Date: December 29th 2006 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Excuse me? Where Am I Mr. Blitzer?


I wonder in which class in journalism school Wolf Blitzer was taught that it is an acceptable part of the practice of journalism to tell people who are watching TV news that they are in some pretend room. Wait a minute, I forgot, Wolf Blitzer never even took a single course in journalism; and that is more obvious with each of his appearance on CNN!


On a daily basis, actually many times per day, the so called iron man of CNN (and/or the so called journalists who fill in for him when he is off), look directly into the camera and tell people who are viewing his program that they are in a situation room. What are we, children? Is this a pretend game where we get to pretend that we are in some important room? And let me ask Wolf one little question, exactly what situations are you being asked to tackle and who exactly has put you in charge of these situations…and what situations have you handled so far? So Wolf Blitzer is now responsible for “situations?” What exactly are he and his crack team of high resolution screen animators responsible for?


Last time I checked I have never ever been in a situation room of any kind. This fact becomes most obvious to me every time Wolf  tells me that am in one. Every time he tells me this I look around and guess what…no situation room. Just an office, a bedroom, a living room, a diner or anyplace with that little technological conduit of propaganda known as a TV.


While you are at it Wolf you may want to tone down the on screen animations. Last time I watched your program (or any CNN or FOX or MSNBC show) for too long I had to clean vomit off of the walls in my home! I am not supposed to get motion sickness from watching an interview with an irrelevant relative of a crime victim who has no impact on my life or the lives of your viewers (you know, typical CNN news story), Is there anything on your screen that is not in motion? Even the little CNN logo has a light scrolling through it non-stop! I know you people are trying to hypnotize us but this is getting a little silly! Here is a project for Stephen Hawking’s: see if you can count how many objects are unnecessarily animated on a typical cable TV news screen! This one may even be beyond Hawking!


Gee Wolf, you are sooo dignified! I wonder when the Wolf Blitzer School of Journalism will open? Maybe you can get some sage CNN journalists like Soledad O’Brien to teach courses in how to make grown up looking expressions while not having a clue as to what you are talking about! The possibilities are endless!


Let me ask my readers this: how does an adult with a rather serious position (supposed journalist), get up in front of a camera and say something so silly (“you are in the situation room”), and still take themselves seriously? How do you take them seriously? Am I the only one who realizes how unbelievably stupid this is? These grown up people tell us we are in a situation room? Do you realize how ridicules this is? And Wolf is not alone because all the other senior “journalists” on CNN take turns filling in for him and repeat this same childish nonsense!


CNN’s “Situation Room” is a prime example of just how pathetic a joke TV news has become. We have a pretend journalist on a pretend news network telling us that we are in a pretend room with him as he pretends to be in charge of some situation! Soon he will be telling us to put on our super secret Wolf Team uniforms before we watch his program!  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Many soldiers say troop surge a bad idea - In dozens of interviews with soldiers of the Army's 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment as they patrolled the streets of eastern Baghdad, many said the Iraqi capital is embroiled in civil warfare between majority Shiite Muslims and Sunni Arabs that no number of American troops can stop.

·  End of Another Year... - A day in the life of the average Iraqi has been reduced to identifying corpses, avoiding car bombs and attempting to keep track of which family members have been detained, which ones have been exiled and which ones have been abducted.

·  British soldier is killed in Iraq - A British soldier has been killed by a roadside bomb in Basra, southern Iraq, the Ministry of Defence has said.

·  Crisis in Housing Adds to Miseries of Iraq Mayhem - It began right after the toppling of Saddam Hussein, when many landlords took advantage of the removal of his economic controls and raised rents substantially, forcing out thousands of families who took shelter in abandoned government buildings and military bases.
TVNL Comment: More inhumanity made possible by George W. Bush, PNAC and the good old
US criminal corporate media!





·   Rice still struggling for success after two years as top US diplomat - Elsewhere, Rice's globe-trotting -- 37 overseas trips totalling nearly 500,000 miles (800,000 kilometers) -- has yielded little concrete success, with her few diplomatic victories clouded by poor or no follow-up.





·   Medicare Premiums Will Surge For Some - Their monthly costs will be going up considerably more than expected because of the government's method of counting their income.
TVNL Comment: And every single Bush supporter or Republcan supporter deserves this!

·  Exxon CEO Defends Predecessor’s $400 Million Retirement Package - This morning on NBC’s Today Show, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson said he “understand[s]” consumers’ frustration with high gas prices and the news that Lee Raymond, Exxon’s former CEO, received a $400 million compensation package. But he noted that Raymond’s high retirement package wasn’t Exxon’s fault — it was determined by an independent group



9/11 News :








·   Reyes: U.S. Intelligence 'Manipulated' - Incoming House Intelligence Chairman Silvestre Reyes says he'd rather figure out how to stabilize Iraq and bring the troops home than get bogged down investigating what went wrong. - "We now know that the intelligence was cherry-picked and manipulated," Reyes said in a recent interview. "I thought it was real petty to get (the letter) classified."
TVNL Comment: He knows that the intelligence was cherry picked and that we were intentionally lied to about the reasons for going to war but he does not want to get bogged down investigating this? This is a high crime! This is perhaps the highest crime other than 9/11 committed by a sitting president!

·  Biden wants Rice to testify on Iraq policy - Sen. Joseph Biden, the incoming chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, said he has invited Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to testify during three weeks of hearings in January about the Iraq war.
TVNL Comment: Invited? How sweet.





·  Seven New Orleans officers indicted in post-Katrina killings - Seven police officers were indicted Thursday on murder or attempted murder charges in a pair of shootings on a bridge that left two people dead during the chaotic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

·  Bureau of Land Management Head Resigns - Before taking over BLM, Clarke had worked as executive director of the Utah Department of Natural Resources and as a top aide to former Rep. James Hansen, a Utah Republican who once headed the House Resources Committee. She also had co-owned a construction and real estate business in Kaysville, Utah and had been on the staff of Sen. Wallace F. Bennett, who is now deceased.
TVNL Comment: Talk about foxes guarding the hen house!

·  Why Is HUD Bulldozing Public Housing Apts in New Orleans When It's Cheaper to Fix Them? - The demolished buildings would make way for much newer and many fewer apartments which would be built by private developers. The demolition and private development would be financed by federal funds and federal tax breaks designed to help Katrina victims!





·   Ice Mass Snaps Free From Canada's Arctic - A giant ice shelf the size of 11,000 football fields has snapped free from Canada's Arctic, scientists said.

·  Dire Warnings from China's First Climate Change Report - Temperatures in China will rise significantly in coming decades and water shortages will worsen, state media has reported, citing the government's first national assessment of global climate change.





·  China to strengthen military - China said Friday it will strengthen its military to thwart any attempt by Taiwan to push for independence, but vowed that it was committed to the peaceful development of the world's largest army.

·  Not enough troops for training excercises - The Army has been forced to cancel more than 60 training exercises in the past year amid growing concern that the armed forces are being stretched to breaking point by deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan.

·  Israel admits it may have hit ambulance - THE Israeli army has admitted its soldiers may have fired on a Red Cross ambulance during the war in Lebanon - an incident Foreign Minister Alexander Downer claimed was a hoax that had duped a gullible Australian and international media.
TVNL Comment: And the penalty? Nothing.





·   Air Force pursuing antimatter weapons Program was touted publicly, then came official gag order - More cataclysmic possible uses include a new generation of super weapons -- either pure antimatter bombs or antimatter-triggered nuclear weapons; the former wouldn't emit radioactive fallout.

·  U.S. Air Force Explores Options for 'Prompt Global Strike' - Gen. Kevin Chilton, the head of Air Force Space Command here in Colorado Springs, has asked his staff to review which technologies available today might be useful for a "midterm" conventional weapon system capable of striking targets halfway around the globe within an hour of an order to launch.





·  The Power of Propaganda - The Bush regime is responsible for many multiples of the deaths for which the Pinochet regime was responsible. Yet, Pinochet is the demonized figure.





·   Excuse me? Where Am I Mr. Blitzer? - CNN’s “Situation Room” is a prime example of just how pathetic a joke TV news has become. We have a pretend journalist on a pretend news network telling us that we are in a pretend room with him as he pretends to be in charge of some situation! Soon he will be telling us to put on our super secret Wolf Team uniforms before we watch his program!

·  Journalists say free press threatened by Army subpoena - In a move which threatens the First Amendment rights of journalists, the U.S. Army has subpoenaed journalist Sarah Olson to testify at the January 4 pre-trial hearing in the court-martial of Lt. Ehren Watada. The Army placed another journalist, Dahr Jamail, on the prosecution witness list.

·  TV plans tasteful coverage of Saddam execution - Television networks face a killer of a conundrum with the impending execution of Saddam Hussein, whose hanging could be videotaped and perhaps aired on Iraqi TV.

·  Lawyer falls to death at hotel - Mills said Sanford decided in recent years to add journalism to his many occupations. Almost immediately, he caused a stir after he joined the White House Press Corps in 2005, making waves as the first reporter to ask then-White House press secretary Scott McClellan whether the leaking of CIA agent Valerie Plame's name might be considered an act of treason.
TVNL Comment: Hmmm...





·   Waiting List for AIDS Drugs Causes Dismay in South Carolina - Four people waiting for drugs supplied by the state have died, said Lynda Kettinger, the director of the state health department’s H.I.V. division, and the wait is six months to a year.

·  The 'untouchables' of US science - When George Bush banned funding he effectively put researchers into quarantine
TVNL Comment: George W. Bush, his administration, the US media and their combined acitions, lies and assault on humanity symbolize the greatest enemies of life on Earth. When will the people defend themselves against these criminals, by any means necessary?

·  More Dangerous Than Smoking? Death by Soda - Drinking one soda a day could cause you to gain 15 pounds a year. Other related health risks include type 2 diabetes, heart disease, bowel cancer and nerve damage.





·  Mandela Institute: Palestinians taken to Israeli prison hospital are not given medical treatment - Thousands of Palestinians go without the basic necessities of health care in Israeli prisons, but it was largely unknown that those with critical enough cases to be taken to the hospital were not being treated either.









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