Date: February 7th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Personal Tragedy is NOT National News


The US criminal corporate media is showing their contempt for real journalism again this week by making a circus out of the personal human tragedy story about the astronaut who is involved in what appears to be an emotional breakdown of some sort. This kind of news should be nothing more than a “by the way” type of report for two reasons: it has no affect on the people of this nation outside those directly involved, and it is a private personal tragedy that should not be exploited.


Exploitation has nothing to do with real journalism and real journalism has no home in the American criminal corporate media!   Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  U.S. sees highest troop death rate in Iraq - More GIs died in combat over past 4 months than in any similar period

·  After many denials, US Army confirms private security contract in Iraq - After numerous denials, the Pentagon has confirmed that a North Carolina company provided armed security guards in Iraq under a subcontract that was buried so deeply the government could not find it.
TVNL Comment: "After numerous denials?" Why don't they say what this means..."after lying about it many times!" LYING about this secret connection to Cheney's old company! LYING LYING LYING! Our military LIES to us and we have to support them! They lie to us! This is how they respond to our support?

·  U.S. military says copter down in Iraq - A Sea Knight helicopter went down northwest of Baghdad on Wednesday, the military said, the fifth helicopter lost in Iraq in just over two weeks.

·  Military Wants More Civilians to Help in Iraq - Senior military officers, including members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have told President Bush and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates that the new Iraq strategy could fail unless more civilian agencies step forward quickly to carry out plans for reconstruction and political development.
TVNL Comment: More looters and war profiteers needed! When in our history has our great and powerful all mighty military needed private companies to do their job?

·  Pace: Not enough equipment for surge - Pace said it will be July before enough equipment is in place.

·  BRZEZINSKI CLEARLY SEES IRAQ REALITY / NO ONE LISTENS - Zbigniew Brzezinski keeps reminding Congress that we are an occupying force within a sovereign state but very few, if any, want to deal with the moral implications of this illegal action
TVNL Comment: A shadow government insider speaks...and nobody listens!

·  Water Deal Illuminates Secret Contracts - CIA officers operating in northern Iraq bought drinking water from a bottling plant there for years prior to the 2003 invasion that ousted Saddam Hussein. - The U.S. contractor that benefited from the multimillion-dollar deal wasn't just anyone. The company had personal ties to the officer, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, who would soon leave his logistics post in Frankfurt, Germany, and move to Washington to become the CIA's third-ranking official.

·  Iran envoy 'abducted in Baghdad' - An Iranian diplomat has been kidnapped by gunmen in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, Tehran has confirmed.

·  Happy 4th to Powell at the UN: Be Damned - Powell will forever be linked with the horror that is Iraq.

·  U.S. military: Iraqi lawmaker is U.S. Embassy bomber A man sentenced to death in Kuwait for the 1983 bombings of the U.S. and French embassies now sits in Iraq's parliament as a member of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's ruling coalition, according to U.S. military intelligence.
TVNL Comment: Whatch FOX News figure out some way to use this as a reason to attack

·  Officers With PhDs Advising War Effort - Essentially, the Army is turning the war over to its dissidents, who have criticized the way the service has operated there the past three years, and is letting them try to wage the war their way.





·   Cheney's Fund Manager Attacks ... Cheney - The oil-based energy policies usually associated with Vice President Dick Cheney have just come under scathing attack. There's nothing remarkable about that, of course -- except the person doing the attacking.

·  The Libby Tapes are in - Now this should be really interesting.

·  Fitzgerald targets Cheney in Libby tapes - The audiotapes showed that Fitzgerald, just a month into his leak investigation, was asking pointed questions about the highest levels of government.





·  Growing income gap poses problems, Fed chief says - As chairman of the Federal Reserve, he heads the committee that sets key interest rates and can influence how much the economy grows and whether inflation becomes a problem.
TVNL Comment: And the Federal Reserve is a private for profit bank that goes completely unregulated with no oversight. They control our financial lives.

·  Newspaper: DaimlerChrysler plans to cut 10,000 jobs, close plants - DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler arm plans to slash at least 10,000 hourly jobs and close plants in Newark, Del., and Detroit, according to a newspaper report.



9/11 News :


·  A 9/11 Gov’t Conspiracy? ‘I Wouldn’t Be Surprised,’ Says Tikkun Editor: But Israel Didn't Do It. Honest! - Rabbi Michael Lerner, the longtime left-wing activist and editor of Tikkun magazine, has published an essay saying he is open to the possibility that the American government may have been behind the September 11 terrorist attacks.






·  Exasperated House bypasses Senate on Iraq - House leaders got fed up with waiting around for the Senate to act and decided Tuesday to go ahead with their own vote on a resolution opposing President Bush’s plan to add 21,500 U.S. troops in Iraq.

·  Senate votes not to debate Iraq proposal - The resolution needed 60 votes before the 100-member Senate could begin debate, but it got 49, with 47 voting against

·  Republicans block Senate debate on Iraq - Republicans blocked a full-fledged Senate debate over Iraq on Monday, but Democrats vowed they still would find a way to force President Bush to change course in a war that has claimed the lives of more than 3,000 U.S. troops.





·  FBI WHISTLEBLOWER WINS RETALIATION CLAIMS - In a historic ruling against the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a federal court jury unanimously held that the FBI illegally retaliated against Jane Turner, a 25-year veteran FBI agent.

·  Our Children's Homeland Insecurity - This ill-conceived ideology accounts for the indifference and near-total silence from conservatives in the administration and Congress about the plight of millions of American children who are without health insurance, are abused and neglected, are left unsupervised every day after school or whose parents are caught in a criminal justice system that is crushing families.

·  US immigration cavity search ends in agony - Arriving on holiday in New York in August last year, the unnamed 48-year-old was interrogated and searched by immigration officers, according to a letter appearing in medical journal The Lancet. The rectal examination discovered a device called a seton, which doctors in the UK had inserted into the fistula to help control long-term infection.

·  I-957 would require married couples to have kids - Couples would be required to prove they can have children to get a marriage license, and if they did not have children within three years, their marriages would be subject to annulment.
TVNL Comment: The Christian Taliban are at it again!





·   Gore says Bush administration paying scientists to dispute global warming - The only thing they have left is cash and now they're offering cash for so-called skeptics who will try to confuse people about what the scien

·  Who's Funding Global Warming? - Find out which banks are part of the problem, and which are part of the solution, in the fight against global climate change.





·   British MPs Reject US Cuba Policy - Labour MP Colin Burgon demanded before the Foreign Office secretary Margaret Beckett, to strongly reject the US State Department policy of interfering in UK´s internal affairs.

·  Italy to try U.S. soldier for agent's death in Iraq - A Rome judge on Wednesday ordered a U.S. soldier to stand trial on homicide charges for shooting dead an Italian intelligence agent in Iraq in 2005 as he was escorting a newly freed hostage to safety, prosecutors said.

·  Blair's defence of special relationship with US has hollow ring - Tony Blair was accused of "delusional" behaviour after he mounted a strong defence of making Britain's special relationship with the United States the cornerstone of his foreign policy.

·  Olmert Faces New Investigation - According to the latest allegations, Olmert intervened on behalf of a fellow Likud member during his tenure as the Minister of Industry, Trade, and Labor. Olmert’s friend received a special grant from the Investment Center of millions of shekels.

·  Disaster: Bush Says He’ll Continue Meddling in Middle East After His Presidency - If Bush really is allowed to continue meddling in the Middle East after he leaves office, there could soon be nuclear bomb craters dotting landscae from Tel Aviv to Teheran.





·  Military waste under fire $1 trillion missing -- Bush plan targets Pentagon accounting - The Department of Defense, already infamous for spending $640 for a toilet seat, once again finds itself under intense scrutiny, only this time because it couldn't account for more than a trillion dollars in financial transactions, not to mention dozens of tanks, missiles and planes.

·  Problems Stall Pentagon's New Fighting Vehicle - After 10 years and $1.7 billion, this is what the Marines Corps got for its investment in a new amphibious vehicle: A craft that breaks down about an average of once every 4 1/2 hours, leaks and sometimes veers off course.

·  Fear of bias keeps U.S. Muslims out of military - Desperately short of soldiers who speak Arabic and understand Islam, the U.S. military is quietly courting American Muslims. But they show little enthusiasm for an institution many say is prejudiced against them.

·  US Army sued for spying on blogs - A US Army unit that monitors thousands of websites and soldiers' blogs has been served with a lawsuit by a San Francisco-based privacy group.

·  DoD Establishing U.S. Africa Command - The U.S. military will establish a separate U.S. Africa Command to oversee military operations on the African continent, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates announced during Congressional testimony today.

·  Army made video warning about dangers of depleted uranium but never showed it to troops - A special investigation on the effects of depleted uranium reveals the Army made a tape warning of the effects of depleted uranium which was never shown to troops despite the fact the Pentagon knew the agent to be potentially deadly, CNN reports Tuesday.
TVNL Comment: We reported this almost two years ago. Why is CNN reporting it now? Who gave the order to expose this? Who's the real media? We are, not CNN!

·  Military Judge Bars Constitution In Watada Case - Insanity - As his court-martial began, military judge Lt. Col. John Head refused to allow almost all defense witnesses to take the stand.





·   Jail Politicians Not Border Patrol Agents! - Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) has called on activists from all fifty states, to call on Congress to pardon border agents Compean and Ramos and to launch Congressional investigations to determine why the Bush administration is acting more on behalf of human and drug smuggling cartels than the American public.

·  American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America - Hedges describes what he considers to be the movement's ideological ancestors - the Italian and German fascist movements of the early 20th century - and also argues that contemporary "American Fascism" manifests itself in militant, sexist, and homophobic behaviors and policies.

·  It is now imperative - It is now imperative that the Congress of the United States remove from office president George W. Bush and vice president Richard Cheney for their failures to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

·  Quarantine U.S.A. - Man, these guys give me the creeps. - When was the last time Bush-Cheney devoted millions of dollars to anything that served the public interest? - So now they’re spending millions on drills for a potential outbreak of Bird Flu?





·  Personal Tragedy is NOT National News - The US criminal corporate media is showing their contempt for real journalism again this week by making a circus out of the personal human tragedy story about the astronaut who is involved in what appears to be an emotional breakdown of some sort.

·  Editing Chavez to Manufacture a Slur - Some outlets spread spurious charges of anti-Semitism

·  A New Boss at NBC, and Even Newer Issues - According to NBC executives, Hollywood producers and agents, and many of the financial analysts who follow NBC, Mr. Zucker, 41, faces many pressing issues. Foremost among them: how he will deal with the rapid technological and financial changes that are throwing many traditional media businesses into upheaval.





·  ‘Potentially Devastating’ - The president of the American Hospital Association discusses how Bush’s proposed budget cuts could hurt the nation’s medical facilities.

·  Bush budget trims health care funds - Health care providers would get smaller pay increases when caring for the elderly, poor and disabled under President Bush's budget plan submitted to Congress on Monday.
TVNL Comment: Bush, keeping Americans safe. What a joke. What a cruel joke.





·  Puerto Rican bar protests Guantánamo posting - Puerto Rico's bar association on Tuesday denounced the deployment of 140 soldiers from the island's National Guard to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, saying it would make the troops complicit in alleged human rights abuses at the U.S. military prison.

·  Nearly 60 nations — but not U.S. — sign treaty to ban forced disappearances - Nearly 60 countries signed a treaty on Tuesday banning forced disappearances, capping a quarter-century of efforts by families of people who have vanished at the hands of governments.

·  Plight of Iraq's internally displaced worse-aid group - "So people, even when they thought they were now safe, actually found out that it is more dangerous than before and those who have not decided to leave have come to the conclusion that it's better to leave,"

·  What 'Israel's right to exist' means to Palestinians - Recognition would imply acceptance that they deserve to be treated as subhumans.





·    Mich. Young Republicans leader accused in sex case - Investigators in Cleveland believe the 32-year-old lawyer is also a rapist.

·  How The Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women - The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Displacing men in the role of providers also destabilizes the family.

·  New Fort Detrick BioDefense Laboratory May Reflect a Bush Germ War Effort - Although no foreign power has threatened a bioterror attack against America, since 9/11 the Bush administration has allocated a stunning $43-billion to "defend" against one. Critics are now saying, however, Bush's newest "biodefense" initiative is both offensive and illegal.




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