Date: January 13th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Any Comments Mr. Cheney?


Has anyone seen Dick Cheney lately? I know he went hunting this week but I have not heard him say much lately. He has not even been on his personal broadcasting network known as FOX News.


It seems like every few months Dick Cheney pops out of his bunker to appear on FOX News and deliver some absurd remarks about some reality that only exists in his mind and the minds of FOX News watchers. It is really hard to think back to a single comment Cheney has made over the past six or seven years that turned out to be true but that has not stopped him from babbling on. Nor has it stopped the media from giving him a platform to influence the weak minds of scared trusting victims of tyranny known as American citizens.


But I guess the current real reality is too much for even Dick to counter these days. As hard as it is to believe I think Dick realizes that reality is too much, even for his brainwashing skills and network to counter.


I don’t know what insane verbiage is stuck in Cheney’s throat these days, but it will be interesting to see what his next outrageous comments will be.  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Iraqi children: Picking garbage, killed dismantling ordnance, or sold into brothels - I find it impossible to describe what goes through my mind and through my heart when I see a child pick up a piece of rotted food in a garbage dump and eat it. I simply have no words for how I feel when I see that.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.

·  NATO Soldier Killed in Afghanistan - NATO troops fought insurgents in southern Afghanistan on Saturday in a battle that left one Western soldier dead _ NATO's first fatality of the year.

·  Bush vows to 60 Minutes that 'no matter what Congress wants' surge is on - In an interview set to air on this Sunday's 60 Minutes, President George W. Bush vows to send an additional 21,500 troops to Iraq "no matter what" the Democratic-controlled Congress tries to do.

·  U.S. boosts Iraq force; allies pare down - The Italians have left, and the Slovaks are about to. Britons want to start getting out, and so do Danes and South Koreans.

·  In Baghdad, Bush Policy Is Met With Resentment - The tepid response immediately raised questions about whether the government would make a good-faith effort to prosecute the new war plan.

·  Bush Authorized Iranians' Arrest in Iraq, Rice Says - A recent series of American raids against Iranians in Iraq was authorized under an order that President Bush decided to issue several months ago to undertake a broad military offensive against Iranian operatives in the country, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Friday.
TVNL Comment: The king of the world gave the order.





·   Any Comments Mr. Cheney? - As hard as it is to believe I think Dick realizes that reality is too much, even for his brainwashing skills and network to counter.

·  Bush Tells a Tale - It was a bold attempt by Bush to rebut the widely-reported story that he stopped listening to his commanders -- and in fact, reassigned some -- when they stopped telling him what he wanted to hear. - But Bush's new story lacks a certain important quality: Believability.





·  Oil Companies Attack Legislation Aimed at Tax Incentives - The giant integrated oil companies, like Chevron and Exxon Mobil, have been more resigned about losing some of their tax breaks but are quietly resisting pressure to renegotiate leases that allow them to pump billions of dollars worth of oil and gas from publicly owned waters without paying royalties to the government.



9/11 News :


·   9/11 ballot question meets signature quota - The Burlington 9/11 group gathering signatures for a ballot question asking whether a new investigation into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have met their quota.

·  Iran says U.S. planned 9/11 attacks - "They used this event as a pretext in order to create the slogan of fighting terrorism and promoting democracy to carry out an assault on Islamic countries. But the reality is that they have been defeated in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Lebanon and their slogan has lost its effect", Jannati told worshippers during a sermon in Tehran.






·  House votes to force Medicare drug negotiations - The House of Representatives voted on Friday to require the government to negotiate directly with drug companies to obtain lower drug prices for seniors, ignoring a White House threat to veto the Democratic measure.

·  Jewish Membership in Congress at All-Time High - About 2 percent of Americans identify themselves as Jewish. But in Congress, the proportion of Jewish members is now four times that.

·  New Democratic committee may not improve spy oversight or block Duke Cunningham-style fraud - In spite of Congress's dispute over the bill, RAW STORY has learned that the bill's true effects on America's intelligence operations may be quite limited.





·  Private prisons, public questions - Letting private companies run correctional facilities means the government ends up with fewer experts qualified to monitor jails and prisons, Donatelli said.

·  Notorious CIA operative indicted in Texas for crimes - Washington- A notorious Cuban exile and one-time CIA operative sought by Cuba and Venezuela on terrorism charges was indicted Thursday in Texas on seven charges of naturalization violations, the US Department of Justice said.

·  Legislation introduced in response to U.S. attorney appointments - Days after the attorney general named a former White House official to serve an interim U.S. attorney in Little Rock, Sen. Mark Pryor added his name Thursday to a bill to restrict the attorney general's appointment power.





·   Environmental Rules Waived for Fence - The move circumvented a series of laws, from the Endangered Species Act to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the National Environmental Policy Act, outraging environmentalists.





·  Vietnam plans privatisation of oil and gas sector - Communist-run Vietnam plans to privatise more than 100 state-owned firms this year and next, including the oil and gas industries,
TVNL Comment: If they did this in the 60's
America would not have gone to war with them!

·  U.S. policies have made Israel less safe, experts say - Israeli experts contend that American policies have destabilized Iraq, emboldened anti-Western forces from Iran to Lebanon and paved the way for militant Islamists to gain control of the Palestinian Authority.





·   New Strategy Vindicates Ex-Army Chief Shinseki - First vilified, then marginalized by the Bush administration after those comments, General Shinseki retired and faded away, even as lawmakers, pundits and politicians increasingly cited his prescience.





·  George W. Bush: A Symptom of Disease - America has become the antithesis of everything she purports to be. - The fact that such a misfit could ascend to the presidency is testimony to the effectiveness of the capital system.





·  Media reform movement seen as ‘bursting at the seams’ - At Memphis convention, Bill Moyers and Jesse Jackson invoke the spirit of Martin Luther King in talks to a diverse crowd of more than 3,000 people

·  CNN top national security correspondent mis-portrays Bush escalation policy - Per CNN's correspondent, Jamie McIntyre, moments ago, speaking about the efficacy of Bush's proposal to add another 20,000 troops to Iraq:

·  Bill Moyers at NCMR 2007 - Bill Moyers' address to the National Conference on Media Reform










·  Murtha will press for closure of Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib -  The House of Representatives' top lawmaker in charge of defense spending said Friday that he intends to force the closure of the scandal-plagued Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay military prisons and curb U.S. engagement in Iraq, and that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "absolutely" supports his efforts.





·  Scientists prepare to move Doomsday Clock forward - The keepers of the "Doomsday Clock" plan to move its hands forward next Wednesday to reflect what they call worsening nuclear and climate threats to the world.




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