Date: February 22nd 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Bush: Incompetence or Complicity; Which is Worse?


From the events of 9/11 to the ever worsening state of Iraq; from global warming to the pending end of public television, the damage being done to the world at the hands of the Bush administration, or under the watchful eyes of the Bush administration is real. Does it really matter whether or not the Bush cabal is causing these problems on purpose or as a result of unwavering ideology? Does it matter whether or not they believe that their actions will result in good things for us or if they are trying to destroy us on purpose? Do we have to believe the Downing Street Memos or the mounting evidence of 9/11 complicity at this point or can we just simply stop this nightmare regardless? At this point people need to stop the madness; we can not wait for the results of “investigations”; it will be too late for all of us!   Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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· Iraqis Are Running Out of Food - Even the food system in Iraq is plagued by insecurities. Once a large agricultural exporter, Iraq's food supply has fallen apart under the U.S.-led occupation.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy!

·  A War Conspiracy Documented - The now-infamous Downing Street documents showed how President George Bush managed his move to war by fitting intelligence to his policy, and by refusing to accept the reports of United Nations inspectors who could find no Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Now there is a new hot document that confirms that Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair intended to sucker Saddam into war.
TVNL Comment: Docuemented yet ignored by the entire US criminal corporate media. Another indication that the entire corporate media work as one unit to control information and dictate perceived reality.

·  Military now says 29 soldiers wounded in Tarmiyah attack - American military officials on Wednesday updated the casualty figures stemming from the Feb. 19 attack on a combat outpost north of Baghdad, saying 29 soldiers were injured, in addition to the two killed.





·  Atheist Group Takes on Bush Initiative - Next week, the group started by Gaylor and her mother in the 1970s to take on the religious right will fight its most high-profile battle when the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on its lawsuit against President Bush's faith-based initiative.

·  Bush To Nominate Anti-Regulatory Industry Lobbyist To Head Consumer Protection Agency - LINK - Media reports indicate that President Bush will likely fill the position with Michael Baroody, “executive vice president of the National Association of Manufacturers, a trade group that opposes aggressive product safety regulation” and “has called for weakening the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”

·  Four bewildering remarks from the Bush administration. - Here are three recent examples of his bewildering remarks, plus one from his secretary of state.

·  Bush Is Chided by Prosecutor in Libby Case - Broadening his attack on the White House, Mr. Fitzgerald took a shot at President Bush, indirectly criticizing him for not firing officials implicated in the leaks about the CIA officer, Valerie Plame.

·  White House hates leaks, except when it doesn't - And if there's one thing the trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, has shown, it's that people at the highest levels of the administration leak when it suits their strategic purposes.





·  Jitters as US consumer inflation jumps - "The CPI news takes some of the wind out of the excessively optimistic 'Goldilocks' forecast of moderate economic growth with low inflation," equity analyst Dick Green said.

·  Ron Paul Ownz the Federal Reserve - Ron Paul from committee floor. House Financial Services Committee.



9/11 News :


·   Bush and Al Qaeda - An obvious part of the answer is that Bush has played politics with the Qaeda threat.
TVNL Comment: Especially when he blamed them on the false flag terror operation that was carried out by the
United States on 9/11/01!

·  911 Truthers - Time Is On Our Side - Every Truther I know wants desperately to hold war criminal, cheats and liars accountable.

·  BBC Discredited; Retractions on 9/11 Hit Piece Forthcoming? - The BBC's response to complaints made against the bias and inaccuracy of the 9/11 Conspiracy Files documentary suggests that an overwhelming backlash has caused considerable consternation at the network and possible retractions or apologies may be forthcoming, with BBC bosses potentially fearing the company's credibility has been tarnished.











· Perry's staff discussed vaccine on day Merck donated to campaign - Gov. Rick Perry's chief of staff met with key aides about the human papillomavirus vaccine the same day its manufacturer donated money to the governor's campaign, documents obtained by The Associated Press show.

·  US youths killing tramps for 'sport' - A worrying trend dubbed "sport killing" in which homeless people are threatened, beaten and even murdered by thrill-seeking middle class teenagers is spreading across America, experts warned.
TVNL Comment:
America, the greatest nation in the world. What a joke! How much you want to bet that these kids have Republican parents? How much do you want to bet that there is not a single liberal among them?

·  Justice anti-terror data flawed - Federal prosecutors counted immigration violations, marriage fraud and drug trafficking among anti-terror cases in the four years after 9/11 — despite no evidence linking them to terror activity, a Justice Department audit found Tuesday.

·  FBI Translating Over 1,000 Wiretap Conversations a Day - By contrast, the growth has been much slower in criminal wiretaps, which include eavesdropping on Mafia bosses, corrupt officials, and other suspected lawbreakers.

·  Safety alarms raised at nuclear weapons plant - Federal investigators are looking into deteriorating conditions at the Pantex plant in Texas. Energy Department officials say there's no danger.
TVNL Comment: Feel safer?

·  Prosecutors seek OK to create phony files - Prosecutors are urging a change in state law to allow them to falsify court records in some cases.










·  UN envoy blames military for spate of slays - THE United Nations blamed the Philippine military yesterday for many of the political murders that have rocked the country and pressed President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to rein in the bloodshed.

·  Russia warns U.S. on Iran moves - Russia's foreign minister Wednesday warned the United States not to take military action against Iran.

·  3,000 new Jewish settler homes being built - In addition, another 90 caravans were added to wildcat outposts -- which unlike full settlements are not authorised by Israel -- and of which permanent construction is taking place in 30, Peace Now said.

·  Israeli airspace violation prompts Lebanese army to open fire - Israeli planes violated Lebanese air space on Wednesday, prompting anti-aircraft fire from the army, Lebanese police said.

·  Revealed: 439,000 snooping requests made - UK security and law enforcement agencies made nearly 439,000 requests to monitor people's phone calls, emails and post during a 15-month period, the spying watchdog has revealed.

·  The west may yet come to regret its bullying of Russia - Putin has no interest in a new cold war and is struggling to modernise his economy. Yet he is rebuffed and insulted





·  US soldier admits murdering girl - A second US soldier's plea of guilty to the gang rape of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the killing of her and her family has been accepted by a judge.





·   Bush: Incompetence or Complicity; Which is Worse? - Do we have to believe the Downing Street Memos or the mounting evidence of 9/11 complicity at this point or can we just simply stop this nightmare regardless?

·  What Would You Do If Bush Declared Martial Law? - Our armed forces can't subdue Iraq. I can't imagine that Bush thinks they could subdue New England or the West Coast, much less the whole US.





·   Report Sees Few Funding Alternatives for PBS - The report said 30 of the 54 public TV stations interviewed said cuts in federal funding "could lead to a reduction in staff, local programming or services" and 11 small stations said the cuts could lead to their shutting down. - President Bush has proposed a cut of $114 million-nearly 25 percent-in the funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in his 2007 fiscal year budget.
TVNL Comment: Then end of public television, another Bush legacy!

·  MISCONCEPTIONS, MISPERCEPTIONS, AND MASS MEDIA MANIPULATION - For anyone who wants real worldwide information, I have come to the sad conclusion that the U.S. mainstream media sucks, and it's now a world where you must immerse yourself in data from as many sources as you can find, and then separate the wheat from the chaff, in order to get a true picture of the world around you.

·  Helen Thomas Moving Back After 46 Years Down Front - The unique assigned seat between the chairs for CBS News and ABC News was reserved for the legendary United Press International correspondent who is now a columnist for Hearst Newspapers.





·  Medical pot advocates sue feds over false info - Medical marijuana advocates have sued the federal Department of Health and Human Services, accusing it of lying to the nation about the drug's lack of accepted medical use despite scientific studies showing its efficacy.

·  Just One Pill Away - What doesn’t vitamin D cure?





·   Project Hamad - By joining Project Hamad you are not declaring that Adel Hamad or any other detainee is innocent. You are joining others in calling for the restoration of habeas corpus, that anyone detained by the U.S. government has the right:...





·  Priest jailed after nun's death in exorcism - Sister Maricica Irina Cornici, 23, who was being treated for schizophrenia, said she believed the devil was talking to her.




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