Date: December 27th 2006 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  So Gerald Ford is Dead? So What?


For those of you who do not already know this, Gerald Ford is a special man in American history in that he took part in not one but two cover ups related to the JFK assassination. First off he was one of the authors of the fictional piece known as the Warren Report. Then he pardoned Richard Nixon so that the real reason for the Watergate break-in would not be revealed. For those of you who do not know the Nixon connection the JFK assassination you should start doing a little research of your own, but I’ll tell you where to start looking…start with the Watergate burglars and the “tramps” who were picked up at the scene of the Kennedy assassination. They seem to be the same people. Then research where Nixon was on that fateful night. Nixon, along with the probable kingpin of the assassination George H. W. Bush, are the only two people on the planet who can’t remember where they were on that day but records show that they were both in Dallas. Start poking into this and you will be shocked at what you may find. In the meantime spend your emotions mourning for our nation, democracy, Iraq and its citizens or just about anything…rather than for Mr. Ford.  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Top Ten Myths about Iraq 2006 - Myth number one is that the United States "can still win" in Iraq. Of course, the truth of this statement, frequently still made by William Kristol and other Neoconservatives, depends on what "winning" means.

·  Baghdad car bombing kills eight - All of the dead were civilians, police and security officials said.

·  U.S. Soldiers' Death Toll Climbs in Iraq - A string of car bombs and other blasts killed at least 54 Iraqis on Tuesday, including 17 outside Baghdad's most venerated Sunni mosque, while U.S. troops battled Shiite militiamen in Baghdad. Seven more American soldiers died, the U.S. military said, pushing the December death toll to 90 in one of the bloodiest months for the American troops in Iraq this year. Some 105 troops were killed in October.













9/11 News :


·   Chomsky: It Doesn't Matter Even If There Was A Conspiracy Behind 911 - Add to this his routine dismissal of the role of the Jewish lobby in shaping US Middle East policy and it is easy to understand why he is known as the "Chief Gatekeeper."






·  Biden wants Rice to testify on Iraq policy - Sen. Joseph Biden, the incoming chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, said he has invited Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to testify during three weeks of hearings in January about the Iraq war.
TVNL Comment: Invited? How sweet.





·  Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America - The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the May 2005 report entitled “Building a North American Community,” express what appears to be the goal of SPP - namely, to defend only the perimeter border around North America while increasingly erasing our borders with Mexico and Canada by issuing in 2007 electronic Trusted Trader border passes to Canadian and Mexican trucks and other commercial entities and by issuing next year Trusted Traveler bio-metric cards to Mexican and Canadian citizens.

·  Ohio Gov. Taft reprimanded over ethics - The state Supreme Court voted Wednesday to publicly reprimand Ohio Gov. Bob Taft over his ethics violations, a black mark that will stay on his permanent record as an attorney.

·  World's `Worst' Visa System Scares Business Away From the U.S. - Companies say U.S. rules have become so onerous in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that it's often simpler to meet customers, business partners and employees elsewhere.

·  Covert Actions Against American Citizens Living in America - Members of the Church Committee which investigated the FBI's COINTELPRO talk about covert actions against American citizens living in America.





·  U.S. Wants Polar Bears Listed as Threatened - The Bush administration has decided to propose listing the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, putting the U.S. government on record as saying that global warming could drive one of the world's most recognizable animals out of existence.

·  Pipeline spilling oil into Gulf near Galveston - Rupture dumps about 21,000 gallons nearly 30 miles off Texas coast





·  First Settlement in 10 Years Fuels Mideast Tension - Israel announced plans on Tuesday to construct a Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank for the first time in 10 years, prompting Palestinian anger and American concern.

·  Canada throws out 'Russian spy' - Canada has deported a man accused of assuming a false identity over a 10-year period to spy for Russia.

·  Where God meets big business — and it's soon coming to a church near you - American Evangelical Christians scare the hell out of secular Britons and, while their reputation may be unfair, it has been long in the making and is reinforced by some truth.

·  'Corrie' canceled in Canada - Play has potential to offend Jewish community
TVNL Comment: Of course, because the truth about
Israel is offensive, to all.

·  Question: Why doesn't the US condemn Ethiopian invasion and occupation of Somalia ? - Answer: Because Ethiopia is being used as a US Proxy to attack another Muslim country.

·  Israel settlement breaks promise to U.S. - Israel has approved a new settlement in the West Bank to house former Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip, officials said Tuesday, breaking a promise to the U.S. to halt home construction in the Palestinian territories.

·  King Abdullah: Israel not as strong as we thought - Jordanian king tells Japanese newspaper ‘The perception in the Middle East is that Israel lost Lebanon war’; adds: More and more countries in the region will now believe that the only way to get Israel to listen is through force and not negotiations





·   Barricade Ends With Army Reservist's Death - An Army reservist just called up to serve in Iraq was fatally shot by police Tuesday after a standoff that began Christmas night.

·  Gates sending brigade of 82nd to Kuwait - Defense Secretary Robert Gates has signed orders that will send the 82nd Airborne Division's 2nd Brigade to Kuwait shortly after the new year, senior defense officials said Tuesday.

·  New Orleans' Top Army Corps Execs Retire - Three top-ranking Army Corps of Engineers officials who led the agency's reconstruction work after Hurricane Katrina are stepping down, prompting critics to again question whether the Corps is able to protect the city from future disasters.

·  Military considers recruiting foreigners - he armed forces, already struggling to meet recruiting goals, are considering expanding the number of noncitizens in the ranks -- including disputed proposals to open recruiting stations overseas and putting more immigrants on a faster track to US citizenship if they volunteer -- according to Pentagon officials.

·  US soldier who disputed Iraq war legality released early from military prison - Clousing was released 15 days early for good conduct and is headed home to Washington state.





·  So Gerald Ford is Dead? So What? - For those of you who do not already know this, Gerald Ford is a special man in American history in that he took part in not one but two cover ups related to the JFK assassination.

·  THE GOOD SHEPHERD”: WHEN PATRIOTISM MURDERS HUMANITY - In “The Good Shepherd” we are confronted with the price of patriotism and the toll it takes on one man’s humanity and the well being of innocent individuals close to him. The film asks us: What is the cost of being a “good shepherd”?










·  Large families 'bad for parents' - Having a large number of children is bad for parents' health - particularly that of mothers, a study suggests.
TVNL Comment: It is also bad the for health of the planet. Earth can not sustain the consumption requirements of an ever increasing human population.










·  Why Ford Pardoned Nixon: To Keep Secret His Role in the Kennedy Assasination - The DNC had gotten copies of the photographs taken of the three tramps in Dealey Plaza, and identified two of them as long time Nixon henchmen E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis. This put the DNC in a position to at least blackmail the President, if not expose him outright.

·  Regarding the late President Ford - Gerald Ford forced to admit the Warren Report fictionalized

·  FBI Considered "It's A Wonderful Life" Communist Propaganda -  According to Professor John Noakes of Franklin and Marshall College, the FBI thought Life smeared American values such as wealth and free enterprise while glorifying anti-American values such as the triumph of the common man.




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