 billion this year, approaching the record reached in the fiscal year that just ended, White House budget director Rob Portman told reporters on Tuesday.

·  Iraq on brink of collapse - Iraq is on the brink of total disintegration and could drag its neighbors into a regional war, a leading think-tank said, after the Pentagon confirmed violence was at an all-time high.





·  Bush "Developing Illegal Bioterror Weapons" for Offensive Use - In violation of the US Code and international law, the Bush administration is spending more money (in inflation-adjusted dollars) to develop illegal, offensive germ warfare than the $2 billion spent in World War II on the Manhattan Project to make the atomic bomb.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush crime being ignored by the media and Congress. Will we have to take the law into our own hands? Who will stop the criminals tho have siezed control of this nation?

·  Desperation in the White House - The power brokers in Washington spent the week carefully arranging fig leaves and tasteful screens to cover the emperor's nakedness while he was busy pretending to listen hard to everyone with an opinion about Iraq while hearing nothing.

·  Report Says Berger Hid Archive Documents - Former national security adviser Sandy Berger removed classified documents from the National Archives in 2003 and hid them under a construction trailer, the Archives inspector general reported Wednesday.

·  Bush can't kick habit of military might - HERE WE GO again: A new secretary of defense and yet another call for ending the war in Iraq by escalating it. What are they smoking in the Bush White House?

·  'I have no future' -- Jeb Bush tells reporters - But the unpopularity and dismal job-approval ratings of his brother may have scuttled any plans Jeb Bush may have had for a future in politics after running one of America's most crucial swing states for the past eight years.

·  New left-leaning Israel lobby to take on AIPAC? - Article
TVNL Comment: A new, left-leaning lobby made up of well-organized philanthropists could seek to take on the powerful, conservative American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Salon is reporting.

·  This is where George Bush gets dangerous - We now have six years of evidence that George Bush is not all there. The occupant of the White House has consistently demonstrated an extraordinary ability to evade reality and a reckless proclivity to steer the nation by a distorted compass made up of cocaine-induced delusions and two decades of insobriety.

·  Former CIA Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud - The Problem Was Not "Faulty Intelligence," the Problem Was Dishonestly Selecting And Omitting Intelligence

·  Cheney to Be Defense Witness in CIA Case - Vice President Dick Cheney will be called as a defense witness in the CIA leak case, an attorney for Cheney's former chief of staff told a federal judge Tuesday.





·  Freightliner plans Mexico factory despite layoffs elsewhere - DaimlerChrysler's Portland-based Freightliner unit will build a $300 million truck plant in Mexico to meet a surge in long-term demand even as it prepares for as many as 4,000 North America layoffs next year.

·  Housing slowdown hits U.S. economy - Economic growth slowed to a 2 percent pace in the late summer, more sluggish than previously thought, as the real-estate bust weighed on overall business activity.

·  Report Reveals 2.2 Million Borrowers Face Foreclosure on Subprime Home Loans - CRL's research suggests that risky lending practices have triggered the worst foreclosure crisis in the modern mortgage market, projecting that one out of five (19.4%) subprime loans issued during 2005-2006 will fail.

·  Wall Street bonuses bubble into the billions - The $15,000 bottle of bubbly is just one example of how record Wall Street bonuses this year can trickle through New York City's economy. People are buying multimillion-dollar apartments. They are driving $40,000 BMWs out of the showroom.
TVNL Comment: And they are driving right by homeless verterans who can't get a raise in their minimum wage!
America...where greed rules the day!

·  Wages of average workers trailing far behind surge in corporate profits - The swelling earnings of business — and of many top executives — have become part of the debate about widening U.S. income disparities.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.



9/11 News :


·  No money to treat 9/11 workers, $3 billion a week to fight Iraq? - Is this a new 9/11 conspiracy The New York Times is reporting? That “roughly $40 million that was set aside by the federal government to treat rescue workers, volunteers and firefighters who became ill after helping with the 9/11 cleanup and recovery will run out in months, physicians and federal officials said yesterday.” And the fund goes broke while the war meter ticks in Iraq at nearly $3 billion a week?

·  Morgan Stanley charged with using '9/11 smokescreen' to hide e-mails - In a disciplinary complaint, the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) alleges that Morgan Stanley used a "9/11 smokescreen" to hide e-mails sought by angry claimants in numerous arbitration proceedings from October 2001 through March 2005.

·  Q&A With Dr. Steven Jones - In the past, I came across information that called into question photos published by Dr. Jones and his claims on Thermite. While he was a member of Scholars for Truth, I was not able to get ahold of him. However, after he split off, I was able to get hold of him. We had a wonderul conversation, which I am posting here in full.

·  Documentary says French troops had bin Laden in sights - A documentary says French special forces had Osama bin Laden in their sights twice about three years ago but their U.S. superiors never ordered them to fire.






·  Tubbs Jones to head House ethics committee - Jones, now in her fourth term in the House, is a lifelong resident of Ohio's 11th Congressional District, which encompasses most of the East Side of Cleveland as well as parts of the West Side and 22 suburbs. She is a former county prosecutor and Common Pleas judge.

·  Reid's `Dead-of-Night' Maneuvers on Measure Contradict Pledge - Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, who has pledged to stop ``dead-of-night legislating,'' did a little of his own in the final hours of this year's congressional session.





·  U.S. to Declassify Secrets at Age 25 - It will be a Cinderella moment for the band of researchers who study the hidden history of American government.
TVNL Comment: Unless some of the documents are fake.

·  Collins on hand as Bush signs law changing postal operations - While the measure affects the spending of billions of dollars, the mail will keep flowing, the letter carriers will keep making their rounds and the price of stamps, like just about everything else, will keep rising, but perhaps more slowly.

·  Memos: No more $13 teas, $70 lunches for legal aid outfit - After severe criticism from Congress, stinging reports from a financial watchdog and several articles by The Associated Press, the Legal Services Corp. has decided to temper the expensive tastes of its top officials while poor clients are turned away for lack of program funds.





· Climate Change vs Mother Nature: Scientists reveal that bears have stopped hibernating - Bears have stopped hibernating in the mountains of northern Spain, scientists revealed yesterday, in what may be one of the strongest signals yet of how much climate change is affecting the natural world.





·  Costa Rican leader to give salary to poor - Costa Rican President Oscar Arias will donate his $102,000 yearly salary to the nation's most needy, his government said Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: Could you imagine Bush or Cheney doing this? Carter would however.

·  Paramilitary Ties Implicate Colombia's Political Elite - In what has been heralded as a decisive moment in Colombia's shadowy, decades-long conflict, a powerful paramilitary commander is to appear in a special court Tuesday to account for crimes that include massacres and assassinations.

·  Iran Seeks Condemnation of Israeli Nukes - Iran demanded Tuesday that the U.N. Security Council condemn what it said was Israel's clandestine development of nuclear weapons and "compel" it to place all its nuclear facilities under U.N. inspection.

·  U.N. evacuates 71 workers from Darfur - The United Nations evacuated 71 aid workers from the largest refugee camp in Darfur Tuesday after gunmen looted their compounds, leaving some 130,000 refugees virtually without humanitarian help.





· Watada states his case in Moiliili - Standing ovations greet a soldier facing a court-martial for refusing to go to Iraq

·  Iraq Vets Falling Through Health-Care Cracks - The VA's plans for a "seamless transition" from military to civilian health care are largely unrealized. About 80 percent of soldiers recently discharged after serving in Iraq have not even enrolled as patients in the VA system.
TVNL Comment: Who supports the troops? Nobody except the peace activists who want to keep them out of unnecessary harms way!

·  US Coast Guardsman jailed over Ku Klux Klan fliers - A U.S. Coast Guardsman was sentenced on Tuesday to a year in military prison for posting recruitment fliers for the Ku Klux Klan white supremacist group, illegally storing explosives and other charges.
TVNL Comment: Storing explosives? Why is this not being reported as "terrorist" activity?

·  Long-Rumored Shuffle of Generals Expected - And the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. George Casey, has indicated in recent months that he also may not stay much longer than the end of this year.

·  General Abizaid Stepping Down - US Army General John Abizaid, the top commander for American military operations in the Middle East, will leave his post early next year, a spokesman said.

·  73% of US Military is OK with gays serving openly - Seventy-three percent of US military members would accept openly gay and lesbian service members being in their units, according to a new poll released by Zogby International and the Michael D. Palm Center.

·  Marine Leader to Face Charges - The leader of a squad of Marines expects to be charged in the killing of 24 civilians in the Iraqi town of Haditha, his lawyer said Tuesday.

·  U.S. soldiers' suicide rate in Iraq doubles in 2005 - Suicides among U.S. soldiers in Iraq doubled last year over the previous year to return to a level seen in 2003, U.S. Army medical experts said on Tuesday.





·  Right Wing Americans are Getting What They Deserve - The blind faith and catatonic loyalty given to George W. Bush by what has to be the most uninformed political base in human history serves as justification for those of us in the “we told you so” crowd to tell them to shut up and take it like a man. - Bush supporters have nobody to blame but themselves and guess what, the rest of us should blame them too.

·  'Absolutely, We're Winning' Morphs Into 'Just Kidding' - How do we respond to a Commander in Chief who is either self-deluded, a liar, or determined to exercise unfettered power?





·  In Iraq, journalist deaths spike to record in 2006 - Violence in Iraq claimed the lives of 32 journalists in 2006, the deadliest year for the press in a single country that the Committee to Protect Journalists has ever recorded.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.

·  Radio, TV Martí face a congressional probe - Congress early next year will investigate allegations of mismanagement and political cronyism at taxpayer-funded Radio and TV Martí, a ranking Democrat said Tuesday.

·  Media More Interested In Laura Bush’s Skin Condition Than Iraq - During today’s press briefing, the media devoted most of its attention to the skin cancer tumor First Lady Laura Bush recently had removed.










·  U.N. adopts treaty banning countries from secretly abducting perceived enemies - The United States, accused of transferring terrorism suspects to secret jails in other countries, did not address the assembly, but rights experts said they did not expect Washington to ratify the pact.

·  'We are facing the hardest Christmas yet' - Israeli road obstacles rise by 40% in a year, strangling the Palestinians, says UN

·  Chicagoan's suit charges torture by GIs in Iraq - A Chicago man who worked for an Iraqi contractor alleged Monday he was imprisoned in a U.S. military compound in Baghdad, held incommunicado for more than 3 months and subjected to interrogation techniques "tantamount to torture."

·  U.S. Inquiry Falters on Civilians Accused of Abusing Detainees - The prosecution team, which was established in June 2004 at the United States attorney’s office in Alexandria, Va., has not brought a single indictment and has been plagued by problems.

·  U.S. says 2 die after Biogen, Genentech drug - Two lupus patients died from a rare brain infection after taking the Genentech and Biogen Idec drug Rituxan, U.S. health officials said in an advisory issued on Monday.





·  Huge Southern Baptist Church rocked by sexual abuse charges - Pastor Paul Williams, who directs prayer programs and special projects at the Bellevue Baptist Church outside of Memphis, has been forced to take a leave while a church committee investigates charges that Williams sexually molested a family member 17 years ago.
TVNL Comment: The fun never stops!

·  FBI to release last of its John Lennon files - Despite the fierce battle the government waged to keep the documents secret, the files contain information that is hardly shocking, just new details about Lennon's ties to New Left leaders and antiwar groups in London in the early 1970s, said the historian, Jon Wiener.

·  The FBI campaign against John Lennon shows how far the state can go to deal with stars who refuse to toe the line - His claim that the FBI had him under surveillance was rejected as the fantasy of an egomaniac, but 300 pages of FBI files, released under freedom of information after his murder, show he was right.




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