Date: January 30th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Ban the ‘N’ Word – Then Simply Replace the ‘N’ Word


Outside of being just about the most blatant anti-democracy anti-freedom action a governing body can take, banning a word is simply useless in helping or protecting anyone. Ban the word “nigger”, ok, just say “migger.” What’s the point? The sentiment behind a word lives on and will come out in verbal form some way or another. To think a problem is solved because someone is not allowed to say a word is just plain stupid!


It is embarrassing that we live in a nation that bleeps the word “god” when used in conjunction with the word “damn.” How sill is it that the censors decided that the word “god” was the offensive part of that little phrase? Is it just me or is that just plain ridicules?  Our overlords have decided that we can watch dramatic re-enactments of or documented reports of real rape, adultery, drug and alcohol usage, cigarettes cigarettes and more cigarettes, serial killers, killing, killing, killing, war, war, war, etc. But we can not hear a person utter ‘oh shit” when they slam a car door on their finger!


Words represent feelings. Words represent human expression. Words represent humanity; good and bad. If you are afraid or words you are afraid of reality. And if a word offends you the problem is greater than the collection of letters that represent the sentiment. Address the real problems behind the words that bother you; leave the poor little words alone because words represent your freedom. Ban words and you are truly no longer free.   Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Bombs kill 36 in Iraq on Shiite holy day - The deadliest attack Tuesday occurred when a suicide bomber blew himself up among a crowd of worshippers entering a Shiite mosque, killing 16 people and wounding 57 in Mandalin, a predominantly Shiite city northeast of Baghdad and near the Iranian border.

·  US must abandon Iraqi cities or face nightmare scenario, say experts - The US must draw up plans to deal with an all-out Iraqi civil war that would kill hundreds of thousands, create millions of refugees, and could spill over into a regional catastrophe, disrupting oil supplies and setting up a direct confrontation between Washington and Iran.





·   Robert Gates Shows His True Bush-Loyalist Colors - For those who thought Robert Gates' appointment marked a turning point in the Bush Presidency, by now they must know it mattered not. Mister Gates is Mister Rumsfeld without a personality.

·  Bush signs landmark executive order increasing power over federal agencies - The President "signed a directive that gives the White House much greater control over the rules that the federal government develops to regulate public health, safety," privacy and other issues, writes Robert Pear for the Times.

·  Bush is Ignorant and Extremely Dangerous - VIDEO

·  Fleischer Testifies Libby Told Him About CIA's Plame - Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer told a jury that ex-vice presidential aide Lewis ``Scooter'' Libby disclosed a CIA operative's identity to him three days before Libby has testified he learned it.

·  Bush can't dodge Webb's critique - The eight-minute rebuttal by Democratic Sen. Jim Webb tracked closer to the reality of the current affairs of state than the 49-minute ramble of George W. Bush.





·  U.S. Businesses at Odds Over Minimum Wage - At issue are tax breaks contained in the Senate bill as sweeteners to attract Republican votes for the minimum wage increase.

·  Merrill to buy First Republic for $1.8 billion - Merrill Lynch's private banking efforts tend to focus on clients with assets of $10 million and more.



9/11 News :


·   Was 9/11 really that bad? - The attacks were a horrible act of mass murder, but history says we're overreacting.
TVNL Comment: But the FACTS say that we are overlooking the real culprits in our own government!

·  'They're all forced to listen to us' - It began as a tiny internet film attacking the 'lies' surrounding 9/11. Now, millions of people have heard its message. Like it or loathe it, you can't ignore Loose Change, says Ed Pilkington






·  Rep. John Conyers: “Congress Can Fire Bush!” - The U.S. Congress is Constitutionally-mandated to check, proscribe and punish the excesses of these evildoers. Each member of the Congress has taken an oath of office to “uphold and defend the Constitution.”

·  Republicans Block House Pay Raise - House Democratic leaders Monday abandoned attempts to revive an annual pay raise cherished by rank and file lawmakers, a decision prompted by lingering GOP anger over last year's campaign.





·  Levees Across the Nation Need Repair - The Army Corps of Engineers says 146 levees across the United States pose an unacceptable risk of failing in a major flood, but they will not publicly identify which levees they are.

·  Rape victim jailed after reporting attack - "They were more interested in prosecuting her for something that's a paperwork snafu from four years ago, that was juvenile. They were more interested in working on that than finding an experienced rapist," stated the victim's mother.

·  Group calls for Bar investigation of Bush administration official - A coalition of San Francisco lawyers says a Bush administration official violated legal ethics when he called for a boycott of law firms that represent Guantanamo Bay detainees.

·  1,400 Felons Licensed By State To Carry A Gun - Among the roughly 410,000 Floridians licensed to carry a hidden gun: 1,400 people who pleaded guilty or no contest to felonies, 216 people with outstanding warrants, 128 people with active domestic violence injunctions and six registered sex offenders, the newspaper reported.





·   U.N. agency pressures Ban on climate crisis summit - The U.N. environment agency pressured Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday to call an emergency climate summit amid dire reports about the risks from global warming.

·  Profound climate changes in store, experts say - Scientists from across the world gathered Monday to hammer out the final details of an authoritative report on climate change that is expected to project centuries of rising temperatures and sea levels unless curbs in emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are put in place.

·  US urges scientists to block out sun - THE US wants the world's scientists to develop technology to block sunlight as a last-ditch way to halt global warming.
TVNL Comment: Bush will stop the sun before he slows down oil or coal usage!

·  13 pct of Americans not heard of global warming: report - Thirteen percent of Americans have never heard of global warming even though their country is the world's top source of greenhouse gases, a 46-country survey showed on Monday.





·  Europe Resists U.S. on Curbing Ties With Iran - European governments are resisting Bush administration demands that they curtail support for exports to Iran and that they block transactions and freeze assets of some Iranian companies, officials on both sides say. The resistance threatens to open a new rift between Europe and the United States over Iran.

·  US offers advanced missile system to India - The US is offering India one of the world's most formidable shipboard missile systems that has the potential of being integrated with the country's indigenous missiles.

·  Nicaraguans back in School, Free - The first measure the Sandinista government took after assuming power on January 10 was to re-establish the constitutional principle of free education in all public schools.





·  Equipment For Added Troops Is Lacking - Boosting U.S. troop levels in Iraq by 21,500 would create major logistical hurdles for the Army and Marine Corps, which are short thousands of vehicles, armor kits and other equipment needed to supply the extra forces, U.S. officials said.

·  U.S. Navy removes sub commander after collision - A U.S. submarine commander has been removed from his post after his vessel collided with a Japanese tanker in the Gulf, the U.S. Navy said on Monday.





·   Ban the ‘N’ Word – Then Simply Replace the ‘N’ Word - Outside of being just about the most blatant anti-democracy anti-freedom action a governing body can take, banning a word is simply useless in helping or protecting anyone.

·  A Perception of Poverty, Universal Healthcare and the Presidency - Before there was civilization, and money, there was no such thing as poverty, even though no one then had as much as any one among us has today.

·  RED - We are painting the world red with our blood. A celebration!—our blood, their blood.





·  Reporter to Take Stand in CIA Leak Case - Fitzgerald said Judith Miller was to take the stand Tuesday, the first time the former New York Times reporter has testified publicly against the man she went to jail to protect as a source.

·  Air America Rescued - Air America Radio, in Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings since October, will be rescued at the 11th hour by Manhattan real estate developer Stephen L. Green.
TVNL Comment: Any they will continue their state approved version of reality. No 9/11 talk, no discussions about the Federal Reserve and no exposing of secret societies and think tanks like the Council on Foreign Relations.





·  The Evangelical War on Science - I just got finished watching Alexandra Pelosi's Friends of God documentary on HBO and was taken aback at what has become an increasing trend among American christianists.





·  Philippine Troops Killed Activists - Philippine soldiers are responsible for killing many of the left-wing activists gunned down since 2001, a newspaper reported Tuesday, citing the head of a fact-finding commission.

·  'It's like a Nazi camp': Hicks - Accused terrorist David Hicks has told his lawyers that conditions at Guantanamo Bay, where he has been held for five years, are "like a Nazi concentration camp".





·   Who Runs The World And Controls The Value Of Assets? - Today, after the conversion of Iraq to the Banklords, only five countries in the world are without a central bank: Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba and Libya . All of these just happen to be on George Bush's "Evil of Axis" list.

·  UFO’s seen over South Shore sky - Video of one of the lights was recorded from the KHON 2 SkyCam.




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