Date: January 8th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Pre-Approved News


Are we really supposed to believe that news organizations must only inform the public about issues using information that is provided and approved by official government sources? CNN aired a special (again) about TWA Flight 800 yet this broadcast did not include one single expert who disagreed with the official explanation. 9/11, war, assassinations, science, you name the issue and you will find “documentaries” on the news networks that exclude expert opinion countering the official line. I guess you’ll have to keep coming to for the rest of the story.      Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·   Bush attacked over 'rolling surge' of 20,000 more troops for Iraq - President George W Bush is preparing to announce a "rolling surge" of 20,000 troops in Iraq that leading hawks believe would waste lives and fail to stave off ignominious defeat for America.

·  Iraq court drops Saddam's charges - The Iraqi High Tribunal has dropped all charges against Saddam Hussein, who was hanged on 30 December, as the genocide trial of six co-defendants resumed.

·  Military `surge' not enough to save Iraq, U.S. commander says - In his first wide-ranging interview, the No. 2 U.S. commander in Iraq conceded Sunday that a military "surge" escalation would not be enough to rescue Iraq, advocating economic and political changes as well, as top Democratic lawmakers in Washington stiffened their opposition to any escalation of U.S. troop strength.

·  5 More U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq - At least 14 Iraqis died Sunday in bombings and shootings, including three Sunni Muslim shopkeepers gunned down in a busy marketplace and a Shiite cleric and his son killed en route to a mosque, police said. Twenty-three bodies turned up in hospitals and morgues around the country, officials said.

·  War's Toll on Iraqis Put at 22,950 in '06 - More than 17,000 Iraqi civilians and police officers died violently in the latter half of 2006, according to Iraqi Health Ministry statistics, a sharp increase that coincided with rising sectarian strife since the February bombing of a landmark Shiite shrine.










·  Bush Tax Cuts Offer Most for Very Rich, Study Finds - Families earning more than $1 million a year saw their federal tax rates drop more sharply than any group in the country as a result of President Bush’s tax cuts, according to a new Congressional study.

·  Gov. to seek cuts in aid to families on welfare - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will propose a major rollback of the state's welfare system this week, including a cutoff of aid to tens of thousands of children whose parents do not meet minimum work requirements or are in the country illegally, administration officials said Sunday.

·  Taking Control of Electric Bill, Hour by Hour - If just a fraction of all Americans had this information and could adjust their power use accordingly, the savings would be huge.

·  Fat CEO pay seen a wider society concern - Criticism of massive payouts for chief executives is no longer only for union activists and investors. The phenomenon now has professors of ethics asking what it says about modern human behavior and politicians looking to curb excesses.
TVNL Comment: It is called greed. There is no other explanation or justification for people accepting tens of millions of dollars while firing people to cut expenses.

·  US major Cisco Systems to shift 20% of top brass to India - Moving ahead from its image as an outsourcing destination of the IT industry, India is now becoming home to top brass of global giants in this space, with US networking giant Cisco Systems planning to shift at least 20 per cent of its top executives to the country.



9/11 News :













· Detroit may shut up to 52 schools - The Detroit Public Schools announced a massive restructuring plan Friday to close 52 schools, a number that would shrink the state's largest district by more than 20 percent.





·   UK class action starts over toxic waste dumped in Africa - Lawyers will today begin preparing the ground for one of the largest class actions heard in the UK over 400 tonnes of allegedly highly toxic waste dumped in the Ivory Coast from a cargo ship chartered by a London-based company.

·  Punjab freezes, temperatures drop to a record low - Meanwhile, the MET Department in Chandigarh, was at a loss to explain what was causing the mercury to drop consistently over the past few days.





·   Experts Suggest the CIA, Not Kim Jong-il, is Counterfeiting Dollars - The American secret service, the CIA, could be responsible for manufacturing the nearly-perfect counterfeit 50 and 100-dollar-notes that Washington pins on the terror regime of North Korea.

·  China irate at Chen's US stopover - China has protested to the US at plans to allow Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian to stop over in California on his way to Central America.

·  Israel's Bad Influence - Scott Ritter, a former U.N. arms inspector in Iraq, has written a book, Target Iran, in which he accuses the Israeli government and its American lobby of pushing the U.S. into attacking Iran.

·  Brown plans 'independent' foreign policy - Gordon Brown signalled yesterday that as Prime Minister he would forge a foreign policy independent of the US and initiate "frank" relations with President George Bush.

·  Iran will respond instantly to aggression: Hosseini - According to Hosseini, any aggression against Iran will not be left unanswered and the aggressor will instantly regret about its actions.










·  The USA Inc.-the fall of a giant - The truth is that the Most Powerful Puppet to Play - USA as a nation of human, political, monetary and military capital to be used and abused - is being cornered.





·  CNN Presents air disaster misinformation - Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom appears in the show, but experts who challenge the government's theory do not.

·  Media Critic's Blog Shuttered After Disney Complains - On the site, blogger and media critic "Spocko" took issue with on-air comments made by right-wing talk show hosts at Bay Area ABC affiliate radio station KSFO.





·  Health insurers deny policies in some jobs - Health insurers in California refuse to sell individual coverage to people simply because of their occupations or use of certain medicines, according to documents obtained by The Times.

·  'New stem cell source' discovered - Scientists say they have discovered a new source of stem cells that could one day repair damaged human organs.





·  Ex-Terror Suspect Can Sue, Judge Rules - Moroccan immigrant Karim Koubriti, 28, was held for three years in the Wayne County jail and claims he was strip searched, held in isolation for 23 hours a day and not allowed to exercise.

·  Global evidence hunt uncovers horrific images - US MARINES took dozens of gruesome photographs of the 24 civilians who were killed in Haditha, Iraq, in November 2005.

·  Starving Afghans sell girls of eight as brides - Villagers whose crops have failed after a second devastating drought are giving their young daughters in marriage to raise money for food

·  Death in Haditha - Eyewitness Accounts in Report Indicate Marines Gunned Down Unarmed Iraqis in the Aftermath of a Roadside Bombing in 2005





·  Saudi child hangs himself imitating Saddam's execution - In a third incident of its kind, a 12-year-old Saudi boy accidentally hanged himself while imitating the way former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein was executed, media reports said Monday.

·  The Mossad in the CIA - It might be of public interest to know that a significant number of Israeli Mossad agents are now working in the United States as employees of the Central Intelligence Agency. These agents, some of whom are listed below, are initially paid by the Israeli Embassy in Washington but Israel then bills the U.S. Government for the salaries and is reimbursed in full on a monthly basis.




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