Date: February 5th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Media Method: Keep Asking Until Desired Answer is Received


If you want to know how to make anything you want appear as fact keep an eye on how the media is shaping the Iran situation. It is simply astonishing how the current crop of media criminals masquerade as journalists as they practice nothing more than back room gossip. They invite all their friends of like mind and talk about things that they want to believe. It is actually like watching a cult as they reinforce their own crazy beliefs; only I am not sure they actually believe what they are trying to get us to believe.


Until people learn to distinguish journalism from what is sold to us as journalism Americans will continue to fall for propaganda.   Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·  US preparing 'biggest ever' security crackdown - A US-IRAQI campaign to stabilise Baghdad will begin soon and the offensive against militants will be on a scale never seen during four years of war, American officers said today.

·  Soldiers in Iraq view troop surge as a lost cause - While senior military officials and the Bush administration say the president's decision to send more American troops to pacify Baghdad will succeed, many of the soldiers who're already there say it's a lost cause.

·  Mahdi Army gains strength by U.S. aid - Shiites enlist in Iraqi army, are trained, armed by U.S. forces

·  U.S. hell-bent for Iran war - In a disturbing replay of that conflict, CIA drones and U.S. Air Force recon aircraft - along with U.S. and British Special Forces - are overflying Iran and probing its nuclear and military installations. The CIA and Britain's MI6 are stirring unrest among Iran's Kurds and Azerbaijanis, and arming Iranian Marxist and royalist exiles.

·  No Bravery - A nation blind to their disgrace

·  Iraqi Interior Ministry estimates 1,000 killed in one week - The grim estimate came just a day after a bloody bomb attack on a crowded market in central Baghdad that killed 128 people and wounded 343 others Saturday, according to a Health Ministry official.

·  U.S.: Copter losses due to ground fire - All four U.S. helicopters that have crashed in Iraq since Jan. 20 appear to have been brought down by "some kind" of ground fire but it is unclear whether this represents any new threat to U.S. aviation, the chief U.S. military spokesman said Sunday.

·  U.S. can't prove Iran link to Iraq strife - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates seemed to concede Friday that U.S. officials can't say for sure whether the Iranian government is involved in assisting the attacks on U.S. personnel in Iraq.

·  Baghdad market bombing 'kills 80' - At least 80 people have been killed and 150 injured in a lorry bombing at a market place in Baghdad, Iraqi security officials have said.

·  Ex-advisers offer revised Iraq plans - Zbigniew Brzezinski also told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that Bush administration policy was driven by "imperial hubris" and has proved to be a disaster on historic, strategic and moral grounds.





·   Vice President's Shadow Hangs Over _________! - Actually, you could headline just about every story that way these days: "Vice President's Shadow Hangs Over _________." - Fill in the blank: Iraq. Iran. Global warming. Renditions. Domestic surveillance.

·  Clinton, Edwards Will Square Off At Aipac Tonight - Two of the leading Democratic candidates for president will compete head-to-head tonight for money and support from the same pro-Israel group.

·  Trial Reveals Wilson Smear Began Far Earlier - Speaking under the threat of a perjury penalty, the witnesses admitted for the first time that they had played a role in assisting the Office of the Vice President to attack the credibility of a staunch critic of the Iraq War.

·  Why Dick Cheney Cracked Up - Scariest of all, he knew that he might yet have to testify under oath himself.Mr. Cheney, in other words, understands the danger this trial poses to the White House even as some of Washington remains oblivious.

·  The CIA Leak: Boring In on the Veep - The Scooter Libby trial has put a new focus on Vice President Dick Cheney's own role in the leak of CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson's identity.

·  Libby: Don't release grand jury tapes - Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is fighting to keep his grand jury testimony about the leak of a CIA operative's name from being released and broadcast in the media.
TVNL Comment:
Clinton's private affair tapes were released to the public. This issue involves high crimes against the state and should be released as well!

·  A Failed Cover-Up - What the Libby Trial Is Revealing - The White House was worried that the CIA would reveal that it had been pressured in 2002 and early 2003 to support administration claims about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, and that in the Niger case, the CIA had tried hard to resist this pressure. The machinations of Cheney, Libby and others were an attempt to weave an alternative narrative that blamed the CIA.





·  Bush’s Medicare Budget Would Raise Premiums - Single people with annual incomes over $80,000 and married couples with incomes over $160,000 already have to pay higher premiums for the part of Medicare that covers doctors’ services. The income thresholds rise with inflation.



9/11 News :








·  ·  Hagel panel details new system for health care - A high-powered study group formed by Sen. Chuck Hagel recommended drastic changes today in national health care funding, practices and control, including a Federal Reserve-type group to form and carry out policies.
TVNL Comment: The Federal Reserve is a private bank that answers to nobody. There is no government body that provides oversight to them and they create money for themselves by charging our government interest. They have complete control of our economy and are essentially a criminal enterprise. We do not need another one!

·  Soldier’s story brings tears to House - A freshman state lawmaker brought the House of Representatives to tears this morning with an emotional speech about his daughter narrowly surviving a mortar attack at a U.S. military base in Baghdad.





·   Two Ohio election workers found guilty of rigging vote recount - Two election workers in Ohio have been convicted of rigging the recount of the 2004 presidential tally in one county.
TVNL Comment: Here is yet more proof that the Bush presidency is the result of an electoral coup. How can this not be the top political story inthe nation?

·  U.S. Set to Begin a Vast Expansion of DNA Sampling - The amendment permits DNA collecting from anyone under criminal arrest by federal authorities, and also from illegal immigrants detained by federal agents.

·  It Ain’t Good - Texas on the Brink: How Texas ranks among the 50 states.

·  Bush's $3 Trillion Budget Dominated By Iraq - The Pentagon is the big winner in President Bush's proposed budget for next year, while domestic items such as aid to schools and grants to local governments will get only the slightest of increases.
TVNL Comment: The military industrial complex is in full swing with Bush at the helm!

·  Judge says Katrina victims can sue Army Engineers - Duval accepted arguments that the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet was not a flood control project but rather a navigation channel and therefore not exempt from lawsuits.

·  Ohio is keeping its touch screens - Ohio's top election official said Friday that the state can't afford to give up on touch-screen voting machines despite decisions by two other states to abandon the technology.

·  It's the Machines, Not the 'Paper Trails,' Stupid - Adding a "paper trail" to a DRE/touch-screen system is like requiring a seat belt in a Ford Pinto; what good will the seat belts do when the Pinto explodes?





·   46 Nations Back New Environmental Body - Absent were the world's heavyweight polluter, the United States, and booming nations on the same path as the U.S. - China and India.

·  The semantics of climate change - Is it so difficult to curb the growth of greenhouse gases because scientists and politicians are speaking a different language?

·  Chairman: Bush officials misled public on global warming - The Democratic chairman of a House panel examining the government's response to climate change said Tuesday there is evidence that senior Bush administration officials sought repeatedly "to mislead the public by injecting doubt into the science of global warming."





·  Howard a pocket Bush: Mahathir - FORMER Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamad condemned British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George W. Bush as "child killers" and "war criminals" as he launched an anti-war conference today.

·  340,000 homeless after flood - RESCUERS and volunteers overnight struggled to help nearly 340,000 Indonesians left homeless by devastating floods, triggered by heavy rains in and around Jakarta, which have killed 20 people.

·  Japan FM calls U.S. Iraq policy immature--media - The comments follow remarks by Japan's defense minister last month saying President Bush had been wrong to start the Iraq war, and may damage ties with Washington ahead of a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney on February 20-22.

·  Chinese Official Publishes Rebuke of Bush - “The more they oppose terrorism, the more terror they produce,” Mr. Ye said in the article. “How many more troops will they send to die in the meat grinder” of Iraq. Mr. Ye wrote that Mr. Bush had effectively “hijacked” one religion, Christianity, to engage in a battle against another one, Islam. That has strengthened Islamic fundamentalists and made the war unwinnable, he contended. “Unilateralism and terrorism breed each other, but neither can overcome the other,” he wrote.
TVNL Comment: For 6 years the American media refused to report the overwhelming international opposition to George W. Bush. Now that the orders have been givin the American media starts to let people in on international reality.

·  Sneaky Costa Rican FTA Uncovered - The deputy of Accion Ciudadana Party, Olivier Perez, denounced that a legislative project was amended to allow for the approval of a free trade agreement between Costa Rica and the US, union sources indicated Saturday.

·  Envoys visit Iran nuclear plant - A group of ambassadors from non-aligned countries has begun a tour of a nuclear facility in Iran on what is being billed as a transparency visit.





·  Former military chiefs urge talks with Iran - Three former senior U.S. military officials warn that any military action against Iran would have "disastrous consequences" and urged Washington to hold immediate and unconditional talks with Tehran.

·  Care for U.S. veterans could cost $662 bln: study - Medical costs for U.S. veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could range from $350 billion to $662 billion over the next 40 years, as soldiers survive injuries that would have killed them in past conflicts, according to a Harvard University study.

·  Army officer court-martial tests free speech - A U.S. Army officer, whose public refusal to go fight in Iraq made him a champion of the anti-war movement, faces a court-martial next week when a military panel could determine the limits of free-speech rights for officers.

·  First US officer since Vietnam goes on trial for speaking out - Lt Watada decided a year ago that he would not serve in Iraq. Since then he has spoken out at press conferences and to veterans' groups. These actions infuriated military officials, who have charged him with conduct unbecoming an officer for publicly saying that service in Iraq would make him party to a war crime, and for suggesting that soldiers could bring the war to an end by throwing down their weapons.





·   Robert Fisk: Please spare me the word 'terrorist' - So it was back to terror, terror, terror this week. The "terrorist" Hizbollah was trying to destroy the "democratically elected government" of Fouad Siniora in Lebanon. The "terrorist" Hamas government cannot rule Palestine. Iranian "terrorists" in Iraq are going to be gunned down by US troops.

·  Blackwater, Inc. And The Privatization Of The Bush War Machine - The president’s proposed Civilian Reserve Corps was not his idea alone. A privatized version of it was floated two years ago by Erik Prince, the secretive, mega-millionaire, conservative owner of Blackwater USA and a man who for years has served as the Pied Piper of a campaign to repackage mercenaries as legitimate forces.





·  Won't Get Fooled Again? - NYT, networks offer scant skepticism on Iran claims

·  Senate Democrats Urge Tighter Broadcast Guidelines - In exchange for getting the use of the airwaves for free from the government, broadcasters are required to operate in the ``public interest, convenience and necessity.'' While there have been different obligations placed on broadcasters under that legal rubric, exactly what that is has never been explicitly spelled out.

·  YouTube asked to 'remove' videos - Viacom, the parent firm of cable networks MTV and Nickelodeon, has told popular video sharing site YouTube to remove 100,000 "unauthorised" clips.





·  Asthma: Alternative Medicine - Use these natural approaches to treat respiratory problems.

·  Swiss court opens assisted suicides - A ruling by Switzerland's highest court released Friday has opened up the possibility that people with serious mental illnesses could be helped by doctors to take their own lives.

·  Texas Governor Orders Vaccine for Girls - Gov. Rick Perry signed an order Friday making Texas the first state to require that schoolgirls be vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer.
TVNL Comment: A government official making decisions about your child's body. Is this what government is for or is this a way to increase the earnings of a drug company?





·  Guantanamo a lawless prison: lawyer - GUANTANAMO Bay is a lawless prison run by the CIA and US interrogators using CIA techniques of subjugation and degradation, David Hicks' Adelaide lawyer said yesterday on his return from Cuba.

·  Former CIA contractor to be sentenced in fatal detainee beating of Afghan detainee - A former CIA contractor convicted of assaulting an Afghan detainee who later died is scheduled to be sentenced later this month, according to federal court records.

·  20 face lash, prison for dancing in Saudi Arabia - A Saudi Arabian judge sentenced 20 foreigners to receive lashes and spend several months in prison after convicting them of attending a party where alcohol was served and men and women danced, a newspaper reported Sunday.
TVNL Comment: These are the good friends of the Bush family.

·  'Torture victim' seeks US justice - A Lebanese-born German, who accuses the CIA of having kidnapped and tortured him, says he is determined to get an apology from the US authorities.





·    Mike Gravel - 2008 Candidate - "Each generation has a right to choose for itself the form of government it believes most promotive of its happiness."
TVNL Comment: This guy is the real deal!

·  UFO sighting over Islington - "They were coming from the north and moving south. And then they kind of stopped and they were hovering. There was no sound. They seemed to fade away and I saw more coming and then they stopped. It lasted about 10 minutes."




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