Date: January 11th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Why Did Bush Give Kristol’s Speech? PNAC is Alive and Well and They’re Taking Us to Iran and Syria!


PNAC is alive and well and living inside George W. Bush’s empty skull. All you had to do was watch a few minutes of FOX News before George W. Bush gave his speech and the grin on William Kristol’s (PNAC chairman who is very likely one of the insiders that brought us 9/11 or as he called it, our “new Pearl Harbor”), face it would tell you that Bush was about to announce the continuation of the PNAC agenda. He grinned like a little boy trying to keep a secret. But some of us know better. Some of us know that Kristol has been one of the Neocons who has helped package and sell the continuation of the PNAC foreign policy agenda.


“A new way forward” and troop “surge” are two of the laughable inaccurate terms that have been coined for this second chapter in the PNAC coup. These guys stole an election, 9/11ed us into giving them control of our military and they even sacrificed their own (Rumsfeld) in order to retain power. Tonight’s speech by George W. Bush was simply the public announcement that the Iran/Syria chapter of the PNAC remapping of the Middle East is on its way. Another element of PNAC chapter two is under way, for those of you who are not paying attention: the part of their agenda that recommended that the US secure (steal) resources in the region is in the works because Iraq’s newly “elected” Parliament, you know the people who represent the citizens of Iraq, just decided to sign the Iraqi oil rights over to western companies. You know; the oil that Saddam used to provide free health care and education (through college) to Iraqi citizens.


Hey, stupid brainwashed Americans, did you know that Saddam used Iraq’s oil money to pay for health care? No; because your lying bastards in the media did not tell you this. While Saddam was providing free health care for his people your health care costs rose 70% (another fine Bush legacy) and while Iraq’s oil money also paid for Iraqis education Exxon has turned in one global profit record after another!


Folks, don’t criticize this blog entry  by saying things about the credibility of my blog; because the design is not professional, or because I did not provide too many links to back up my comments. Go through the hundreds of pages of the main web site where you can find thousands of linked references or get off of your butt and start Googling (you know, like that sage intellectual W says, use “the Google” on the “Internets”). Maybe after reading a few corroborated undisputed media reports from around the world you will put two and two together and join me in recognizing that we have a president who is a puppet of some very bad people who think nothing of lying to you in order to further their goals. They think nothing of killing massive numbers of people including Americans in order to further their goals and they have done just that.


Don’t be scared to start researching this stuff because the ramifications of not doing anything will be worse than if you let the damage continue to pile up. Maybe if enough of you come to terms with what is taking place more people can actually take action. Maybe the people who are trying desperately to alert the citizens of this nation about what is going on will have one less person slowing us down from stopping the madness!


PNAC brought you 9/11, they brought you Iraq and now they are telling you that Iran and Syria are next. And guess what, I have said it time and time again but when the time comes I’ll say it again…I told you so! 


So how much more do you have to see before you stop these guys? How much more do you have to see before you start believing your own eyes and ears; or do you just not trust your own eyes and ears? Only those of the people who have lied to you about everything from the Gulf of Tonkin to 9/11; the criminal US corporate media? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here: 


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·  How To Further The Neocon Mess In Iraq - Those Who Sold War On False Pretenses Want Escalation

·  US forces raid Iran official office in Iraq - U.S. forces raided an Iranian government representative's office in the northern Iraqi city of Arbil early on Thursday and made a number of arrests, Iraq's state television and a Kurdish station reported.

·  Better armor lacking for new troops in Iraq - The thousands of troops that President Bush is expected to order to Iraq will join the fight largely without the protection of the latest armored vehicles that withstand bomb blasts far better than the Humvees in wide use, military officers said.

·  U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq Hit 3,017 - As of Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2007, at least 3,017 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.
TVNL Comment: There are many questions as to how the troop deaths are counted. Other estimates are much higher.

·  Kucinich: Bush setting stage for wide war - "President Bush appears to be setting the stage for a wider war in the region. He has blamed Iran for attacks on America. The President is vowing to disrupt Iran. He is going to add an aircraft carrier to the shores off the coast of Iran. He has promised to give Patriot missiles to 'our friends and allies.' Isn't one war enough for this President? It is time the media and the Congress began to pay attention to this President when he talks aggressively about Iran and Syria.

·  UK to cut 3,000 troops from Iraq by May - Britain will cut troop levels in Iraq by almost 3,000 at the end of May, the Daily Telegraph reported on Thursday, citing a timetable for withdrawal the newspaper said it had seen.

·  All the Kings Men Sign a Death Warrant on American GIs - There is no "new plan" for Bush to announce. - There is, however, a new PR word – "surge" – that came out of the infamous Frank Luntz focus groups to try to make the stench of American men and women dying in Baghdad in greater numbers more palatable.





·   Why Did Bush Give Kristol’s Speech? PNAC is Alive and Well and They’re Taking Us to Iran and Syria! - These guys stole an election, 9/11ed us into giving them control of our military and they even sacrificed their own (Rumsfeld) in order to retain power. Tonight’s speech by George W. Bush was simply the public announcement that the Iran/Syria chapter of the PNAC remapping of the Middle East is on its way.

·  Defiance and delusion - George Bush's announcement last night that he is going to pour more troops into Iraq was the last throw of the dice in a misconceived enterprise that has dragged his country, this country and the Middle East into a nightmare.

·  Olbermann: A Look Backward at the Commander’s Credibility - Keith Olberman reviews the lack of credibility that has permeated the Commander in Chief on Iraq.

·  Former Reagan aide compares Bush to Hitler - "Bush is like Hitler," Paul Craig Roberts writes in a column entitled The Surge: Political Cover or Escalation?. "He blames defeats on his military commanders, not on his own insane policy." "Like Hitler, he protects himself from reality with delusion," Roberts continues. "In his last hours, Hitler was ordering non-existent German armies to drive the Russians from Berlin."








9/11 News :


·   Perfect Plan of 911 - Still, when you consider that the mainstream media in America is corporate-owned and those corporations earn billions in war profits (directly related to 911),the deathly silence about the many obvious flaws in the perfect plan does surprise you. Presently, the planners enjoy immunity for the time being, enjoying a godlike sense of power to commit acts, however flawed and criminal, without repercussion.

·  Police Entrapment in Terror Case? - Subway Bomb Plotter Says He Was Set Up By Paid NYPD Informant






·  House passes minimum wage increase - The vote was 315-116, with more than 80 Republicans joining Democrats to pass it.

·  House Democrats end smoking in the "lobby" - Declaring an end to "smoke-filled rooms" in the Capitol, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday said smoking would be banned from an ornate meeting area just off the floor of the House of Representatives.





·  Tyranny in America...Today - Before moving forward in this discussion, we all need to understand one very important reality: The so-called War on Terror is nothing more than an excuse for corporate-sponsored fascism, bolstered by theocracy-dreaming foot soldiers, to advance its cause.

·  Oil keeps U.S. vulnerable, lawmakers told - The United States' role as dominant global military and economic power hinges on secure access to crude oil, but U.S. politicians who call for "energy independence" are shouting into the void, experts told a U.S. Senate panel on Wednesday.

·  Supreme Court hears union fees lawsuit - The case involves a few thousand teachers and other education employees who are in the bargaining unit and thus represented by the more than 70,000-member Washington Education Association — but who have chosen not to join the union.

·  Want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? - Want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? It’s not for sale yet, but the Indiana Toll Road and the Pocahontas Parkway outside Richmond, Va., recently were leased to the highest bidders.

·  America's Germ Warfare Capabilities developed in secret in US Corporate Labs -  The costliest, most grandiose research scheme ever attempted having germ warfare capability is going forward under President Bush and in apparent defiance of international treaties such as the Geneva Convention of 1925 that bans biological agents.

·  CIA Defends Document Secrecy at Trial - The CIA cannot reveal "alternative interrogation methods" used on terrorists because doing so would cause exceptionally grave damage to national security by telling enemies how the agency gathers intelligence, the government has told a judge.

·  Hawaii Governor Lingle Disqualified for Felonies Committed - Hawaii's governor Linda Lingle is disqualified for felonies she committed. Documents filed with Lt. Governor's Office according to law. As a matter of law, Lingle is no longer the governor of Hawaii, yet she remains in office and the public officers hired to enforce the law refuse to remove Lingle, so she may be taking actions and signing documents that are null and void and contrary to the public interest.
TVNL Comment: This was sent to us by a reader. The document appears to be legitimate but we have not confirmed this. If anyone knows more about this please let us know.

·  Study: 744,000 homeless people in U.S. - “In the last 12 to 18 months, the homeless population has essentially exploded in Philadelphia,” said Marsha Cohen, executive director of the Homeless Advocacy Project, which provides free legal services to the homeless in Philadelphia. “We are seeing big increases in singles and families, both on the street and attempting to enter the homeless system.”
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.

·  School district muzzles Al Gore - The board required that an opposing view be presented in order for teachers to present the film. Board president Ed Barney said he’s received about a half-dozen complaints from parents that their child was taking the film as fact after viewing it at school.

·  Transmitting Canadian coins found in U.S. - Canadian coins containing tiny transmitters have mysteriously turned up in the pockets of at least three American contractors who visited Canada, says the counterintelligence office of the U.S. Defense Security Service.





·   Warm Europe Winter Has Pollen Lingering - With so much spring in the air, many Europeans wonder: Where's winter?





·  Yukos Creator Found Dead in London Flat - A founding father of the one-time Yukos oil empire, Yury Golubev, has been found dead in his London apartment, former and current Yukos shareholders said Wednesday.

·  Three explosions jolt southern Iran - agency - Three strong explosions jolted southern Iran on Thursday, the semi-official Fars news agency reported, but it was not clear if there were any casualties.

·  U.S. behind reign of terror sweeping Philippines - The wave of terror currently sweeping the Philippines is part and parcel of U.S. imperialism’s historical and bloody drive to dominate and control the South East Asian region, especially the Philippines. These aims are best capsulated in the words of U.S. Sen. Alfred Beveridge when he said in 1900, “The country that rules the Pacific, rules the world.”

·  Somalia terror 'funded in Britain' - Somalia's deputy prime minister has claimed that much of the funding for the Islamist militants was coming from Britain and that some of their fighters were British and American passport holders.

·  Nicaragua's Ortega to be sworn in - Mr Ortega ruled Nicaragua for 11 years after the 1979 Sandinista revolution.





·   Israel field-tests effective anti-RPG weapon - So why isn’t the U.S. Army doing the same?





·  A Personal Message From Jeff Rense - and the Jeff Rense Program have always been steadfastly Pro-Jewish...and Anti-Zionist, and certainly anti-Neocon, most of whom are Zionists with dual loyalty and many with dual Israeli citizenship. The following video points out in searing detail the reasons for our position and our many years of fighting for the rights of Jews and all Americans.

·  Support National Security Whistleblowers - We drafted the first ever meaningful whistleblowers' protection model bill. Unlike cosmetic legislation of the past, this model bill was drafted based on the study of hundreds of whistleblower cases; based on deterrence, which is missing from all in-name-only whistleblower bills; based on our shared notion that all existing mechanisms (OSC, IG, MSPB) are useless, one-sided, and broken; and based on our primary shared objective: accountability.





·  Too Casual To Sit on Press Row? - When the trial of Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice opens next week, scores of journalists are expected to throng the federal courtroom in Washington, far too many for the 100 seats set aside for the media. - But for the first time in a federal court, two of these seats will be reserved for bloggers.

·  Digital Media Marketplace: The Next Frontier for Media Reform - The future of the progressive movement depends on our ability to harness the power of digital media.

·  Bush's public broadcasting chief to step down - Kenneth Tomlinson, who drew Democratic ire for trying to add conservative views into public television and radio, said on Tuesday he plans to step down once his successor is named.





·  Uranium 'killing Italian troops' - Italian soldiers are still dying following exposure to depleted uranium in the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, their relatives say. - The US says it fired around 40,000 depleted uranium rounds during the Bosnian and Kosovo conflicts.





·  Peace activists target Guantanamo - The treatment of the prisoners and the legal uncertainty about their fate have drawn international condemnation.





·  Church scandal weighing heavily on Poland - Poland faces "a national crisis" from the resignation by Warsaw's new archbishop after admitting he cooperated with the Communist-era secret police, the prime minister said Tuesday.

·  MI5 rejected Hitler suicide mission - A BRITISH secret agent who offered to blow up Adolf Hitler at the height of World War II was dissuaded from carrying out the assassination by MI5, according to newly released wartime archives.




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