Date: January 5th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  How Long Do We Continue the Farce of George W. Inspector Clouseau Bush?


From the moment George W. Bush seized office after the electoral coup of 2000, his puppet masters, you know, the ones who spent the prior two years teaching him the difference between a country and a continent, did everything in their power to make him look like a real president. They even went as far as to reverse the 1986 the Goldwater-Nichols Defense Reorganization Act that added a new level of commander-in-chief to our military ranking system. These regional commanders-in-chief were created to bring a local supreme commander directly to a military conflict.  The most well-known commander in chief was the head of CENTCOM during the first invasion of Iraq, Norman Schwarzkopf. In order to make the once AWOL from military duty George W. Bush look more presidential Donald Rumsfeld decided to reserve that special important sounding title for the little boy who was “in charge” of every single decision on Earth, George W. Bush, the sage leader of the free world! The same sage leader who could not find China on a map (of China!)


Reference: On October 24, 2002, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld announced that the title of "Commander-in-Chief" would thereafter be reserved for the President, consistent with the terms of Article II of the United States Constitution. Armed forces CINCs in specified regions would thereafter be known as "combatant commanders," heading the Unified Combatant Commands.


Could you imagine someone taking Schwarzkopf’s title from him for no other reason that to make George W. Ignoramus Bush stand out from the other big kids in the playground! Could you imagine Clinton getting away with this? Well you ditto heads…what would you say if Clinton had done that? While your at it ask yourself what you would have said if Clinton was “in charge”, and on vacation, again, when the alleged 9/11 warnings were pouring in? Maybe then you would actually do your duty as an American citizen and start looking at the 9/11 related evidence and you would all of a sudden understand that 9/11 could indeed possibly be an inside job and it is not blaspheme to explore the evidence!


So who actually came up with this initiative? Rumsfeld? Wasn’t he busy with real work? What was the point? There is only one reason to do something like this; insecurity. How childish. Then again we are talking about a child. An intellectual child. George W. Bush; the American president who can’t complete a sentence. The embarrassment of a human being who if not for his fortunate blood line may have problems meeting the qualifications to secure a job handing out free passes to strip joints on a New York City street corner.


We are living in the most surreal period in human history. Having George W. Bush continue in his illegally assumed role as a US president has got to be the closest thing to having the Peter Sellers character, Inspector Jacques Clouseau (from the Pink Panther movies) actually come to life and get promoted to Chief Inspector! Did you ever see the Pink Panther movies? Do you remember how the intelligent people around Clouseau behaved? Could you sense their bewilderment at how such a buffoon could become a police officer, let alone rise to the rank of Chief Inspector, as did the Sellers character eventually? Don’t you feel like those people? Is there even a singe person reading this who feels that they are intellectually inferior to George W. Bush? Is there anyone who can read who is intellectually inferior to George W. Bush?


Well my friends, this is not a funny movie. Our planet, democracy, freedom, health, welfare and way of life hinge on decisions being made by this real life Clouseau! How long are we going to play along? How much irreversible harm can we take before we say enough is enough? This stopped being funny the moment it started. Now it is becoming progressively deadly!


We are told by the people who sell this surrealistic existence to us as the real deal, the US criminal corporate media, that George W. Bush is actually the person who is making decisions about things like war. We are told that this jackass is the actual person who has reserved the right for our government to read our personal mail and declare us to be an enemy of the United States, based on his sole judgment! Our freedom hinges on that imbecile’s judgment! How are we sitting still for all of this? I have to hand it to the media because if they were any less diligent in hiding reality from the American people we would have had a revolution and tossed out every single human being that is participating in this farce! And we would have hanged every member of the media, a la Saddam, because they deserve it for allowing this to go on!


Holy cow, what world am I living in? Am I really awake? Am I on a bad acid trip? Am I in the middle of the longest nightmare in human history? Who is going to believe this crazy dream I am having! Somebody please wake me up! For Pete’s sake, somebody please wake me up!    Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   Deadly Blasts in Baghdad Leave Gruesome Traces - This violence on Thursday involved two bombs timed to go off one after another in the formerly upscale neighborhood of Mansour, which continues to be ripped apart by sectarian violence. Thirteen people were killed and 22 wounded, just a small fraction of the civilians killed across the country this week.





·   How Long Do We Continue the Farce of George W. Inspector Clouseau Bush? - Is there even a single person reading this who feels that they are intellectually inferior to George W. Bush?

·  White House Postponing Loss of Iraq, Biden Says - Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said yesterday that he believes top officials in the Bush administration have privately concluded they have lost Iraq and are simply trying to postpone disaster so the next president will "be the guy landing helicopters inside the Green Zone, taking people off the roof," in a chaotic withdrawal reminiscent of Vietnam.

·  Harriet Miers Resigning as White House Counsel - Miers submitted her resignation today and the President reluctantly accepted it.





·   US business group vows fight over union organizing - The largest U.S. business lobbying group on Thursday vowed to oppose Democrats who want to make it easier for workers to join unions — an issue shaping up as one of the new Congress' first big fights.



9/11 News :


·   9/11: Real World or Exercise? - "First thing that went through my mind was, 'Is this part of the exercise? Is this some kind of a screw-up?'" said Air Force Maj. Gen. Larry Arnold, who was at a command center at the Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida.






·  Rockefeller 'deeply concerned' with timing of Negroponte's resignation - "It is not acceptable for the top two jobs to be vacant at the same time, Rockefeller said in a statement.

·  RANGEL BOOTS VEEP - Rep. Charles Rangel has evicted Vice President Dick Cheney from his office in the Capitol, and the Harlem heavyweight is moving into the prime digs today,





· Nuclear Agency Head Dismissed for Lapses - Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman on Thursday dismissed the chief of the country's nuclear weapons program because of security breakdowns at the Los Alamos, N.M., laboratory and other facilities.

·  Young Girl Facing Charges After Wetting Pants - A 12-year-old special education student in Montour County was charged with disorderly conduct after authorities said she deliberately wet her pants at school.

·  2 in Calif. sentenced for voter fraud - Jason Holly, 36, and Jessica Sundell, 23, were among a dozen people arrested last fall and charged with fraudulent completion of affidavit of registration, a felony.
TVNL Comment: But according to the average American and the criminal media anyone who points out the fact that we have had major election fraud is a wacko!

·  Guardsmen overrun at the Border - According to the Border Patrol, an unknown number of gunmen attacked the site in the state's West Desert Region around 11 p.m. The site is manned by National Guardsmen. Those guardsmen were forced to retreat.










·    North Korea Prepping Nuclear Weapons Test - "We think they've put everything in place to conduct a test without any notice or warning," a senior U.S. defense official told ABC News.





·   'Clean sweep': Bush replaces top general in Middle East who opposed troop surge - In what appears to be a military shakeup surrounding Iraq, President Bush has replaced both the top US general in the Middle East and the top general in Iraq, ABC NEWS is reporting on air.

·  Iraq Vets Come Home Physically, Mentally Butchered -  But the number of injured has far outstripped the dead, with the Veterans Administration reporting that more than 150,000 veterans of the Iraq war are receiving disability benefits.

·  Soldier's lawyers seek OK to put Iraq war on trial - At a pretrial hearing today, Watada's attorneys will try to persuade a military judge that they should be allowed to argue that the war is illegal, in part because it violates military regulations that wars be fought in accordance with the United Nations charter.










·   Rivera's syndicated newsmagazine axed - His syndicated newsmagazine, "Geraldo at Large," was canceled on Thursday and Rivera will return to weekend work at Fox News Channel.

·  Bill Kristol: Pundit Superstar - Now, you would think that being so incredibly wrong about such an important subject might hurt your career prospects, and that would probably be true in any other field. But in the world of Washington punditry, being consistently and catastrophically wrong about everything is apparently not an obstacle to advancement. As David Corn reports, TIME Magazine has invited Kristol to become one the magazine's new "star" columnists.

·  Fox News Belittles Most Powerful Woman in Politics - Reacting to the idea of a powerful woman, Fox News Thursday (January 4, 2007) marked the occasion of the swearing in of the first woman as Speaker of the House with coverage that mocked her authority and depicted her policy disagreements with other members of Congress as petty jealousies typical of women. With video.










·   France to create 'legal right' to housing - The French government announced plans to create a "legal right" to housing in response to a snowballing campaign that has seen a tent city for the homeless spring up in the heart of Paris.
TVNL Comment: So which flag waving Republican will change the name of French Fries back to Freedom Fries in the Capital over this?

·  A Terror Detainee Longs for Court - Mr. Marri, who is 41 and a citizen of Qatar, wants the right to challenge President Bush’s assertion that he is a terrorist and “a grave danger to the national security of the United States.”





· Embezzlement Is Found in Catholic Dioceses - A survey by researchers at Villanova University has found that 85 percent of Roman Catholic dioceses that responded had discovered embezzlement of church money in the last five years, with 11 percent reporting that more than $500,000 had been stolen.
TVNL Comment: 85 percent!!!

·  Texas Boy Dies Mimicking Saddam's Hanging - Police and family members said a 10-year-old boy who died by hanging himself from a bunk bed was apparently mimicking the execution of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.





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