Date: January 12th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Who Gave the Order to Turn on Bush?


What changed? What caused the entire US media sans FOX News to reverse course on their relentless support for George W. Bush? What caused the Republican members of Congress to break from their Hitler Youth like obedient allegiance to their Fuehrer, George W. Bush?


There has not been any single event that changed the world. Nothing new has really taken place, just a lot more of the same. For virtually every person who blindly and supported every single action of the front man for PNAC, George W. Bush, to suddenly and strikingly completely reverse their positions something must have happened and I believe that the people behind the scenes who really run our government and control our media created that event. They gave the order; they changed their minds; they regret their decision to put this mad regime in place.


Again, I ask you what just happened that would have caused this full scale reversal. There is nothing we know now that we did not know three years ago. The people who reversed course are not even addressing the real “revelation” like the pile of lies and high crimes that led to this war. That information has been known all along; just look at the Downing Street Memos, and the other Downing Street Memos. Someone told these people that it is time for change and it was not the American people; it was the people behind the scenes that control the agenda. You are once again witnessing the power of the powerful people who completely control our political process. There is no other reasonable plausible explanation for the current reversal of support for the criminal in chief and his policies.  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Pentagon Still Hiding Iraq Attack Data - On Tuesday the GAO released a new report on Iraq, but its data on attacks is incomplete. Why? The Pentagon has continued to keep the attack numbers an official secret, GAO official Joseph A. Christoff told me. "They did not officially declassify the information," he said.

·  Distracting Congress from the Real War Plan - A good case can be made that it is. The US Congress and media are focused on President Bush’s proposal for an increase of 20,000 US troops in Iraq, while Israel and its American neoconservative allies prepare an assault on Iran.

·  We will send them home in body bags: insurgents respond to the Bush 'surge' - Iraqi insurgents last night threatened to send President Bush’s 22,000 new troops home in body bags as details emerged of the new Baghdad crackdown at the core of his “surge” strategy.

·  Forces Also Capture Up to Six Iranians at Location Used to Issue Travel Permits to Iran - The Iranian government has made an official complaint to the government in Baghdad, which the Iraqi Foreign Ministry has relayed to the U.S. Embassy.

·  Kurdish troops surround a U.S. force in north Iraq - “This American force wants to launch military operations in Einkawa,” the source, who declined to be named, told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI). He did not elaborate on the nature of such operations.
TVNL Comment: We are not familiar with this source and we are not sure of the validity of this information.

·  Iraq wants no part of more U.S. soldiers - As President George W. Bush challenges public opinion at home by committing more soldiers to Iraq, he is confronted by an essential paradox: An Iraqi government that does not really want them.

·  U.S. special forces in Somalia - U.S. special operations forces are in Somalia hunting suspected al-Qaida fighters, but Pentagon officials dismissed the idea they are planning to send any large number of ground troops to the African nation.

·  'Gated communities' planned for Baghdad - The military's new strategy for Iraq envisions creating "gated communities" in Baghdad — sealing off discrete areas and forcibly removing insurgents, then stationing American units in the neighborhood to keep the peace and working to create jobs for residents.

·  War With Syria and Iran = Peace With Iraq? - If there's anything in the President Bush's remarks tonight that we didn't already know or didn't anticipate him saying militarily about Iraq, it is his evident willingness to go to war with Syria and Iran to seek peace.

·  Darn those Iraqis - To the People of Iraq: Now I get it. This war is all your fault.





·   Who Gave the Order to Turn on Bush? - Again, I ask you what just happened that would have caused this full scale reversal. There is nothing we know now that we did not know three years ago.

·  GOP: Bush would veto Medicare reforms - President Bush vowed Thursday to veto Democratic-drafted legislation requiring the government to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices under Medicare.








9/11 News :


·   9/11 theories to be discussed - The event, "9/11 Accountability Strategies & Solutions Conference," will feature 40 speakers and 30 films. It will be Feb. 23-25 at the Crowne Plaza San Marcos Golf Resort in Chandler.






·  Bush’s Best Democratic Buddy - Sen. Joe Lieberman, the only Democrat to endorse President Bush’s new plan for Iraq, has quietly backed away from his pre-election demands that the White House turn over potentially embarrassing documents relating to its handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans.

·  Stem cell bill sails through House - The House voted to expand government-financed embryonic stem cell research Thursday, but for the second time in two years lawmakers were unable to muster enough votes to overcome a promised presidential veto.

·  US House backs stem cell research - The US House of Representatives has passed a bill backing embryonic stem cell research, marking a major challenge to President George W Bush.

·  Top GOP senator 'will filibuster any Democratic attempt to decrease funding for Bush's new Iraq plan - "The fundamental decision to stay on offence and to finish the job, I think is correct, and we believe the president is heading in the right direction and tend to support him," Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell said before Bush's speech last night.

·  Burns takes job with Washington lobbying firm - The Republican senator's connections to lobbyists were an issue in his re-election bid as Democratic challenger Jon Tester pounded him on his ties to convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Burns had accepted about $150,000 in contributions from Abramoff, his clients and associates.










·   Major pollution spill 'every other day' in China - China's breakneck growth took its worst ever toll on the environment last year, the state media said today quoting a report that revealed serious pollution spills are occurring almost every other day.

·  Schwarzenegger Orders Cuts in Emissions - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Tuesday that he would ask regulators to require the state’s petroleum refiners and gasoline sellers to cut by 10 percent the emissions of heat-trapping gases associated with the production and use of their products.





·  Blast Heard at U.S. Embassy in Athens - Police cordoned off streets around the U.S. Embassy in Athens early Friday and state-run television, quoting witnesses, said there was an explosion inside.

·  Judge orders Isabel Peron arrested - A judge Thursday ordered the arrest of former President Isabel Peron -- wife of Argentine strongman Juan Peron -- for questioning into alleged links to a right-wing death squad before she was ousted in a 1976 military coup.

·  Negroponte: Hezbollah a Growing Threat - Al-Qaida poses the gravest terrorist threat to the United States and an emboldened Hezbollah is a growing danger, the U.S. intelligence chief said Thursday.
TVNL Comment: Expanding the use of American military for
Israel's interests.





·   At Fort Benning, a Quiet Response to a Presidential Visit - A military base has usually been a reliable backdrop for the White House, and so Bush aides chose this venerable Army installation in western Georgia to promote his revised strategy to the nation while his Cabinet secretaries tried to sell it on Capitol Hill.

·  U.S. Soldier Was 'Homicidal' Before Attack - An Army private charged with the slaughter of an Iraqi family was diagnosed as a homicidal threat by a military mental health team three months before the attack.

·  Iraq troop boost will mean longer tours - Affected will be units based in Minnesota, Kansas, Georgia and Washington, said a military official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the information had not been publicly released.

·  Pentagon to end limit on total active-duty time for Reserves; Marines, Army numbers to be boosted - For the first time since President Bush mobilized the National Guard and Reserve after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the Pentagon is abandoning its limit on the time a citizen-soldier can be required to serve on active duty.





·  Dear Mr. President: Send Even MORE Troops (and you go, too!) ...from Michael Moore - You've got to show some courage, dude! You've got to win this one! C'mon, you got Saddam! You hung 'im high! I loved watching the video of that -- just like the old wild west! The bad guy wore black! The hangmen were as crazy as the hangee! Lynch mobs rule!!!





·  ABC, NBC uncritically reported Bush's latest Iraqi troop readiness goal - Neither ABC nor NBC questioned the feasibility of this reputed goal or reminded viewers that Bush failed to meet his previous goal of having the Iraqi security forces control more territory than the U.S.-led coalition by the end of 2006.

·  When the Media Gags Itself - But what if a media outlet had access to some damning photographic evidence of a Mai Lai-style massacre that occurred in Iraq, and was holding back the images, ostensibly so as not to damage the tender sensibilities of its readership? (In a moment, you’ll understand why I use the term “ostensibly”.)

·  White House Refused to Allow Still Photography at Bush Speech - As a result, newspapers and wire services had little choice but to run low-quality frame grabs from the video of the speech.

·  N.Y. Times Co. cutting 125 jobs - The New York Times Co. will cut about 125 positions through buyouts and other steps at The Boston Globe and the Telegram & Gazette of Worcester, and outsourcing some finance and advertising work, a Globe spokesman said Thursday.

·  Partnership Between Newspapers, TV Proves Disappointing - The high profit earned by television stations--as much as 40 percent during years when the stations are fattened by political advertising--was seen as crucial to newspaper companies' bottom lines.

·  Rice loves Fox tv, sees CBS anchor as "decent guy" - In comments overheard on an open microphone between morning television interviews, including one with Fox, the top U.S. diplomat said: "My Fox guys, I love every single one of them."





·  Scientists find potential 'off-switch' for HIV virus - While there is no cure for lingering viral infections such as HIV and herpes, a recent study at Princeton University suggests it may be possible to deactivate such viruses indefinitely with the flick of a genetic switch.





·  U.S. Has Lost Credibility On Rights, Group Asserts - The advocacy group Human Rights Watch said yesterday that Washington's once-powerful role as a prime defender of human rights had effectively ended because of arbitrary detentions and reports of torture since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and the group urged the European Union to step up as a leader of the cause.

·  Unprecedented violence targets Iraqi civilians: HRW - Sectarian violence against civilians has surged in Iraq while abuse, torture and killing of detainees in official custody is commonplace, Human Rights Watch has said in its annual report.
TVNL Comment: Made possible by PNAC, George W. Bush and the criminal corporate media.

·  Victim owed compensation in CIA case, judge told - Montreal woman who was experimented on should receive reparations, lawyer says





·  NEW COULTER VOTER FRAUD DOCS - Police Report Says TWO Third Degree Felonies, One Misdemeanor May Have Been Committed by GOP Darling! - Newly added to the previously known allegations of Voter Fraud when Coulter used her realtor's address instead of her own on her Voter Registration Application, is the allegation by the Palm Beach Police Department that Coulter seems also to have given that same, incorrect address when applying for a drivers license after moving to the tony Sunshine State 'hood where her fellow GOP propagandist, Rush Limbaugh, has recently had his own troubles following the rule of law.




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